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Rank On Google: 8 Things You Need To Gain Keywords

Rank On Google: 8 Things You Need To Gain KeywordsPhoto by Kai Wenzel

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If you want to rank in Google, and rank high you need to do several things first. In this post I’m going to guide you through ranking on Google, and help you build your site.


A keyword/keyphrase is what you rank on Google for. Basically when someone types something into Google what they are typing is the keyword, and you are trying to rank high enough for that person to see your article on the subject, and click it.

You see, the higher you rank the more people are going to click the link, and visit your site. In fact 33% of people will click the very first link to show up on Google’s front page.

So if a keyword/keyphrase receives, let’s say 10,000 searches a month (Which is relatively small, and not to hard to rank for), and you rank on the No. 1 spot you can expect an additional 3,300 web visitors a month.

Estimating a CTR of roughly 0.35% for display ads, and an Average CPC of anywhere from $0.25-$1, 3,300 views is worth about anywhere from $2.9-$11.50. So if you can rank for 1,000 Keywords/Keyphrases in that same search vicinity you can expect to make $2,900-$11,500 a month, with only 1 ad per page, near the top of the page.

To rank for 1,000 Keywords/Keyphrases of that level you’ll need anywhere from 100-1,000 articles on your site. How fast you put those articles out depends on how much motivation you have.

NOTE: Views, and Clicks from countries such as India, Russia, and most Middle Eastern, and African countries pay as much as 60-80% less. To view a map depicting which countries pay the most, and which pay the least Click Here.


This is something that every single blogger should have, yet most actually don’t. While it isn’t necessary to Start a blog it is necessary to gain a large amount of Keywords in a shorter amount of time.

My Friend–Who will remain anonymous–has been Blogging for 6, or 7 years. In those 6 or 7 years she has only gained about 15 Keywords that she ranks for, and the highest one is No. 15 on Google’s Search Results. In all that time she has written upwards of 1,000 Articles.

That means that for every 100 Articles She writes only 1.5 Rank on Google.

Whereas my other friend who will also remain Anonymous has been Blogging for about 2 years. He has written about 100 articles and gained about 250 Keywords, and at least 10 of them are No. 1 on Google Search Results.

So for every single article he writes on average he ranks for 2.5 Keywords.

Guess which one of my friends has at least a basic understanding of SEO?

In his two short years he has built a blog that has become more successful than hers even though she had at least a 4 year headstart. All because he had a basic understanding of common SEO.


SEO is Search Engine Optimization. It’s kind of hard to Describe in a few words…

To put as simply as possible however all you need to know is that the better your SEO is the easier it is to rank on Google. When you rank on Google you gain Keywords, some of these keywords rank on Google’s 70th page and are never seen, others rank on the very first spot.

While the ones that rank on the first spot are more likely to bring you Traffic, and are more valuable never forget that every keyword is valuable and ultimately makes your site stronger. Each keyword you have makes it easier to get another keyword.

In this article the next 8 Things you are about to read are all also steps–Steps which you can take to increase, and better your SEO. Because Strong SEO is an Essential to gaining keywords.


YoastSEO is a plugin which you can download on all WordPress sites. Anyone with can get it ASAP, but if you use you’ll need a paid plan.

Essentially Yoast is a plugin you download which helps you better the SEO on your Articles, and helps Google better recognize the Keywords in the articles. Without Yoast or an Equivalent Plugin it can be nearly impossible to rank on Google.

NOTE: We strongly suggest using Yoast. Not an Equivalent. It’s the easiest, simplest SEO plugin on the market.


There are 2 ways to use YoastSEO: Your Sites General Meta Search Appearance, and in Posts. In this current section we are focusing primarily on Posts.

To use Yoast on your posts first you need to go directly to because currently you cannot access Yoast from the WP app.

NOTE: If you use still go to to use Yoast.

Then scroll down to the bottom of your post. And the rest is the easiest.

Red Light, Yellow Light, Green Light:

Yoast ranks your post’s SEO with either a Red, Yellow, or Green light. Red is the worst, yellow is OK, and Green is the best.

A post with a Greenlight is more likely to rank, and also generally rank higher. To get a Greenlight simply do what the plugin says to do, but down below we will go more in-Depth on the subject.


The first thing you can do Is enter in the preferred Keyword. This is the main keyword which Yoast will ask Google to index. Off course if Google notices other Keywords it will Index them Also. Yoast Simply puts extra Emphasis on that one Specific keyword.

If you use YoastSEO Premium you will be able to enter in several keywords.

Greenlight Tips:

  • Times: It seems that you should make sure that your keyword–or its Synonyms–Appears several times throughout the article. However many times depends on the posts word-length, but it should never be less than twice.
  • Density: This is Simple. Essentially it just means that your main keyword or its Synonyms should appear every couple hundred words, or every few paragraphs.
  • Reuse: Don’t reuse keywords. If you have a Keyword for one post don’t use it again for another.
  • Image Alt Artibutes: Each one of your keywords should appear at least once in one of your images Alt Atributes. (We’ll Go more in-Depth on this subject soon)
  • Meta Description: One of your Keywords should appear at least once in the Meta Description. (We’ll go more in-Depth on this subject Very soon)

Meta Descriptions:

Your posts Meta Descriptions are essential for pulling in clicks. When people first see your post on Google, Bing, or any other Search Engine your Meta Description is the summary of your post which they seem.


Rank on Google search, rank in Google search

This is what a Meta Description looks like


Images on your posts should contain what’s called Alt Attributes. It’s very simple: Just go to the part of the image that says “Alt Attributes” and type in your keyword or its synonym.

To find the Alt Attributes area depends on your situation. For those of you using the WordPress App just click the photo and scroll down until you see an area that reads “Alt Text”. To find the Alt Text area on just click the image, click the edit button, scroll down, and you’ll find it.

However if you’re using the block Editor then click the “Edit Block Button” instead of the plain old “Edit” button.


It’s a well known fact nowadays in the SEO World that Site Speed is a deciding factor when gaining Keywords. The fastest sites are more likely to not only rank In general, but rank higher.

A good site speed is about 3 Seconds, an average is 5 Seconds, and anything over 7 seconds is bad.


There’s a lot of things that you can do to make your site faster. Some of them are free, and some of them cost money. We will detail both sides of this down below.


Image Optomization:

One of the biggest things which slows down a website is Images. However images are also essential, and you cannot do without. That’s why you Optimize them.

To optimize an image simply take the image (Or Images) you are planning to use for your blog post, edit them however you wish (or find neccessary), and then just input the images into an Image Optimization tool.

This tool will shrink the file size of your images making it so that they load quicker on your webpage. You can find these tools in the App Store, or online.

Their’s Also Image Optimization Plugins:

If you don’t want to use a tool then you can use a plugin which Optimizes the images for you automatically. While these aren’t as good–or don’t seem as good–as Optimization tools they are more convenient.

I Suggest Using The Smush Plugin.

The Smush Plugin is free (Unlike many other Image Optimization Plugins) is easy to use, and works the best. Just download it, go to its Dashboard, and find the “Bulk Smush” button. Click it, wait a couple minutes, and boom all done.

(P.S Smush Does Have A Premium Version, But Its Not Essential)

Deleting Unnecessary Plugins:

I myself knocked a few seconds off my load time by deleting Unnecessary plugins. Delete any plugins that you don’t use, or don’t need.

Site Speed (Caching) Plugins:

This may seem counterintuitive considering the fact that Plugins slow down your site, but you can download plugins that make your site faster. These are called Caching Plugins.

The most trusted free caching Plugin is W3 Total Cache.


This is the most famous way to increase Sitespeed. AMP. Accelerated Mobile Pages. If you pay close attention to most pages that rank on Google, or are on the Google News section they most likely have this mark next to their titles:

That means that they have implemented AMP. And not the AMP that WordPress gives you right away for free–they are using a plugin called AMP For WP.

Once I deactivated the AMP plugin that automatically gave me, and I started using AMP For WP not only did my articles start ranking more often, but my rankings began to rise.

My old Articles actually began ranking higher and I didn’t even have to Update them!

Now of course–Like any other successful plugin AMP For WP does have a premium version (Several actually) but the free version is good enough. The Problem is that they try to hide the free version on the AMP For WP website.

The only way to get the free version is to go straight through WordPress which you can do with this Link.


Paid Themes:

Why is this under “Paid Ways To Increase Site Speed” there are a Million Articles about free themes that make your site faster. But the problem is that none of those themes seem to offer real improvements.

If you want to have your site load faster with a theme you honestly Need a paid one. Free ones simply won’t work. Here’s a list of the fastest paid themes that I found very useful. Now in that article they list both Free, and paid themes and it contradicts what I said here.

While it may contradict what I say it is still ultimately a useful source for finding Paid themes. Avoid the free themes. They never work as they are advertised.

Upgrade To Premium Versions:

Did you notice a simple pattern with all those free plugins? It’s that they all have a premium version, or some way to upgrade, and make the plugin work better.

The best paid way to increase your site speed is to take advantage of a useful free plugin, see if it works for you, and if it does upgrade it so that it works better.

WP Rocket:

This plugin seriously changed my site. It’s a caching plugin that is 10 times better than W3 Total Cache. It’s about $50 a year, and it is totally worth it.


Backlinks are when someone leaves a dofollow link to your site on theirs. It’s also when you leave a dofollow link to their site on yours. How do these help? Let me explain. But first:

What Are DoFollow Links?

Dofollow links are links embedded onto a blog post which are counted by Google, and other search engines as Backlinks.

What Are NoFollow Links?

NoFollow links are links embedded onto a blog post that Google, and other Search Engines don’t count. So if someone leaves a link to your blog on theirs technically you don’t get a valuable backlink.

Why are Backlinks Important?

DoFollow Backlinks increase your Domain Authority allowing you to rank easier on Google, and other Search Engines. Backlinks form a web of sorts and each one makes your site a little bit stronger.

Or As Moz Says:

Backlinks are especially valuable for SEO because they represent a “vote of confidence” from one site to another. In essence, backlinks to your website are a signal to search engines that others vouch for your content.


To gain Backlinks you need a few things:


Its literally impossible to gain Backlinks if you don’t have traffic. The more traffic you have, the more Backlinks you gain. And the more Backlinks you gain, the higher you rank, the more Traffic you get. It’s a Circle.

Credible Content:

If you don’t have credible content than your readers who happen to also be Bloggers simply won’t link to you. They don’t want to promote bad sources to their readers, because that effects their own credibility.

I believe that all Credible Content has a few shared traits:

  1. Excellent Grammar
  2. Links To Sources, and
  3. High Quality Photos
  4. High Word Count

Excellent Grammar:

If your post is full of Grammatical errors people are less likely to listen. They’ll say “Well, this can’t be professional”. But that’s just People. Viewers.

Bloggers of your Niche are actually a lot more likely to notice these things, and that makes them a lot less likely to link to you.

Links To Sources:

You should have at the very least 5 sources. If you don’t link exactly to their specific articles proving what you say at least have a “Sources” section at the bottom of the Article and add links to the general website.

High Quality Photos:

High Quality photos send a subliminal message that your blog is itself High Quality. When viewers see things that excel in Quality they seem to give the source a heck of a lot more credibility.

High Word Count:

A credible post isn’t 250, 500, 600, 700, or 1,000 Words long. A credible post is at least 2,000 Words Long. Long posts also provide a Major SEO boost… but that’s a subject we get to later.


There are various other ways to gain Backlinks. If your blog simply isn’t big enough, and doesn’t have enough traffic than these ways may be best.

Leaving Comments:

Find a blog that allows comments, and leave one. Most of these blogs have a “Website” field where you can leave a link to your site.

If you want a surefire way to easily, and quickly leave comments that get you a backlink go to your Profile Settings, and add a Profile Link. Then go to the WordPress Reader, find any blog that allows comments, and leave one.

The link in your profile will be automatically attached to your comment.

Remember: Never leave Spam, or Generic comments. Don’t copy, and paste a message like “Hey, I Loved this post”, or “Thanks for this post”. You should leave a comment that actually shows you read the post, and have some insight.

In other words: Actually read the post you comment on, and leave an insightful comment.

I know for a fact that when someone leaves a generic, or spam comment on my blog the first thing I do is go in, edit the comment, and remove their link.

Also Remember: Some blogs will make links in comments No-Follow. It’s a chance you’ll have to take.

Link Trade (Aka: Link Exchange):

Some bloggers like to link trade. This is when you leave a link to a Bloggers post in a post, and then they leave a link in their post to one of yours.

To do this you can either A) Join a blogger Facebook group. You’ll find thousands of opportunities like this, or you can post some yourself. B) If you want just find a nice (Non-Spammy) site, find their contact page, and send them a message like this:

“Hi I’m *Enter Name Here* I’m The Editor-in-chief Of *Enter Site Name* And I Would Like To Do A Link Exchange With You. Here’s a Link to one of my posts: Https://SiteName/Post I Think It Matches Your Niche. If You Leave That Link On Your Next Post I’ll Leave A Link Of Yours On My Next Post”

That message usually does fine.

Remember: Only link exchange with bloggers who share your Niche. It will allow Google to better recognize Your own niche. That way you can start ranking just that little bit easier, because every push in the right direction helps!


The most shared articles online have around 2,000 words. That’s a fact. But did you also know that the average Article on googles first page has 1,900 words?

Your Article, blog post, essay–whatever you want to call it–its Length matters. And not only for ranking, and sharing purposes.

An article that is long, and informative helps you build a brand, and a trusted name for yourself. That’s how you get major sponsors, or paid public speaking gigs. Having a brand, and respected name is a very valuable, coveted thing for any blogger, or writer.

Did you know: The more trusted you are the more likely Google is to rank you on the first page of a web search? That’s right.

So not only does long-form informative content get you more shares, and help you rank high… But it builds your brand name recognition, and trust which helps you rank higher.

Cool, right?

  1. Choose a fruitful topic for your Genre
  2. Research that topic thoroughly
  3. Set Up A Content Map With Several Points
  4. Improve On That Content Map
  5. Write The Content

Choose A Fruitful Topic For Your Genre:

A Fruitful topic means a topic that has a lot of information, and details to it. So if your Genre is, say, U.S Politics Then a fruitful topic may be the Electoral College.

Research Your Topic Thoroughly:

Later on in the article we get more into how to research properly, so for now I’ll just say the Basics. When researching try, and find at least 3 trusted sources. Then quote those sources, and/or link back to them throughout your article.

This way not only are you providing the correct information, but you can prove it. Which helps build credibility.

Set Up A Content Map With Several Points

Before writing this article I made what is called a Content Map. It’s simple. Just do the following steps:

  • Choose A Topic In Your Genre
  • Research It
  • Choose At Least 3 Points In That Topic To Write About
  • Create A Sentence, Or Two For Each Point Beforehand To Guide The Rest Of That Section In The Article

So you’ve chose a topic, and researched it. Now you just need to find at least 3 things about that topic to write about, and then write a sentence, or two on each point. Those two sentences in turn Guide that entire point.


Niche: Home Improvement

Topic: Counter Tops

Title: 3 Best Counter Tops For Your Kitchen

Point 1: Granite:

Classic Granite countertops look nice, and last long. But they scratch easy.

Point 2: Soapstone:

Soapstone is partially stain resistant, and looks decent in modern homes. But it needs treatment with mineral oils.

Point 3: Marble

It’s a classic, that’s adds value to your home. However its expensive.

Source: The Spruce

Keywords: Best Countertops, what is Soapstone, is granite a good counter top

That’s a content map. It maps out, and plans the entire Article in advance that way you don’t have to wing it as you go.

It also allows you to choose your Keywords before you start writing that way you can integrate them into your Article as you go.

Improve That Content Map:

When I made the map for this Article it was originally titled “13 Ways To Gain More Keywords On Your Website”. That would have been a drawn-out bad Article, as well as a horrible name.

I merged some of the points, and deleted unnecessary ones. I changed some Keywords, and added some. Then I Drastically changed the title. Now this article is 50 times better than it would have been!

Write The Content:

For each point in your article you should be able to get at least 500-700 words. So that’s what minimum of 3 points is the lucky number. It puts you at 1,500-2,100 words not counting the intro, and outro.

So once all that I mentioned is done you should easily be able to write some high Quality, long-form content.


I think that Neil Patel says it best:

Overall, companies that have published 400+ pieces of blog content received twice the traffic as compared to those that have published between 301-400 blog posts”–Neil Patel

While the Quality of your content is one of the most important factors of your website Quantity matters too.

Your website likely will not rank on Google if you only have a few articles–no matter how High Quality they are.

Of course in some cases this isn’t true. Sometimes you can rank on Google Frequently with as little as 50 Articles on your Blog. But this is very rare. You’re more likely to begin ranking around the time you have 100-250 High-Quality Articles published on your Blog.


Sometimes there’s a subject that you only really need to write one article for. One article says it all. That one tiny article has all the essential info.

Other times however… you can push 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, or 20 articles out on different facets, subcategories, and inner details of that one subject. My favorite example is when it comes to Dog Baths.


Let’s say you write an article entitled “7 Ways To Properly Bathe Your Dog”. That’s one article, and it covers one side to dog baths. Next you begin to dive into subcategories like:

  • “4 Ways To Bathe Short-haired Dogs”
  • “The Best Ways To Bathe Long-Haired Dogs”

Once your done exploiting the subcategories go for the inner details. The inner details can be the mechanics, or the machines, and/or tools used to do something:

  • “10 Best Dog Shampoos”
  • “The Greatest Dog Baths For Your Pups”
  • “Use These Bath-Time Brushes For A Better Coat”
  • “Does Your Dog Hate Bath-Time? These Toys May Help!”

We started out with one article. And it was “7 Ways To Properly Bathe Your Dog”. Out of that one article I got a total of at least 6 other articles that I could write about on its Inner Details, and subcategories.

And those were just off the top of my head! I’m sure there’s possibly a lot more mechanics, and subcategories.

But what about the other Facets? Aka, the other sides of the situation:

  • “How To Bathe Your Cat”
  • “The Definitive Guide To Washing Your Rabbit”
  • “4 Ways To Properly Bathe A Hedgehog”

Now just take these 3 articles, and do the same thing I did with Dog Baths. Exploit their Mechanics, and Subcategories.

You could literally fill an entire site with Hundreds, maybe even thousands of articles that only cover Animal Baths. Heck, you could (maybe) make a living writing about giving rodents, and house pets baths!

You know what the best part is?

If someone reads an article you wrote about how to properly bathe their dog, chances are they’ll read an article you wrote on a subcategory, if presented to them.

Show them a link to your articles about One, bathing short-haired dogs, and two, bathing long-haired dogs. Chances are they have one or the other, and will click to learn more about bathing their dog.

Then at the end of that article show them links to the inner-details. There’s a good chance you can get them to read an article about short-hair dog shampoo, or long-hair dog bath brushes.

You can squeeze some people for a large amount of Link Clicks, and Pageviews if you play your cards right. Its because if they’re interested in a subject then they’ll likely want to learn more specifics on that subject.

Not everyone of course will click the links, and keep reading. But some will! 🙂

And that’s just one Subject, of one Niche. Follow that guide, and you’ll never run out of content to write about.


Besides being able to get more pageviews per visitor, you can also build more backlinks. Both inside your site, and from the outside.

The more articles you have, the more backlinks you’ll build so long as the articles are high-quality.

You can also rank for a larger amount of keywords. Every time you publish an article on your site you gain the ability to rank for another few keywords.

These things cause your online presence to expand, and your brand along with it.


Research isn’t a three-step process. You don’t just Google something, Click an article, and read. Thats part of it, yes, but If you truly want to create popular, high-quality, content you need to do more than that.


Unfortunately thorough research isn’t simple. It can take a good, long while. But its essential.

Step 1: Learning.

Are you writing an article about Cat Food? Affiliate Marketing? The Declining Population Of Albino Rhinos? Well then go to Google, and read at least 3 articles on the subject from Credible sources.

You may have to go down a couple pages on Google to actually find the most Credible sources, but this isn’t likely. The best sources should appear on Page No. 1

And Don’t just skim through them, but actually read them beginning to end. Take screenshots, take notes, and try your best to remember as much as possible.

Step 2: In-Depth Learning.

Now go back to the articles you just read. And save their links, that way you can link back to them on your own article. Then check their own sources.

Let’s say that one of the credibke sources you read was The New York Times. Well I’m sure that they linked to their own sources. Go back to the sources they linked to, and see if there’s anything else you can learn on the subject, or situation.

Step 3: Ask Questions.

What questions do you have? Is there anything more you think you should know? First, ask Google.

If Google doesn’t have the answers you’re looking for then join a Q & A site like Quora, and ask them.

If someone on the Q & A site doesn’t respond to your question within 24 hours then find a way to contact the people who wrote the articles you read, and ask them. They might know.

In most cases you should get an answer in one or more of those three ways. But if you don’t then don’t worry to much about it. You tried your best.

Step 4: Compile Your Research.

I do most of my research on my phone. So its fairly easy for me to compile my research.

I just open the Notes app on my phone, and add little summaries, as well as screenshots, and notes, with links all together at the bottom.

If you do your research on a Mobile Device as well then I suggest you do the same. There’s literally hundreds of Notes apps, but most devices come with one built-in.

If you do your research on a computer then I’d use Word Docs to compile my notes.

What Is The Point Of Keeping Notes?

Well, mainly its so that you have all the links you plan on adding in one place.

But also I do it because writing things down helps you remember better in general. And if I ever do forget something I can just look back at my notes, and get an answer.


One of The best benefits I know of is the fact that the more you know, the more you can write. Do enough research, and you can pump out a 2,000 word article with ease.

Another good benefit is Credibility. Guess what? People will fact check you. Maybe not everyone, but someday someone will. And what if that someone just so happens to be really big in your niche?

They may write and publish an article on their site about how you can’t be trusted, and your brand–suddenly with just one article–collapses. You could have done better research, written a better article, and maybe gained a backlink. But you didn’t. And now everything you built has been rendered worthless.

Is this likely? No. But it is a possibility, and just one reason as to why you need to be sure that everything you publish on your blog is 100% accurate. You absolutely need whatever credibility you can get if you plan on surviving in the website game.


Google, and other search engines won’t rank a website that doesn’t receive any traffic. Before you should expect Google to start ranking you, you should be receiving at least be receiving minimal traffic.

When I first started blogging my main way of getting that little bit of starter traffic was through social Media.Twitter rarely ever got me any link Clicks. Instagram never got me one. YouTube got me an OK amount, Google+ went out of business before I ever tried it, and I never used LinkedIn.

But Facebook got me thousands of Views.

It was easy: I’d just share one link a day to my Facebook Profile. I would frequently re-share links, but I never shared the same one twice in one week.

Generally I tried to share 3 new links a week, and recycle 4 old links each week. The ones I recycled were either links from the past week, or just picked at random. To prevent spamming people I never shared the same link more than 3 times.

As time went by the amount of traffic I was receiving from Facebook grew. And I accredit that starter traffic with helping me get my first few keywords.

But Everyone Is Different, And Niches Matter When It Comes To Choosing Your Platform.

My Beauty Blogger friends receive most of their traffic from Instagram. Why? Because Beauty Blogging is a popular Insta-Niche. Whereas my Niche isn’t popular on Instagram one bit…

When it comes to blogs that pertain to Self-Help, or focus on more artistic areas than Instagram is a prime, and fruitful traffic source.

If your content is more informative, and professional than you will profit the best from Facebook, LinkedIn, and maybe Twitter.

Twitter is hit-or-miss. If you don’t have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of followers you might not receive enough link clicks to make it valuable. Some Twitter accounts with as much as 500,000 followers receive little to no traffic from Twitter.

But then there are some Twitter users with only 10,000 or so followers who can generate enough traffic from their account to make a living. As I said, hit-or-miss.


I was ranking around the time I began receiving 50 views a day. But, this just me. Depending on how competitive your niche is you may only need 10 views a day, you may need 10,000.

An example of this would be Gaming. There are so many Game Blogs, and Gaming YouTube channels that the market is overflowing. Its one of the most competitive markets I’ve ever seen. Literally tens of thousands of people are competing for one group of keywords.

But, only the best will get them.

So for a Niche like that you may need as many as 1,000, or 10,000 views a day to start ranking. To get those kind of views you’ll need an incredibly large social media following.


This stuff is hard. People don’t ever realize that when they first start blogging, they just think they’ll become an overnight sensation or something. Or that they can just randomly upload stupid posts on a daily basis, and be making a living from it a year or two down the road.

But No. Getting far enough to actually succeed in the website industry is something that takes years of hard-core dedication. Its not easy.


Yes. It’s the best plug in on the market to help you gain keywords, and rank on Google.


It depends on the Keyword, and how Popular it is. The more searches a keyword gets the more competitive, and hard it is to rank on Google for that keyword.


If your site has good AMP, and a high quantity of High quality content you should be able to rank on Google easily.


A keyphrase is actually dramatically easier to rank for since it is more specific than a keyword.

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