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Medical Integration 101 – Advanced Medical Integration

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The ideal healthcare provider would have to know everything and provide every service needed to make every patient well. The integrated clinic solves this and does so much more.

A Team of Care Providers

A licensed MD and Chiropractor team up to consult with each patient for the best treatment. Every patient receives the treatment needed with the goal of using holistic and natural methods only (without drugs or useless surgery). Combine a Physical Therapist and a Nutritionist into the practice and this will add an extra dimension of rehab and vitality for your patients.

It guarantees correct case diagnosis and treatment administered with a goal of cure, not temporary relief.


Usually a Chiropractor and an MD

It usually begins with a Chiropractor and an MD joining forces who have a mutual mission to provide stellar service without drugs and needless invasive surgery. This is the face of health care’s future.

Is This the Way it is Going to Be?

The starry-eyed new doctor enters a practice with dreams of flocks of happy, paying patients and the grand prestigious life of a professional. What happens? Reality sets in when the costs of operation climb and the phone isn’t ringing. On top of that, the insurance codes top out payments at such a level that one must resort to a cash only practice as collections becomce a problem. Time spent marketing and a frequent 70-hour work week with no family or vacation time becomes a way of life – a personality-driven practice that will not allow the doctor to stray far from the clinic. The doctor begins to feel bludgeoned by success and is a captive of his or her own competence and personality. Soon the thought emerges, “is this the way it is always going to be?”

Exciting New Vistas

Yes, that is the way it is going to be if no changes are made. The traditional chiropractic practice operates within the narrow walls of a range of spinal adjustments. These therapies are not recognized as payable items by the codes* devised, written and administered by the AMA in collaboration with the insurance industry. It is not an easy business in which to thrive unless there is a way to be paid for the valuable services rendered. Medical Integration is the answer. * HCPCS: Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System | CPT: Current Procedural Technology (An entire industry has sprung up for people who can reduce medical procedures and actions to numerical codes and interpret them for insurance companies to pay.)

What Are the Goals of AMI?

  • Change the medical system from a disease-maintenance model toward a well-care model, by switching the focus away from symptoms and towards function, for the benefit of the public.
  • Level the playing field for owners of chiropractic practices by eliminating the unfair economic bias against them.
  • Help each of our clients achieve financial freedom by showing them how to build successful medical clinics that deliver the highest quality health care to the people that they serve.

Make the System Work for You, Not Against You

Chiropractors are in the business of making people well, but they have to survive financially to do it. The doctor must also wear a business hat and wear it right to provide the fuel to energize their practice.

At Advanced Medical Integration we pride ourselves in taking the approach of treating the whole patient. While we want to help your business grow, our goal is to help give the gift of a pain-free life to patients everywhere. Combining a holistic approach with the latest regenerative medical technology is at the core of our model. It provides opportunities not traditionally open to a chiropractor by expanding what your business can offer. Medical treatment without needless drugs or invasive surgery, focused on allowing the body’s systems to heal itself in the way it was designed is truly the way forward. We believe that it is the only way to fix a broken healthcare system and fight the scourge of overprescribed and dangerous drugs in America today.

The Focus of the Chiropractor

On top of actually seeing patients, the non-integrated doctor must spend a huge amount of time marketing their services, holding meetings, creating visibility for the practice, and networking. Marketing is an exhausting job in itself, but it is do or die and the effort must be unending to keep the phone ringing and new patients coming in.

The same challenges exist with an integrated clinic, however, there is a licensed medical doctor on board and the approach becomes different, for there are far more services available.

The chiropractor’s share of patients needing care is only 10% of the whole healthcare world, but with an MD on board this percentage escalates tremendously and the marketing effort becomes less onerous as the workload spreads out.

Delivery of Stellar Service

It is a fact that AMI clients do earn a lot of income, but that is not what integration is about. The only way to earn a large income honestly and ethically is to deliver a great product or service that is really needed and wanted. In fact, it is AMI policy not to integrate a clinic that has making money the primary motive of doing the program.

We firmly believe that making money, even in huge amounts, is perfectly fine, as long as something of equal value is given in exchange for that money. We believe in exchange in abundance; that is, actually give more than received in value. It pays back in multiples. Money is the lowest on the scale and with money as the sole or primary motive in anything, it invariably backfires.

The Healthcare and Opioid Crises

Before we do a walk-through of an integrated clinic, you should know more about the existing medical system of healthcare in America. There are two serious problems in healthcare: The healthcare system itself and the opioid crisis.

American Healthcare is Sick and Dying

Americans spend $3.3 trillion dollars annually on healthcare. That’s $10,000 per person, or 16.9% of our GDP. Yet among 180 nations, we rank 37th by the World Health Organization in the overall health of our people.

US Ranks Low in Longevity and Infant Mortality

The United States continues to rank at or near the bottom in mortality and life expectancy among developed and many developing nations while continuing to exceed all other countries in health spending per capita.

The United States is among the thirty-five developed countries that comprise the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Their mission is to promote economic development and the social well-being of people worldwide.

Infant Mortality: We rank 29th in infant mortality among the 35 OECD countries. In 14 countries – including the countries of northern Europe, Japan, and even Slovenia – the infant mortality rate is half that of the US.

Life Expectancy at Birth: Yet another measure used to compare the general health of a nations is life expectancy. Overall, the United States ranks 26th among OECD countries with an average life expectancy of 78.6 years. Japan leads the world in life expectancy at 84 years. Almost all Western European countries, along with Australia, Canada, Chile and Iceland, also have longer life expectancies than the United States. Twenty-five countries have an average life expectancy of at least 80 years, and 18 of those countries have a life expectancy at least three years longer than the US.


What follows is a quote from a May 27, 2017 article in MarketWatch, entitled, “The U.S. is the most obese nation in the world, just ahead of Mexico

“The obesity rate for American adults (aged 15 and over) came in at a whopping 38.2%, which puts the birthplace of the hamburger and the Cronut at the top of the heftiest-nation-in-the-world rankings, according to an updated survey from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Running at a not-too-close second is border pal Mexico, with 32.4% of population considered obese, followed by New Zealand, Hungary and Australia (the U.K. comes in at No. 6). The skinniest nations are Japan, with a tiny 3.7% of the population tipping the scales, followed by India, Korea, Indonesia and China. And across much of Europe, less than 20% of the population can be considered obese.”

How Can Integration Help?

Today, if you go to the office of an ordinary American medical clinic you will likely walk out with a prescription for some medication. If you are in pain, it will be a painkiller like an opioid which is very addictive.

The prescriptions are for temporary relief, not a permanent solution. It seems that modern healthcare is primarily a Band Aid, a sworn devotee to Big Pharma’s answer to all health care issues.

A Visit to The Doctor

The appointment is at 9. You arrive at a quarter of and wait until ten. Then wait in the exam room another ten to even thirty minutes after the nurse takes your vitals. The doctor comes in, looks at you, your chart, and maybe looks in your throat, listens to your heart and lungs. The nurse enters something on a tablet as the doctor half listens to your story. He seems busy fiddling with the computer and doesn’t look at you. He finally looks you in the eye and tells the nurse to call in a prescription to the local drug store. He tells you how to take it on his way out to see the patient in the next room. He has been with you for less than five minutes. You have abiding faith that the symptoms will go away – that is all you can expect, for that is the way you get medical care these days in America unless you have to go to the hospital.

Disease Maintenance System

Is this the care of your health? The word itself is self-explanatory. Health means a state of physical and mental well-being. Care means providing of what is needed for the well-being or protection of a person or thing.

Is this healthcare? Would not the resolution of the problem be to return to full function? What did the doctor do to resolve it? He just numbed it, masked it with a drug but seemingly did little to try and find the cause of the problem.

Compare to an Integrated Clinic

In the short video above, Dr. Mike Carberry walks you through an ideal integrated practice clinic. After seeing his short summary of a visit to an integrated clinic, compare it to the visit described before in an ordinary medical doctor’s office… which experience is better?


Enter the pleasantly appointed reception area, with comfortable chairs and lighting. You are greeted by a smiling receptionist who takes your information and after a short wait you are led to a consulting room with a conference table and chairs and meet with a nurse who takes your history and vitals.


You proceed to an exam room where you are examined by a chiropractor or medical doctor and then you may go back to the consult room where you get a report of findings, discussion of costs and work out payment, insurance, etc. Then you start basic treatment.

Team Discussion

Your case is discussed with a team that goes over your chart, report of findings, any diagnostic reports, and treatment plan. Then you go forward with the plan and are never rushed through but continue with treatments until you are well. If your case requires other treatment not available within the clinic, you are referred to the proper specialist.

Get to The Root and Go for The Cure

The purpose of the integrated clinic is to get to the root of the problem and go for the cure, not just symptom-handling with drugs. As a matter of fact, prescribing any opioid is forbidden unless the patient is in intractable pain, and even then they’re only recommended until the pain can be treated. Orthopedic surgery is never recommended if the problem can be handled by bracing, physical therapy, adjustment, or regenerative medicine.

Rehab and Treatment Rooms

In the clinic is a rehab room with large flat tables separated from an adjusting room by a low half wall. It is an open treatment area that allows space and room to converse with other patients and clinic staff.

Medical Practice and Blood Draw Rooms

There is a medical practice room where such procedures as injections and other medical procedures are made. Usually next to it is the blood draw room where lab tests are done in cases where functional medicine is being applied.

What Size Facility?

While it is nice to have an expansive facility, just one thousand square feet is adequate for a small integrated practice.

Mission and Philosophy

There is a fire in the eyes of the doctors at an integrated clinic. That fire comes from the mission to cure, with the philosophy of, “we are going to cure you for good. You will be returned to full function and a full life. We are going to do this by natural means, without drugs or useless surgery. We will explore every means to cure you and use every natural, holistic tool known to man to make this happen. That is our pledge to you and to mankind.”

A Nation of Integrated Clinics

Can you see how a nation filled with integrated clinics will fix the flawed healthcare model of today and replace it with real healthcare? This is the future of health care in America, integrated clinics can offer so much more…

Solution to the Opioid Crisis

What are Opioids? Opioids are drugs that act on the nervous system to relieve pain. Continued use and abuse can lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms. They come in tablets, capsules or liquid. They are a class of drugs that include the illegal drug heroin, synthetic opioids such as fentanyl, and pain relievers available by prescription, such as oxycodone (OxyContin®), hydrocodone (Vicodin®), codeine, morphine, and many others.

How did the crisis start? During the 90s the drug companies, primarily Purdue Pharma, owned and operated by the Sackler brothers, created a group of painkillers, including Oxycontin. They were marketed as “nature’s miracle and were not addictive. Doctors began prescribing it right and left. The package insert warned not to grind it up and shoot or snort it because of its dangerous propensities. So that is precisely what many did, particularly in Appalachia and the Midwest, the hardest hit by the crisis.

The process of addiction: The result has been people getting hooked on these opium-based drugs. They then turned to the cheaper heroin, and then later to fentanyl, a deadly synthetic which is now being imported from Mexico. The chain reaction from first being a prescription drug given for pain created addicts who then went to even harder drugs. They are dying in droves from overdose.

Statistics and result: The number of reported drug overdose deaths from April 2017 to April 2018 increased by 1.1 percent nationally. Drug overdoses still claimed over 72,000 lives annually through 2017. Deaths from drug overdoses exceeded that from HIV, car crashes, or gun deaths.

Reduction of life expectancy: As a result, drug overdose deaths contributed to a significant recent decline in U.S. life expectancy from 78.7 years to 78.6 years from 2016 to 2017. This alarming statistic should force us all to reconsider how much progress remains to be made in the fight against drug overdoses.

How Can Medical Integration Solve the Crisis?

The mission and philosophy of Advanced Medical Integrated clinics is that no drugs will be prescribed if the natural means of holistic treatment can handle the patient’s problem. This has proven to be a fact in 95% of the clinics created through AMI. Our philosophy and practice is a rock solid prerequisite to any clinic integrated through AMI. We will not help integrate any clinic without this understanding.

Dominate the Health Care Market

The goal is to have an integrated clinic within driving distance of every person in the United states. They will double and redouble to dominate the healthcare insdustry in the US. With the speed at which we are integrating clinics now, it will accelerate and soon be the norm in clinics and hospitals all over the country. Giving patients access to the perfect healthcare answer with the perfect healthcare provider is the way it should be.

Regenerative Medicine – The Future is Now

Science fiction is full of cure-alls with some fantastic tech in some futuristic world. The replacement of limbs, organs, even switching, renting, or trading in old for new bodies are the fodder of fantasy. On Star Trek, doctors could scan the damaged area with a wand and the wound would heal or the limb be regrown. In Avatar the character was able to enter and occupy the body of an alien creature, and in Star Wars, a hand was easily replaced. It is inevitable that in the future medicine will advance to be able to rebuild and replace digits, organs, and much more. We are truly on the way today with Regenerative Medicine.

The Future of American Medicine

Are you ready for the seismic change that is about to happen? The development and use of regenerative medicine will transform the way we provide care. Stem cell therapies including PRP (platelet rich plasma) are just the beginning.

Chiropractors Can Broaden the Base of Patient Care

Chiropractors can integrate these new developments to the huge benefit of their patients and business alike. This new technology will enable us to diagnose diseases and restore function quickly, with more precision.

What is Regenerative Medicine?

It is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function lost due to age, disease, damage or congenital defects. Regenerative Medicine holds the promise of replacing damaged tissues and organs in the body by stimulating the body to heal itself.


As we age, father time makes us pay for living long lives. Our parts wear out, especially the knees and the back. There’s no way to avoid the wear and tear and plain old deterioration.Some people are able to hold off the inevitable aches and pains from longer than others, but it eventually catches up with everyone. The knees, which have carried and supported you for decades simply wear down and the connective tissue and padding between the bones (cartilage) weakens or disappears altogether.

We Shrink

Over time, the spine loses resilience and the volume of tissue, with some losing four or five inches in height over the years due to the drying out and flattening of the discs separating vertebrae. The nerve roots exiting the spine have less space between the bones and can become pinched which will in turn cause a radiation of pain down to the limb or area served by that nerve. The drug and topical ointment companies thrive on this fact.

Knee and Spine Injuries

As we are, we are always in motion. Over the course of time we bump into things and fall down. There will be bodily stresses and strains along with daily activities like work and lifting. As you move forward, the knee usually leads the body, along with the forehead, and that is what rams into objects in the way. This is why the patella (kneecap) and forehead are so hard and strong – they bang into things.The spine carries the load, and with its complex mechanics that must allow for bending, twisting and turning, it catches a lot of wear as well. In spite of this, the body does seem to survive and if given the proper handling and time, it can often heal itself without drugs or surgery. That said, there are times when it just cannot do any more. Luckily, help has finally arrived in the form of a natural miracle.

Regenerative Medicine

This process will allow us to treat injuries to and the deterioration of joints by growing tissues and organs in the laboratory and safely implanting them when the body cannot heal itself. It deals with the precise use of stem cells, growth factors, hyaluronic acid, and cytokines* to treat patients suffering with structural and balance issues that conventional treatments are unable to address. *Cytokines serve as molecular messengers between cells. Cytokines are proteins that are produced by cells. With regard to arthritis, cytokines regulate various inflammatory responses. Cytokines interact with cells of the immune system in order to regulate the body’s response to disease and infection, as well as mediate normal cellular processes in the body –

The Future

Experts believe that regenerative medicine will eventually replace other forms of medical treatments. Baby boomers are aging, looking for solutions to the aches and pains in their joints, and the younger generations are also seeking innovative solutions including chiropractic treatment, stem cells, growth factors, hyaluronic acid, and cytokines. Leaders in the health and governmental sectors are watching this progression with interest. Why is that?


Seeing that the state spends millions a year on costs for employee’s surgeries and time off and loss of productivity, Arkansas has invested in the future of its employees. The Arkansas Emerging Therapies Act of 2017 put regenerative injection therapies for healing orthopedic conditions on state employees’ and teachers’ insurance plans. It is predicted that these alternatives will save the state $100 million over surgery or drugs for orthopedic conditions.


“Regenerative injection therapies like platelet rich plasma*, bone marrow aspirate concentrate**, and amniotic tissue (1) have been shown to be effective treatments with up to any 80% savings of surgical costs while virtually absent of complications.” Morgan Pile, executive vice president of Strongside Solutions.

*See the section below

** Bone marrow aspiration is a procedure that involves taking a sample from the soft tissue inside your bones. It is then injected in the joint area. Preliminary research suggests that bone marrow concentrate (BMC), which contains mesenchymal stem cells and platelets, is a promising treatment for knee osteoarthritis.

Regenerative Medicine’s Revenue Soaring

According to a report released by Zion Market Research, the regenerative medicine industry generated an incredible $7.97 billion in revenues in 2017. Furthermore, that number is expected to more than triple by 2024, increasing to approximately $26.3 billion in total sales.

Regenerative medicine is enjoying an annual growth rate of 18.59 percent, twice as high as all other markets combined over the last five years. It makes money because it works.

Regenerative Medicine is Perfect for Chiropractic Evolution

Regenerative Medicine falls squarely into the ideal province, philosophy and practice of chiropractic. Many chiropractors are moving into this field by integrating their clinics to facilitate utilization.

Stem Cells

What are stem cells? Stem cells are primitive, “unspecialized” cells that divide and transform into specialized cells of the body such as liver, muscle, blood, and other cells with specific functions, the process known as differentiation. Stem cells are referred to as “undifferentiated” cells because they have not yet committed to a developmental path that will form a specific tissue or organ. In some areas of the body, stem cells are designated to divide regularly to renew and repair the existing tissue as long as the body lives. The bone marrow and gastrointestinal tract are examples of areas in which stem cells function to renew and repair tissue.

An egg is fertilized in the mother’s womb. The union of a sperm and ovum forms a single cell known as a zygote. The sperm and the ovum each carry half of the genetic material required to form a new individual. Once that single cell or zygote starts dividing, it is known as an embryo. What happens then?

Undifferentiated cells differentiate: One cell becomes two, two become four, four become eight, eight become sixteen, each new cell doubling rapidly until it ultimately grows into an entire sophisticated organism composed of many different kinds of specialized cells. That organism, a person, is an immensely complicated structure consisting of many, many, billions of cells with functions as diverse as those of your eyes, your heart, your immune system, the color of your skin, your brain, etc.

Undifferentiated to differentiated: “During the early stages of embryonic development the cells remain relatively undifferentiated (immature) and possess the ability to become, or differentiate, into almost any tissue within the body. For example, cells taken from one section of an embryo that might have become part of the eye can be transferred into another section of the embryo and could develop into blood, muscle, nerve, or liver cells.”

Discovery: How is this useful? They are cells without a name or title or function other than to become precisely like some other cell in the body by replicating it but this time it has become a fresh new healthy cell. When injected into the body, the cell is drawn to the area where repair is most needed, and morphs into healthy cells there and replaces the sick and broken ones with those that are good as new. For example, these nameless, undifferentiated cells injected into the knee where the cartilage was torn or worn will become healthy, strong renewed cartilage, replacing the old. This is successfully done every day. These amazing living tissues “know” just what to do and what to become as that is their instinctive duty as it was in the beginning and continues throughout the life of the living organism. It is the miracle of life.

Stem cells lose vitality and quantity with aging of the organism: The stem cells lose their quantity and quality as the organism ages. They are in abundance when the body is young and growing. This accommodates new growth as well as repair for the young have more tendency for damage than the aged by just the fact of being more in motion.

Source of stem cells: It is the same process with every living creature. When the egg is fertilized by the sperm, it becomes an embryo, a single cell, which then divides and re-divides and then attaches to the wall of the uterus and starts the development of the organism’s body. At this time there is the richest source of undifferentiated stem cells. They can be harvested and developed in vitro even in petri dishes, and frozen for future use.

Ethical problem: An ethical problem arises in using embryonic stem cells, for obvious reasons, so other sources were sought, and very fortunately were discovered to work well. Human blood and fat are sources and another (the best – second to embryonic) is from the human umbilical cord.

The Umbilical cord and Wharton’s Jelly: The umbilical cord connects a baby in the womb to its mother. It runs from an opening in the baby’s stomach to the placenta in the womb. The placenta is an organ attached to the lining of your womb during pregnancy. The placenta is connected to your baby by the umbilical cord.

What is the umbilical cord? The umbilical has one vein and two arteries. The vein carries blood rich in oxygen and nutrients from the mother, via the placenta, to the fetus. The arteries return deoxygenated blood and waste products, such as carbon dioxide back to the placenta.

Wharton’s Jelly: Surrounding and protecting these vital blood vessels is a sticky, jelly-like substance called Wharton’s Jelly, which itself is covered by a membrane called the amnion.

Value of Wharton’s Jelly: It was discovered that Wharton’s Jelly is rich in mesenchymal* stemcells, and can be harvested in abundance for they are present in every umbilical cord, and there is one for every child born on earth. Here are enough stem cells to serve, when processed properly, the entire earth with the basic healing material for man. *mesenchymal (meh-ZEN-kih-mul) cells that develop into connective tissue, blood vessels, and lymphatic tissue.

How are stem cells cultured? Material is harvested from the source, whether from such as an embryo, the blood, body fat, bone marrow, or Wharton’s Jelly, and then can be grown in the laboratory, known as cell culture. Human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) are generated by transferring cells from a preimplantation-stage embryo into a plastic laboratory culture dish that contains a nutrient broth known as culture medium. The cells divide and spread over the surface of the dish.

Adult stem cells: Adult stem cells have been identified in many organs and tissues, including brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, blood vessels, skeletal muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, ovarian epithelium, and testis. They are thought to reside in a specific area of each tissue (called a “stem cell niche”).

Process: If Adult stem cells are used, then they are derived from a blood sample, processed, and injected back into the patient’s blood. The surrounding cells are then activated, stimulating rejuvenation in the area.


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections: PRP accelerates the healing of musculoskeletal conditions and relieves pain. Professional athletes prefer this treatment because it gives them quicker recovery and longer lasting pain relief.

How is it done? Blood is drawn from the patient. It is then placed in a centrifuge which will separate the platelets from other components of your blood. They are then injected into the patient.

What they do: First, platelets are tiny blood cells that promote blood clotting which prevents persons with injuries from bleeding excessively. If one of your blood vessels gets damaged, it sends out signals that are picked up by platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage and form a plug, or clot, to repair the damage.

Second, they carry proteins that possess wound-healing properties. Platelets also contain several growth factors and potentially play a role in collagen formation. As a side note, the degeneration of collagen in the skin is responsible for causing that saggy appearance that we get later in life that signals aging.

Restore to a more youthful state: By injecting them in the area of injury, we achieve a much higher concentration of platelets in the target tissues. These concentrations reach five to ten times the normal amount present. The heavy concentration of platelets encourages tissue healing, restoring the patient to a more youthful state.

Corticosteroid injections: These are anti-inflammatory drugs and are not favored by health concerned patients because of the sometimes side effects of steroids. The adrenals make them normally, as they are of use to the body in normal anti-inflammatory defense, but taking artificial steroids shuts down adrenal production, leaving the body defenseless when steroid intake is stopped. There are also severe health problems that can be created by their use.

At Advanced Medical Integration we pride ourselves in taking the approach of treating the whole patient. While we want to help your business grow, our goal is to help give the gift of a pain-free life to patients everywhere.Combining a holistic approach with the latest regenerative medical technology is at the core of our model. It provides opportunities not traditionally open to a chiropractor by expanding what your business can offer.Medical treatment without needless drugs or invasive surgery, focused on allowing the body’s systems to heal itself in the way it was designed is truly the way forward. We believe that it is the only way to fix a broken healthcare system and fight the scourge of overprescribed and dangerous drugs in America today.

Hyaluronic acid injections: These injections are used when corticosteroid injections don’t work. They are used almost exclusively in the knee. If there is no inflammation, many times HA is used rather than corticosteroid for that is used to reduce inflammation. We don’t recommend anti inflammatory injections for inflammation is the natural means the body has of  healing itself and it is usually is temporary. If the patient is diabetic it is a better option for it can raise blood sugar levels.

Joint fluid: HA injections are similar to your natural joint fluid. So, this process helps to restore the fluid’s natural properties and serves as a lubricant and a shock absorber. They act as a cushion or a buffer against inflammatory cells in the joint and can stimulate the knee to start producing more natural HA. It helps reduce pain by coating nerve endings within the joint.

Symptom relief for a few months: HA injections usually offer symptom relief for four to five months, sometimes up to a year. But inevitably, pain and stiffness will return. Most insurance companies only approve one HA injection every six months.

Placental tissue matrix (PTM) injections: Placental Tissue Matrix injections are very effective in reducing osteoarthritic pain. The origin of the material is placental tissue obtained after a healthy baby is delivered from a healthy mother. There are a large number of growth factors in placental tissue that promote hearing. A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. Usually it is a protein or a steroid hormone.

Why AMI?

At Advanced Medical Integration we pride ourselves in taking the approach of treating the whole patient. While we want to help your business grow, our goal is to help give the gift of a pain-free life to patients everywhere.Combining a holistic approach with the latest regenerative medical technology is at the core of our model. It provides opportunities not traditionally open to a chiropractor by expanding what your business can offer.Medical treatment without needless drugs or invasive surgery, focused on allowing the body’s systems to heal itself in the way it was designed is truly the way forward. We believe that it is the only way to fix a broken healthcare system and fight the scourge of overprescribed and dangerous drugs in America today.

Learn Why so Many Doctors are Choosing Medical Integration

Find out how we can help your patients and your practice alike – CLICK HERE or follow us on YouTube for more information about how medically integrating can open up new opportunities.

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