Anne Brasseur, former President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and member of the Board of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom:
"Geneva is the world capital of human rights and the rule of law. This is where people come together, network, become visible and have their voices heard. All over the world, people are threatened, imprisoned or tortured if they want to express their opinion, argue their case in court or report critically. Standing up for the universal application of human rights every day is at the heart of our mission as the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. I am very pleased that the Human Rights Hub in Geneva will be such a place of encounter and joining forces."
The German Federal Minister of Justice, Dr. Marco Buschmann, who will inaugurate the Human Rights Hub in Geneva, congratulates with the following words:
"Human rights protect people. They protect the individual. At the same time, it is individuals who stand up and fight for these rights. It takes individuals with courage. Because without courage, it wouldn't have been possible to defend Alexander Navalny in court in Russia. Without courage, you can't fight corruption or help safeguard the rule of law in Zimbabwe. Without courage, you can't stand up to those who despise human rights. But even the courageous need help. The Human Rights Hub of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom in Geneva will support them in finding that help, winning over fellow campaigners and generating attention. I therefore wish this institution the very greatest of success."
More information about the work of the Human Rights Hub is available here: https://www.freiheit.org/human-rights-hub-0
Press contact
Sophie Eichhorn
Deputy Press Spokesperson
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
Reinhardtstraße 12
10117 Berlin
Mobile: +49 151 432 526 76
E-mail: presse@freiheit.org
Sophie Eichhorn
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
+49 151 432 526 76
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