Contact Name
July 10, 2007


Securities and Exchange Commission
450 Fifth Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20549
Re:     AMERCO Definitive Proxy Statement

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Pursuant to Rule 14a-6(b), promulgated pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, I have attached for filing, on behalf of AMERCO, a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), the definitive Proxy Statement relating to the Company’s 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on August 20, 2007. The Company intends to provide the Notice of the Internet Availability of the Company’s Proxy Materials to stockholders on or after July 10, 2007.

If you have any questions, please contact me at (602) 263-6788.



/s/ Jennifer M. Settles

Jennifer M. Settles




Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
(Amendment No. ______)

Filed by the Registrant ý
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ¨

Check the appropriate box:
o Preliminary Proxy Statement
o Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
ý Definitive Proxy Statement
o Definitive Additional Materials
o Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12

(Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
ý No fee required.
o Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:
Total fee paid:
o Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:
o Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.
Amount previously paid:
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
Filing Party:
Date Filed:



DATE: Thursday, August 20, 2007

TIME: 8 a.m. WDT/11 a.m. EDT

Please register to participate
in the webcast at 

Dear Stockholders:                                                    July 10, 2007

We are excited to be one of the first companies to take advantage of the new Securities and Exchange Commission rules allowing issuers to furnish proxy materials over the Internet. We believe that this new process will allow more stockholder’s to attend the meeting. We also expect to lower the costs of the meeting and reduce its environmental impact. Should you need a paper copy of the proxy materials, just print what you need.

During the meeting, three matters will be presented for your consideration and approval:

Election of three Directors;
A stockholder proposal;
Appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company’s independent auditors for our fiscal year ending March 31, 2008.

We encourage you to read the proxy statement for more information.

In addition to these formal items of business, we will review other business developments and share our plans for the Company’s future. You will have the opportunity to ask questions of and communicate with members of our management team. Members of the AMERCO Board of Directors will also be participating.

I encourage stockholders to attend the Annual Meeting via the webcast so as to promote the Company’s sustainability initiatives. I encourage you to vote. Internet voting must be completed before midnight prior to the meeting. So, you can attend the Annual Meeting via the webcast but you should cast your vote prior to the midnight deadline.

Prior to the meeting, I encourage you to visit the AMERCO Stockholder Forum at This Forum has been created for AMERCO Stockholders to post and exchange thoughts regarding this proxy solicitation.

This is an exciting way for more stockholders to communicate directly.

Sincerely yours,







This Proxy Statement is furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies on behalf of the Board of Directors of AMERCO, a Nevada corporation (the “Company”), with respect to the election of directors and the ratification of the appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company’s independent auditors, for the 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of AMERCO and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof (the “Annual Meeting”).

Why am I being provided with these materials?
Record owners of AMERCO common stock as of the close of business on June 22, 2007 are entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, which will be held on August 20, 2007. As a stockholder, you are requested to vote on the items of business described in this proxy statement. This proxy statement describes the items presented for stockholder action at our Annual Meeting and includes information required to be disclosed to stockholders. The accompanying proxy card enables stockholders to vote on the matters without having to attend the Annual Meeting in person.

Why have I received a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials?
In accordance with electronic delivery rules recently adopted, we are permitted to furnish proxy materials to our stockholders on the Internet, in lieu of mailing a printed copy of our proxy materials to each stockholder of record. You will not receive a printed copy of our proxy materials, unless you request a printed copy. The Notice instructs you as to how you may access and review on the Internet all of the important information contained in the proxy materials. The Notice also instructs you as to how you may vote your proxy. If you received a Notice by mail and would like to receive a printed copy of our proxy materials, you must follow the instructions for requesting such materials included in the Notice. Alternatively, you may download or print these materials, or any portion thereof, from your own computer equipment. The proxy statement, including all Exhibits hereto, consists of approximately 260 pages.

Who can vote at the Annual Meeting?
You may vote if you were the record owner of AMERCO common stock as of the close of business on June 22, 2007. As of June 22, 2007, there were 20,059,314 shares of common stock outstanding and entitled to vote.

How do I attend the 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholder of AMERCO?
The 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholder of AMERCO will be webcast live over the Internet at 8:00 am (local time) on Monday, August 20, 2007, at The meeting will also be hosted at the U-Haul Technical Center, 11298 South Priest Drive, Tempe, Arizona 85284 at 8:00 am on August 20, 2007. We encourage stockholders to attend via the live webcast, so as to promote the Company’s sustainability goals with respect to the environment. All stockholders who attend the Annual Meeting in person will be required to present valid picture identification. If your shares are held in street name (for instance, if your shares are held through a brokerage firm, bank, dealer or other similar organization), you will need to bring evidence of your stock ownership, such as your most recent brokerage statement.

What am I voting on?
You are voting on:

Item 1:    The election of three directors;
Item 2:
The ratification of the appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company’s independent auditors for fiscal year 2008;
Item 3:
A stockholder proposal to approve and affirm the actions taken by all AMERCO and its subsidiaries’ Boards of Directors, officers and employees in entering into, and all resulting contracts with SAC and ratify all SAC transactions amended or entered into by AMERCO and any

           of its subsidiaries between 1992 and March 31, 2007 (this item 3 is referred to as the “Stockholder Proposal”).

As well as any other business that may properly come before the meeting.

How does the Board recommend that I vote my shares?
Unless you give other instructions on your proxy card, the person named as proxy holder on the proxy card will vote in accordance with the recommendations of the Board of Directors. The Board recommendations are as follows:
Item 1:    The Board recommends a vote “FOR” the Board’s proposal to elect the three nominated Directors;
Item 2:
The Board recommends a vote “FOR” the Board’s proposal to ratify the appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company’s independent auditors for fiscal year 2008;
Item 3:    The Board makes no recommendation with respect to the Stockholder Proposal.

What types of votes are permitted on each Item?
Item 1:
For the election of directors, you may either vote "FOR" all the nominees to the Board of Directors, you may "WITHOLD" for all nominees, or you may "WITHOLD" your vote from any nominee you specify.
Item 2:
For the ratification of the selection of BDO Seidman LLP as the Company's independent auditors, you may vote "FOR", "AGAINST" or "ABSTAIN".
Item 3:    For the Stockholder Proposal, you may vote "FOR", "AGAINST" or "ABSTAIN".

If you vote "WITHOLD" (in the case of Item 1 above) or "ABSTAIN" (in the case of Items 2 or 3 above), your vote will not be counted towards the vote total for such Item.

How many votes must be present to hold the meeting?
Your shares are counted as present at the Annual Meeting if you attend the meeting and vote in person or if you properly return a proxy by Internet, telephone or mail. In order for the meeting to proceed, holders of one-third of the outstanding shares of common stock as of June 22, 2007 must be present in person or by proxy at the meeting. This is referred to as a quorum. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum at the meeting.

What are broker non-votes?
Broker non-votes occur when a stockholder of record, such as a broker, holding shares for a beneficial owner does not vote on a particular item because the stockholder of record does not have discretionary voting power with respect to that item and has not received voting instructions from the beneficial owner. Broker non-votes, as well as "ABSTAIN" votes will each be counted towards the presence of a quorum but will not be counted towards the vote total for any item.

What if my AMERCO shares are not registered directly in my name but are held in street name?
If at the close of business on June 22, 2007 your shares were held in an account at a brokerage firm, bank, dealer, or other similar organization, then you are the beneficial owner of shares held in "street name" and the Notice or proxy materials, as applicable, are being forwarded to you by that organization. The organization holding your account is considered the stockholder of record for purposes of voting at the annual meeting. As a beneficial owner, you have the right to direct that organization on how to vote the shares in your account.

If I am a stockholder of record of AMERCO shares, how do I cast my vote?
If you are a stockholder of record, you may vote in person at the annual meeting; or if you do not wish to vote in person or if you will not be attending the Annual Meeting, you may vote by proxy. You may vote over the Internet, over the telephone, or by mail. The procedures for voting by proxy are as follows:

To vote by proxy on the Internet, go to to complete an electronic proxy card.

To vote by proxy over the telephone, dial 1-866-540-5760 using a touch-tone phone and follow the recorded instructions.

To vote by proxy using the enclosed proxy card (if you received a printed copy of these proxy materials by mail or if you printed the proxy card off the Internet), complete, sign and date your proxy card and return it promptly in the envelope provided or mail it to PO Box 3510, South Hackensack, NJ 07606-9210

If you vote by proxy over the Internet or telephone, your vote must be received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on August 19, 2007 to be counted

How do I vote If I hold my stock through the AMERCO Employee Stock Ownership Plan (also known as the ESOP)?
If you hold your stock through the AMERCO Employee Stock Ownership Plan, you may vote in the same manner as stockholders of record, as described immediately above.

If I am a beneficial owner of AMERCO shares, how do I vote?
If you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name and you received a printed copy of these proxy materials by mail, you should have received a proxy card and voting instructions with these proxy materials from the organization that is the record owner of your shares rather than from us. If you are a beneficial owner of shares held in street name and you received a Notice by mail, you should have received the Notice from the organization that is the record owner of your shares rather than from us. Beneficial owners that received a printed copy of these proxy materials by mail from the record owner may complete and mail that proxy card or may vote by telephone or over the Internet as instructed by that organization in the proxy card. Beneficial owners that received a Notice by mail from the record owner should follow the instructions included in the Notice to view the proxy statement and transmit their voting instructions. For a beneficial owner to vote in person at the Annual Meeting, you must obtain a valid proxy from the record owner. To request the requisite proxy form, follow the instructions provided by your broker or contact your broker.

How many votes are needed to approve each Item?
Item 1:
For the election of directors, the three nominees receiving the most "FOR" votes will be elected. If you do not specify how your shares are to be voted, your proxy will be voted "FOR" Item 1.
Item 2:
For the ratification of the selection of BDO Seidman LLP as the Company's independent auditors for fiscal year 2008, there must be a "FOR" vote from the majority of the shares present at the Annual Meeting or represented by proxy. If you do not specify how your shares are to be voted, your proxy will be voted "FOR" Item 2.
Item 3:
For the Stockholder Proposal, there must be a "FOR" vote from a majority of the shares present at the Annual Meeting or represented by proxy. If you do not specify how your shares are to be voted, your proxy will be voted "ABSTAIN" with respect to Item 3.

How many votes do I have?
On each matter to be voted upon, you have one vote for each share of our common stock that you owned as of the close of business on June 22, 2007.

Who counts the votes?
We have hired Mellon Investor Services, our transfer agent, to count the votes. Employees of Mellon Investor Services will act as Inspector of Election.

Could other matters be decided at the annual meeting?
We are not aware of any other matters that will be considered at the Annual Meeting. If any other matters are properly brought before the meeting, the person named in your proxy will vote in accordance with his best judgment.

What does it mean if I receive more than one Notice or proxy card?
If you received more than one Notice or proxy card, your shares are registered in more than one name or are registered in different accounts. Please follow the voting instructions included in each Notice and proxy card to ensure that all of your shares are voted.

How do I know the results?
Preliminary voting results will be announced at the Annual Meeting. Final results will be published in the Company's quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the second quarter of fiscal 2008.

How can I access the AMERCO proxy statement and annual report electronically?
To access the AMERCO proxy statement and annual report electronically, please visit or the Company’s Investor Relations web site,

Why is AMERCO encouraging webcast participation at the Annual Meeting and using the new electronic delivery rules with respect to the delivery of this proxy statement?
AMERCO and its subsidiaries are moving towards leadership in sustainability. Our endeavors including encouraging webcast participation at the Annual Meeting and electronic delivery of the Annual Meeting materials will help to build a better and cleaner world for our employees, customers, and society.


The Company’s Board of Directors currently consists of eight directors. The Company’s Restated Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws both provide for the division of the Board of Directors into four classes, designated as Class I, Class II, Class III, and Class IV. Subject to applicable law, each class consists, as nearly as may be possible, of one-fourth of the total number of directors constituting the entire Board of Directors. The term of each directorship is four years and the terms of the four classes are staggered in a manner so that in most cases only one class is elected by the stockholders annually.

At the Annual Meeting, two Class I directors will be elected to serve until the 2011 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and one Class IV director will be elected to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of William E. Carty on December 31, 2006 to serve until the 2010 annual meeting of stockholders of AMERCO. It is the intention of the individual named in the enclosed form of proxy to vote for the three director nominees named below unless instructed to the contrary. However, if any nominee named herein becomes unavailable to serve at the time of election (which is not anticipated), and, as a consequence, other nominees are designated, the person named in the proxy or other substitutes shall have the discretion or authority to vote or refrain from voting in accordance with his or her judgment with respect to other nominees.

Directors are elected by a plurality of the shares represented at the meeting, in person or by proxy, and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, provided that a quorum is present. Votes may be cast “FOR” all nominees, “WITHHOLD” for all nominees, or “WITHHOLD” as to specific nominees. The two Class I nominees and the one Class IV nominee who receive the greatest number of votes cast FOR the election of such nominees shall be elected as directors.

Nominees For Election As Class I Directors

The independent directors have approved the nomination of the following individuals to serve until the 2011 Annual Meeting:

John P. Brogan
Daniel R. Mullen

JOHN P. BROGAN, 63, has served as a Director of the Company since August 1998. Mr. Brogan has served as the Chairman of Muench-Kreuzer Candle Company since 1980. He has also been involved with various companies including a seven-year association with Alamo Rent-A-Car that ended in 1986.

DANIEL R. MULLEN, 66, has served as a Director of the Company since February 2005. Mr. Mullen served as a member of the AMERCO Advisory Board from 2004 until his appointment to the AMERCO Board and has served as a member of the board of directors of U-Haul International, Inc. (“U-Haul”) and Oxford Life Insurance Company (“Oxford”), each a direct subsidiary of the Company, since December 2004 and April 2005, respectively. He has served as Director and President of Continental

 Leasing Co. since 1970. He was Vice President and Treasurer of Talley Industries, Inc., a multi-industry conglomerate from 1982 to 1998. Mr. Mullen was employed by the Company from 1968 until 1982.

Nominee For Election As Class IV Director

The independent directors have approved the nomination of the following individual to serve until the 2010 Annual Meeting:

Michael L. Gallagher

MICHAEL L. GALLAGHER, 63, was appointed to the AMERCO Board on March 30, 2007 to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of William E. Carty. Mr. Gallagher served on the AMERCO Advisory Board from 2003 until his appointment to the AMERCO Board. Mr. Gallagher is Chairman Emeritus of the law firm Gallagher & Kennedy. Mr. Gallagher is also a director of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation.

Directors Continuing In Office

Term Expires
Class II
Edward J. Shoen
Class II
M. Frank Lyons
Class III
John M. Dodds
Class III
James P. Shoen
Class IV
Charles J. Bayer

EDWARD J. SHOEN, 58, has served as a Director and Chairman of the Board of the Company since 1986, and as Chairman of the board of directors of U-Haul since 1990. Mr. Shoen has been associated with the Company since 1971. Mr. Shoen served as President of the Company since 1987. He also served as President of U-Haul from 1991 until 2006.

M. FRANK LYONS, 71, has served as a Director of the Company since 2002. Mr. Lyons served in various positions with the Company from 1959 until 1991, including 25 years as the President of Warrington Manufacturing. From 1991 until his retirement in 2000 he was President of Evergreen Realty, Inc.
JOHN M. DODDS, 70, has served as a Director of the Company since 1987 and Director of U-Haul since 1990. Mr. Dodds has been associated with the Company since 1963. He served in regional field operations until 1986 and served in national field operations until 1994. Mr. Dodds retired from the Company in 1994.

JAMES P. SHOEN, 47, has served as a Director of the Company since 1986 and was Vice President of the Company from 1989 to November 2000. Mr. Shoen has been associated with the Company since 1976. He served from 1990 to November 2000 as Executive Vice President of U-Haul. He is currently Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants, a subsidiary of the Company.

CHARLES J. BAYER, 67, has served as a Director of the Company since 1990 and has been associated with the Company since 1967. Mr. Bayer has served in various executive positions, including as President of Amerco Real Estate Company (“AREC”) from September 1990 until his retirement in October 2000.


“Controlled Company” Status and Director Independence

As of June 1, 2007, Edward J. Shoen, Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of AMERCO, James P. Shoen, a director and executive officer of AMERCO, and Mark V. Shoen, an executive officer of AMERCO, collectively are the owners of 8,967,863 shares (approximately 44.5%) of the outstanding common stock of AMERCO. On June 30, 2006, Edward J. Shoen, James P. Shoen, Mark V. Shoen, Rosemarie T. Donovan (Trustee of the Shoen Irrevocable Trusts) and Southwest Fiduciary, Inc. (Trustee of the Irrevocable “C” Trusts) (collectively, the “Reporting Persons”) entered into a Stockholder Agreement in which the Reporting Persons agreed to vote their AMERCO stock as one block in a manner consistent with the Stockholder Agreement and in furtherance of their interests. As of March 1, 2007, Adagio Trust Company replaced Southwest Fiduciary, Inc. as the trustee of the Irrevocable “C” Trusts, and became a signatory to the Stockholder Agreement. As of the Record Date, 10,642,586 shares (approximately 53.1% of the Company’s outstanding voting stock) are owned by the Reporting Persons and are subject to the Stockholder Agreement. The Reporting Persons appointed James P. Shoen as proxy to vote their collective shares as provided in the Stockholder Agreement. For additional information, see the Schedule 13Ds filed on July 13, 2006 and on March 9, 2007 with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).

As a result of their stock ownership and the Stockholder Agreement, Edward J. Shoen, Mark V. Shoen and James P. Shoen are in a position to significantly influence the business affairs and policies of the Company, including the approval of significant transactions, the election of the members of the Board of Directors and other matters submitted to Company stockholders. There can be no assurance that the interests of the Reporting Persons will not conflict with the interest of the other stockholders of the Company. Furthermore, as a result of the Reporting Persons’ voting power, the Company is a “controlled company” as defined in the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules and, therefore, may avail itself of certain exemptions thereunder, including rules that require the Company to have (i) a majority of independent directors on the Board; (ii) a compensation committee composed solely of independent directors; (iii) a nominating committee composed solely of independent directors; (iv) compensation of executive officers determined by a majority of the independent directors or a compensation committee composed solely of independent directors; and (v) director nominees selected, or recommended for the Board’s selection, either by a majority of the independent directors or a nominating committee composed solely of independent directors. The Company currently avails itself of the exemption to the Nasdaq Marketplace Rule requiring that compensation of executive officers be determined by a majority of the independent directors or the compensation committee. However, the Company’s Compensation Committee evaluates the compensation of the Company’s President at least annually to ensure that it is fair, reasonable and aligned with the Company’s overall objectives.

Based on its evaluation, the Independent Governance Committee recommended to the Board of Directors that Daniel R. Mullen, M. Frank Lyons, John M. Dodds, Charles J. Bayer, John P. Brogan, and Michael L. Gallagher be determined to be independent. The full Board of Directors, in furtherance of the recommendation of the Independent Governance Committee and based upon its own investigation, has determined that the Directors listed in this paragraph are independent as defined under applicable NASDAQ and SEC provisions.


The full Board of Directors of the Company met ten times during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007. During the last fiscal year each director attended at least 75% of the meetings of the full Board of Directors and of the committees on which he served. The independent Directors met in executive session without management present as part of each regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Directors are encouraged to attend annual meetings of stockholders. This year, the Board is encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting via webcast. All directors attended our 2006 annual meeting, which was held on August 25, 2006.

The Board of Directors has established the following standing committees: Audit Committee, Executive Finance Committee, Compensation Committee and Independent Governance Committee. Additionally, the Board has authorized the formation of an Advisory Board and a Special Committee for the evaluation of the Stockholder Proposal. The Company does not have a nominating committee. Currently, the responsibility for director nominations has been vested by the Company in the independent members of the Board; however, as a “controlled company” the Company is not required to do so under the Nasdaq Marketplace Rules, and the Company reserves the right to cease having the responsibility for director nominations vested in the independent members of the Board. The Board does not believe that a nominating committee is necessary because the independent directors participate in the nominating process. The Board of Directors has adopted a resolution addressing director nominations process and related matters; however, the Board may, in the future, choose to change its director nomination policy, including its policy related to stockholder nomination of directors. This process is described below, under the heading “Director Nomination Process.”

The annual fee for all services as a Director of the Company is $50,000. Additionally, Audit Committee, Advisory Board and Independent Governance Committee members receive a $50,000 annual fee and Executive Finance Committee and Compensation Committee members receive a $20,000 annual fee. These amounts are paid in equal monthly installments.

Listed below are summaries of the Company’s committees and the Advisory Board, and the memberships thereof.

Audit Committee. The Audit Committee is comprised of John P. Brogan, Charles J. Bayer, John M. Dodds and Daniel R. Mullen. The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities as to financial reporting, audit functions and risk management. The Audit Committee monitors the financial information that is provided to stockholders and others, the independence and performance of the Company’s independent auditors and internal audit department and the systems of internal control established by management and the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee operates pursuant to a written charter approved by the Board of Directors. Pursuant to its annual review and assessment of its charter, the Audit Committee recommended certain revisions to its charter and the full Board of Directors approved the amended charter on February 7, 2007. The Audit Committee charter is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit B. Messrs. Brogan, Bayer, Dodds and Mullen are each considered “independent” pursuant to the NASDAQ listing standards and the rules of the SEC. The Board of Directors has determined that each member meets the applicable requirements of audit committee members under NASDAQ listing standards, and each member has been determined by the Board to meet the qualifications of an “audit committee financial expert.” Mr. Brogan is designated the Audit Committee “financial expert” as defined by the rules of the SEC and the other similar financial sophistication rules under NASDAQ regulations. Shareholders should understand that this designation is a disclosure requirement of the SEC related to Mr. Brogan’s experience and understanding with respect to certain accounting and auditing matters. The designation does not impose on Mr. Brogan any duties, obligations or liability that are greater than are generally imposed on him as a member of the Audit Committee and the Board, and his designation as an audit committee financial expert pursuant to these SEC and NASDAQ requirements does not affect the duties, obligations or liability of any other member of the Audit Committee or the Board. The Audit Committee met seven times during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.

Executive Finance Committee. The Executive Finance Committee is comprised of Edward J. Shoen, John P. Brogan and Charles J. Bayer. The Executive Finance Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Board of Directors in approving any transaction involving the finances of the Company. The Committee has the authority to give final approval for the borrowing of funds on behalf of the Company without further action or approval of the Board of Directors. Although this committee did not meet in person during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007, it acted by unanimous written consent on approximately 20 occasions.

Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee is comprised of John P. Brogan and John M. Dodds. The Compensation Committee reviews the Company’s executive compensation plans and policies, including benefits and incentives, to ensure that they are consistent with the goals and objectives

of the Company. The Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding management recommendations for changes in executive compensation and monitors management plans and programs for the retention, motivation and development of senior management. The Compensation Committee operates pursuant to a written charter approved by the Board of Directors in fiscal 2007. The Compensation Committee charter is attached to this Proxy Statement as Exhibit C. The Compensation Committee met twice during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.

Independent Governance Committee. The Independent Governance Committee is comprised of John P. Brogan, who is the committee chair, Thomas W. Hayes, Paul A. Bible and Michael L. Gallagher. Neither Mr. Hayes nor Mr. Bible is a member of the Company’s Board of Directors. The Independent Governance Committee monitors and evaluates the Company’s corporate governance principles and standards and proposes to the Board any modifications which are deemed appropriate for sound corporate governance. The committee may review other matters as referred to it by the Board. The committee has the authority and a budget from which to retain professionals. Each member of the Independent Governance Committee is determined by the Board to be free of any relationship that would interfere with his or her exercise of independent judgment as a member of this committee. The Independent Governance Committee met four times during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007. Additionally, the non-Board members of the Independent Governance Committee are encouraged to attend all Board meetings of the Company.

Mr. Hayes was President of Metropolitan West Financial Inc, a diversified financial management company with over $60 billion in managed funds. He has also served as the State Treasurer of California, California’s Director of Finance, and was responsible for overseeing the successful restructuring of Orange County’s investment pool, following that county’s Chapter 11 filing.

Mr. Bible is the president and a partner in the Reno-based law firm of Bible Mousel, P.C., and currently serves as the Chairman of the Compliance Committee for H Group Holding, Inc., the holding company of Hyatt Corporation. He also serves as Chairman of the Compliance Committee for Jacobs Entertainment, Inc., the holding company of Black Hawk Gaming & Development Company, Inc. He is the former Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation, and is the former Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission.

Special Committee. In June 2007, the Board established a Special Committee for the evaluation of the Stockholder Proposal (the “Special Committee”). The Special Committee is comprised of Daniel R. Mullen and Michael L. Gallagher. Mr. Hayes, Mr. Bible and Ms. Campbell are advisors to the Special Committee.

Advisory Board Members. In addition to the committees described above, the Company has an Advisory Board. Advisory Board members do not officially vote, but are given full and complete access to the affairs of the Board, including all meetings and votes of the Board and are treated in all other respects as a Board member. The Board has authorized up to two advisory Board members who serve at the will of the Board.

In 2005, the Board appointed Barbara Smith Campbell as a member of the Advisory Board. Ms. Campbell is President and founder of Consensus, LLC. Prior to founding Consensus, Ms. Campbell served as the Chairman of the Board for the State of Nevada Tax Commission and Vice President of Finance for MGM Grand Resorts Development. Ms. Campbell is also a Trustee for the Donald W. Reynolds Foundation and previously served as Chairwoman of the Audit Committee for the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco.

In 2007, the Board of Directors appointed Richard J. Herrera as a second Advisory Board member. Mr. Herrera has a long history in the retail industry, most recently as Executive Vice President of Eastern Seaboard Packaging and Executive Vice President of ABUS Lock USA. Mr. Herrera was employed as Marketing Vice President/Retail Sales Manager for U-Haul from 1988-2001, and served on the Company’s Board of Directors from 1993-2001 and the U-Haul Board from 1990-2001.

See “Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management” and “Certain Relationships and Related Transactions” for additional information relating to the directors.


Director Qualifications. Persons nominated to the Board should have personal integrity and high ethical character. Candidates should not have any interests that would materially impair his or her ability to exercise independent judgment or otherwise discharge the fiduciary duties owed by a director to the Company and its stockholders. Candidates must be able to represent fairly and equally all stockholders of the Company without favoring any particular stockholder group or other constituency of the Company and must be prepared to devote adequate time to the Board and its committees. In selecting nominees for director, the Board will assure that: 

·     at least three of the directors satisfy the financial literacy requirements required for service on the Audit Committee; and

·     at least one of the directors qualifies as an audit committee financial expert under the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Identifying Director Candidates. The Board utilizes a variety of methods for identifying and evaluating nominees to serve as directors. The Board has a policy of re-nominating incumbent directors who continue to satisfy the Board’s criteria for membership and whom the independent directors believe continue to make important contributions to the Board and who consent to continue their service on the Board.
In filling vacancies of the Board, the independent directors will solicit recommendations for nominees from the persons the independent directors believe are likely to be familiar with (i) the needs of the Company and (ii) qualified candidates. These persons may include members of the Board and management of the Company. The independent directors may also engage a professional search firm to assist in identifying qualified candidates.
In evaluating potential nominees, the independent directors will oversee the collection of information concerning the background and qualifications of the candidate and determine whether the candidate satisfies the minimum qualifications required by the Board for election as director and whether the candidate possesses any of the specific skills or qualities that under the Board’s policies must be possessed by one or more members of the Board.
The independent directors may interview any proposed candidate and may solicit the views about the candidate’s qualifications and suitability from the Company’s chief executive officer and other senior members of management.  

The independent directors will make their selections based on all the available information and relevant considerations. The independent directors’ selection will be based on who, in the view of the independent directors, will be best suited for membership on the Board.
In making its selection, the independent directors will evaluate candidates proposed by stockholders under criteria similar to other candidates, except that the independent directors may consider, as one of the factors in their evaluation, the size and duration of the interest of the recommending stockholder in the stock of the Company. The independent directors may also consider the extent to which the recommending stockholder intends to continue to hold its interest in the Company, including whether the recommending stockholder intends to continue holding its interest at least through the time of the meeting at which the candidate is to be elected.

Stockholder Nominees. The policy of the Board of Directors is to consider properly submitted stockholder recommendations for candidates for membership on the Board of Directors as described below. The evaluation process for such nominations is overseen by the Company’s independent directors. In

evaluating such nominations, the independent directors seek to achieve qualified directors that can represent fairly and equally all stockholders of the Company and based on the membership qualifications and criteria described above. Any stockholder nominations for consideration by the independent directors should be mailed or delivered to the Company’s Secretary at 2721 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. The recommendation must be accompanied by the following information about the stockholder:
·      the stockholder’s name and address, including telephone number;

·     the number of shares of the Company’s stock owned by the recommending stockholder and the time period for which such shares have been held;

·     if the recommending stockholder is not a stockholder of record, a statement from the record holder of the shares (usually a broker or bank) verifying the holdings of the stockholder and a statement from the recommending stockholder of the length of time the that the shares have been held; and

·     a statement from the stockholder as to whether the stockholder has a good faith intention to continue to hold the reported shares through the date of the next annual meeting at which the candidate would be elected.

If the recommendation is submitted by a group of two or more stockholders, the above information must be submitted with respect to each stockholder in the group. The recommendation must be received by the Company not later than 120 days prior to the first anniversary of the date of the proxy statement for the prior annual meeting, except in the event that the date of the annual meeting for the current year is moved more than 30 days from the anniversary date of the annual meeting for the prior year, the submission will be considered timely if it is submitted a reasonable time in advance of the mailing of the Company’s proxy statement for the annual meeting for the current year. The recommendation must be accompanied by a consent of the proposed nominee to be interviewed by the independent directors and other Board members and to serve as director of the Company.
The recommendation must also contain information about the proposed nominee, including:

·     the proposed nominee’s name and address;

·     the information required by Items 401, 403 and 404 of SEC Regulation S-K (generally providing for disclosure of arrangements or understandings regarding the nomination, the business experience of the proposed nominee, legal proceedings involving the proposed nominee, the proposed nominee’s ownership of securities of the Company, and transactions and relationships between the proposed nominee and the Company);

·     a description of all relationships between the proposed nominee and any of the Company’s competitors, customers, suppliers, labor unions or other persons with special interests regarding the Company;

·     the qualifications of the proposed nominee;

·     a statement from the recommending stockholder that in his or her view, the nominee, if elected, would represent all the stockholders and not serve for the purpose of advancing or favoring any particular stockholder or other constituency of the Company.

The Secretary will forward all recommendations to the independent directors. The acceptance of a recommendation from a stockholder does not imply that the independent directors will recommend to the Board of Directors the nomination of the stockholder recommended candidate. In addition, the Company’s Bylaws permit stockholders to nominate directors at an annual meeting and nothing in the above procedures is intended to conflict with the provisions of the Company’s Bylaws governing nominations by stockholders.

This information contained in this proxy statement about the Company’s nominations process is just a summary. A complete copy of the policies and procedures with respect to stockholder director nominations can be obtained from the Company, free of charge, by writing to our Secretary at the address listed above.

Interested persons may communicate with the Board of Directors by writing to the Company Secretary at 2721 N. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004. All such communications, or summaries thereof, will be relayed to the Board.


To the best of the Company’s knowledge, the following table lists, as of June 1, 2007 the beneficial ownership of the Company’s Common Stock of (i) each director and director nominee of the Company, (ii) (A) all persons serving as the Company’s principal executive officer or as principal financial officer during the fiscal year ending March 31, 2007 (“Fiscal 2007”); and (B) the three most highly paid executive officers who were serving as executive officers at the end of Fiscal 2007 other than the principal executive officer and the principal financial officer (the “Named Executive Officers”) and (iii) all directors and executive officers of the Company as a group. The table also lists those persons who beneficially own more than five percent (5%) of the Company’s Common Stock. The percentages of class amounts set forth in the table below are based on 20,130,991 shares of the Company’s Common Stock outstanding on June 1, 2007.

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Shares of Common Stock Beneficially Owned
Percentage of Common
Stock Class
Charles J. Bayer
John P. Brogan
   Director and Director Nominee
John M. Dodds
Michael L. Gallagher
   Director and Director Nominee
M. Frank Lyons
Daniel R. Mullen
   Director and Director Nominee
Named Executive Officers:
Edward J. Shoen (1)
   Chairman and President of AMERCO and Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of U-Haul,

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner
Shares of Common Stock Beneficially Owned
Percentage of Common
Stock Class
Named Executive Officers (continued):
James P. Shoen (1) (2)
   Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants,
Mark V. Shoen (1) (2)
   Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants
John C. Taylor
   President of U-Haul International
Jason A. Berg
   Chief Accounting Officer of AMERCO
Executive Officers and Directors as a group - 2020 persons. (5)
5% Beneficial Owners:
Adagio Trust Company (1)
   as Trustee under the “C” Irrevocable Trusts dated December 20, 1982
Rosemarie T. Donovan (1)
   As Trustee of the Irrevocable Trust dated November 2, 1998
The AMERCO Employee Stock Ownership Plan (4)
Atticus Capital, L.L.C. (3)
   152 West 57th Street, 45th Floor
   New York, New York 100196
Sophia M. Shoen
   5104 N. 32nd Street
   Phoenix, Arizona 85018
**The percentage of the referenced class beneficially owned is less than one percent.
(1) This consists of 10,642,586 shares subject to a Stockholder Agreement dated June 30, 2006, which includes shares beneficially owned by Edward J. Shoen (3,487,951); Mark V. Shoen (3,529,676); James P. Shoen (1,950,236); Rosemarie T. Donovan, as Trustee of the Irrevocable Trusts dated November 2, 1998 (250,250); and Adagio Trust Company, as Trustee under the “C” Irrevocable Trusts dated December 20, 1982 (1,424,473).
(2) Mark V. Shoen and James P. Shoen also beneficially own 16,700 shares (0.27 percent) and 25,545 shares (0.40 percent), respectively, of the Company’s Series A 8½% Preferred Stock. The executive officers and directors as a group beneficially own 41,245 shares (0.67 percent) of the Company’s Series A 8½% Preferred Stock.
(3) Share data based on information in Amendment No. 2 to Schedule 13G/A filed on February 14, 2007 with the SEC by Atticus Management LLC and Timothy R. Barakett. As of December 31, 2006, the Schedule 13G/A indicates that the reporting person had voting and dispositive power as to 1,895,239 shares.
(4) The Trustee of the AMERCO Employee Stock Ownership Plan (the “ESOP”) consists of three individuals without a past or present employment history or business relationship with the Company and is appointed by the Company’s Board of Directors. Under the ESOP, each participant (or such participant’s beneficiary) in the ESOP is entitled to direct the ESOP Trustee with respect to the voting of all Common Stock allocated to the participant’s account. In the

event such participant does not provide such direction to the ESOP Trustee, the ESOP Trustee votes such participant’s shares in the ESOP Trustee’s discretion. In addition, all shares in the ESOP not allocated to participants are voted by the ESOP Trustee in the ESOP Trustee’s discretion. As of June 1, 2007, of the 1,898,673 shares of Common Stock held by the ESOP, 1,404,996 shares were allocated to participants and 493,677 shares remained unallocated. The number of shares reported as beneficially owned by Edward J. Shoen, Mark V. Shoen, James P. Shoen, and Sophia M. Shoen include Common Stock held directly by those individuals and 4,270; 3,995; 3,992; and 197 shares of Common Stock, respectively, allocated by the ESOP to those individuals. Those shares are also included in the number of shares held by the ESOP.
(5) The 10,677,738 shares constitutes the shares beneficially owned by the directors and officers of the Company as a group, including the 10,642,586 shares subject to the Stockholder Agreement discussed in footnote 1 above.
To the best of the Company’s knowledge, there are no arrangements giving any stockholder the right to acquire the beneficial ownership of any shares owned by any other stockholder.

Compensation Discussion and Analysis


The purpose of this Compensation Discussion and Analysis (“CD&A”) is to provide material information about the Company’s compensation philosophy, objectives and other relevant policies and to explain and put into context the material elements of the disclosure that follows in this proxy statement with respect to the compensation of our Named Executive Officers. For Fiscal 2007, the Company’s Named Executive Officers were:

Edward J. Shoen, Chairman and President of AMERCO and Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of U-Haul (the “President”);
Mark V. Shoen, Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants;
James P. Shoen, Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants;
John C. Taylor, President of U-Haul International; and
Jason A. Berg, Chief Accounting Officer of AMERCO.

Compensation Philosophy and Objectives

The objectives of the Company’s executive compensation program are to retain current executive officers, to encourage existing personnel to self-develop and grow into the job and to entice qualified executives to join the Company in executive positions as they are created or vacated. The compensation program encourages an environment of teamwork, loyalty and fairness at all levels of the Company.

While this CD&A focuses on the compensation of the Named Executive Officers, the philosophy and objectives we discuss are generally applicable to all of the Company’s senior officers.

Implementation of Objectives

It is the duty of the Compensation Committee to review and determine the annual compensation paid to the President and review the general compensation policies for the Company’s other executive officers regularly. The Compensation Committee and the President implement these policies while keeping in mind the Company’s approach to overhead costs and such executive officer’s impact on the Company’s objective of providing customers with an affordable product and service. The Compensation Committee traditionally delegates significant responsibility to the President for establishing and reviewing the performance of the other Named Executive Officers, appropriate levels and components of compensation, and any other items as the Compensation Committee may request.

The Compensation Committee evaluates the compensation of the President at least annually to ensure that it is fair, reasonable and aligned with the Company’s overall objectives. The President performs this function for the remainder of the Named Executive Officers.

The Compensation Committee did not utilize any benchmarking measure in Fiscal 2007 and traditionally has not tied compensation directly to a specific profitability measurement, market value of the Company’s common stock or benchmark related to any established peer or industry group. Rather, the Company generally seeks to compensate individual executives commensurate with historic pay levels for such position adjusted for time and tenure with the Company. Salary increases are strongly correlated to the President’s assessment of each Named Executive Officer’s performance and his recommendation on the appropriateness of any increase. The Company also generally seeks to increase or decrease compensation, as appropriate, based upon changes in an executive officer’s functional responsibilities within the Company.

The intention of the Company has been to compensate the Named Executive Officers in a manner that maximizes the Company’s ability to deduct such compensation expenses for federal income tax purposes. However, the Compensation Committee and the President have the discretion to provide compensation that is not “performance-based” under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code when they determine that such compensation is in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders. For Fiscal 2007 the Company expects to deduct all compensation expenses paid to the Named Executive Officers.

Elements Used to Achieve Compensation Objectives

The principal components of the Company’s compensation program in Fiscal 2007 were:
Base salary;
Discretionary cash bonus;
Certain long-term incentives; and
Other benefits.

Base Salary. The Company pays its Named Executive Officers base salaries commensurate with the scope of their job responsibilities, individual experience, performance, and the period of time over which they have performed their duties. The base salary is typically reviewed annually with adjustments made based upon an analysis of performance and the addition or removal of functional responsibilities. There are no guarantees of base salary adjustments. The amount of base salary paid to each of the Named Executive Officers during Fiscal 2007 is shown in the Summary Compensation Table (“SCT”).

Discretionary Cash Bonus. Discretionary cash bonuses are awarded on occasion to Named Executive Officers based upon subjective criteria determined by the Compensation Committee. These criteria may include such factors as level of responsibility, contributions to results, and retention considerations. The Company has not entered into any agreements stipulating or guaranteeing bonuses for any of its Named Executive Officers. The amount of discretionary cash bonuses paid to each of the Named Executive Officers during Fiscal 2007 is shown in the SCT.

Certain Long-Term Incentives. The Company did not grant in Fiscal 2007 equity interests to Named Executive Officers other than through its Employee Stock Ownership Plan, which is available to all employees of the Company. The Company has not implemented any specific policy requiring its Named Executive Officers or other officers and/or employees to own the Company’s Common Stock.

Other Benefits. The Named Executive Officers participate in employee benefits plans generally available to all full-time employees of the Company on a non-discriminatory basis including medical, dental, vision, and prescription drug insurance, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment insurance, disability insurance, a 401(k) plan, vacation and sick pay, and postretirement benefits. The Company does not provide other perquisites to its executive officers.



Name and
Principal Position
Salary ($)
Bonus ($)
Stock Awards
 ($) (1)
All Other Compensation
 ($) (2)
Compensation ($)
Edward J. Shoen
Chairman and President of AMERCO
and U-Haul
Mark V. Shoen
Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants
James P. Shoen
Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants
John C. Taylor
President of U-Haul
Jason A. Berg
Chief Accounting Officer of AMERCO

(1) Amounts in this column represent the compensation cost recognized for financial statement reporting purposes under SOP 93-6 for Fiscal 2007 with respect to Common Stock allocated under the ESOP. Grant date fair value is the closing price on date of grant for stock.

(2) Amounts in this column represent annual fees paid to each Named Executive Officer in his capacity as a Director of the Company or U-Haul or as a member of a committee of the AMERCO Board.

Director Compensation

The Company’s director compensation program is designed to fairly pay directors for their time and efforts on behalf of AMERCO and its direct subsidiaries, as the case may be, in recognition of their fiduciary obligations to stockholders and for their liability exposure. Directors are primarily compensated in the form of a cash fee. The Company offers no stock options or grants to its directors. Each director of AMERCO is entitled to receive an annual cash fee of $50,000. The Company compensates directors who provide additional services and make increased time commitments by paying them additional fees. Audit Committee, Advisory Board and Independent Governance Committee members receive an additional $50,000 annual fee; and Executive Finance Committee and Compensation Committee members receive an additional $20,000 annual fee. Members of the Special Committee receive an additional $10,000 fee, and the Special Committee advisors receive an additional $5,000 fee. Additionally, the Company reimburses directors and the non-director committee members for the incidental costs associated with their attendance at Board and committee meetings. All cash fees to directors under this program are paid in equal monthly installments.



Name of Director
Fees Earned or Paid in Cash ($)
All Other Compensation ($)
Total Compensation ($)
Charles J. Bayer (1), (2), (3)
John P. Brogan (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
William E. Carty (1), (7), (9)
John M. Dodds (1), (2), (4), (7)
Michael L. Gallagher (1), (5)
M. Frank Lyons (1)
Daniel R. Mullen (1), (2), (7), (8)
Paul A. Bible (5)
Barbara Smith Campbell (6)
Thomas W. Hayes (5)
Richard J. Herrera (6), (10)

(1) AMERCO Director
(6) Advisory Board Member
(2) Audit Committee Member
(7) U-Haul International Board Member
(3) Executive Finance Committee Member
(8) Oxford Board Member
(4) Compensation Committee Member
(9) William E. Carty resigned from the Boards of
(5) Independent Governance Committee Member
AMERCO and U-Haul effective December 31, 2006
(10) Richard J. Herrera was appointed March 30, 2007


The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed with management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis prepared by management and included in the proxy statement for the 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. In reliance on these reviews and discussions with management, the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board of Directors of AMERCO, and the Board of Directors has approved, that the Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the Proxy Statement for the 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

This report is submitted by the Compensation Committee.

John P. Brogan    John M. Dodds

Pursuant to Item 407(e)(5) of Regulation S-K this “Compensation Committee Report” shall not be deemed to be filed with the SEC for purposes of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Exchange Act”), nor shall such report be deemed to be incorporated by reference in any past or future filing by the Company under the Exchange Act or the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), unless the intention to do so is expressly indicated.


The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors (“Audit Committee”) is comprised of four independent directors and operates under a written charter recommended by the Audit Committee and adopted by the Board of Directors. Each member of the Audit Committee meets the independence requirements of NASDAQ and the SEC rules and regulations.

Management is responsible for the Company’s internal controls and the financial reporting process. The independent registered public accounting firm is responsible for performing an independent audit of the Company’s consolidated financial statements in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) and to issue a report thereon. The Audit Committee’s responsibility is to monitor and oversee these processes.

In this context, Management represented to the Audit Committee that the Company’s consolidated financial statements were prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed the consolidated financial statements with management and the independent registered public accounting firm. The Audit Committee reviewed and discussed with the independent registered public accounting firm the matters required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61 as amended (Communication with Audit Committees) as adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

The Company’s independent registered public accounting firm also provided to the Audit Committee the written disclosures and the letter required by Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1 (Independence Discussions with Audit Committees) as adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, and the Audit Committee discussed with the independent registered public accounting firm that firm’s independence.

Based on the Audit Committee’s discussions with management and the independent registered public accounting firm and its review of the representation of management and the report of the independent registered public accounting firm to the Audit Committee, the Audit Committee recommended that the Board of Directors include the audited consolidated financial statements in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2007 filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

John P. Brogan  Charles J. Bayer  John M. Dodds  Daniel R. Mullen

Pursuant to Instruction 1 to Item 407(d) of Regulation S-K, the information set forth under “Audit Committee Report” shall not be deemed to be “soliciting material” or to be “filed” with the SEC or subject to Regulation 14A or 14C, other than as provided in Item 407 of Regulation S-K, or to the liabilities of Section 18 of the Exchange Act, except to the extent that we specifically request that the information be treated as soliciting material or specifically incorporate it by reference into a document filed under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act. Such information will not be deemed incorporated by reference into any filing under the Securities Act or the Exchange Act, except to the extent we specifically incorporate it by reference.



The Company’s executive officers are:

Age *
Edward J. Shoen
Chairman of the Board, President, and Director
Richard M. Amoroso
President of Republic Western Insurance Company
Jason A. Berg
Principal Accounting Officer of AMERCO
Laurence J. DeRespino
General Counsel
Ronald C. Frank
Executive Vice President of U-Haul field operations
Mark A. Haydukovich
President of Oxford Life Insurance Company
Gary B. Horton
Treasurer of AMERCO and U-Haul
Robert T. Peterson
Controller of U-Haul
James P. Shoen
Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants, Director
Mark V. Shoen
Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants
John C. Taylor
President and Director of U-Haul
Carlos Vizcarra
President of Amerco Real Estate Company
Rocky D. Wardrip
Assistant Treasurer of AMERCO and U-Haul
Robert R. Willson
Executive Vice President of U-Haul field operations
* Ages are as of June 30, 2007.

See “Election of Directors” for information regarding Edward J. Shoen and James P. Shoen.

Richard M. Amoroso has served as President of Republic Western Insurance Company (“RepWest”), a subsidiary of the Company, since August 2000. He was Assistant General Counsel of U-Haul from 1993 until February 2000. He served as Assistant General Counsel of ON Semiconductor Corporation from February to August 2000.

Jason A. Berg, has served as Principal Accounting Officer of the Company since July 8, 2005. Prior to his appointment he served as Treasurer and Secretary of Oxford. He has been with the Company since 1996.

Laurence J. DeRespino has served as General Counsel for the Company since October 2005. He has been an attorney for the Company since 2000.

Ronald C. Frank has served as Executive Vice President of U-Haul field operations since 1998. He has been associated with the Company since 1959.

Mark A. Haydukovich has served as President of Oxford since June 1997. From 1980 to 1997 he served as Vice President of Oxford.

Gary B. Horton has served as Treasurer of the Company since 1982. He has been associated with the Company since 1969.

Robert T. Peterson has served as Controller of U-Haul since joining the Company in November 2002. He has held a number of executive positions in the transportation industry and is presently Chief Financial Officer of U-Haul.

Mark V. Shoen has served as a Director of the Company from 1990 until February 1997. He has served as a Director of U-Haul from 1990 until November 1997 and as President, Phoenix Operations, from 1994 to 2007. He is currently Vice President of U-Haul Business Consultants.

John C. Taylor has served as Director of U-Haul since 1990. He has been associated with the Company since 1981 and was named President of U-Haul in 2006.

Carlos Vizcarra has served as President of Amerco Real Estate Company, a direct subsidiary of AMERCO, since September 2000. He began his previous position as Vice President/Storage Product Group for U-Haul in 1988.

Rocky D. Wardrip has served as Assistant Treasurer of the Company since 1990. He has been associated with the Company since 1978 in various capacities within accounting and treasury operations.
Robert R. Willson has served as Executive Vice President of field operations since 2006. He has been employed by U-Haul since 1980 and has held various executive positions, including Area District Vice President, Marketing Company President and General Manager.

Edward J., Mark V., and James P. Shoen are brothers. William E. Carty, who resigned as a director of the Company in December 2006, is the uncle of Edward J. and Mark V. Shoen. M. Frank Lyons was married to William E. Carty’s sister and the aunt of Edward J. and Mark V. Shoen until her death in 1992.


As set forth in the Audit Committee Charter attached as Exhibit B, the Audit Committee reviews and approves all related-party transactions which are required to be disclosed under SEC rules and regulations. Accordingly, all such related-party transactions are submitted to the Audit Committee for ongoing review, and the Audit Committee approves or disapproves such related-party transactions. The Company’s internal processes ensure that the Company’s legal and/or finance departments identify and monitor potential related-party transactions which may require disclosure and Audit Committee approval.

AMERCO has engaged in related party transactions, and has continuing related party interests, with certain major stockholders, directors and officers of the consolidated group.

Samuel J. Shoen, the son of Edward J. Shoen, is employed by U-Haul as Vice President. Mr. Shoen was paid an aggregate salary and bonus of $136,345 for his services during fiscal 2007.

SAC Holding Corporation and SAC Holding II Corporation (collectively, “SAC Holdings”) were established in order to acquire self-storage properties. These properties are being managed by the Company pursuant to management agreements. The sale of self-storage properties by the Company to SAC Holdings has in the past provided significant cash flows to the Company and certain of the Company’s outstanding loans to SAC Holdings entitle the Company to participate in SAC Holdings’ excess cash flows (after senior debt service).
Management believes that its past sales of self-storage properties to SAC Holdings has provided a unique structure for the Company to earn moving equipment rental revenues and property management fee revenues from the SAC Holdings self-storage properties that the Company manages.
During fiscal 2007, subsidiaries of the Company held various junior unsecured notes of SAC Holdings. Substantially all of the equity interest of SAC Holdings is controlled by Blackwater, wholly-owned by Mark V. Shoen, a significant stockholder and executive officer of AMERCO. The Company does not have an equity ownership interest in SAC Holdings. The Company recorded interest income of $19.2 million, $19.4 million and $22.0 million, and received cash interest payments of $44.5 million, $11.2 million and $11.7 million, from SAC Holdings during fiscal 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The cash interest payments for fiscal 2007 included a payment to significantly reduce the outstanding interest receivable from SAC Holdings. The largest aggregate amount of notes receivable outstanding during fiscal 2007 and the aggregate notes receivable balance at March 31, 2007 and March 31, 2006 was $203.7 million, of which $75.1 million is with SAC Holding II and has been eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.
Interest accrues on the outstanding principal balance of junior notes of SAC Holdings that the Company holds at a rate of 9% per annum. A fixed portion of that basic interest is paid on a monthly basis. Additional interest can be earned on notes totaling $142.3 million of principal depending upon the amount of remaining basic interest and the cash flow generated by the underlying property.

To the extent that this cash flow-based calculation exceeds the amount of remaining basic interest, contingent interest is paid on the same monthly date as the fixed portion of basic interest. To the extent that the cash flow-based calculation is less than the amount of remaining basic interest, the additional interest payable on the applicable monthly date is limited to the amount of that cash flow-based calculation. In such a case, the excess of the remaining basic interest over the cash flow-based calculation is deferred. In addition, subject to certain contingencies, the junior notes provide that the holder of the note is entitled to receive a portion of the appreciation realized upon, among other things, the sale of such property by SAC Holdings.
During fiscal 2007, AMERCO and U-Haul held various junior notes from Private Mini Storage Realty, L.P. or a subsidiary thereof (“Private Mini”). The equity interests of Private Mini are ultimately controlled by Blackwater. The Company recorded interest income of $5.0 million and $5.1 million, and received cash interest payments of $5.0 million and $1.4 million, from Private Mini during fiscal 2007 and 2006, respectively. The balance of notes receivable from Private Mini at March 31, 2007 and 2006 was $70.1 million and $71.0 million, respectively. The largest aggregate amount outstanding during fiscal 2007 was $70.8 million.
The Company currently manages the self-storage properties owned or leased by SAC Holdings, Mercury, 4 SAC, 5 SAC, Galaxy, and Private Mini pursuant to a standard form of management agreement, under which the Company receives a management fee of between 4% and 10% of the gross receipts plus reimbursement for certain expenses. The Company received management fees, exclusive of reimbursed expenses, of $23.5 million, $22.5 million and $14.4 million from the above mentioned entities during fiscal 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. This management fee is consistent with the fee received for other properties the Company previously managed for third parties. SAC Holdings, 4 SAC, 5 SAC, Galaxy and Private Mini are substantially controlled by Blackwater. Mercury is substantially controlled by Mark V. Shoen. James P. Shoen, a significant stockholder and director of AMERCO, has an interest in Mercury.
RepWest and Oxford held a 46% limited partnership interest in Securespace Limited Partnership (“Securespace”), a Nevada limited partnership. A SAC Holdings subsidiary serves as the general partner of Securespace and owns a 1% interest. Another SAC Holdings subsidiary owned the remaining 53% limited partnership interest in Securespace. Securespace was formed by SAC Holdings to be the owner of various Canadian self-storage properties. RepWest and Oxford’s investment in Securespace was included in Related Party Assets and was accounted for using the equity method of accounting. On September 29, 2006, a subsidiary of SAC Holding Corporation exercised its right under the partnership agreement to purchase all of the partnership interests held by RepWest and Oxford for a combined amount of $11.9 million.
The Company leases space for marketing company offices, vehicle repair shops and hitch installation centers from subsidiaries of SAC Holdings, 5 SAC and Galaxy. Total lease payments pursuant to such leases were $2.7 million for fiscal 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The terms of the leases are similar to the terms of leases for other properties owned by unrelated parties that are leased to the Company.
At March 31, 2007, subsidiaries of SAC Holdings, 4 SAC, 5 SAC, Galaxy and Private Mini acted as U-Haul independent dealers. The financial and other terms of the dealership contracts with the aforementioned companies and their subsidiaries are substantially identical to the terms of those with the Company’s other independent dealers whereby commissions are paid by the Company based upon equipment rental revenue. During fiscal 2007, 2006 and 2005 the Company paid the above mentioned entities $36.6 million, $36.8 million and $33.1 million, respectively in commissions pursuant to such dealership contracts.
These agreements and notes with subsidiaries of SAC Holdings, 4 SAC, 5 SAC, Galaxy and Private Mini, excluding Dealer Agreements, provided revenue of $39.7 million, expenses of $2.7 million and cash flows of $63.5 million during fiscal 2007. Revenues and commission expenses related to the Dealer Agreements were $168.6 million and $36.6 million, respectively.
On March 9, 2007, an exchange occurred between the Company and Edward J. Shoen. Mr. Shoen, transferred 3,483,681 shares of AMERCO Series A Common Stock, $0.25 par value, in exchange for 3,483,681 shares of AMERCO Common Stock, $0.25 par value. Mr. Shoen is President and Chairman of

the Board and a significant stockholder of AMERCO. No gain or loss was recognized as a result of this transaction.
On March 9, 2007, an exchange occurred between the Company and James P. Shoen. Mr. Shoen, transferred 232,500 shares of AMERCO Series A Common Stock, $0.25 par value, in exchange for 232,500 shares of AMERCO Common Stock, $0.25 par value. Mr. Shoen is a director and a significant stockholder of AMERCO. No gain or loss was recognized as a result of this transaction.
In prior years, U-Haul sold various properties to SAC Holding Corporation at prices in excess of U-Haul’s carrying values resulting in gains which U-Haul deferred and treated as additional paid-in capital. The transferred properties had historically been stated at the original cost basis as the gains were eliminated in consolidation. In March 2004, these deferred gains were recognized and treated as contributions from a related party in the amount of $111.0 million as a result of the deconsolidation of SAC Holding Corporation.
In July 2006, RepWest completed the sale of two properties to 5 SAC, for approximately $0.9 million. RepWest received cash from these sales. These sales resulted from 5 SAC exercising contractual purchase options they previously held with RepWest.


On June 20, 2003, AMERCO filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code. Amerco Real Estate Company also filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 on August 13, 2003. The other subsidiaries of AMERCO were not included in either of the filings. On March 15, 2004, AMERCO and Amerco Real Estate Company emerged from Chapter 11 (less than nine months from the petition date) with full payment to creditors while preserving the interests of Company stockholders.


The disclosure in this section is required by the federal securities laws because the plaintiff, Paul F. Shoen, is the brother of one or more directors, officers and 5% stockholders.

On September 24, 2002, Paul F. Shoen filed a derivative action in the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada, Washoe County, captioned Paul F. Shoen vs. SAC Holding Corporation et al., CV02-05602, seeking damages and equitable relief on behalf of AMERCO from SAC Holdings and certain current and former members of the AMERCO Board of Directors, including Edward J. Shoen, Mark V. Shoen and James P. Shoen as defendants. AMERCO is named a nominal defendant for purposes of the derivative action. The complaint alleges breach of fiduciary duty, self-dealing, usurpation of corporate opportunities, wrongful interference with prospective economic advantage and unjust enrichment and seeks the unwinding of sales of self-storage properties by subsidiaries of AMERCO to SAC Holdings prior to the filing of the complaint. The complaint seeks a declaration that such transfers are void as well as unspecified damages. On October 28, 2002, AMERCO, the Shoen directors, the non-Shoen directors and SAC Holdings filed Motions to Dismiss the complaint. In addition, on October 28, 2002, Ron Belec filed a derivative action in the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada, Washoe County, captioned Ron Belec vs. William E. Carty, et al., CV 02-06331 and on January 16, 2003, M.S. Management Company, Inc. filed a derivative action in the Second Judicial District Court of the State of Nevada, Washoe County, captioned M.S. Management Company, Inc. vs. William E. Carty, et al., CV 03-00386. Two additional derivative suits were also filed against these parties. These additional suits are substantially similar to the Paul F. Shoen derivative action. The five suits assert virtually identical claims. In fact, three of the five plaintiffs are parties who are working closely together and chose to file the same claims multiple times. These lawsuits alleged that the AMERCO Board lacked independence. In reaching its decision to dismiss these claims, the court determined that the AMERCO Board of Directors had the requisite level of independence required in order to have these claims resolved by the Board. The court consolidated all five complaints before dismissing them on May 28, 2003. Plaintiffs appealed and, on July 13, 2006, the Nevada Supreme Court reviewed and remanded the claim to the trial court for proceedings consistent with its

ruling, allowing the plaintiffs to file an amended complaint and plead in addition to substantive claims, demand futility. On November 8, 2006, the nominal plaintiffs filed an Amended Complaint. On December 22, 2006, the defendants filed Motions to Dismiss. Briefing was concluded on February 21, 2007. On March 29, 2007, the Court denied AMERCO’s motion to dismiss regarding the issue of demand futility. On March 30, 2007, the Court heard oral argument on the remainder of the Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss and requested supplemental briefing. The supplemental briefs were filed on May 14, 2007.


BDO Seidman, LLP served as the Company’s principal independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal years ended March 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 and the Audit Committee has selected BDO Seidman, LLP to audit AMERCO’s financial statements for fiscal 2008. Representatives of BDO Seidman, LLP are expected to be present at the Meeting. The following table shows the fees that AMERCO and its consolidated entities paid or accrued for the audit and other services provided by BDO Seidman, LLP for fiscal 2007 and 2006.

March 31,
(in thousands)
Audit fees
Audit-related fees
Tax fees
All other fees

Audit Fees. This category includes the audit of AMERCO’s annual financial statements and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting as of fiscal year end, review of financial statements included in AMERCO’s Form 10-Q quarterly reports, and services that are normally provided by the independent registered public accounting firm in connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements for those fiscal years. This category also includes advice on accounting matters that arose during, or as a result of, the audit or the review of interim financial statements, statutory audits required by U.S. jurisdictions and the preparation of an annual “management letter” on internal control matters.

Audit-Related Fees. This category consists of assurance and related services provided by BDO Seidman, LLP that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or review of AMERCO’s financial statements and are not reported above under “Audit Fees.” The services for the fees disclosed under this category include benefit plan audits.

Tax Fees. This category consists of tax related services provided by BDO Seidman, LLP The services for the fees disclosed under this category in fiscal 2007 included the performance of a cost segregation study of the buildings and equipment owned by AMERCO.

Each year, the Audit Committee approves the annual audit engagement in advance. The Audit Committee also has established procedures to pre-approve all non-audit services provided by the independent registered public accounting firm. All fiscal 2007 non-audit services listed above were pre-approved. The Audit Committee has determined that the provision of services by BDO Seidman, LLP described in the preceding paragraphs were compatible with maintaining BDO Seidman, LLP’s independence as the Company’s principal independent registered public accounting firm.



BDO Seidman, LLP currently serves as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm, and has conducted the audit of the Company’s accounts since 2002. The audit committee has appointed BDO Seidman, LLP to serve as the independent registered public accounting firm to conduct an audit of our accounts for fiscal year 2008.

Selection of the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm is not required to be submitted to a vote of the stockholders for ratification. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 requires the audit committee to be directly responsible for the appointment, compensation and oversight of the audit work of the independent registered public accounting firm. However, the Board of Directors has elected to submit the selection of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm to stockholders for ratification as a matter of good corporate practice. Even if stockholders vote on an advisory basis in favor of the appointment, the audit committee may, in its discretion, direct the appointment of a different independent registered public accounting firm at any time during the year if it determines that such a change would be in the best interests of the Company and our stockholders.

Representatives of BDO Seidman, LLP are expected to be present at the annual meeting. They will have the opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so and are expected to be available to respond to appropriate questions.


The Company received the following stockholder proposal (the “Stockholder Proposal”) from stockholders identified below. These individuals are employees of U-Haul.
Aaron Schafer
Dee McDowell
Lara Wesson
Richard Baranski
Alan L. Weinstein
Dennis O’Connor
Laura Martins
Richard Zabriskie
Amy Henning
Don Cichon
Linda Molina
Rodney McDowell
Artie Tonan
Donald Cerimeli
Lindsay Pobieglo
Russ E. Johnson
Bernice Owens
Francis Nebo
Loretta Wojtak
Salea Kinealy
Bob Wesson
Greg Foster
Marie Barrows
Samuel Celaya
Brian O'Loughlin
James Cain
Marlene Patton
Scott Lee
Bruce Royer
Jean Covington
Mary Rivera
Scott Willson
Burton Duy
Jeannie Neff
Matt Braccia
Sean Kelly
Butch H Greer
Jeff Jenkins
Michael G. Colman
Shirley Brown
Carlos Vizcarra
Joanne Fried
Michael Kinealy
Silvia Hernandez
Carol Young
JoAnne Sasser
Michael Saur
Steve Dudley
Carolyn Hyduke
Joe Hemauer
Mike Wiram
Steven Berman
Cilia Mallatte
John Homer
Mitzi Pack
Thomas Casey
Cindy Lycans
John J. Sampson
Monica Calvillo
Thomas Dilgard
Crystal Clark
John McCauley
Nobie Sanders
Thomas Prefling
Dale Harpster
John Mikel
Olga Sanchez
Tom Coffee
Danielle D Lloyd
John Ungerer
Pamela Young
Tom Kardys
David Coyle
Joseph Cook
Pat Fidazzo
Tom L Stallings
David Rose
Joy Hodge
Randy Engen
Vicki McAuliffe
Dean Cerimeli
Kelie Budd-Hale
Renee Colman
Debi Slater
Kenneth Parker
Renee Royer

That the shareholders vote to approve and affirm the actions taken by all AMERCO and its subsidiaries’ Boards of Directors, officers and employees in entering into, and all resulting contracts with SAC and ratify all SAC transactions amended or entered into by AMERCO and any of its subsidiaries between 1992 and March 31, 2007.
Reason for Making the Proposal:
Pending litigation and to protect potential diminishment of shareholder equity.
Relevant Notices:
1) We do not have any material interest in the subject matter of the proposal.
2) We are not members of any partnership, limited partnership, syndicate or other group pursuant to any agreement, arrangement, relationship, understanding, or otherwise, whether or not in writing, organized in whole or in part for the purpose of acquiring, owning or voting shares of AMERCO stock.
3) The above shareholders have continuously held at least $2,000.00 in market value of AMERCO shares and we intend to hold the stock through the date of the annual meeting.
Attachments: All relevant schedules and timelines associated with this motion.
The Company makes no recommendation with respect to the Stockholder Proposal. To help Company stockholders make an informed decision with respect to the Stockholder Proposal, we have set forth below descriptions of specific material contracts and transactions between the Company (including its affiliates) and SAC Holding Corporation (and its affiliates). These descriptions are intended to provide a summary of the material contracts and transactions entered between 1992 and March 31, 2007. For additional information as to the terms and conditions of these contracts and transactions, please see Exhibits F through Z attached hereto, as well as exhibits to the Company’s SEC filings from 1992 through the present. There is currently pending litigation against the Company relating to the subject matter addressed in the Stockholder Proposal. See Derivative Action discussed herein on page 22. A majority vote of stockholders in favor of the Stockholder Proposal may have an effect on the disposition of such litigation.
SAC consists of SAC Holding Corporation (“SAC I”), and its affiliates SAC Holding II Corporation (“SAC II”), Four SAC Self-Storage Corporation (“4 SAC”), Five SAC Self-Storage Corporation (“5 SAC”), Mercury Partners, LP. (“Mercury”) and each of their respective subsidiaries or affiliates including Private Mini and Galaxy Investors, L.P. (“Galaxy”, and collectively with SAC I, SAC II, 4 SAC, 5 SAC, Mercury, Private Mini and each of their respective subsidiaries, “SAC”). SAC was established to own self-storage properties and to act as an independent U-Haul dealer for the rental of U-Haul equipment. SAC is owned by Blackwater Investments, Inc., which in turn is owned by Mark V. Shoen, a significant stockholder and an executive officer of the Company. Mercury is substantially controlled by Mark V. SHoen. James P. Shoen, a significant stockholder and an executive officer and director of the Company, has an equity interest in Mercury. Mark V. Shoen is a director and officer of SAC.
SAC was established to help implement the Company’s strategic business plan of expanding the self-storage portfolio operated under the U-Haul name and expanding the number of U-Haul dealer outlets for the rental of U-Haul equipment. Many of the Company’s credit facilities that existed prior to 2004 contained restrictive covenants that prohibited the Company from mortgaging its assets. As a result, prior to 2004, the Company could not obtain any significant amount of mortgage financing as a means to implement its strategic business plan. SAC, however, was not subject to such lender restrictions. Accordingly, the Company utilized the flexibility inherent in SAC as a means for achieving certain goals and objectives. Over the course of several years, contractual relationships were established between subsidiaries of the Company and SAC. The following summarizes certain of the basic contracts:

Properties owned by subsidiaries of the Company were sold to SAC, generally in geographically diverse “groupings” of stabilized properties. Upon the sale of a property to SAC, such property ceased being an asset of the Company; similarly, the liabilities secured by the SAC-owned properties (the “SAC Properties”) are not liabilities of the Company. In total, the appraised values of the properties sold by the Company to SAC were approximately $615.9 million and selling prices were approximately $600.7 million.
Property management agreements were entered between U-Haul subsidiaries and SAC, pursuant to which U-Haul subsidiaries were hired to act as property managers for the SAC Properties. These agreements ensure that the SAC Properties are operated and maintained in accordance with U-Haul standards, and provide subsidiaries of the Company with management fee revenue. Management fees for fiscal years 2007, 2006 and 2005 were $23.5 million, $22.5 million and $14.4 million, respectively.
U-Haul independent dealer agreements were entered between subsidiaries of the Company and SAC, pursuant to which the SAC Properties act as U-Haul independent dealers for the rental of U-Haul equipment. These agreements have resulted in an expansion of the U-Haul dealer network.
Subsidiaries of the Company loaned money to SAC to finance SAC’s purchase of the SAC Properties, evidenced by promissory notes (the “SAC Notes”). Such SAC Notes have generally accrued interest at a rate of 8% to 9% per annum and require minimum monthly cash interest payments.
Over the years, SAC has obtained loans from various third party lenders, which loans are secured by first mortgages on the majority of the SAC Properties. Such mortgage loans have facilitated SAC’s purchase of the SAC Properties, which in turn has enabled the Company to implement its business plan. Proceeds from such mortgage loans (net of transaction expenses and customary mortgage loan hold-backs and reserves) have been remitted by SAC to Company subsidiaries to pay for the purchase of the SAC Properties and/or to pay down the SAC Notes.
Exclusive of the properties in the Carey Portfolio, the Private Mini Portfolio and the Securespace Portfolio, each as hereinafter defined, subsidiaries of the Company sold 230 properties to SAC. Table 1 below sets forth the appraised values, book values and sales prices of such 230 properties.
Table 1
Name of SAC Entity
Appraised Values
Book Values
Sales Prices

The SAC Properties are located throughout the United States and Canada and consist of the 230 properties referenced above, the self-storage portion of the 78 properties in the Carey Portfolio, the 60 properties in the Private Mini Portfolio, the 16 properties in the Securespace Portfolio, and 112 other properties purchased by SAC from non-AMERCO entities.  Substantially all of the SAC Properties are developed and operate as U-Haul moving centers and self-storage facilities (“U-Haul Centers”).
 SAC Holding Participation and Subordination Agreement in Connection with AMERCO Restructuring

On March 15, 2004, in connection with the Company’s court approved Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring and the implementation of the Joint Plan of Reorganization of AMERCO and Amerco Real Estate Company (collectively, the “Restructuring”), SAC Holdings issued $200 million of 8.5% senior notes due 2014 (the “SAC Holdings Senior Notes”) pursuant to an Indenture (“Indenture”) dated March 14, 2004 with Law Debenture Trust Company of New York as Trustee (the “Trustee”), to the Company’s unsecured creditors. In connection with the Indenture, the Company, SAC Holdings, U-Haul and the Trustee entered a Participation and Subordination Agreement (the “PSA”), pursuant to which, among other things, (i) the proceeds from SAC’s indenture notes were used to repay $200 million in principal amount of SAC Notes held by U-Haul and AREC; (ii) one SAC Note was restated in the form of a Fixed Rate Note; and (iii) the principal amount of three SAC Notes remained unchanged, but such notes were restated in the form of the Amended and Restated SAC Notes and were expressly made subordinate to the SAC Holdings Senior Notes. See Exhibits F, G, H, I and J attached hereto for copies of the PSA, Fixed Rate Note and Amended and Restated SAC Notes. In August 2004, SAC Holdings redeemed approximately $43.2 million of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes. In June 2007, SAC Holdings completed a full redemption of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Pursuant to the PSA, the Company reimbursed or paid on behalf of SAC Holdings the reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by SAC Holdings in connection with the preparation, negotiation and implementation of the PSA and the issuance of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes, in an amount not exceeding $500,000. In addition, the Company has reimbursed, or paid on behalf of SAC Holding, SAC Holdings’ reasonable, direct out of pocket expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ and accountants fees and trustee’s fees) incurred by SAC Holdings in connection with its reporting or other compliance obligations under the Indenture and the PSA, in an amount not exceeding $1 million for any twelve-month period.

Pursuant to the PSA, AMERCO executed an Agreement to Indemnify (the “Indemnity”) in favor of SAC Holdings and certain of its affiliates as specified therein (“the “Indemnified Persons”). Under the Indemnity, AMERCO has agreed to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Indemnified Persons from and against, among other things, liability under the PSA. See Exhibit K attached hereto for a copy of the Indemnity. All of the transactions and agreements in connection with the Indenture, the PSA, the Fixed Rate Note, the Amended and Restated SAC Notes and the Indemnity were expressly approved by the Bankruptcy court presiding over the Restructuring.

Sale of properties to Twenty Four SAC, Twenty Five SAC, Twenty Six SAC, and Twenty Seven SAC

In March 2002, subsidiaries of the Company sold 59 stabilized properties improved with self-storage facilities (the “24-27 SAC Properties”) to SAC Holdings’ subsidiaries, Twenty-Four SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership, Twenty-Five SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership, Twenty-Six SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership and Twenty-Seven SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership (collectively, “24-27 SAC”) for an aggregate sale price of approximately $140,406,000. 24-27 SAC closed on a mortgage loan secured by the 24-27 SAC Properties simultaneously or immediately after the closing of the sale of the properties to 24-27 SAC. Net mortgage loan proceeds, along with a note issued by SAC Holdings to U-Haul contemporaneously with the sale (the “24-27 SAC Junior Note”) financed 24-27 SAC’s purchase of such properties. Independent appraisals commissioned by the mortgage lender to 24-27 SAC were done on the 24-27 SAC Properties within approximately two months prior to the date of the sale, which appraised

values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $134,940,000.
Upon the sale of the 24-27 SAC Properties to 24-27 SAC, the 24-27 SAC Properties became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. At all times since the sale of the 24-27 SAC Properties, U-Haul has acted as the property manager at such locations.
Upon the sale of the 24-27 SAC Properties to 24-27 SAC, 24-27 SAC became a U-Haul independent dealer, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the 24-27 SAC Properties, 24-27 SAC has been a U-Haul dealer at such properties.

In March 2004, the 24-27 SAC Junior Note was amended and restated and subordinated to the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Sale of properties to Twenty SAC, Twenty One SAC, Twenty-Two SAC and Twenty Three SAC

In December 2001 and January 2002, subsidiaries of the Company sold 37 stabilized properties improved with self-storage facilities (the “20-23 SAC Properties”) to SAC Holdings’ subsidiaries, Twenty SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Twenty-One SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Twenty-Two SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Twenty-Three SAC Self-Storage Corporation (collectively, “20-23 SAC”) for an aggregate sale price of approximately $93,679,000. 20-23 SAC closed on a mortgage loan secured by the 20-23 SAC Properties simultaneously or immediately after the closing of the sale of the properties from subsidiaries of the Company to 20-23 SAC. Net mortgage loan proceeds, along with a note issued by SAC Holdings to U-Haul contemporaneously with the sale (the “20-23 SAC Junior Note”) financed 20-23 SAC’s purchase of such properties. Independent appraisals commissions by the mortgage lender to 20-23 SAC were done on the 20-23 SAC Properties two months prior to the date of the sale, which appraised values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $91,940,000.
Upon the sale of the 20-23 SAC Properties to 20-23 SAC, the 20-23 SAC Properties became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. At all times since the sale of the 20-23 SAC Properties, U-Haul has acted as the property manager at such locations.
Upon the sale of the 20-23 SAC Properties to 20-23 SAC, 20-23 SAC became a U-Haul independent dealer, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the 20-23 SAC Properties, 20-23 SAC has been a U-Haul dealer at such locations.

In March 2004, the 20-23 SAC Junior Note was amended and restated and subordinated to the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Sale of Properties to Eighteen SAC

In December 2001, subsidiaries of the Company sold 14 stabilized properties improved with self-storage facilities (the “Eighteen SAC Properties”) to SAC Holdings’ subsidiary Eighteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation (“Eighteen SAC”) for an aggregate sale price of approximately $43,782,000. Eighteen SAC closed on a mortgage loan secured by the Eighteen SAC Properties simultaneously or immediately after the closing of the sale of the properties from subsidiaries of the Company to Eighteen SAC. Net mortgage loan proceeds, along with a note issued by SAC Holdings to U-Haul contemporaneously with the sale (the “Eighteen SAC Junior Note”) financed 18 SAC’s purchase of such properties. Independent appraisals commissioned by the mortgage lender to 18 SAC were done on the Eighteen SAC Properties approximately one month prior to the date of the sale, which appraised values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $44,805,000.
Upon the sale of the Eighteen SAC Properties to Eighteen SAC, the Eighteen SAC Properties

became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. At all times since the sale of the Eighteen SAC Properties, U-Haul has acted as the property manager at such locations.
Upon the sale of the Eighteen SAC Properties to Eighteen SAC, Eighteen SAC became a U-Haul independent dealer, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the Eighteen SAC Properties, Eighteen SAC has been a U-Haul dealer at such locations.

In March 2004, the Eighteen SAC Junior Note was amended and restated and subordinated to the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.
 Sale of properties to Twelve SAC, Thirteen SAC and Fourteen SAC
In June 2000, subsidiaries of the Company sold 27 stabilized properties improved with self-storage facilities (the “12-14 SAC Properties”) to SAC Holdings’ subsidiaries Twelve SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Thirteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Fourteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation (collectively “12-14 SAC”) for an aggregate sale price of approximately $110,741,000. SAC Holdings financed the purchase of the 12-14 SAC Properties with the issuance of promissory notes contemporaneously with the sale (the “Twelve/Thirteen SAC Junior Note” and the “Fourteen/Seventeen SAC Junior Note”) to AREC for the full amount of the sale price. As credit support for the Twelve/Thirteen SAC Junior Note and the Fourteen SAC/Seventeen SAC Junior Note, SAC Holdings provided a letter of credit in favor of U-Haul for 20% of the aggregate amount of the Twelve/Thirteen SAC Junior Note and the Fourteen/Seventeen SAC Junior Note. Independent appraisals commissioned by the mortgage lenders to 12-14 SAC were done on the 12-14 SAC Properties at various dates within approximately one year after the sale, which appraised values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $119,185,000. Shortly following their purchase of the properties, 12-14 SAC conveyed certain of their properties to one of their affiliates, Seventeen SAC Self-Storage Corporation (“Seventeen SAC”).
Upon the sale of the 12-14 SAC Properties to 12-14 SAC, the 12-14 SAC Properties became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. At all times since the sale of the 12-14 SAC Properties, U-Haul has acted as the property manager for such locations.
Upon the sale of the 12-14 SAC Properties to 12-14 SAC, 12-14 SAC became a U-Haul independent dealer, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the 12-14 SAC Properties, 12-14 SAC has been a U-Haul dealer at such locations.

In March 2001, Twelve SAC and Thirteen SAC closed on a mortgage loan on their properties. The net proceeds of such mortgage loan were applied to reduce the Twelve/Thirteen SAC Junior Note balance and the letter of credit referenced above was terminated. In June 2001, Fourteen SAC and Seventeen SAC closed on a mortgage loan secured by their respective properties. The net proceeds of such mortgage loan were applied to reduce the Fourteen/Seventeen SAC Junior Note balance.

The Twelve/Thirteen SAC Junior Note and the Fourteen/Seventeen SAC Junior Note were repaid and satisfied in full on March 15, 2004 with proceeds from the issuance by SAC Holdings of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Sale Of Properties To Six SAC
In December 1998, subsidiaries of the Company sold 26 stabilized properties improved with self-storage facilities (the “Six SAC Properties”) to SAC Holdings’ subsidiary Six SAC Self-Storage Corporation (“Six SAC”) for an aggregate sale price of approximately $99,686,000. SAC Holdings financed the purchase of the Six SAC Properties with the issuance of promissory notes (the “Six SAC Note”) to U-Haul, AREC and Oxford for the full amount of the purchase price. As credit support for the Six SAC Note, SAC Holdings provided a letter of credit in favor of U-Haul for 20% of the Six SAC Note

amount. Net proceeds from subsequent mortgage loans secured by the Six SAC Properties were used by SAC Holdings to pay down the Six SAC Note at various times. Upon the initial pay down of the Six SAC Note, the letter of credit was terminated. Independent appraisals commissioned by the mortgage lenders to Six SAC and affiliates were done on the Six SAC Properties at various dates up to approximately fourteen months after the date of sale to Six SAC, which appraised values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $91,270,000. Approximately one year following its purchase of the properties, Six SAC conveyed certain of its properties to affiliate, Eight SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Nine SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Ten SAC Self-Storage Corporation (“8-10 SAC”).
Upon the sale of the Six SAC Properties to Six SAC, such properties became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. At all times since the sale of the Six SAC Properties to Six SAC, U-Haul has acted as the property manager for such locations.
Upon the sale of the Six SAC Properties to Six SAC, Six SAC became a U-Haul independent dealer pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the Six SAC Properties to Six SAC, Six SAC has been a U-Haul dealer at such locations.

In May 1999, 8-10 SAC closed on a mortgage loan on their properties. Net proceeds of such loan were used to pay down the Six SAC note balance. The Six SAC Note was repaid on March 15, 2004 with proceeds from the issuance by SAC Holdings of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Sale of properties to Four SAC and Five SAC

At various times subsidiaries of the Company have sold properties to 4 SAC and 5 SAC (the “4-5 SAC Properties”). The aggregate sale price for the 4-5 SAC Properties was approximately $57,422,000. Independent appraisals were done on the 4-5 SAC Properties at various dates on or after the time of the sale, which appraised values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $66,595,000. Subsequent to their acquisition of the properties, 4 SAC and 5 SAC conveyed certain of the 4-5 SAC Properties to an affiliate, Nineteen SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership, which later became known as Galaxy Investors, L.P.

Upon the sale of the 4-5 SAC Properties to 4 SAC and 5 SAC, as the case may be, the 4-5 SAC Properties constituting U-Haul Centers became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. U-Haul has acted as the property manager for all 4-5 SAC Properties constituting U-Haul Centers.
Upon the sale of the 4-5 SAC Properties constituting U-Haul Centers to 4 SAC and 5 SAC, 4 SAC and 5 SAC became U-Haul independent dealers, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the 4-5 SAC Properties constituting U-Haul Centers to 4 SAC and 5 SAC, 4 SAC and 5 SAC have been U-Haul dealers at such locations.

4 SAC and 5 SAC financed the purchase of the 4-5 SAC Properties from junior and senior loans from subsidiaries of the Company (collectively, the “Five SAC Note”). The Five SAC Note was restated in March 2004 in the form of a fixed rate note (the “Fixed Rate Note”), and was subordinated to the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.
Sale of properties to One SAC and Two SAC

Between October 1994 and June 1996, subsidiaries of the Company sold approximately 49 properties (the “Three SAC Properties”) to SAC Holdings’ subsidiaries One SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Two SAC Self-Storage Corporation (which entities later merged and became Three SAC Self-Storage Corporation (as so merged, “Three SAC”)) for an aggregate sale price of approximately $54,955,000. SAC Holdings financed the purchase of the Three SAC Properties with the issuance of a promissory note or notes contemporaneously with the sale (the “Three SAC Note”) to a subsidiary of the Company for the full amount of the Three SAC Properties’ purchase price. In 1997, Three SAC obtained a mortgage loan on the

Three SAC Properties. The net proceeds of such mortgage loan were used to pay down the Three SAC Note. Independent appraisals were done approximately six months before to six months after the sale of such properties to Three SAC, which appraised values, in the aggregate, equaled approximately $67,200,000.
Upon the sale of the Three SAC Properties to Three SAC, such properties became subject to a Property Management Agreement with U-Haul, pursuant to which U-Haul was hired to act as the property manager. At all times since the sale of the Three SAC Properties to Three SAC, U-Haul has acted as the property manager at such locations.
Upon the sale of the properties to Three SAC, Three SAC became a U-Haul independent dealer at all Three SAC Properties, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement. At all times since the sale of the Three SAC Properties to Three SAC, Three SAC has been a U-Haul dealer at such locations.

The Three SAC Note was repaid on March 15, 2004 with proceeds from the issuance by SAC Holdings of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes. In June 2004, Three SAC refinanced its mortgage loan on the Three SAC Properties and the net proceeds from such refinancing were applied to partially redeem the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Junior Loans from U-Haul and AREC to SAC Holdings

U-Haul and AREC hold or have held various promissory notes from SAC (collectively, “SAC Notes”). As described in the paragraphs above, the SAC Notes evidence loans extended from U-Haul and AREC, as the case may be, to SAC to finance SAC’s purchase of properties from subsidiaries of the Company. See Exhibit L attached hereto for an exemplar SAC Note which existed prior to March 2004. In addition, proceeds from SAC Notes have been used by SAC to purchase properties from third parties. The SAC Notes are unsecured, structurally subordinate obligations of SAC.
Until March 2004, the order of SAC Holdings’ debt payment was as follows: (i) payment to third party secured lenders of the senior debt service obligations; (ii) reimbursement to U-Haul, as property manager, for operating expenses; (iii) payment to U-Haul of its property management fee; and (iv) payment to U-Haul or AREC, as the case may be, as holder of a SAC Note of interest due thereunder. In March 2004, and as approved by the Bankruptcy Court in connection with the Restructuring, all SAC Notes held by AREC and certain SAC Notes held by U-Haul were repaid, and the remaining SAC Notes held by U-Haul were subordinated to the SAC Holdings Senior Notes. In August 2004, SAC Holdings redeemed approximately $43.2 million of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes. In June 2007, SAC Holdings completed a full redemption of the SAC Holdings Senior Notes.

Property Management of SAC Location

Subsidiaries of U-Haul (“U-Haul Managers”) manage the self-storage properties owned or leased by SAC pursuant to property management agreements, under which such U-Haul Managers receive a management fee of between 4% and 10% of the gross receipts plus reimbursement of operating expenses. The management fee, and the other terms of the property management agreements are consistent with the fees and other terms for other properties the Company has previously managed for third parties. Pursuant to this relationship, subsidiaries of the Company manage the day-to-day affairs of the SAC Properties, and assist or have assisted SAC in, among other things, the selection, purchase, development and financing of the SAC Properties. SAC’s mortgage loan agreements place substantial restriction upon terminating U-Haul as the property manager for the SAC properties. See Exhibits M and N attached hereto for exemplar property management agreements reflecting the two different pricing structures charged by the Company for management of the SAC Properties.

The following table identifies the amount of management fees, exclusive of reimbursement of operating expenses, received by the U-Haul Managers from SAC during the fiscal years as set forth in the table:

Fiscal Year
Management Fee Received by U-Haul

U-Haul Dealership At SAC Locations
SAC acts as a U-Haul independent dealer. The financial and other terms of the dealership contracts with SAC are substantially identical to the terms of those with U-Haul’s other independent dealers, whereby commissions are paid by U-Haul based on equipment rental revenue. See Exhibit O attached hereto for an exemplar of the U-Haul dealership contract.

The following table identifies the amount of dealer commissions paid by U-Haul to SAC during the fiscal years as set forth in the table:
Fiscal Year
Dealer Commissions Paid by U-Haul

WP Carey Transaction
During the 1990’s, the Company entered two lease facilities for the acquisition, construction and expansion of self-storage properties, pursuant to which Company subsidiaries were the lessees of the properties and held options to purchase such properties. In April 2004, and as approved by the Bankruptcy Court in connection with the Restructuring, the Company repaid all obligations under the lease agreements and sold the properties (the “Carey Portfolio”) to a subsidiary of non-affiliated WP Carey (“Carey Lessor”). See Exhibit P attached hereto for a copy of the sale contract with the Carey Lessor.
As part of the Court approved transaction, a subsidiary of the Company entered a lease with the Carey Lessor with respect to the portion of the properties in the Carey Portfolio used in connection with U-Haul’s self-moving business (truck and trailer rental and moving supply sales); and Mercury entered a lease with the Carey Lessor with respect to the remaining portion of each property in the Carey Portfolio, consisting of the self-storage portion of such properties. The lease between Mercury and the Carey Lessor is for a term of twenty years with a renewal option in favor of Mercury for an additional ten years. Mercury has an option to purchase all of the properties in the Carey Portfolio at the tenth and twentieth

anniversaries of the lease pursuant to certain formulas that are based upon fair market values and the initial sale price subject to consumer price index adjustments. There are 78 properties in the Carey Portfolio.

Loans To Private Mini
In February 1997, U-Haul, Oxford, RepWest and a non-affiliated third party formed a limited partnership known as Private Mini. Oxford invested $11.0 million and ultimately obtained a 35.7% limited partner interest, RepWest invested $13.5 million and ultimately obtained a 43.8% limited partner interest, and U-Haul obtained a 50% interest in the general partner of Private Mini. The non-affiliated third party obtained the remaining 20% limited partner interest and remaining 50% interest in the general partner. Private Mini was formed to own, develop, acquire and operate self-storage facilities (collectively, the “Private Mini Portfolio”). Currently, the Private Mini Portfolio consists of 60 properties. In 1997, Private Mini entered a credit facility (the “Private Mini Credit Facility”) which included, among other things, a credit support agreement from the Company in favor of the lender, pursuant to which the Company agreed to purchase the notes or a portion thereof held by the lender under the Private Mini Credit Facility upon the occurrence of specified conditions. From 1997 through 2003, the Private Mini Credit Facility was amended and the amount owed thereunder was reduced at various times. In October 2002, conditions occurred enabling the lender to exercise its rights under the Company’s credit support agreement, and in December 2002, the lender exercised its option to require the Company to purchase the outstanding notes under the Private Mini Credit Facility. In March 2004, and as approved by the Bankruptcy Court in connection with the Restructuring, the Company purchased the $55.0 million of notes outstanding under the Private Mini Credit Facility. In December 2005, Private Mini executed a promissory note to the Company, in the original principal amount of $59.4 million evidencing this indebtedness. See Exhibit Q attached hereto for a copy of this promissory note.
In 1997, U-Haul loaned Private Mini $10 million for use as operating capital, which loan was later assumed by a subsidiary of Private Mini. In December 2005, a subsidiary of Private Mini executed a restated promissory note in favor of U-Haul in the original principal amount of $11,700,000 evidencing this indebtedness. See Exhibit R attached hereto for a copy of this promissory note.

Private Mini Exchange Transaction

In June 2003, Oxford and RepWest conveyed all of their limited partner interests in Private Mini to SAC, in exchange for real property owned by 4 SAC and 5 SAC (the “Private Mini Exchange Transaction”). Additionally, as part of this transaction, the interest of U-Haul in the general partner of Private Mini was conveyed to SAC. The Private Mini Exchange Transaction was non-monetary and was recorded on the basis of the book values of the assets exchanged. Certain of the properties received by Oxford and RepWest in the Private Mini Exchange Transaction were leased back to subsidiaries of SAC Holdings. Additionally, in connection with the Private Mini Exchange Transaction, Oxford and RepWest granted certain subsidiaries of SAC Holdings options to repurchase such property at stated values. See Exhibits S, T, U, V, W and X attached hereto for copies of the Private Mini Exchange Transaction documents.

In June 2005, U-Haul became the property manager of the properties owned by Private Mini. Since its formation, Private Mini has been a U-Haul dealer, pursuant to a standard form of U-Haul dealership agreement.

Securespace Transaction

In June 2000, a subsidiary of the Company entered a purchase contract for the purchase of 16 self-storage facilities throughout Canada (the “Securespace Portfolio”) from a third party vendor. Upon the closing of the purchase of the Securespace Portfolio, the Company obtained a short term bridge lease financing facility with a lender for the purpose of financing the Company’s purchase of such properties. Following the maturity of the foregoing lease financing facility, a partnership (“Securespace”) composed of Oxford, RepWest, and subsidiaries of SAC Holdings acquired title to the Securespace Portfolio. Oxford and RepWest each obtained a 23% limited partner interest in Securespace, with SAC Holdings subsidiaries obtaining the general partner interest and the remaining limited partner interests. Both the Company and

SAC Holdings were granted options to purchase the Oxford and RepWest interests in Securespace at a specified price.

In September 2006, pursuant to the terms of the Securespace agreement of limited partnership, a subsidiary of SAC Holdings exercised its option to purchase the limited partner interests of Oxford and RepWest in Securespace. Such interests were purchased by SAC Holdings for approximately $11.8 million, which acquisition price was equivalent to the initial investments by Oxford and RepWest in Securespace. See Exhibit Y attached hereto for a copy of the purchase and sale agreement for the Securespace limited partner interests.

Option Exchange Transaction and Sale of Properties from Oxford and RepWest to SAC

In 2001 the Company contributed various parcels of real property (the “Property Contributions”) to Oxford and RepWest. Certain of the contributed parcels were first purchased by a Company subsidiary from SAC prior to contribution to Oxford and RepWest. The Company purchased these properties from SAC for a purchase price of approximately $35.1 million, which purchase price was equal to the book value of the properties at that time.

In connection with the Property Contributions, Oxford and RepWest granted purchase options to a SAC subsidiary with respect to the properties involved in the contribution that had formerly been owned by SAC, and granted purchase options to AREC, with respect to the remaining properties involved in the contribution (all of such purchase options, together with the purchase options granted in connection with the Private Mini Exchange Transaction described above, the “Purchase Options”). Generally, the option exercise price pursuant to the Purchase Options was equal to the book value of the respective property as of the date of the Property Contribution, along with an annualized return of 6%, and repayment of certain transaction expenses and carrying costs.
In June 2006, AREC and SAC exchanged certain of their respective Purchase Options with one another, thus allowing AREC and SAC to buy back properties from Oxford and RepWest located adjacent to existing AREC or SAC properties, as the case may be. The Purchase Options were exchanged for substantially equivalent value, as determined based upon the differential between the fair market value of the respective property as of June 2006 and the option exercise price for such property. Following the exchange of options, SAC exercised its purchase right and purchased two of such properties from RepWest. See Exhibit Z attached hereto for a copy of the option exchange agreement.

This completes the transaction descriptions provided in connection with the Stockholder Proposal.


Section 16(a) of the Exchange Act requires the Company’s directors and executive officers, and persons who own more than 10% of a registered class of the Company’s equity securities, to file reports of ownership of, and transactions in, the Company’s securities with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Such directors, executive officers and 10% stockholders are also required to furnish the Company with copies of all Section 16(a) forms they file.

Based solely on a review of the copies of such forms received by it, the Company believes that during fiscal 2007, all Section 16(a) filings applicable to its directors, officers and 10% stockholders were filed on a timely basis, except that the Form 3 for Richard J. Herrera in connection with his appointment to the Advisory Board on March 30, 2007 was filed late.


For inclusion in the proxy statement and form of proxy relating to the 2008 annual meeting of stockholders of AMERCO, a stockholder proposal intended for presentation at that meeting must be submitted in accordance with the applicable rules of the Commission and received by the Secretary of AMERCO, c/o U-Haul International, Inc., 2721 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004, on or before March 6, 2008. Proposals to be presented at the 2008 annual meeting of stockholders of AMERCO

that are not intended for inclusion in the proxy statement and form of proxy must be submitted by that date and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Company’s Bylaws, a copy of which is available upon written request, delivered to the Secretary of AMERCO at the address in the preceding sentence. The Company suggests that proponents submit their proposals to the Secretary of AMERCO by Certified Mail-Return Receipt Requested.


A copy of the Company’s Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 2007 may be viewed and downloaded from, from the Company’s Investor Relations website at, may be requested via e-mail through either such website, or may be requested telephonically at 1-888-313-0164. The Annual Report is not to be regarded as proxy solicitation material.
With respect to Company stockholders’ meetings following the 2007 Annual Meeting, the Company anticipates to continue furnishing proxy materials to stockholders by posting such materials on an Internet web site in accordance with applicable laws, and providing stockholders with notice of Internet availability of such materials. Paper copies of such materials will be available to stockholders on request, for a period of one year, at no cost, in accordance with applicable laws.




August 20, 2007

Tempe, Arizona

In fairness to all stockholders attending the 2007 Annual Meeting, and in the interest of an orderly meeting, we ask you to honor the following:

  A. Admission to the meeting is limited to stockholders of record or their proxies. Stockholders of record voting by proxy will not be admitted to the meeting unless their proxies are revoked, in which case the holders of the revoked proxies will not be permitted to attend the meeting. The meeting will not be open to the public. The media will not be given access to the meeting through the proxy process.

  B.  With the exception of cameras and recording devices provided by the Company, cameras and recording devices of all kinds (including stenographic) are prohibited in the meeting room.

After calling the meeting to order, the Chairman will require the registration of all stockholders intending to vote in person, and the filing of all proxies with the teller. After the announced time for such filing of proxies has ended, no further proxies or changes, substitutions, or revocations of proxies will be accepted. (Bylaws, Article II, Section 9)

The Chairman of the meeting has absolute authority to determine the order of business to be conducted at the meeting and to establish rules for, and appoint personnel to assist in, preserving the orderly conduct of the business of the meeting (including any informal, or question-and-answer, portions thereof). (Bylaws, Article II, Section 9)

When an item is before the meeting for consideration, questions and comments are to be confined to that item only.

Pursuant to Article II, Section 5 of the Company's Bylaws, only such business (including director nominations) as shall have been properly brought before the meeting shall be conducted.

Pursuant to the Company's Bylaws, in order to be properly brought before the meeting, such business must have either been (1) specified in the written notice of the meeting given to stockholders on the record date for such meeting by or at the direction of the Board of Directors, (2) brought before the meeting at the direction of the Board of Directors or the Chairman of the meeting, or (3) specified in a written notice given by or on behalf of a stockholder on the record date for such meeting entitled to vote thereat or a duly authorized proxy for such stockholder, in accordance with all of the following requirements.
Such notice must have been delivered personally to, or mailed to and received at, the principal executive office of the corporation, addressed to the attention of the Secretary no later than March 16, 2007.
  b) Such notice must have set forth:
    i.  a full description of each such item of business proposed to be brought before the meeting and the reasons for conducting such business at such meeting,
    ii.  the name and address of the person proposing to bring such business before the meeting,
    the class and number of shares held of record, held beneficially, and represented by proxy by such person as of the record date for the meeting,

if any item of such business involves a nomination for director, all information regarding each such nominee that would be required to be set forth in a definitive proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") pursuant to Section 14 of the Exchange Act, as amended, or any successor thereto (the "Exchange Act"), and the written consent of each such nominee to serve if elected,
 v.    any material interest of such stockholder in the specified business,
whether or not such stockholder is a member of any partnership, limited partnership, syndicate, or other group pursuant to any agreement, arrangement, relationship, understanding, or otherwise, whether or not in writing, organized in whole or in part for the purpose of acquiring, owning, or voting shares of the corporation, and
all other information that would be required to be filed with the SEC if, with respect to the business proposed to be brought before the meeting, the person proposing such business was a participant in a solicitation subject to Section 14 of the Exchange Act.

No business shall be brought before any meeting of the Company's stockholders otherwise than as provided in this Section. The Chairman of the meeting may, if the facts warrant, determine that any proposed item of business or nomination as director was not brought before the meeting in accordance with the foregoing procedure, and if he should so determine, he shall so declare to the meeting and the improper item of business or nomination shall be disregarded.

At the appropriate time, any stockholder who wishes to address the meeting should do so only upon being recognized by the Chairman of the meeting. After such recognition, please state your name, whether you are a stockholder or a proxy for a stockholder, and, if you are a proxy, name the stockholder you represent. All matters should be concisely presented.

A person otherwise entitled to attend the meeting will cease to be so entitled if, in the judgment of the Chairman of the meeting, such person engages in disorderly conduct impeding the proper conduct of the meeting against the interests of all stockholders as a group. (Bylaws, Article II, Section 6)

If there are any questions remaining after the meeting is adjourned, please take them up with the representatives of the Company at the Secretary's desk. Also, any matters of a personal nature that concern you as a stockholder should be referred to these representatives after the meeting.

The views, constructive comments and criticisms from stockholders are welcome. However, it is requested that no matter be brought up that is irrelevant to the business of the Company.
          K.  It. is requested that common courtesy be observed at all times.

Our objective is to encourage open communication and the free expression of ideas, and to conduct an informative and meaningful meeting in a fair and orderly manner. Your cooperation will be sincerely appreciated.


The audit committee is established by and among the Board of Directors of AMERCO (the "Company") for the primary purpose of assisting the Board in:
        ·  Overseeing the integrity of the Company's financial statements;
        ·  Overseeing the independent auditor's qualifications and independence;
                ·  Overseeing the performance of the Company's independent auditor; and
·  Overseeing the Company's systems of disclosure controls and procedures and internal controls over financial reporting.
Consistent with this function, the Audit Committee should encourage continuous improvement of, and should foster adherence to, the Company's policies, procedures, and practices at all levels. The Audit Committee should also provide for open communication among the independent auditor, financial and senior management, the internal audit department, and the Board of Directors.
The Audit Committee has the authority to obtain advice and assistance from outside legal, accounting, and other advisors as deemed appropriate to perform its duties and responsibilities.
The Company will provide appropriate funding, as determined by the Audit Committee, for compensation to the independent auditor, to any advisors that the Audit Committee chooses to engage, and for payment of ordinary administrative expenses of the Audit Committee that are necessary or appropriate in carrying out its duties.
The Audit Committee will primarily fulfill its responsibilities by carrying out the activities enumerated in Section III of this charter.
The Audit Committee will comprise three or more directors as determined by the Board. Each Audit Committee member will be a person other than an officer or employee of the Company or its subsidiaries or any other individual having a relationship which, in the opinion of the Board, would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities of a director. All Audit Committee members must be independent, including being free of disallowed compensation agreements under all other applicable rules and regulations.
All members of the Audit Committee must comply with all financial literacy requirements of Nasdaq. The Board will determine whether at least one member of the committee qualifies as an "audit committee financial expert" in compliance with the criteria established by the SEC. The existence of such a member, including his or her name and whether or not he or she is independent, will be disclosed in periodic filings as required by the SEC. Committee members are encouraged to enhance their familiarity with finance and accounting by participating in educational programs, including those conducted by the Company or outside consultants.
The members of the Audit Committee will be elected by the Board to serve until their successors are elected.

To fulfill its responsibilities and duties, the Audit Committee will: 
Documents/Reports/Accounting Information Review
        1.  Review this charter periodically, at least annually, and recommend to the Board of Directors any necessary amendments.
        2.  Review and discuss with management and the independent auditor the Company's annual financial statements, quarterly financial statement (prior to the Company's 10-Q filings or release of earnings) and all internal controls reports (or summaries thereof). 
        3.  Review other relevant reports or financial information submitted by the Company to any governmental body or the public, including management certifications as required by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and relevant reports rendered by the independent auditor (or summaries thereof).
        4.  Recommend to the Board whether the financial statements should be included in the annual report on Form 10-K.
        5.  Review the regular internal reports to management (or summaries thereof) prepared by the internal auditing department, as well as management's response.
Independent Auditor
        1.  Appoint, compensate, retain, and oversee the work performed by the independent auditor for the purpose of preparing or issuing an audit report or related work.
        2.  Review the performance of the independent auditor and remove the independent auditor if circumstances warrant.
        3.  Oversee the resolution of disagreements between management and the independent auditor if they arise.
        4.  Consider whether the auditor's performance of permissible non-audit services is compatible with the auditor's independence.
        5.  Discuss with the independent auditor the matters required to be discussed under Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 61, as amended by SAS No. 84 and SAS No. 90.
        6.  Review the independent auditor's attestation and report on management's internal control report, and hold timely discussions with the independent auditor regarding the following:
                    ·   critical accounting policies and practices;
 alternative treatments of financial information within generally accepted accounting principles that have been discussed with management, ramifications of the use of such alternative disclosures and treatments, and the treatment preferred by the independent auditor; and
 other important written communications between the independent auditor and management, including, but not limited to, the management letter and schedule of unadjusted differences.


    7. At least annually, obtain and review a report by the independent auditor describing:
        · the firm's internal quality-control procedures;
any material issues raised by the most recent internal quality-control review or peer review, or by any inquiry or investigation conducted by governmental or professional authorities during the preceding five years with respect to independent audits carried out by the firm, and any steps taken to deal with any such issues; and
the matters set forth in Independence Standards Board Standard No. 1.
This report should be used to evaluate the independent auditor's qualifications, performance, and independence. Further, the Audit Committee will review the experience and qualifications of the lead partner and other senior members of the independent audit team each year and determine that all partner rotation requirements as promulgated by applicable rules and regulations are executed.
     8.  Actively engage in dialogue with the independent auditor with respect to any disclosed relationships or services that may affect the independence and objectivity of the auditor and take, or recommend that the full Board take, appropriate actions to oversee the independence of the outside auditor.
    9.  Review and pre-approve (which may be pursuant to pre-approval policies and procedures) both audit and nonaudit services to be provided by the independent auditor. The authority to grant pre-approvals may be delegated to one or more designated members of the Audit Committee whose decisions will be presented to the full Audit Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting. Approval of nonaudit services will be disclosed to investors in periodic reports required by Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Financial Reporting Processes, Accounting Policies, and Internal Control Structure
    1.  In consultation with the independent auditor and the internal audit department review the integrity of the Company's financial reporting processes (both internal and external), and the internal control structure (including disclosure controls and procedures and internal control over financial reporting).
    2.  Receive and review any disclosure from the Company's CEO or CFO made in connection with the certification of the Company's quarterly and annual reports filed with the SEC of: a) all significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control over financial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Company's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data; and b) any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significant role in the Company's internal controls.
    3.  In conjunction with the Independent Governance Committee, review and approve all related-party transactions, defined as those transactions required to be disclosed under Item 404 of Regulation S-K.
    4.  Establish procedures for the receipt, retention, and treatment of complaints regarding accounting, internal accounting controls, or auditing matters.
    5.  Establish procedures for the confidential, anonymous submission by Company employees regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters.
Internal Audit
        Review activities, organizational structure, and qualifications of the internal audit department.


    Other Responsibilities
    1.  Review with the independent auditor, the internal auditing department, and management the extent to which changes or improvements in financial or accounting practices have been implemented.
    2.  Prepare the report that the SEC requires be included in the company's annual proxy statement.
    3.  Perform any other activities consistent with this charter the Company's bylaws, and governing law, as the Board deems necessary or appropriate.


The Compensation Committee (the "Compensation Committee") of AMERCO (the "Company") was established by the Board of Directors (the "Board") for the primary purpose of assisting the Board in:

Reviewing the Company's plans and policies with respect to executive compensation, retention, motivation and development;
        ·  Discharging its duties related to determining the compensation of the Company's executive officers;

Reviewing and evaluating the performance of the Company's executive officers in light of the Company's goals, objectives, and financial performance; and

Providing the report of the Compensation Committee that is required by the rules and regulations promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") to be included in the Company's annual proxy statement.

The Compensation Committee has the authority to obtain advice and assistance from outside legal, accounting and other advisors, including compensation consultants, as deemed appropriate to perform its duties and responsibilities. The Company will provide appropriate funding, as determined by the Compensation Committee, to compensate any advisors that the Compensation Committee chooses to engage.

The Compensation Committee will primarily fulfill its purpose by carrying out the responsibilities and duties enumerated in Section IV of this Charter.


The Compensation Committee shall be comprised of two or more members of the Board as determined by the Board. The members of the Compensation Committee will be appointed or replaced by the Board, as appropriate. Unless a chairperson is elected by the full Board, the members of the Compensation Committee may designate a chairperson by a majority vote.

Each Compensation Committee member must be (i) "independent" in accordance with SEC rules and regulations and the rules and listing standards that govern companies listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market ("Nasdaq"), all as in effect from time to time, and (ii) an "outside director" within the meaning of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, so long as the Company is a "controlled company" as defined by the rules and listing standards that govern companies listed on the NASDAQ Stock Market ("Nasdaq"), the members of the Compensation Committee need not be "independent" under SEC rules and regulations or Nasdaq rules.


    The Compensation Committee shall meet periodically, as necessary, to carry out its responsibilities and duties and to act upon matters falling within its responsibility. Minutes of each meeting of the Compensation Committee shall be kept and distributed to each member of the Compensation Committee and be presented to the Board upon its request. Such minutes shall be maintained in the office of the Secretary of the Company.
To fulfill its responsibilities and duties, the Compensation Committee will:
Compensation Related Responsibilities
    1.   Periodically review the Company's compensation plans and policies in light of the Company's business objectives, financial performance, success relative to competitors, regulatory compliance issues and other factors deemed relevant by the Compensation Committee.
    2.   Review and, if appropriate, recommend to the Board for its adoption all employee (including executive officer and director) compensation plans, policies and arrangements, including perquisites and fringe benefit arrangements.
    3.  Oversee and periodically review the operation of all Company employee (including executive officer and director) benefit plans, and, if appropriate, recommend to the . Board changes to such plans.
    4.   Regularly review the goals, objectives and general compensation policies to be considered by the Company in determining the base salary and other compensation to be paid to the Company's executive officers, and to regularly evaluate the performance of such executive officers in light of such goals, objectives and other factors.
    5.       Review compensation to be paid to the Company's executive officers, including, if and as applicable, their annual base salaries, incentive bonuses, and any other benefits or compensation-related arrangements. The Compensation Committee shall evaluate the compensation of the President at least annually to ensure that it is fair, reasonable and aligned with the Company's overall objectives.
    6.      Review the Company's compensation arrangements with its non-employee directors to ensure their competitiveness and compliance with applicable laws, and recommend to the Board any necessary changes.
Charter Review; Reports; Other Responsibilities
    1.      Review and discuss with management the Company's Compensation Discussion and Analysis ("CD&A"), determine whether to recommend to the Board that the CD&A be included in the Company's annual proxy statement, and provide the report of the Compensation Committee required to be included in the annual proxy statement.


    2.   Periodically conduct an assessment of the purposes, responsibilities and duties set forth in this Charter to determine whether the Compensation Committee is functioning effectively.
    3.  Review this Charter periodically and recommend to the Board any necessary amendments.
    4.   Obtain such data and other resources as the Compensation Committee deems necessary or appropriate to perform its responsibilities and duties, including obtaining external consultant reports or published salary surveys, and engaging independent compensation consultants and other professionals to assist in the design, analysis and implementation of compensation plans and programs for the Company's executive officers, directors and other employees.
    5.  Perform any other activities consistent with this Charter, the Company's Bylaws, and governing law, as the Board deems necessary or appropriate.
    6.   Coordinate or consult with other committees of the Board with respect to matters within the scope of its duties, if necessary or appropriate, except to the extent doing so would be inconsistent with applicable rules or regulations.




RENO, NEVADA 89502-3239

Dear Stockholder:.
The 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders of AMERCO (the "Company") will be held at the U-Haul Technical Center, 11298 South Priest Drive, Tempe Arizona 85284, on Monday, August 20, 2007, at 8:00 a.m. (local time).
Proposals to be considered at the Annual Meeting:
to elect two Class I Directors to serve until the 2011 annual meeting of stockholders of the Company and one Class IV Director to serve until the 2010 annual meeting of stockholders of the Company;
 (2)  to ratify the appointment of BDO Seidman, LLP as the Company's independent auditors;
to vote on a stockholder proposal to approve and affirm the actions taken by AMERCO and its subsidiaries' Boards of Directors, officers and employees in entering into, and all resulting contracts with S.A.C. and ratify all S.A.C. transactions amended or entered into by AMERCO and any of its subsidiaries between 1992 and March 31, 2007, and
to consider and act upon any other business that may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.
Management recommends a vote "FOR" Items 1 and 2.
Management makes no recommendation with respect to Item 3.
The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on June 22, 2007 as the record date (the "Record Date") for the determination of stockholders entitled to receive notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) thereof.
*Approximate date of mailing to stockholders of this Notice of Internet Availability of the Company's Proxy Materials ("Notice"): July 10, 2007

 You may vote your proxy
when you view the materials on the Internet
You will be asked to enter this 11-digit control number





Stockholders of record as of the Record Date are encouraged and cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting. Directions to attend the meeting where you may vote in person can be found on our website, The Annual Meeting will be hosted in person and via webcast at We encourage stockholders to attend via webcast so as to promote the Company's sustainability goals with respect to the environment.
The following Proxy Materials are available for you to review online at:
·  Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials;
·  the Company's 2007 Proxy Statement (including all attachments thereto);
·  the Proxy Card;
    the Company Annual Report for the year ended March 31, 2007 (which is not deemed to be part of the official proxy soliciting materials); and
    any amendments to the foregoing materials that are required to be furnished to stockholders.

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Stockholder Meeting to Be Held on Monday, August 20, 2007:
This communication presents only an overview of the more complete proxy materials that are available to you on the Internet. We encourage you to access and review all of the important information contained in the proxy materials before voting.
The Company's Proxy Statement, Annual Report and other proxy materials are available at
If you would like to receive a paper or e-mail copy of these documents, you must request them. Such documents will be provided to you at no charge, via First Class Mail. Please make sure you request a copy as instructed below on or before August 6, 2007 to facilitate a timely delivery.
To request a paper copy of the Proxy Materials, please call 1-888-313-0164, or you may request a paper copy by email at, or by logging onto
The Proxy Materials for AMERCO are available to review at:

  Have this notice available when you
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SAC PARTICIPATION AND SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”), dated this 15th day of March, 2004, by and among SAC HOLDING CORPORATION, a Nevada corporation (“SAC I”), SAC HOLDING II CORPORATION, a Nevada corporation (“SAC II,” and together with SAC I, collectively referred to as “SAC HOLDING”), AMERCO, a Nevada corporation (“AMERCO”), U-HAUL INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nevada corporation (“U-Haul”), and LAW DEBENTURE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, as Trustee (the “SAC Notes Trustee”) under that certain Indenture (the “SAC Notes Indenture”) with respect to the 8.5% Senior Notes due 2014 of SAC Holding (the “SAC Holding Senior Notes”). AMERCO, SAC Holding, U-Haul and the SAC Notes Trustee are sometimes collectively referred to herein as the “Parties” and individually as a “Party”.


WHEREAS, on June 20, 2003, AMERCO filed a voluntary petition for relief (the “AMERCO Case”) under Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the United States Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”), and on August 13, 2003, AMERCO Real Estate Company, a Nevada corporation (“AREC”), filed a voluntary petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code (together with the AMERCO Case, the “Cases”).

WHEREAS, on October 6, 2003, AMERCO, AREC and SAC Holding (the “Proponents”) jointly filed a Joint Plan of Reorganization under Section 1121(a) of the Bankruptcy Code (the “Plan”) and a related disclosure statement (the “Disclosure Statement”) pursuant to Section 1125 of the Bankruptcy Code.

WHEREAS, AMERCO, AREC, SAC Holding and the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors in the Cases (the “Committee”) entered into a Plan Support Agreement, dated November 12, 2003 (the “Original PSA”), including the AMERCO Term Sheet attached thereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by reference therein (the “Original Term Sheet”), concerning the restructuring (the “Restructuring”) of AMERCO and AREC (the “Debtors”) and, in particular, the treatment of holders of AMERCO Unsecured Claims (presently identified as Class 7 Claims under the Plan).

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Original PSA, on November 26, 2003, the Proponents filed the First Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization (the “First Amended Plan”) and the Disclosure Statement Concerning the Debtors’ First Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization (the “First Amended Disclosure Statement”), in order to reflect the agreed terms for the Restructuring as provided in the Original PSA and the Original Term Sheet.

WHEREAS, the First Amended Disclosure Statement was approved by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Nevada (the “Bankruptcy Court”) on December 12, 2003.


WHEREAS, the Debtors, SAC Holding, the Committee and certain individual claimholders signatory thereto entered into an Amended and Restated Plan Support Agreement, dated as of January 15, 2004 (the “Amended PSA”), including the Amended and Restated Term Sheet attached thereto as Exhibit “A” and incorporated by reference therein (the “Amended Term Sheet”), in order to modify the First Amended Plan pursuant to a plan confirmation order to be entered by the Bankruptcy Court incorporating the terms of the Amended PSA and the Amended Term Sheet.

WHEREAS, the First Amended Plan requires the execution and delivery of this Agreement as a condition to the effectiveness thereof.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises and the mutual covenants and agreements set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
    1.  Certain Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings herein specified. Such definitions shall be equally applicable to the singular and plural forms of the terms defined. All terms used herein which are not defined herein are defined in the SAC Notes Indenture and shall have the meanings therein stated. Unless otherwise stated, any agreement, contract or document defined or referred to herein shall mean such agreement, contract or document and all schedules, exhibits and attachments thereto as in effect as of the date hereof, as the same may thereafter be amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof and of the SAC Notes Indenture and including any agreement, contract or document in substitution or replacement of any of the foregoing. Any reference to any Person shall include its permitted successors and assigns in the capacity in which such Person is referred to, and in the case of any Governmental Authority, any Person or Persons succeeding to its functions and capacities.
Agreement to Indemnify” means an Agreement to Indemnify substantially in the form of Exhibit D hereto.
Amended and Restated Promissory Notes” means the Existing SAC Holding Notes which are modified and restated in the manner provided in Section 3(b) hereof. References herein to the Amended and Restated Promissory Notes, and to terms defined in the Amended and Restated Promissory Notes, shall be deemed to be references to such Notes and terms as in effect on the Issue Date and without giving effect to any modifications or supplements thereto after the Issue Date except: (i) modifications to cure any ambiguity, defect or inconsistency that does not adversely affect the interests of the Holders of SAC Holding Senior Notes (as confirmed by an Officer’s Certificate and Opinion of Counsel, as such terms are defined in the SAC Notes Indenture), and (ii) to the extent expressly agreed otherwise pursuant to a supplement to this Agreement executed in accordance with the requirements of Article IX of the SAC Notes Indenture.

Discharge” with respect to an obligation means the payment in full in cash of the principal of, and interest and premium (if any) on, such obligation. “Discharged” shall have the correlative meaning.
Effective Date” as defined in the First Amended Plan.
Existing SAC Holding Notes” as defined in the First Amended Plan.
Oxford Note” means that certain Promissory Note in the principal amount of $10,000,000, dated May 7, 1999 from SAC Holding Corporation to Oxford Life Insurance Company.
SAC Subsidiary Senior Debt” means any Indebtedness of a Subsidiary to the extent outstanding as of the Issue Date, secured by Real Property owned by such Subsidiary.
    2.  SAC Holding Senior Notes. On the Effective Date, SAC Holding and the SAC Notes Trustee shall execute and deliver the SAC Notes Indenture, which shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit “A”. SAC Holding shall take all such actions and deliver all such documents as shall be necessary or appropriate to cause the SAC Holding Senior Notes, in the aggregate original principal amount of $200,000,000 (the “SAC Notes Principal Amount”), to be issued on the Effective Date in accordance with the terms of the SAC Notes Indenture and the First Amended Plan.
    3.  Modification and Restatement of Existing SAC Holding Notes. In consideration of the issuance by SAC Holding of the SAC Holding Senior Notes, the Parties agree that the Existing SAC Holding Notes shall be modified and restated effective as of the Effective Date as follows:
          (a)  Reduction of Principal. The aggregate principal amount of the Existing SAC Holding Notes shall be reduced by the SAC Notes Principal Amount, applied as follows:
            (i)  The principal amounts of those Existing SAC Holding Notes identified on Schedule 3(a)(i) hereto shall be reduced to zero, and such Existing SAC Holding Notes shall be cancelled and returned to SAC Holding;
             (ii)  The principal amounts of the Existing SAC Holding Note identified on Schedule 3(a)(ii) hereto shall be reduced to the restated principal amount provided on Schedule 3(a)(ii); and
            (iii)  The principal amounts of the remaining Existing SAC Holding Notes, as identified on Schedule 3(a)(iii) hereto, shall remain unchanged.

        (b)  Modification of Terms. Each of the Existing SAC Holding Notes (other than the Oxford Note) not cancelled as provided in Section 3(a)(i) above (the “Remaining Existing SAC Notes”) shall be amended and restated as follows: (i) the Remaining Existing SAC Note identified on Schedule 3(a)(ii) shall be amended and restated in the form of the Fixed Rate Note attached hereto as Exhibit “B-1”; and (ii) the Remaining Existing SAC Notes identified on Schedule 3(a)(iii) shall be amended and restated in the form of the Amended and Restated Promissory Note attached hereto as Exhibit “B-2” (as so amended and restated, the “Subordinated Restated Notes”). The Remaining Existing SAC Notes shall be delivered to SAC Holding in exchange for Amended and Restated Promissory Notes in the applicable form and in the same principal amounts, taking into account any reduction in principal pursuant to Section 3(a)(ii) above.
    (c)  SAC Subsidiary Senior Debt. As of the Effective Date, SAC Holding’s Subsidiaries will have outstanding obligations under the SAC Subsidiary Senior Debt in the aggregate principal amount of $429,227,945. The Amended PSA does not contemplate that such SAC Subsidiary Senior Debt will be amended and restated and it will remain a secured, priority obligation of such Subsidiaries.
    4.  Subordination of Subordinated Obligations . The Parties, on their own behalf and on behalf of subsequent transferees of the Subordinated Restated Notes, covenant and agree that the Indebtedness evidenced by, and the payment of principal of and interest on, the Subordinated Restated Notes, and the payment of any declared dividends or distributions to the shareholder of SAC Holding (such Indebtedness, and dividends and distributions, being herein collectively called “Subordinated Obligations”), shall be expressly made subordinate and subordinated in right of payment, to the extent and in the manner provided in this Section 4, to the prior Discharge of the SAC Holding Senior Notes (such principal, interest and premium, including any interest accruing or arising after the date of any filing by SAC Holding of any petition in bankruptcy or the commencement of any bankruptcy, insolvency, or similar proceedings with respect to SAC Holding, whether or not such interest is allowable as a claim in any such proceeding, being herein collectively called the “Senior Obligations”), provided that nothing herein shall prohibit payments in respect of the Subordinated Obligations to the extent specifically permitted under this Section 4.
        (a)  Liquidation, Dissolution or Bankruptcy. Upon any payment or distribution of assets or securities of SAC Holding of any kind or character, whether in cash, property or securities, upon any dissolution or winding-up or total or partial liquidation or reorganization of SAC Holding, whether voluntary or involuntary, or in bankruptcy, insolvency, receivership or other proceedings or upon an assignment for the benefit of creditors or any other marshalling of the assets and liabilities of SAC Holding, all Senior Obligations shall first be Discharged before any direct or indirect payments or distributions, including, without limitation, by exercise of set-off, of any cash, property or securities on account of principal of or interest on the Subordinated Restated Notes, and including also any such payment or distribution that may be payable or deliverable by reason of the payment of any other indebtedness of SAC Holding being subordinated to the payment of the Subordinated Obligations, and to that end the holders of the Senior Obligations shall be entitled to receive (pro rata on the basis of the respective

amounts of the Senior Obligations held by them) directly, for application to the payment thereof (to the extent necessary to Discharge all Senior Obligations in full after giving effect to any substantially concurrent payment or distribution to or provision for payment to the holders of the Senior Obligations), any payment or distribution of any kind or character, whether in cash, property or securities, to which the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes would be entitled but for this Section 4.
(b)  Payment of Interest on Subordinated Restated Notes; Distributions to Shareholder of SAC Holding.
                (i)  For so long as not prohibited by Section 4(c) below, SAC Holding may continue to make all payments of Interest (as defined in the Subordinated Restated Notes) required under the Subordinated Restated Notes; provided, however, that for so long as the Senior Obligations remain outstanding and have not been paid in full or discharged, (A) SAC Holding shall make no payments under the Subordinated Restated Notes of Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest (as defined in the Subordinated Restated Notes) or of amounts which constitute Redemption Event Proceeds and (B) SAC Holding shall make no payments under the Amended and Restated Promissory Notes unless SAC Holding has remitted sufficient funds to the SAC Notes Trustee to make the next quarterly interest payment on the SAC Holding Senior Notes.
                (ii)  For so long as not prohibited by Section 4(c) below, SAC Holding may continue to make dividends or distributions to its shareholder to the extent permitted under Section 4.16 of the SAC Notes Indenture; provided, however, that for so long as the Senior Obligations remain outstanding and have not been paid in full or discharged, SAC Holding shall make no dividend or distribution to its shareholder of any amounts which represent Net Capital Proceeds (as defined in the Subordinated Restated Notes) or of amounts which constitute Redemption Event Proceeds.
         (c)  Default on SAC Holding Senior Notes. SAC Holding may not make any direct or indirect payment to any holder of the Subordinated Obligations, upon acceleration or otherwise, if at the time of such payment there exists (i) a Default (as defined in the SAC Notes Indenture) in the payment of any amount owed under the Senior Obligations which has not been cured or waived in writing, (ii) an Event of Default (as defined in the SAC Notes Indenture) which has not been cured or waived in writing, (iii) any other Default under the Senior Obligations that an officer of SAC Holding becomes aware of and has not been cured or waived in writing within five days of such awareness, or (iv) the filing or commencement with a court of competent jurisdiction of an involuntary case under any Bankruptcy Law (as defined in the SAC Notes Indenture) for relief against SAC Holding, which has not been dismissed.
For so long as there exists any Default under the Senior Obligations, any Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service received by SAC Holding shall be delivered to the SAC Notes Trustee and applied to redeem the Senior Obligations pursuant to Section 3.08 of the SAC Notes Indenture.
    (d)  Obligations of the Holders of Subordinated Obligations. In the event that, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of Section 4 prohibiting such payment or distribution,

any holder of Subordinated Obligations shall have received any payment or distribution of any kind or character, whether in cash, property or securities, by set-off or otherwise, at a time when such payment is prohibited, then and in such event, such payment or distribution shall be received and held in trust by such holders apart from their other assets and paid over or delivered to the SAC Notes Trustee, who will distribute such funds to holders of the SAC Holding Senior Notes remaining unpaid to the extent necessary to pay in full in cash the Senior Obligations in accordance with their terms.
        (e)  Subrogation. Upon the Discharge of all SAC Holding Senior Notes, the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes shall be subrogated to the rights of the SAC Holding Senior Notes to receive payments or distributions made to the holders of, or otherwise applied to payment of, the SAC Holding Senior Notes pursuant to the provisions of this Section 4 and to the rights of the holders of SAC Holding Senior Notes to receive payments or distributions of assets of SAC Holding made on the SAC Holding Senior Notes pursuant to the SAC Notes Indenture until the Subordinated Restated Notes shall be Discharged. For the purposes of such subrogation, no payments or distributions to holders of SAC Holding Senior Notes of any cash, property or securities to which holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes would be entitled except for the provisions of this Section 4, and no payment over pursuant to the provisions of this Section 4 to holders of SAC Holding Senior Notes by the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes, shall, as between SAC Holding, its creditors other than holders of the SAC Holding Senior Notes and the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes, be deemed to be payment by SAC Holding to or on account of the SAC Holding Senior Notes, it being understood that the provisions of this Section 4 are solely for the purpose of defining the relative rights of the holders of the SAC Holding Senior Notes, on the one hand, and the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes, on the other hand.
If following the Discharge of the Senior Obligations, any payment or distribution to which the holders of the Senior Obligations would otherwise have been entitled but for the provisions of this Section 4 shall have been applied, pursuant to the provisions of this Section 4, to the payment of the Senior Obligations, then and in each such case, the holders of the Senior Obligations shall pay over and deliver any payments or distributions received by such holders of the Senior Obligations in excess of the amount sufficient to pay all Senior Obligations in full to the holders of the Subordinated Obligations.
        (f)  Obligations of Company Under Subordinated Restated Notes Unconditional. Nothing contained in this Section 4 is intended to or shall impair, as between SAC Holding and the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes, the obligations of SAC Holding, which are absolute and unconditional, to pay to the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes the principal of and interest on the Subordinated Restated Notes as and when the same shall become due and payable in accordance with their terms, or is intended to or shall affect the relative rights of the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes and creditors of SAC Holding other than the holders of the Senior Obligations.

        (g)  Reinstatement. The provisions of this Section 4 shall continue to be effective or be reinstated, and the Senior Obligations shall not be deemed to be paid in full, as the case may be, if at any time any payment of any of the Senior Obligations is rescinded or must otherwise be returned by the holder thereof upon the insolvency, bankruptcy or reorganization of SAC Holding or otherwise, all as though such payment had not been made.
        (h)  Reliance by Holders of SAC Holding Senior Notes on Subordination Provisions. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the foregoing subordination provisions are, and are intended to be, an inducement and a consideration to each current and future holder of any SAC Holding Senior Notes to acquire and continue to hold, or to continue to hold, such SAC Holding Senior Notes, and such holder of SAC Holding Senior Notes shall be deemed conclusively to have relied on such subordination provisions in acquiring and continuing to hold, or in continuing to hold, such SAC Holding Senior Notes.
        (i)  Limitation on Remedies. For so long as the Senior Obligations remain outstanding and have not been Discharged, the holders of the Subordinated Obligations shall not be entitled to (i) initiate any proceeding for liquidation, dissolution or winding-up of SAC Holding, or for receivership, insolvency, bankruptcy, reorganization or other similar proceeding relative to SAC Holding or its property, (ii) accelerate the maturity of the Subordinated Obligations, or enforce any other rights or remedies relating thereto (including, without limitation instituting suit to recover any Interest (as defined in the Amended and Restated Promissory Note) not paid when due under the Amended and Restated Notes), unless the holders of the SAC Holding Senior Notes have first accelerated such Notes, or (iii) pay or prepay any principal of or interest on the Amended and Restated Promissory Notes prior to the respective dates provided for in the Amended and Restated Promissory Notes; provided, however, that this Section 4(i) will not be interpreted by the Parties hereto as prohibiting the holders of the Subordinated Obligations from enforcing their rights and remedies under this Agreement.
        (j)  Notice by SAC Holding. SAC Holding shall give prompt written notice to the holders of the Subordinated Restated Notes of any fact known to SAC Holding which would prohibit the making of any payment on or in respect of the Subordinated Restated Notes, but failure to give such notice shall not affect the subordination of the Subordinated Restated Notes to the SAC Holding Senior Notes provided in this Section 4. Nothing contained in this Section 4(j) shall limit the right of the holders of SAC Holding Senior Notes to recover payments as contemplated by this Section 4.
        (k)  Proof of Claims. If the holders of the Subordinated Obligations shall have failed to file claims or proofs of claim with respect to the Subordinated Obligations earlier than 30 days prior to the deadline for any such filing, the holders of the Subordinated Obligations shall execute and deliver to the SAC Notes Trustee such powers of attorney, assignments or other instruments as the SAC Notes Trustee may reasonably request to file such claims or proofs of claim.
         (l)  No Waiver of Subordination Provisions. No right of the SAC Notes Trustee or any holder of Senior Obligations to enforce subordination as herein provided shall at any time in any way be prejudiced or impaired by any act or failure to act on the part of SAC

Holding or by any act or failure to act, in good faith, by the SAC Notes Trustee or any holder of Senior Obligations, or by any non-compliance by SAC Holding with the terms, provisions and covenants of this Agreement, regardless of any knowledge thereof the SAC Notes Trustee or any holder of Senior Obligations may have or be otherwise charged with.
Without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing paragraph, the holders of Senior Obligations may, at any time and from time to time, without the consent of or notice to the holders of the Subordinated Obligations, without incurring responsibility to the holders of the Subordinated Obligations and without impairing or releasing the subordination provided in this Section 4, do any one or more of the following: (a) change the time, manner or place of payment of Senior Obligations, or otherwise modify or supplement in any respect any of the provisions of the SAC Note Indenture or any other instrument evidencing or relating to any of the Senior Obligations; (b) sell, exchange, release or otherwise deal with any property pledged, mortgaged or otherwise securing Senior Obligations, (c) release any Person liable in any manner for the collection of Senior Obligations; and (d) exercise or refrain from exercising any rights against the SAC Holding and any other Person.
    5.  Payment of Expenses. In consideration of SAC Holding becoming proponents of the Plan, entering into this Agreement and issuing the SAC Holding Senior Notes, AMERCO shall:
        (a)  reimburse to, or pay on behalf of, SAC Holding, reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred by SAC Holding in connection with the preparation, negotiation and implementation of this Agreement, not to exceed $500,000;
        (b)  reimburse to, or pay on behalf of, SAC Holding, any and all reasonable, direct out of pocket expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ and accountants fees and trustee’s fees, but excluding the payment of principal, premium, if any, and interest in respect of the SAC Holding Senior Notes and any other amount payable by SAC Holding pursuant to the terms of the SAC Note Indenture) incurred by SAC Holding in connection with its reporting or other compliance obligations under the SAC Notes Indenture or this Agreement; provided, however, that AMERCO shall not be obligated to reimburse or pay any such expenses over and above an aggregate amount of $1 million for any twelve-month period; and
        (c)  enter into the Agreement to Indemnify.
    6.  No Amendment of Subordinated Notes. SAC Holding will not amend, nor agree to amend, the provisions of Section 2 of the Subordinated Restated Notes.
    7.  Shareholder Consent. On or before the Effective Date, SAC Holding shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the other Parties hereto the SAC Shareholder Consent attached hereto as Exhibit “C,” duly executed by the sole shareholder of SAC Holding.

    8.  (a)Delivery of AMERCO Reports. AMERCO agrees to timely provide to SAC Holding all financial statements, reports and other information of AMERCO required to be provided by SAC Holding to the SAC Notes Trustee pursuant to Section 4.03 of the SAC Notes Indenture, including any inclusion of, or reference to, such financial statements, reports and information as provided in Section 4.03(b)(i), 4.03(b)(ii) or 4.03(b)(iii) in the SAC Notes Indenture.
        (b) Separate Presentation. AMERCO agrees that so long as SAC Holding is part of a consolidated group with AMERCO, to enable SAC Holding to meet its obligations under Section 4.14(b)(v) of the SAC Notes Indenture, AMERCO will comply with the applicable provisions of Section 4.14(b)(v) of the SAC Notes Indenture.
    9.  Conditions. The obligations of the Parties hereunder are conditioned upon the satisfaction or waiver of the following conditions:
        (a)  Confirmation. The Bankruptcy Court shall have entered an order (the “Confirmation Order”) confirming the First Amended Plan on substantially the same terms as presently contained therein, subject to modification as provided in the Amended PSA and Amended Term Sheet;
        (b)  Approval of Agreement. The Confirmation Order shall contain an express approval by the Bankruptcy Court of this Agreement, supported by findings of fact and conclusions of law consistent, in all material respects, with the following:
            (i)  that SAC Holding is solvent as the date of the issuance of the SAC Holding Senior Notes and will not be rendered insolvent as a result of the issuance of the SAC Holding Senior Notes;
            (ii)  that SAC Holding has received, as part of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the issuance of the SAC Holding Senior Notes;
            (iii)  that SAC Holding has acted in good faith and has entered into this Agreement without any actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud its creditors;
            (iv)  that, for purposes of Section 1145(a) for the Bankruptcy Code only, SAC Holding is an affiliate of the Debtors; and
            (v) that the issuance of the SAC Holding Senior Notes by SAC Holding is exempt from registration under section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 and any state

or local law requiring registration for the offer or issuance of the SAC Holding Senior Notes pursuant to Section 1145(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.
        (c)  Effective Date. The Effective Date shall have occurred on or before March 31, 2004.
    10.  Representations and Warranties. Each of the Parties represents and warrants to each of the other Parties that the following statements are true, correct and complete as of the date hereof:
        (a)  It has all requisite power and authority to enter into this Agreement and to carry out the transactions contemplated by, and perform its respective obligations under, this Agreement.
        (b)  The execution and delivery of this Agreement and the performance of its obligations hereunder have been duly authorized by all necessary action on its part; and the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement do not require the approval or consent of any shareholder or other owner or the holder or trustee of any debt or other of its obligations which has not been obtained. 
        (c)  This Agreement constitutes the valid and binding obligation of it, enforceable against it in accordance with the terms hereof.
        (d)  The execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement do not and shall not (i) violate any provision of law, rule or regulation applicable to it or any of its subsidiaries or its certificate of incorporation or by-laws or those of any of its subsidiaries or (ii) conflict with, result in a breach of or constitute (with due notice or lapse of time or both) a default under any material contractual obligation to which it or any of its subsidiaries is a party or under its certificate of incorporation or by-laws or other organizational documents.
        (e)  The execution, delivery and performance by it of this Agreement do not and shall not require any registration or filing with, consent or approval of, or notice to, or other action to, with or by, any Federal, state or other governmental authority or regulatory body.
        (f) SAC Holding represents and warrants that the findings of fact listed in Section 9(b) hereof are true and correct as of the date of this Agreement.
    11.  Effectiveness; Amendments. This Agreement shall be effective and binding immediately upon execution by all Parties hereto. This Agreement may not be amended except by a writing executed by all Parties hereto. This Agreement shall survive the Effective Date and

remain in effect for so long as the SAC Holding Senior Notes remain outstanding and not discharged in accordance with the terms of the SAC Notes Indenture.
    12.  Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of New York, without regard to any conflicts of law provision that would require the application of the law of any other jurisdiction.
    13.  Specific Performance. The Parties hereto acknowledge that the damages resulting to a Party by reason of the breach of this Agreement by any other Party would be extremely difficult to ascertain, that the non-breaching party would suffer irreparable damage as a result of such breach, and that the non-breaching Party would have no adequate remedy at law for such breach. Accordingly, a non-breaching Party shall have the right to injunctive relief to require specific performance of this Agreement by any breaching Party.
    14.  Notices. All notices and consents hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given upon receipt if personally delivered by courier service, messenger, telecopy, or by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid return receipt requested, to the following addresses, or such other addresses as may be furnished hereafter by notice in writing, to the following parties:

1325 Airmotive Way, Suite 100
Reno, NV 89502-3239
Facsimile No.: (775) 688-6338
Attn: Secretary
with a copy to:

Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L.L.P.
Two Renaissance Square
40 North Central Avenue, Suite 2700
Facsimile No.: (602) 253-8129
Attn: Christopher D. Johnson

If to SAC Holding:

SAC Holding Corporation
SAC Holding II Corporation
715 South Country Club Drive
Mesa, Arizona 85210
Facsimile No.: (480) 835-5478
Attn: President


With a copy to:

Torys LLP
237 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Facsimile No.: (212) 682-0200
Attn: Miroslav M. Fajt

If to the SAC Notes Trustee:

Law Debenture Trust Company of New York
767 Third Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10017, (212) 750-7464
    15.  Representation by Counsel. Each Party acknowledges that it has been represented by counsel in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated by this Agreement. Accordingly, any rule of law or any legal decision that would provide any Party with a defense to the enforcement of the terms of this Agreement against such Party based upon lack of legal counsel shall have no application and is expressly waived.
    16.  Headings. The headings of the paragraphs and subparagraphs of this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation hereof.
    17.  Successors and Assigns. This Agreement is intended to bind and inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective permitted successors, assigns, heirs, executors, administrators and representatives.
    18.  Several, Not Joint, Obligations. The agreements, representations and obligations of the Parties under this Agreement are, in all respects, several and not joint.
    19.  Prior Negotiations. This Agreement supersedes all prior negotiations with respect to the subject matter hereof. To the extent any prior negotiations, including the Amended PSA, are inconsistent with this Agreement or the SAC Notes Indenture, the terms of this Agreement and the SAC Notes Indenture will control.
    20.  Counterparts. This Agreement (and any modifications, amendments, supplements or waivers in respect hereof) may be executed in one or more counterparts by manual or facsimile signature, each of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall constitute one and the same Agreement.

    21.  Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement shall be solely for the benefit of the Parties and holders of the SAC Holding Senior Notes, and no other person or entity shall be a third party beneficiary hereof.
[Signature Pages Follow]


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the Parties has caused this Agreement to be executed and delivered by its duly authorized officer as of the date first above written.
AMERCO, a Nevada corporation

By: _____________________________________      
Its President

SAC HOLDING CORPORATION, a Nevada corporation

By: _____________________________________      
Its President

SAC HOLDING II CORPORATION, a Nevada corporation

By: _____________________________________       
Its President

U-HAUL INTERNATIONAL, INC., a Nevada corporation

By: ______________________________________
Its President

LAW DEBENTURE TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK, as Trustee for the Benefit of the Holders of the SAC Holding Senior Notes

By: _____________________________________       
Its Authorized Officer


Schedule 3(a)(i)

Promissory Note dated as of February 1, 1998 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $100,000, as amended (relating to real property owned by SAC Holding Corporation)

Promissory Note dated as of August 1, 2001 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $110,000 (relating to real property owned by SAC Holding Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of August 1, 2001 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $430,000 (relating to real property owned by SAC Holding Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of February 1, 1998 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $400,000 (relating to real property owned by SAC Holding Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of February 27, 1997 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $14, 271, 115.19 and subsequently increased to $17,000,000, as amended (relating to the real property owned by Three SAC Self-Storage Corporation).
Restated Consolidated Promissory Note dated as of June 30, 2003 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $3,103,687.15 (relating to the property owned by Four SAC Self-Storage Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of May 7, 1999 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $50,000,000, as amended (relating to real property owned by Six SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Eight SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Nine SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Ten SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Eleven SAC Self-Storage Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of May 7, 1999 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. in the original principal amount of $30,000,000, as amended (relating to real property owned by Six SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Eight SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Nine SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Ten SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Eleven SAC Self-Storage Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of August 20, 2000 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. in the original principal amount of $5,000,000, as amended (relating to the real property owned in fee by CST Nominee, Inc. and beneficially by Securespace Limited Partnership).
Promissory Note dated as of March 22, 2001 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $30,000,000, as amended


(relating to the real property owned by Twelve SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Thirteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of June 8, 2001 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $25,000,000, as amended (relating to the real property owned by Fourteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Seventeen SAC Self-Storage corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of January 29, 2001 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. in the original principal amount of $10,500,000, as amended (relating to the real property owned by Fifteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Sixteen SAC Self-Storage corporation).

Promissory Note dated as of June 30, 2003 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $58,000,000 (relating to the real property owned by Nineteen SAC SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership).


Schedule 3(a)(ii)

Restated Consolidated Promissory Note dated as of June 30, 2003 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of Nationwide Commercial Co. in the original principal amount of $80,000,000 (relating to the property owned by Five SAC Self-Storage Corporation)

This Note shall be amended and restated in the form of the Fixed Rate Note set forth on Exhibit B-1 of the SAC Participation and Subordination Agreement, and shall be issued to U-Haul International, Inc. and reduced to the restated principal amount of up to $58,000,000.


Schedule 3(a)(iii)

Promissory Note dated as of December 20, 2001 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. in the original principal amount of $21,000,000 (relating to the real property owned by Eighteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation)

Promissory Note dated as of January 11, 2002 by SAC Holding Corporation to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. in the original principal amount of $47,500,000 (relating to the real property owned by Twenty SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Twenty-One SAC Self-Storage Corporation, Twenty-Two SAC Self-Storage Corporation and Twenty-Three SAC Self-Storage Corporation)

Promissory Note dated as of March 7, 2002 by SAC Financial Corporation to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. in the original principal amount of $152,305,252 (relating to the real property owned by Twenty-Four SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership, Twenty-Five SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership, Twenty-Six SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership and Twenty-Seven SAC Self-Storage Limited Partnership) and shall be reduced to the restated principal amount of up to $76,000,000.










                        EXHIBIT “C”


For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned, pursuant to that certain SAC Participation and Subordination Agreement dated March 15, 2004 (the “Agreement”), by and among SAC Holding, AMERCO, U-Haul International, Inc. and the SAC Notes Trustee, the undersigned (the sole shareholder of SAC Holding) hereby consents to the execution delivery and performance of the Agreement by SAC Holding in accordance with its terms, and expressly consents to and agrees to be bound by the provisions of Section 4 of the Agreement which limit or prohibit the payment of dividends or distributions to the shareholder of SAC Holding, as amended from time to time in accordance with the Agreement, to the full extent as though the undersigned was a party thereto.

The undersigned acknowledges that the Parties to the Agreement are expressly and reasonably relying upon this Consent in entering into and performing their obligations under the Agreement.

Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings provided for such terms in the Agreement.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this Consent as of the 15th day of March, 2004.

BLACKWATER INVESTMENTS, INC., a Nevada corporation      
By: _____________________________________       
Its: _____________________________________      



THIS AGREEMENT TO INDEMNIFY (this "Agreement") is dated as of March ___, 2004 and is by AMERCO, a Nevada corporation ("Indemnitor") in favor of the Indemnified Persons (as defined below).
WHEREAS, as consideration for SAC Holding Corporation and SAC Holding II Corporation being proponents of the Amended Joint Plan of Reorganization of AMERCO and Amerco Real Estate Company, as the same may be amended from time to time (the "Plan"), and the undertaking by such entities of the transactions required or contemplated thereby, Indemnitor desires to indemnify the Indemnified Persons as provided herein, and the Indemnified Persons require such indemnification from AMERCO.
NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed that Indemnitor shall pay, indemnify, defend, and hold SAC Holding Corporation, a Nevada corporation, SAC Holding II Corporation, a Nevada corporation, Mark V. Shoen and Charlene Shoen, husband and wife, individuals, and each of their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, and attorneys-in-fact (if any) (each, an “Indemnified Person” and collectively, the "Indemnified Persons") harmless (to the fullest extent permitted by law) from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, investigations, proceedings, and damages, and all reasonable attorneys fees and disbursements and other costs and expenses actually incurred in connection therewith (as and when they are incurred and irrespective of whether suit is brought), at any time asserted against, imposed upon, or incurred by any of them (a) in connection with or as a result of or related to the execution, delivery, enforcement or performance of any agreement required or contemplated by the Plan (including, without limitation, the SAC Holdings Senior Notes Indenture (as defined in the Plan), the SAC Holdings Participation and Subordination Agreement (as defined in the Plan) and the Amended and Restated SAC Holding Notes (as defined in the SAC Holdings Senior Notes Indenture)) and (b) with respect to any investigation, litigation, or proceeding related to any agreement required or contemplated by the Plan (including, without limitation, the SAC Holdings Senior Notes Indenture, the SAC Holdings Participation and Subordination Agreement and the Amended and Restated SAC Holding Notes), or the use of the proceeds under any of the foregoing (irrespective of whether any Indemnified Person is a party thereto), or any act, omission, event, or circumstance in any manner related thereto (all the foregoing, collectively, the “Indemnified Liabilities”). The foregoing to the contrary notwithstanding, Indemnitor shall have no obligation to any Indemnified Person under this Agreement with respect to any otherwise Indemnified Liability (i) arising out of or in connection with any payment default or other default under the SAC Holdings Participation and Subordination Agreement, the Amended and Restated SAC Holding Notes and the SAC Holdings Senior Note Indenture, other than any default resulting primarily from the failure of the Indemnitor to comply with any contractual obligation to which it is subject, or (ii) that a court of competent jurisdiction finally determines to have resulted from the gross negligence or willful misconduct of such Indemnified Person. This Agreement shall survive the termination of all agreements required or contemplated under the Plan (including, without limitation, the SAC Holdings Senior Notes Indenture, the SAC Holdings Participation and Subordination Agreement and the Amended and Restated SAC Holding Notes), and the repayment of the obligations thereunder. If any Indemnified Person makes any payment to any

other Indemnified Person with respect to an Indemnified Liability as to which Indemnitor was required to indemnify the Indemnified Person receiving such payment, the Indemnified Person making such payment is entitled to be indemnified and reimbursed by Indemnitor with respect thereto.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned executes this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.

AMERCO, a Nevada corporation


By: _____________________________
Its: _____________________________



This instrument is subject to that certain SAC Participation and Subordination Agreement ( the "PSA") dated as of March 15, 2004 among SAC Holding Corporation, SAC Holding II Corporation (collectively, "SAC Holding"), AMERCO, U-Haul International, Inc., and Law Debenture Trust Company of New York, Inc., as Trustee under that certain Indenture with respect to the 8.5% Senior Notes due 2014 of SAC Holding

Maximum principal amount of up to                                                                Dated as of March 1, 2004

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned SAC Holding Corporation, a Nevada corporation (the "Maker" or the "undersigned"), promises to pay to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. a Nevada corporation, ("Payee"), at the principal office of the Payee at 2721 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 or at such other place or places as Payee may from time to time designate in writing, the principal sum of up to Twenty-One Million and no/100th Dollars ($21,000,000.00), or, if less, the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Loan made by Payee to Maker, with Interest on the principal balance outstanding from time to time, all as hereinafter set forth.

1. Definitions. As used in this Note, each of the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively:

"Accrual Rate": shall mean the annual interest rate of nine percent (9%).

"Additional Interest": shall mean and include both Cash Flow Contingent Interest and Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest.

"Basic Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(a) below.

"Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(h)(i) below.

"Cash Flow Contingent Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(e) below.

"Catch-Up Payment": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(d).

"Deferred Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(a).

"GAAP": shall mean generally accepted accounting principles as used and understood in the United States of America from time to time.
              "Gross Receipts": shall mean, for any period all gross receipts, revenues and income of any and every kind collected or received by or for the benefit or account of Maker and the Property Owner during such period arising from the ownership, rental, use, occupancy or operation


of the Real Property. Gross Receipts shall include, without limitation, all receipts from all tenants, licensees, customers and other occupants and users of the Real Property, including, without limitation, rents, security deposits and the like, interest earned and paid or credited on all Maker's or the Property Owner's deposit accounts related to the Real Property, all proceeds of rent or business interruption insurance, and the proceeds of all casualty insurance and eminent domain awards to the extent not applied, or reserved and applied within six (6) months after the creation of such reserve, to the restoration of the Real Property. Gross Receipts shall include the dealer commission payable from U-Haul International, Inc. (or affiliate thereof) to Maker (or affiliate thereof) for the rental of U-Haul equipment at the Real Property; provided however that such dealer commissions payable shall not be included in Gross Receipts until the 15th day of the month following the month in which such rental occurred, all in accordance with the customary procedure for the payment of dealer commissions. Gross Receipts shall not include any capital contributed to Maker or proceeds from any loan made to Maker or proceeds from the sale of any Real Property. Any receipt included within Gross Receipts in one period shall not be included within Gross Receipts for any other period (i.e., no item of revenue or receipts shall be counted twice).

"Highest Lawful Rate": shall mean the maximum rate of interest which the Payee is allowed to contract for, charge, take, reserve, or receive under applicable law after taking into account, to the extent required by applicable law, any and all relevant payments or charges hereunder.

"Interest": shall mean Basic Interest and Additional Interest.

"Loan": shall mean the unsecured loan in the amount of up to $21,000,000.00 made by Payee to Maker and evidenced by this Note, or up to such amount as may have been advanced by Payee to Maker from time to time.

"Management Fee": shall mean the fee paid to the Property Manager pursuant to the Property Management Agreement.

"Maturity Date": shall mean the first to occur of: (i) the Stated Maturity Date; (ii) the date on which the unpaid principal balance of, and unpaid Interest on, this Note shall become due and payable on account of acceleration by Payee and (iii) the date on which a Triggering Event occurs.

"Net Capital Proceeds": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(h)(iv) below.

"Net Cash Flow": shall mean, for any period, the amount by which the Gross Receipts for such period exceed the sum of Interest paid during such period and Operating Expenses paid for and with respect to such period; but Net Cash Flow for any period shall not be less than zero.

"Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service": shall mean, for any period, the amount by which the Gross Receipts for such period exceed the Operating Expenses for and with respect to such period.


"Note": shall mean this Amended and Restated Promissory Note as it may be amended, modified, extended or restated from time to time, together with all substitutions and replacements therefor.

"Operating Expenses": shall mean, for any period, all cash expenditures of Maker and the Property Owner actually paid (and properly payable) during such period for (i) real and personal property taxes on the Real Property; (ii) principal and interest on the secured Real Property debt; (iii) premiums for liability, property and other insurance on the Real Property; (iv) the Management Fee; (v) sales and rental taxes relating to the Real Property; and (vi) normal, reasonable and customary operating expenses of the Real Property. In no event shall Operating Expenses include amounts distributed to the partners or shareholder's of Maker or the Property Owner, any payments made on the Loan or any other loan obtained by Maker, amounts paid out of any funded reserve expressly approved by Payee, if any, non-cash expenses such as depreciation, or any cost or expense related to the restoration of the Property in the event of a casualty or eminent domain taking paid for from the proceeds of insurance or an eminent domain award or any reserve funded by insurance proceeds or eminent domain awards.

"Pay Rate": shall mean a rate per annum equal of two percent (2.0%).

"Pay Rate Interest": shall mean the interest on the unpaid principal balance of this Note from time to time outstanding at the Pay Rate.

"Person": shall mean any corporation, natural person, firm, joint venture, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated organization, government or any department or agency of any government.

"Property Manager": shall have the meaning given it in Section 6(f) below.

"Property Management Agreement": shall have the meaning given such term in Section 6(f) below.

"Property Owner" means Eighteen SAC Self-Storage Corporation, a Nevada corporation.

"Real Property" means the real property owned by Property Owner from time to time.
"SAC Holding Senior Notes": shall mean the 8.5% Senior Notes due 2014 of SAC Holding Corporation and SAC Holding II Corporation.

"SAC Notes Indenture": shall mean that certain Indenture with respect to the SAC Holding Senior Notes.
                                "Sale": shall mean any direct or indirect sale, assignment, transfer, conveyance,


 lease or disposition of any kind whatsoever of (i) the Real Property or any portion thereof (excluding leases and licenses in the ordinary course of business, the granting of easements, servitudes, rights-of-way, dedications and like interests in the ordinary course of business and conveyances pursuant to condemnations or eminent domain) or (ii) 25% or more (in the aggregate of all such sales, assignments, transfers, conveyances or dispositions made at any time or from time to time, taken together) of the equity interests in Property Owner.

"Stated Maturity Date": shall mean the earlier of (i) January 1, 2022 and (ii) from and after April 1, 2014, on demand by Payee.

"Triggering Event": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(h)(ii) below.
    2. Interest.

(a) Basic Interest Rate Prior to Maturity. From the date hereof through and including the Maturity Date, interest ("Basic Interest") shall accrue on the principal balance of this Note outstanding from time to time at the Accrual Rate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, on the first business day of each month commencing on March 1, 2004 and through the Maturity Date, Maker shall pay to Payee Pay Rate Interest on the unpaid principal balance of this Note. The remainder of the Basic Interest ("Deferred Interest") shall be deferred and shall bear interest at the Accrual Rate, and shall be payable as and at the time provided in Section 2(d) below. Any accrued interest on the Deferred Interest shall be considered part of Deferred Interest.

All interest hereunder shall be payable monthly in arrears, on the first business day of each month.

(b) Post-Maturity Basic Interest. From and after the Maturity Date, Basic Interest shall accrue and be payable on the outstanding principal balance hereof until paid in full at an annual rate equal to fifteen percent (15%) and such interest shall be payable upon demand.

(c) Computations. All computations of interest and fees payable hereunder shall be based upon a year of 360 days for the actual number of days elapsed.

(d) Deferred Interest. Deferred Interest shall be paid as follows:

(i) On each monthly date for the payment of Basic Interest, Maker shall pay an amount, if any (the "Catch-Up Payment"), equal to the lesser of (i) the aggregate outstanding Deferred Interest on the last day of the month for which such payment is being made and (ii) ninety percent (90%) of the result of subtracting from Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service for that month an amount equal to twice the Pay Rate Interest for such period;

(ii) All unpaid Deferred Interest shall be paid on the Maturity Date; and

(iii) No payment of Deferred Interest may, when added to all other payments of Interest or payments construed as interest, shall exceed the Highest Lawful Rate.


(e) Cash Flow Contingent Interest. In addition to Basic Interest and Deferred Interest, on each date on which Basic Interest is payable hereunder, Maker shall pay to Payee interest ("Cash Flow Contingent Interest") in an amount equal to the amount (if any) by which (i) ninety percent (90%) of the result of subtracting from Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service for that month an amount equal to twice the Pay Rate Interest for such period (each calculated as of that date) exceeds (ii) the Catch-Up Payment paid on that date by Maker to Payee.

(f) Statements; Adjustment of Payments. Within thirty (30) days following the due date for each payment of Basic Interest, Maker shall, upon the request of Payee, deliver to Payee a statement of operations of the Real Property for the month or other period with respect to which such Basic Interest is due, showing in reasonable detail and in a format approved by Payee the respective amounts of, and the method of calculating Gross Receipts, Operating Expenses, Net Cash Flow, Catch-Up Payment and Cash Flow Contingent Interest for the preceding month, as well as (if requested by Payee) all data reasonably necessary for the calculation of any such amounts. Maker shall keep and maintain at all times full and accurate books of account and records adequate to correctly reflect all such amounts. Such books and records shall be available for at least five years after the end of the month to which they relate. Payee shall have the right to inspect, copy and audit such books of account and records during reasonable business hours, and upon prior reasonable notice to Maker, for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any payments made on account of any interest payments made hereunder. The costs of any such audit will be paid by Payee, except that Maker shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses of any such audit which discloses that any amount properly payable by Maker to Payee hereunder exceeded by five percent (5%) or more the amount actually paid and initially reported by Maker as being payable with respect thereto.

(g) Prorations of Cash Flow Contingent Interest. All interest shall be equitably prorated on the basis of a 360-day year for any partial month in which the term of the Loan commences or in which the Note is paid in full.

(h) Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest.

(i) Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest Defined. Subject to Section 2(i) hereof, Maker shall pay to Payee, in addition to Pay Rate Interest, Deferred Interest and Cash Flow Contingent Interest, at the time or times and in the manner hereinafter described, an amount equal to ninety percent (90%) of the Net Capital Proceeds resulting from, or determined at the time of, any of the Triggering Events described below (collectively, "Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest").

(ii) Events Triggering Payment of Net Capital Proceeds. Subject to Section 2(i) hereof, Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest shall be due and payable concurrently with the occurrence of each and every one of the following events (collectively "Triggering Events", and individually, a "Triggering Event"):

(A) Property Sale or Financing. The closing of any Sale or refinancing of the Real Property (any such event is hereinafter collectively referred to as a "Sale or Financing");


(B) Default Occurrence. The occurrence of any Event of Default and the acceleration of the maturity of the Loan on account thereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "Default Occurrence"); and

(C) Maturity Occurrence. The occurrence of the Maturity Date (the "Maturity Occurrence").

(iii) Notice of Triggering Event: Time for Payment of Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest. Maker shall notify Payee of the occurrence of a Triggering Event, and shall pay Payee the full amount of any applicable Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest which is payable in connection therewith, as follows:

(A) In the case of any Sale or Financing or the Maturity Occurrence, Maker shall give Payee written notice of any such Triggering Event not less than forty-five (45) days before the date such Triggering Event is to occur. Any Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest due Payee on account of any Sale or Financing or the Maturity Occurrence shall be due and payable to Payee within ninety (90) days of the date on which such Triggering Event occurs.

(B) In the case of a Default Occurrence, no notice of such a Triggering Event need be given by Maker. In such event, payment of any and all Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest on account of the Default Occurrence shall be immediately due and payable upon acceleration of the maturity of the Loan.

(iv) Determination of Net Capital Proceeds. Net Capital Proceeds resulting from a Triggering Event shall be determined as follows:

(A) Net Capital Proceeds From Sale or Financing. Except as provided in Section 2(h)(iv)(B) below, in the event of a Sale or Financing, "Net Capital Proceeds" shall be the amount which is equal to: (i) the Gross Capital Proceeds (as hereinafter defined) realized from the Real Property minus (ii) the sum of: (aa) reasonable brokerage commissions (excluding any payments to any affiliate of Maker to the extent such payments exceed those which would have been due as commissions to a non-affiliate broker rendering identical services), title insurance premiums, documentary transfer or stamp taxes, mortgage taxes, environmental report fees, escrow fees and recording charges, appraisal fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, and sales taxes, in each case actually paid or payable by Maker (or Property Owner) in connection with the Sale or Financing, (bb) all payments of principal, Basic Interest and Cash Flow Contingent Interest payable to Payee on account of this Note from the proceeds of such Sale or Financing, and (cc) an amount equal to all payments of principal, interest and yield maintenance and/or defeasance fees and expenses due and payable on any senior loans, if any (including, without limitation the SAC Holding Senior Notes), made from the proceeds of such Sale or Financing. For purposes of this Section 2(h), "Gross Capital Proceeds" shall mean the gross proceeds of whatever form or nature payable directly or indirectly to or for the benefit or account of Maker in connection with such Sale or Financing, including, without limitation: cash, the outstanding balance of any financing which will remain as a lien or encumbrance against the Real Property or any portion thereof following such Sale or Financing (but

only in the case of a Sale, and not in the case of an encumbrance), and the cash equivalent of the fair market value of any non-cash consideration, including the present value of any promissory note received as part of the proceeds of such Sale or Financing (valued at a market rate of interest).
                      (B) Net Capital Proceeds In Connection With a Default or Maturity Occurrence. In the event of a Default Occurrence or the Maturity Occurrence when no Sale or Financing has occurred, the "Net Capital Proceeds" shall equal: (i) the fair market value of the Real Property determined as of the date of such Triggering Event in accordance with Section 2(h)(v) below, minus (ii) the sum of (aa) the outstanding principal balance, together with accrued but unpaid Basic Interest on this Note and (bb) the outstanding principal balance of, and accrued but unpaid interest on, the secured Real Property debt.

(v) Determination of Fair Market Value. The fair market value of the Real Property shall be determined for purposes of this Note as follows:

(A) Partial Sale. In the event of a Sale of a portion of the Real Property, Payee shall select an experienced and reputable appraiser to prepare a written appraisal report of the fair market value of the Real Property in accordance with clause (C) below, and the appraised fair market value submitted to Payee by such appraiser shall be conclusive for purposes of this Note.

(B) Other Occurrences. In all other circumstances the fair market value of the Real Property shall be deemed to equal the result of dividing the Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service for the immediately preceding fiscal year by ten percent (10%). However, if the Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service for the immediately preceding fiscal year has been lowered because of unusually high Operating Expenses during such fiscal year the fair market value of the Real Property may, at the option of the Maker be determined by dividing by ten percent (10%) the mean average of the Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service of the Real Property for the three immediately preceding fiscal years of the Real Property.

(C) Appraisal Standards and Assumptions. In making any determination by appraisal of fair market value, the appraiser(s) shall assume that the improvements then located on the Real Property constitute the highest and best use of the property. If the Triggering Event is a Sale or Financing, the appraiser(s) shall take the sales price into account, although such sales price shall not be determinative of fair market value. Each appraiser selected hereunder shall be an independent MAI-designated appraiser with not less than ten years' experience in commercial real estate appraisal in the general geographical area where the Real Property is located.

(vi) Statement, Books and Records. With each payment of Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest, Maker shall furnish to Payee a statement setting forth Maker's calculation of Net Capital Proceeds and Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest and shall provide a detailed breakdown of all items necessary for such calculation. For a period of five years after each payment of Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest, Maker shall keep and maintain full and accurate books and records adequate to correctly reflect each such item. Said books and records shall be available for Payee's 


inspection, copying and audit during reasonable business hours following reasonable notice for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of the payments made on account of Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest. The costs of any such audit will be paid by Payee, except that Maker shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses of any such audit which discloses that any amount properly payable by Maker to Payee hereunder exceeded by five percent (5%) or more the amount actually paid and initially reported by maker as being payable with respect thereto.
                (viii) Negative Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Payee shall not be responsible or liable in any respect to Maker or any other Person for any reduction in the fair market value of the Real Property or for any contingency, condition or occurrence that might result in a negative number for Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest. If at any time it is calculated, Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest shall be a negative amount, no Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest shall at that time be payable to Payee, but Payee shall in no way be liable for any such negative amount and there shall be no deduction or offset for such negative amount at any time when Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest shall be subsequently calculated.

(i) Limitation on Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest while SAC Holding Senior Notes Remain Outstanding. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, in the event a Triggering Event takes place at any time while all or any portion of the SAC Holding Senior Notes is outstanding, the payment of any Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest on account of such occurrence shall be deferred as hereinafter provided, and any amounts constituting Excess Sale Proceeds or Excess Refinancing Proceeds under the SAC Notes Indenture related to such occurrence shall be applied to redeem or repurchase the SAC Holding Senior Notes, in accordance with the terms of the SAC Notes Indenture, it being agreed that payment of Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest is subordinate to the payment in full of the SAC Holding Senior Notes. Subject to the terms of the SAC Notes Indenture and the PSA, Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest shall be paid within five years of the occurrence of such Triggering Event.
3. Usury Savings Clause. The provisions of this Section 3 shall govern and control over any inconsistent provision contained in this Note. The Payee hereof shall never be entitled to receive, collect, or apply as interest hereon (for purposes of this Section 3, the word "interest" shall be deemed to include Basic Interest, Additional Interest and any other sums treated as interest under applicable law governing matters of usury and unlawful interest), any amount in excess of the Highest Lawful Rate (hereinafter defined) and, in the event the Payee ever receives, collects, or applies as interest any such excess, such amount which would be excessive interest shall be deemed a partial prepayment of principal and shall be treated hereunder as such; and, if the principal of this Note is paid in full, any remaining excess shall forthwith be paid to Maker. In determining whether or not the interest paid or payable, under any specific contingency, exceeds the Highest Lawful Rate, Maker and the Payee shall, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, (i) characterize any nonprincipal payment as an expense, fee, or premium rather than as interest, (ii) exclude voluntary prepayments and the effects thereof, and (iii) spread the total amount of interest throughout the entire contemplated term of this Note; provided, that if this Note is paid and performed in full prior to the end of the full contemplated term hereof, and if the interest received for the actual period of existence hereof exceeds the Highest Lawful Rate, the Payee shall refund to 


Maker the amount of such excess or credit the amount of such excess against the principal of this Note, and, in such event, the Payee shall not be subject to any penalties provided by any laws for contracting for, charging, or receiving interest in excess of the Highest Lawful Rate.
       4. Payments.

(a) Interest. Maker promises to pay to Payee Basic Interest and Additional Interest the respective amounts, and at the respective times provided in Section 2 hereinabove. No principal payments shall be due hereunder except as required at the Maturity Date. Each payment of Basic Interest (including without limitation, Deferred Interest) and Additional Interest shall be payable in Phoenix, Arizona (or at any other place which Payee may hereafter designate from time to time for such purpose in a notice duly given to Maker hereunder), not later than noon, Pacific Standard Time, on the date due thereof; and funds received after that hour shall be deemed to have been received by the Payee on the next following business day. Whenever any payment to be made under this Note shall be stated to be due on a date which is not a business day, the due date thereof shall be extended to the next succeeding business day, and interest shall be payable at the applicable rate during such extension.

(b) Principal. The principal amount of this Note, together with all accrued but unpaid Interest, shall be due and payable upon the Maturity Date.

(c)  Late Payment Charges. If any amount of Interest, principal or any other charge or amount which becomes due and payable under this Note is not paid and received by the Payee within five business days after the date it first becomes due and payable, Maker shall pay to the Payee hereof a late payment charge in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of the full amount of such late payment, whether such late payment is received prior to or after the expiration of the ten-day cure period set forth in Section 8(a). Maker recognizes that in the event any payment hereunder (other than the principal payment due upon Maturity Date, whether by acceleration or otherwise) is not made when due, Payee will incur extra expenses in handling the delinquent payment, the exact amount of which is impossible to ascertain, but that a charge of five percent (5%) of the amount of the delinquent payment is a reasonable estimate of the expenses reasonably anticipated to be so incurred.

(d) Prepayment. Maker shall have the right to prepay this Note, without penalty, in whole or in part, at any time in Maker's discretion.

5. Representations and Warranties of Maker. Maker represents and warrants to Payee, as of the date hereof, that:

(a) Due Authorization. Maker is a corporation duly organized and validly existing under the laws of the state of its organization, and has the power and authority to execute and deliver this Note and consummate the transactions contemplated hereby;
                               (b) No Violation. Maker's execution, delivery and performance of its obligations under this Note do not and will not violate the articles of incorporation or by-laws of Maker and will


 not violate, conflict with or constitute a default under any agreement to which Maker is a party;

(c) Consents. No consents, approvals, filings, or notices of, with or to any Person are required on the part of Maker in connection with Maker's execution, delivery and performance of its obligations hereunder that have not been duly obtained, made or given, as the case may be;

(d) Enforceability. The Note is valid, binding and enforceable in accordance with its terms, except as the enforceability hereof may be limited by bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium, reorganization or similar laws relating to or affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally.

(e) Place of Business. Maker’s principal place of business is located at 715 South Country Club Drive, Mesa, AZ 85210.

6. Affirmative Covenants. Maker hereby covenants and agrees that, so long as any indebtedness under the Note remains unpaid, Maker shall:

(a) Use of Proceeds. Use the proceeds of the Loan to capitalize the Property Owner and/or for other lawful corporate purposes.

(b)  Inspection of Property; Books and Records; Discussions. Keep proper books of record and account in which full, true and correct entries in conformity with GAAP shall be made of all dealings and transactions in relation to its business and activities and, upon reasonable notice, permit representatives of Payee to examine and make abstracts from any of its books and records at any reasonable time and as often as may reasonably be desired by Payee and to discuss the business, operations, properties and financial and other conditions of Maker with officers and employees of Maker and with its independent certified public accountants. Such books and records shall be available for at least five (5) years after the end of the relevant calendar month. Payee shall have the right to inspect, copy and audit such books of account and records at Payee's expense, during reasonable business hours, and upon reasonable notice to Maker, for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of any principal payments made. The costs of any such audit will be paid by Payee, except that Maker shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses of any such audit which discloses that any amount properly payable by Maker to Payee hereunder exceeded by five percent (5%) or more the amount actually paid and initially reported by Maker as being payable with respect thereto.
            (c) Notices. Give prompt written notice to Payee of (i) any claims, proceedings or disputes (whether or not purportedly on behalf of Maker) against, or to Maker's knowledge, threatened or affecting Maker or the Real Property which, if adversely determined, could reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on Maker (without in any way limiting the foregoing, claims, proceedings, or disputes involving in the aggregate monetary amounts in excess of $500,000 not fully covered by insurance shall be deemed to be material). Additionally, Maker shall give prompt written notice to Payee of any fact known to Maker which would prohibit the making of any payment on or in respect of this Note, but failure to give such notice shall not affect any


subordination of this Note to the SAC Holding Senior Notes as provided in Section 2(i) hereof or otherwise.
               (d) Expenses. Pay all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses (including fees and disbursements of counsel, including special local counsel) of Payee, incident to any amendments, waivers and renewals of this Note.

(e) Co-operation. Execute and deliver to Payee any and all instruments, documents and agreements, and do or cause to be done from time to time any and all other acts, reasonably deemed necessary or desirable by Payee to effectuate the provisions and purposes of this Note.

(f) Management Agreement. Cause or permit the Real Property to be managed by subsidiaries of U-Haul International, Inc. or to be at all times managed by a nationally recognized self-storage property management company (the "Property Manager") approved by the Payee, which Property Manager shall be employed pursuant to an agreement (the "Property Management Agreement") approved by the Payee. In no event shall the fees paid (or required to be paid) to the Property Manager exceed six percent (6%) of Gross Receipts for any time period.

7. Negative Covenants. Maker hereby agrees that, as long as any indebtedness under the Note remains unpaid, Maker shall not, directly or indirectly:

(a) Indebtedness. Create, incur or assume any Indebtedness except for: (i) the SAC Holding Senior Notes; (ii) the Loan; (iii) Maker’s contingent obligations under the secured Real Property debt (as the same may be amended, extended or refinanced from time to time by mortgage loan, sale leaseback transaction or otherwise) and the other senior mortgage loans extended to subsidiaries or other affiliates of Maker (as the same may be amended, extended or refinanced from time to time by mortgage loan, sale leaseback transaction or otherwise); (iv) non-delinquent taxes; (v) unsecured debt incurred in the ordinary course of business and (vi) other indebtedness owed to Payee and its affiliates; provided, however, that for so long as the SAC Holding Senior Notes are outstanding, Maker shall not incur any Indebtedness prohibited by the terms of the SAC Notes Indenture.

(b) No Bankruptcy Filing. To the extent permitted by law, without the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors of the Maker (for these purposes such Board of Directors will not include any committee thereof) voluntarily file any petition for bankruptcy, reorganization, assignment for the benefit of creditors or similar proceeding.

8. Event of Default; Remedies. Any one of the following occurrences shall constitute an Event of Default under this Note:
               (a) The failure by the undersigned to make any payment of principal or Interest upon this Note as and when the same becomes due and payable in accordance with the provisions hereof, and the continuation of such failure for a period of ten (10) days after receipt of notice


 thereof to the Maker;

(b) Any representation, warranty or certification made by Maker herein or in any report delivered to the Payee under or in connection with this Note is materially inaccurate or incomplete as of the date made; provided, however, that such inaccurate or incomplete representation, warranty or certification is material and cannot be cured without material prejudice to the Payee within 30 days written notice thereof to Maker;

(c) The failure by Maker to perform any obligation under, or the occurrence of any other default with respect to any provision of, this Note other than as described in any of the other clauses of this Section 8, and the continuation of such default for a period of 30 days after written notice thereof to the Maker;

(d)  (i) Maker shall file, institute or commence any case, proceeding or other action (A) under any existing or future law of any jurisdiction, domestic or foreign, relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, reorganization or relief of debtors, seeking to have an order for relief entered with respect to it, or seeking to adjudicate it a bankrupt or insolvent, or seeking reorganization, arrangement, adjustment, winding-up, liquidation, dissolution, composition or other relief with respect to it or its debts, or (B) seeking appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar official for it or for all or any substantial part of its assets, or Maker shall make a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors; or (ii) there shall be filed, instituted or commenced against Maker any case, proceeding or other action of a nature referred to in clause (i) above which (A) results in the entry of any order for relief or any such adjudication or appointment, or (B) remains undismissed undischarged for a period of 60 days; or (iii) there shall be commenced against Maker any case, proceeding or other action seeking issuance of a warrant of attachment, execution, distraint or similar process against all or substantially all of its assets which results in the entry of an order for any such relief which shall not have been vacated, discharged, stayed, satisfied, or bonded to Payee's satisfaction pending appeal, within 60 days from the first entry thereof; or (iv) Maker shall take any action in furtherance of, or indicating its consent to, approval of, or acquiescence in, any of the acts described in any of the preceding clauses (i), (ii) or (iii); or (v) Maker shall not, or shall be unable to, or shall admit in writing its inability to, pay its debts as they become due, or shall in writing admit that it is insolvent; or
            (f) one or more final judgments or orders that exceed $80 million in the aggregate (net of amounts bonded, covered by insurance or covered by a binding agreement for indemnification from a third party) for the payment of money have been entered by a court or courts of competent jurisdiction against Maker and such judgment or judgments have not been satisfied, stayed, annulled or rescinded within 60 days of being entered or, in the event such judgments have been bonded to the extent required pending appeal, after the date such judgments become non-appealable.
        Upon the occurrence of any Event of Default hereunder, the entire unpaid principal balance of, and any unpaid Basic Interest and Additional Interest then accrued on, this Note at the option of the Payee and without demand or notice of any kind to the undersigned or any other person, shall, subject to the PSA, immediately become and be due and payable in full; and the Payee shall have

 and may exercise any and all rights and remedies available at law or in equity.

9. Offset. In addition to (and not in limitation of) any rights of offset that the Payee hereof may have under applicable law, upon the occurrence of any Event of Default hereunder the Payee hereof shall have the right, immediately and without notice, to appropriate and apply to the payment of this Note any and all balances, credits, deposits, accounts or moneys of the Maker then or thereafter with or held by the Payee or an affiliate of Payee.

10. Allocation of Balances or of Payments. At any and all times until this Note and all amounts hereunder (including principal, Interest, and other charges and amounts, if any) are paid in full, all payments (whether of principal, Interest or other amounts) made by the undersigned or any other person (including any guarantor) to the Payee hereof may be allocated by the Payee to principal, Interest or other charges or amounts as the Payee may determine in its sole, exclusive and unreviewable discretion (and without notice to or the consent of any person).

11. Captions. Any headings or captions in this Note are inserted for convenience of reference only, and they shall not be deemed to constitute a part hereof, nor shall they be used to construe or interpret the provisions of this Note.

12. Waiver.

(a) Maker, for itself and for its successors, transferees and assigns, hereby waives diligence, presentment and demand for payment, protest, notice of protest and nonpayment, dishonor and notice of dishonor, notice of the intention to accelerate, notice of acceleration, and all other demands or notices of any and every kind whatsoever (except only for any notice of default expressly provided for in Section 8 of this Note) and the undersigned agrees that this Note and any or all payments coming due hereunder may be extended from time to time in the sole discretion of the Payee hereof without in any way affecting or diminishing their liability hereunder.

(b) No extension of the time for the payment of this Note or any payment becoming due or payable hereunder, which may be made by agreement with any Person now or hereafter liable for the payment of this Note, shall operate to release, discharge, modify, change or affect the original liability under this Note, either in whole or in part, of the Maker if it is not a party to such agreement.

(c) No delay in the exercise of any right or remedy hereunder shall be deemed a waiver of such right or remedy, nor shall the exercise of any right or remedy be deemed an election of remedies or a waiver of any other right or remedy. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the failure of the Payee hereof promptly after the occurrence of any Event of Default hereunder to exercise its right to declare the indebtedness remaining unmatured hereunder to be immediately due and payable shall not constitute a waiver of such right while such Event of Default continues nor a waiver of such right in connection with any future Event of Default on the part of the undersigned.
    13. Payment of Costs. The undersigned hereby expressly agrees that upon the

occurrence of any Event of Default under this Note, the undersigned will pay to the Payee hereof, on demand, all reasonable costs of collection or enforcement, including (but not limited to) all attorneys' fees, court costs, and other costs and reasonable expenses incurred by the Payee hereof, on demand, all reasonable costs of collection or enforcement, including (but not limited to) all attorneys' fees, court costs, and other reasonable costs and expenses incurred by the Payee hereof in connection with the protection of this Note, whether or not any lawsuit is ever filed with respect thereto.

14. Unsecured Note. This Note is unsecured.

15. Notices. All notices, demands and other communications hereunder to either party shall be made in writing and shall be deemed to have been given when actually received or, if mailed, on the first to occur of actual receipt or the third business day after the deposit thereof in the United States mails, by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows:
    If to the Maker:            SAC Holding Corporation
            715 South Country Club Drive
            Mesa, AZ 85210
            Attention: President
            Fax No.: 480-835-5478
    If to Payee :                  U-Haul International, Inc.
            2721 North Central Avenue
            Phoenix, Arizona 85004
            Attention: President
or to either party at such other address as such party may designate as its address for the receipt of notices hereunder in a written notice duly given to the other party.

16. Time of the Essence. Time is hereby declared to be of the essence of this Note and of every part hereof.

17. Governing Law. This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of Arizona.

18. Jurisdiction. In any controversy, dispute or question arising hereunder, the Maker consents to the exercise of jurisdiction over its person and property by any court of competent jurisdiction situated in the State of Arizona (whether it be a court of the State of Arizona, or a court of the United States of America situated in the State of Arizona), and in connection therewith, agrees to submit to, and be bound by, the jurisdiction of such court upon Payee's mailing of process by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, within or without the State of Arizona, to the Maker at its address for receipt of notices under this Note.




21. Entire Agreement. This Note constitutes the entire agreement between Maker and Payee. No representations, warranties, undertakings, or promises whether written or oral, expressed or implied have been made by the Payee or its agent unless expressly stated in this Note.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed and delivered this Note, pursuant to proper authority duly granted, as of the date and year first above written.

a Nevada corporation

By: __________________________________ 
Its: ___________________________________



This instrument is subject to that certain SAC Participation and Subordination Agreement (the "PSA") dated as of March 15, 2004 among SAC Holding Corporation, SAC Holding II Corporation (collectively, "SAC Holding"), AMERCO, U-Haul International, Inc., and Law Debenture Trust Company of New York, Inc., as Trustee under that certain Indenture with respect to the 8.5% Senior Notes due 2014 of SAC Holding

Maximum principal amount of up to                                            Dated as of March 1, 2004

FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned SAC Holding Corporation, a Nevada corporation (the "Maker" or the "undersigned"), promises to pay to the order of U-Haul International, Inc. a Nevada corporation, ("Payee"), at the principal office of the Payee at 2721 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85004 or at such other place or places as Payee may from time to time designate in writing, the principal sum of up to Forty-Seven Million Five Hundred Thousand and no/100th Dollars ($47,500,000.00), or, if less, the aggregate unpaid principal amount of the Loan made by Payee to Maker, with Interest on the principal balance outstanding from time to time, all as hereinafter set forth.

1. Definitions. As used in this Note, each of the following terms shall have the following meanings, respectively:

"Accrual Rate": shall mean the annual interest rate of nine percent (9%).

"Additional Interest": shall mean and include both Cash Flow Contingent Interest and Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest.

"Basic Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(a) below.

"Capital Proceeds Contingent Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(h)(i) below.

"Cash Flow Contingent Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(e) below.

"Catch-Up Payment": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(d).

"Deferred Interest": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(a).

"GAAP": shall mean generally accepted accounting principles as used and understood in the United States of America from time to time.
               "Gross Receipts": shall mean, for any period all gross receipts, revenues and income of any and every kind collected or received by or for the benefit or account of Maker and the Property Owner during such period arising from the ownership, rental, use, occupancy or operation of the Real Property. Gross Receipts shall include, without limitation, all receipts from all tenants,


licensees, customers and other occupants and users of the Real Property, including, without limitation, rents, security deposits and the like, interest earned and paid or credited on all
Maker's or the Property Owner's deposit accounts related to the Real Property, all proceeds of rent or business interruption insurance, and the proceeds of all casualty insurance and
minent domain awards to the extent not applied, or reserved and applied within six (6) months after the creation of such reserve, to the restoration of the Real Property. Gross Receipts
shall include the dealer commission payable from U-Haul International, Inc. (or affiliate thereof) to Maker (or affiliate thereof) for the rental of U-Haul equipment at the Real Property;
provided however that such dealer commissions payable shall not be included in Gross Receipts until the 15th day of the month following the month in which such rental occurred, all
in accordance with the customary procedure for the payment of dealer commissions. Gross Receipts shall not include any capital contributed to Maker or proceeds from any loan made
to Maker or proceeds from the sale of any Real Property. Any receipt included within Gross Receipts in one period shall not be included within Gross Receipts for any other period (i.e.
no item of revenue or receipts shall be counted twice).

"Highest Lawful Rate": shall mean the maximum rate of interest which the Payee is allowed to contract for, charge, take, reserve, or receive under applicable law after taking into account, to the extent required by applicable law, any and all relevant payments or charges hereunder.

"Interest": shall mean Basic Interest and Additional Interest.

"Loan": shall mean the unsecured loan in the amount of up to $47,500,000.00 made by Payee to Maker and evidenced by this Note, or up to such amount as may have been advanced by Payee to Maker from time to time.

"Management Fee": shall mean the fee paid to the Property Manager pursuant to the Property Management Agreement.

"Maturity Date": shall mean the first to occur of: (i) the Stated Maturity Date; (ii) the date on which the unpaid principal balance of, and unpaid Interest on, this Note shall become due and payable on account of acceleration by Payee and (iii) the date on which a Triggering Event occurs.

"Net Capital Proceeds": shall have the meaning given it in Section 2(h)(iv) below.

"Net Cash Flow": shall mean, for any period, the amount by which the Gross Receipts for such period exceed the sum of Interest paid during such period and Operating Expenses paid for and with respect to such period; but Net Cash Flow for any period shall not be less than zero.

"Net Cash Flow Before Debt Service": shall mean, for any period, the amount by which the Gross Receipts for such period exceed the Operating Expenses for and with respect to such period.

"Note": shall mean this Amended and Restated Promissory Note as it may be amended, modified, extended or restated from time to time, together with all substitutions and replacements therefor.


"Operating Expenses": shall mean, for any period, all cash expenditures of Maker and the Property Owner actually paid (and properly payable) during such period for (i) real and personal property taxes on the Real Property; (ii) principal and interest on the secured Real Property debt; (iii) premiums for liability, property and other insurance on the Real Property; (iv) the Management Fee; (v) sales and rental taxes relating to the Real Property; and (vi) normal, reasonable and customary operating expenses of the Real Property. In no event shall Operating Expenses include amounts distributed to the partners or shareholder's of Maker or the Property Owner, any payments made on the Loan or any other loan obtained by Maker, amounts paid out of any funded reserve expressly approved by Payee, if any, non-cash expenses such as depreciation, or any cost or expense related to the restoration of the Property in the event of a casualty or eminent domain taking paid for from the proceeds of insurance or an eminent domain award or any reserve funded by insurance proceeds or eminent domain awards.

"Pay Rate": shall mean a rate per annum equal of two percent (2.0%).

"Pay Rate Interest": shall mean the interest on the unpaid principal balance of this Note from time to time outstanding at the Pay Rate.

"Person": shall mean any corporation, natural person, firm, joint venture, general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, trust, unincorporated organization, government or any department or agency of any government.

"Property Manager": shall have the meaning given it in Section 6(f) below.

"Property Management Agreement": shall have the meaning given such term in Section 6(f) below.

"Property Owner" means, collectively, Twenty SAC Self-Storage Corporation, a Nevada corporation, Twenty-One SAC Self-Storage Corporation, a Nevada corporation, Twenty-Two SAC Self-Storage Corporation, a Nevada corporation and Twenty-Three SAC Self-Storage Corporation, a Nevada corporation.

"Real Property" means the real property owned by Property Owner from time to time.