(Commission File No. 1-14862 )
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
Yes ______ No ___X___
To Shareholders, Members of the Board and Management
Braskem S.A.
Camaçari - Bahia
We have reviewed the accompanying individual and consolidated interim financial information of Braskem S.A. (the “Company”) included in the Quarterly Financial Information for the quarter ended June 30, 2017, which comprises the balance sheet as of June 30, 2017, the statements of profit or loss and comprehensive income for the three and six-month period then ended, changes in equity and cash flows for the six-month period then ended, and notes to the interim financial information.
Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this individual interim financial information in accordance with CPC 21(R1) Technical Pronouncement - Interim Financial Reporting and the consolidated interim financial information in accordance with CPC 21(R1) and international standard IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board - IASB, as well as for the presentation of this quarterly information in accordance with the standards issued by CVM - Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission, applicable to the preparation of interim financial information. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this interim financial information based on our review.
Scope of review
We conducted our review in accordance with Brazilian and international review standards applicable to interim financial information (NBC TR 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity and ISRE 2410 - Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, respectively). A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying individual interim financial information referred to above is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21(R1) applicable to the preparation of interim financial information and presented in accordance with the standards issued by CVM - Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.
Conclusion on the consolidated interim financial information
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying consolidated interim financial information referred to above is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with CPC 21(R1) and IAS 34, issued by the IASB, applicable to the preparation of interim financial information and presented in accordance with the standards issued by CVM - Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.
Emphasis of a matter
We call your attention to note 19.3, which says about the ratification of the Leniency Agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Federal Prosecution Office, the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States of America, and with the General Prosecution Office of Switzerland, in the approximate amount of R$3.1 billion, and discloses information on progress of class action brought in the United States of America. Except for the value of the Agreement, as well as other non-monetary penalties enforced, the Company is not able, for the moment, to reliably foresee or measure the extent of financial and non-financial impacts on the Company and, accordingly, is not able to record possible additional losses that confirmation of accusations, possible lawsuits filed by other authorities and/or third-parties, and parallel investigations could cause to the Company, as well as resources required to remedy such occurrences, including possible effects deriving from the outcome of above-mentioned class action. Our opinion is not qualified in relation to this matter.
Other matters
Statements of value added
We also reviewed the individual and consolidated statements of value added for the six-month period ended June 30, 2017, prepared under the responsibility of the Company's management, whose presentation on the interim financial information is required under the standards issued by CVM - Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission applicable to the preparation of Interim Financial Information and considered as additional information by IFRS, which do not require the presentation of the statement of value added. These statements have been submitted to the same review procedures described above and, based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statements of value added are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the individual and consolidated interim financial information taken as a whole.
Restatement of the corresponding values
According to mencioned in the note 2.5, as a result of the change in accounting policy in the presentation of interest paid in the Cash Flow and in the classification of the bonus provision, the interim financial information related to the statements of profit or loss for the three and six-month period and cash flows for the six-month period ended June 30, 2016, presented for comparison purposes, were adjusted and has been restated, as required in the CPC 23 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors and CPC 26 (R1) - Presentation of Financial Statements. Our conclusion is not qualified in respect of this matter.
KPMG Auditores Independentes
CRC 2SP014428/O-6
Original report in Portuguese signed by
Anselmo Neves Macedo
Accountant CRC 1SP160482/O-6
Braskem S.A.
Balance sheet
at June 30, 2017
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated |
Parent company | |||||||||
Assets |
Note |
Jun/2017 |
Dec/2016 |
Jun/2017 |
Dec/2016 | |||||
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
4 |
5,711,450 |
6,701,864 |
2,715,732 |
3,561,431 | |||||
Financial investments |
5 |
2,677,819 |
1,190,483 |
2,231,608 |
741,086 | ||||
Trade accounts receivable |
6 |
2,460,514 |
1,634,137 |
1,419,285 |
952,689 | |||||
Inventories |
7 |
5,907,679 |
5,238,014 |
3,978,654 |
3,795,899 | |||||
Taxes recoverable |
9 |
1,184,187 |
826,015 |
604,666 |
543,275 | |||||
Dividends and interest on capital |
8 |
20,729 |
14,986 |
37,165 |
31,421 | |||||
Prepaid expenses |
0 |
204,444 |
101,747 |
132,234 |
83,252 | |||||
Related parties |
8(b) |
- |
- |
16,260 |
172,344 | |||||
Derivatives operations |
15.2.1 |
- |
8,387 |
- |
8,387 | |||||
Other receivables |
311,058 |
180,915 |
247,029 |
128,231 | ||||||
| |||||||
18,477,880 |
15,896,548 |
11,382,633 |
10,018,015 | |||||||
Non-current assets held for sale |
3 |
- |
359,704 |
- |
263,912 | |||||
0 |
0 |
18,477,880 |
16,256,252 |
11,382,633 |
10,281,927 | ||||||
Non-current assets |
0 |
Trade accounts receivable |
6 |
62,697 |
70,236 |
3,429,639 |
2,794,889 | |||||
Advances to suppliers |
7 |
53,998 |
61,533 |
53,998 |
61,533 | |||||
Taxes recoverable |
9 |
1,148,419 |
1,088,353 |
1,050,215 |
998,039 | |||||
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
17(b.ii) |
1,026,328 |
1,653,115 |
- |
42,459 | |||||
Judicial deposits |
0 |
243,349 |
233,320 |
236,788 |
226,894 | |||||
Related parties |
8(b) |
- |
- |
14,977 |
14,472 | |||||
Insurance claims |
0 |
39,650 |
50,653 |
39,650 |
50,653 | |||||
Derivatives operations |
15.2.1 |
14,820 |
29,308 |
- |
- | |||||
Other receivables |
0 |
174,117 |
140,971 |
143,265 |
129,704 | |||||
Investments |
10(b) |
96,880 |
92,313 |
6,318,007 |
4,132,529 | |||||
Property, plant and equipment |
11 |
30,448,082 |
29,336,710 |
15,598,223 |
15,963,127 | |||||
Intangible assets |
12 |
2,785,911 |
2,809,087 |
2,505,577 |
2,521,243 | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
0 |
36,094,251 |
35,565,599 |
29,390,339 |
26,935,542 | ||||||
0 |
Total assets |
0 |
54,572,131 |
51,821,851 |
40,772,972 |
37,217,469 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A. Balance sheet at June 30, 2017 All amounts in thousands of reais Continued
Consolidated |
Parent company | |||||||||
Liabilities and shareholders' equity |
Note |
Jun/2017 |
Dec/2016 |
Jun/2017 |
Dec/2016 | |||||
Current liabilities |
Trade payables |
5,257,693 |
6,545,136 |
2,048,807 |
2,056,661 | ||||||
Borrowings |
13 |
4,216,322 |
2,594,463 |
3,369,568 |
2,117,409 | |||||
Braskem Idesa borrowings |
14 |
10,195,823 |
10,437,791 |
- |
- | |||||
Derivatives operations |
15.2.1 |
41,350 |
29,042 |
22,905 |
- | |||||
Payroll and related charges |
0 |
476,967 |
562,455 |
375,579 |
431,688 | |||||
Taxes payable |
16 |
947,680 |
624,080 |
467,135 |
424,088 | |||||
Dividends |
0 |
2,560 |
3,083 |
2,560 |
3,083 | |||||
Advances from customers |
0 |
219,267 |
203,216 |
34,117 |
28,200 | |||||
Leniency agreement |
19.3 |
985,630 |
1,354,492 |
930,177 |
948,286 | |||||
Sundry provisions |
18 |
78,875 |
112,891 |
48,896 |
87,084 | |||||
Accounts payable to related parties |
8(b) |
- |
- |
963,200 |
956,609 | |||||
Other payables |
0 |
212,317 |
476,262 |
62,543 |
295,233 | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
0 |
22,634,484 |
22,942,911 |
8,325,487 |
7,348,341 | ||||||
0 |
Non-current liabilities held for sale |
3 |
- |
95,396 |
- |
- | |||||
0 |
0 |
22,634,484 |
23,038,307 |
8,325,487 |
7,348,341 | ||||||
Non-current liabilities |
0 |
Trade payables |
0 |
272,911 |
201,686 |
10,492,003 |
8,832,553 | |||||
Borrowings |
13 |
19,385,947 |
20,736,604 |
5,671,962 |
6,463,032 | |||||
Derivatives operations |
15.2.1 |
840,485 |
861,302 |
840,485 |
861,302 | |||||
Taxes payable |
16 |
40,424 |
24,097 |
39,672 |
23,830 | |||||
Accounts payable to related parties |
8(b) |
- |
- |
5,787,061 |
8,234,053 | |||||
Loan to non-controlling shareholders of Braskem Idesa |
0 |
1,679,492 |
1,620,519 |
- |
- | |||||
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
17(b.ii) |
1,025,736 |
510,523 |
540,090 |
- | |||||
Post-employment benefits |
171,318 |
162,136 |
71,899 |
71,899 | ||||||
Provision for losses on subsidiaries |
- |
- |
99,509 |
92,365 | ||||||
Advances from customers |
75,186 |
162,955 |
- |
- | ||||||
Contingencies |
19 |
1,015,882 |
985,237 |
955,926 |
926,819 | |||||
Leniency agreement |
19.3 |
1,328,714 |
1,498,738 |
1,278,087 |
1,400,224 | |||||
Sundry provisions |
18 |
207,100 |
206,245 |
170,035 |
169,499 | |||||
Other payables |
154,437 |
92,792 |
6,001 |
6,070 | ||||||
| |||||||
26,197,632 |
27,062,834 |
25,952,730 |
27,081,646 | |||||||
Shareholders' equity |
20 |
Capital |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 | ||||||
Capital reserve |
232,430 |
232,430 |
232,430 |
232,430 | ||||||
Revenue reserves |
834,616 |
834,616 |
834,616 |
834,616 | ||||||
Other comprehensive income |
(5,526,437) |
(6,321,859) |
(5,526,437) |
(6,321,859) | ||||||
Treasury shares |
(49,819) |
(49,819) |
(927) |
(927) | ||||||
Retained earnings |
2,911,851 |
- |
2,911,851 |
- | ||||||
| |||||||
Total attributable to the Company's shareholders |
6,445,863 |
2,738,590 |
6,494,755 |
2,787,482 | ||||||
Non-controlling interest in Braskem Idesa |
(705,848) |
(1,017,880) |
- |
- | ||||||
5,740,015 |
1,720,710 |
6,494,755 |
2,787,482 | |||||||
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity |
54,572,131 |
51,821,851 |
40,772,972 |
37,217,469 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Balance sheet
at June 30, 2017
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated | |||||||||||
Continued operations |
Note |
2Q2017 |
YTD2017 |
2Q2016 |
YTD2016 | ||||||
0 |
Restated |
Restated | |||||||||
Net sales revenue |
22 |
11,870,430 |
24,470,158 |
11,721,937 |
23,636,532 | ||||||
Cost of products sold |
0 |
(8,979,357) |
(17,890,990) |
(8,460,914) |
(17,074,199) | ||||||
0 |
0 |
2,891,073 |
6,579,168 |
3,261,023 |
6,562,333 | |||||||
0 |
Income (expenses) |
0 |
Selling and distribution |
0 |
(358,284) |
(704,586) |
(341,888) |
(648,644) | ||||||
General and administrative |
0 |
(311,821) |
(622,384) |
(301,368) |
(586,624) | ||||||
Research and development |
0 |
(38,483) |
(72,145) |
(40,034) |
(82,628) | ||||||
Results from equity investments |
10(c) |
10,642 |
22,851 |
11,690 |
13,377 | ||||||
Other income (expenses), net |
23 |
118,316 |
16,807 |
(225,882) |
(363,505) | |||||
0 |
0 |
2,311,443 |
5,219,711 |
2,363,541 |
4,894,309 | |||||||
0 |
Financial results |
24 |
Financial expenses |
0 |
(820,578) |
(1,656,087) |
(901,777) |
(1,692,159) | ||||||
Financial income |
0 |
151,550 |
316,530 |
210,261 |
375,755 | ||||||
Exchange rate variations, net |
0 |
(8,431) |
276,604 |
(1,202,296) |
(2,062,692) | ||||||
0 |
0 |
(677,459) |
(1,062,953) |
(1,893,812) |
(3,379,096) | |||||||
0 |
Profit before income tax and social contribution |
0 |
1,633,984 |
4,156,758 |
469,729 |
1,515,213 | ||||||
Current and deferred income tax and social contribution |
17(a) |
(491,563) |
(1,108,963) |
(202,407) |
(463,225) | ||||||
0 |
Profit for the period of continued operations |
0 |
1,142,421 |
3,047,795 |
267,322 |
1,051,988 | ||||||
3 |
Discontinued operations results |
0 |
Profit from discontinued operations |
0 |
- |
13,499 |
10,897 |
27,200 | ||||||
Current and deferred income tax and social contribution |
0 |
- |
(4,623) |
(3,512) |
(8,927) | ||||||
0 |
- |
8,876 |
7,385 |
18,273 | |||||||
0 |
Profit for the period |
0 |
1,142,421 |
3,056,671 |
274,707 |
1,070,261 | ||||||
0 |
Attributable to: |
0 |
Company's shareholders |
0 |
1,089,848 |
2,897,400 |
406,980 |
1,230,371 | ||||||
Non-controlling interest in Braskem Idesa |
0 |
52,573 |
159,271 |
(132,273) |
(160,110) | ||||||
0 |
Profit for the period |
0 |
1,142,421 |
3,056,671 |
274,707 |
1,070,261 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of operations and statement of comprehensive income at June 30, 2017 All amounts in thousands of reais |
Continued |
Parent company | |||||||||||
Continued operations |
Note |
2Q2017 |
YTD2017 |
2Q2016 |
YTD2016 | ||||||
0 |
Restated |
Restated | |||||||||
Net sales revenue |
22 |
9,113,983 |
18,321,499 |
8,744,353 |
17,765,004 | ||||||
Cost of products sold |
0 |
(7,134,868) |
(14,318,463) |
(6,614,955) |
(13,763,940) | ||||||
0 |
0 |
1,979,115 |
4,003,036 |
2,129,398 |
4,001,064 | |||||||
0 |
Income (expenses) |
0 |
Selling and distribution |
0 |
(224,638) |
(449,130) |
(228,931) |
(451,556) | ||||||
General and administrative |
0 |
(228,073) |
(427,875) |
(179,014) |
(348,932) | ||||||
Research and development |
0 |
(26,670) |
(49,961) |
(27,653) |
(50,718) | ||||||
Results from equity investments |
10(c) |
404,481 |
1,573,361 |
274,856 |
1,066,730 | ||||||
Other income (expenses), net |
0 |
137,122 |
43,988 |
(145,944) |
(255,641) | |||||
0 |
0 |
2,041,337 |
4,693,419 |
1,822,712 |
3,960,947 | |||||||
0 |
Financial results |
24 |
Financial expenses |
0 |
(548,302) |
(1,107,714) |
(671,932) |
(1,409,239) | ||||||
Financial income |
0 |
136,930 |
288,022 |
174,638 |
318,701 | ||||||
Exchange rate variations, net |
0 |
(198,128) |
(411,403) |
(764,560) |
(1,586,195) | ||||||
0 |
0 |
(609,500) |
(1,231,095) |
(1,261,854) |
(2,676,733) | |||||||
0 |
Profit before income tax and social contribution |
0 |
1,431,837 |
3,462,324 |
560,858 |
1,284,214 | ||||||
Current and deferred income tax and social contribution |
17(a) |
(341,989) |
(573,800) |
(161,263) |
(74,334) | ||||||
0 |
Profit for the period of continued operations |
0 |
1,089,848 |
2,888,524 |
399,595 |
1,209,880 | ||||||
Discontinued operations results |
3 |
- |
8,876 |
7,385 |
20,491 | ||||||
0 |
Profit for the period |
0 |
1,089,848 |
2,897,400 |
406,980 |
1,230,371 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of operations and statement of comprehensive income at June 30, 2017 All amounts in thousands of reais, except earnings or loss per share |
Continued |
Consolidated | |||||||||||
Note |
2Q2017 |
YTD2017 |
2Q2016 |
YTD2016 | |||||||
Restated |
Restated | ||||||||||
Profit for the period |
1,142,421 |
3,056,671 |
274,707 |
1,070,261 | |||||||
Other comprehensive income or loss: |
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss |
Fair value of cash flow hedge |
(36,411) |
51,167 |
151,913 |
179,831 | |||||||
Income tax and social contribution |
12,821 |
(15,650) |
(54,348) |
(68,307) | |||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge from jointly-controlled |
3,168 |
3,762 |
(2,761) |
(12,765) | |||||||
(20,422) |
39,279 |
94,804 |
98,759 | ||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge |
15.3(a.i) |
(711,317) |
(230,507) |
2,213,130 |
4,433,659 | ||||||
Sales Hedge - transfer to profit or loss |
15.3(a.i) |
249,722 |
498,962 |
345,443 |
767,243 | ||||||
Income tax and social contribution on exchange variation |
156,942 |
(91,275) |
(869,915) |
(1,768,307) | ||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge - Braskem Idesa |
15.3(a.ii) |
496,071 |
1,403,603 |
(914,249) |
(1,093,972) | ||||||
Sales Hedge - transfer to profit or loss - Braskem Idesa |
15.3(a.ii) |
42,992 |
73,910 |
14,297 |
14,297 | ||||||
Income tax on exchange variation - Braskem Idesa |
(161,719) |
(443,254) |
274,275 |
328,192 | |||||||
72,691 |
1,211,439 |
1,062,981 |
2,681,112 | ||||||||
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
10,846 |
(288,565) |
40,643 |
(23,989) | |||||||
| ||||||||
Total |
63,115 |
962,153 |
1,198,428 |
2,755,882 | |||||||
Total comprehensive income for the period |
1,205,536 |
4,018,824 |
1,473,135 |
3,826,143 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of operations and statement of comprehensive income at June 30, 2017 All amounts in thousands of reais, except earnings or loss per share |
Continued |
Parent company | |||||||||||
Note |
2Q2017 |
YTD2017 |
2Q2016 |
YTD2016 | |||||||
0 |
Restated |
Restated | |||||||||
Profit for the period |
0 |
1,089,848 |
2,897,400 |
406,980 |
1,230,371 | ||||||
0 |
Other comprehensive income or loss: |
0 |
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss |
0 |
Fair value of cash flow hedge |
0 |
(47,451) |
7,494 |
219,366 |
358,953 | ||||||
Income tax and social contribution |
0 |
16,133 |
(2,548) |
(74,584) |
(122,044) | ||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge - Braskem Idesa |
0 |
8,280 |
32,754 |
(50,590) |
(134,342) | ||||||
Income tax and social contribution |
0 |
(2,484) |
(9,826) |
15,177 |
40,303 | ||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge from jointly-controlled |
0 |
3,168 |
3,762 |
(2,761) |
(12,765) | ||||||
0 |
(22,354) |
31,636 |
106,608 |
130,105 | |||||||
0 |
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge |
15.3(a.i) |
(711,317) |
(230,507) |
2,213,130 |
4,433,659 | ||||||
Sales Hedge - transfer to profit or loss |
15.3(a.i) |
249,722 |
498,962 |
345,443 |
767,243 | ||||||
Income tax and social contribution on exchange variation |
0 |
156,942 |
(91,275) |
(869,915) |
(1,768,307) | ||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge - Braskem Idesa |
15.3(a.ii) |
372,053 |
1,052,702 |
(685,687) |
(820,479) | ||||||
Sales Hedge - transfer to profit or loss - Braskem Idesa |
15.3(a.ii) |
32,244 |
55,432 |
10,723 |
10,723 | ||||||
Income tax on exchange variation - Braskem Idesa |
0 |
(121,289) |
(332,440) |
205,706 |
246,144 | ||||||
0 |
(21,645) |
952,874 |
1,219,400 |
2,868,983 | |||||||
0 |
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
0 |
76,126 |
(175,118) |
(79,984) |
(215,975) | ||||||
0 |
| |||||||
Total |
0 |
32,127 |
809,392 |
1,246,024 |
2,783,113 | ||||||
0 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
0 |
1,121,975 |
3,706,792 |
1,653,004 |
4,013,484 |
Parent company | |||||||||
YTD2017 |
YTD2016 | ||||||||||
Note |
Basic and diluted |
Basic and diluted | |||||||||
Profit per share attributable to the shareholders of the Company |
0 |
Restated | |||||||||
of continued operations at the end of the period (R$) |
21 |
(expressed in reais) |
0 |
Earnings per share - common |
0 |
3.6309 |
1.5206 | ||||||||
Earnings per share - preferred shares class "A" |
0 |
3.6309 |
1.5206 | ||||||||
Earnings per share - preferred shares class "B" |
0 |
0.6069 |
0.6065 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of operations and statement of comprehensive income at June 30, 2017 All amounts in thousands of reais, except earnings or loss per share |
Continued |
Consolidated | |||
Attributed to shareholders' interest |
Revenue reserves |
Total |
Additional |
Other |
Retained |
Braskem |
Non-controlling |
Total | ||||||||||||||||||
Capital |
Legal |
Retention |
dividends |
comprehensive |
Treasury |
earnings |
shareholders' |
interest in |
shareholders' | ||||||||||||||
Note |
Capital |
reserve |
reserve |
of profits |
proposed |
income |
shares |
(losses) |
interest |
Braskem Idesa |
equity | ||||||||||||
0 |
At December 31, 2015 - restated |
2.4 |
8,043,222 |
# |
232,430 |
229,992 |
2,404,663 |
247,364 |
(9,060,710) |
(49,819) |
(416,768) |
1,630,374 |
(684,885) |
945,489 | |
0 |
Comprehensive income for the period: |
0 |
Profit for the period - restated |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
1,230,371 |
1,230,371 |
(160,110) |
1,070,261 | |||||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,868,983 |
- |
- |
2,868,983 |
(187,871) |
2,681,112 | |||||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
130,105 |
- |
- |
130,105 |
(31,346) |
98,759 | |||||||||||
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(215,975) |
- |
- |
(215,975) |
191,986 |
(23,989) | |||||||||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,783,113 |
- |
1,230,371 |
4,013,484 |
(187,341) |
3,826,143 | ||||||||||||
0 |
Equity valuation adjustments: |
0 |
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13,619) |
- |
13,619 |
- |
- |
- | |||||||||||
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(482) |
- |
482 |
- |
- |
- | |||||||||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(14,101) |
- |
14,101 |
- |
- |
- | ||||||||||||
Contributions to shareholders: |
- |
Additional dividends approved by the General Meeting |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) |
- |
(247,364) | ||||||||||||
- |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) |
- |
(247,364) | |||||||||||||
0 |
- |
At June 30, 2016 - restated |
2.4 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
2,404,663 |
- |
(6,291,698) |
(49,819) |
827,704 |
5,396,494 |
(872,226) |
4,524,268 | |||||||||||
0 |
At December 31, 2016 |
0 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
604,624 |
- |
(6,321,859) |
(49,819) |
- |
2,738,590 |
(1,017,880) |
1,720,710 | |||||||||||
0 |
Comprehensive income for the period: |
Profit for the period |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,897,399 |
2,897,399 |
159,271 |
3,056,670 | |||||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
952,874 |
- |
- |
952,874 |
258,565 |
1,211,439 | |||||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
31,636 |
- |
- |
31,636 |
7,643 |
39,279 | |||||||||||
Foreign currency translation adjustment |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(175,118) |
- |
- |
(175,118) |
(113,447) |
(288,565) | |||||||||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
809,392 |
- |
2,897,399 |
3,706,791 |
312,032 |
4,018,823 | ||||||||||||
0 |
Equity valuation adjustments: |
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13,488) |
- |
13,488 |
- |
- |
- | |||||||||||
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(482) |
- |
482 |
- |
- |
- | |||||||||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13,970) |
- |
13,970 |
- |
- |
- | ||||||||||||
Contributions to shareholders: |
0 |
Prescribed dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
482 |
482 |
- |
482 | ||||||||||||
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
482 |
482 |
- |
482 | |||||||||||||
At June 30, 2017 |
0 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
604,624 |
- |
(5,526,437) |
(49,819) |
2,911,851 |
6,445,863 |
(705,848) |
5,740,015 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of changes in shareholder’s equity
All amounts in thousands of reais
Parent Company | |||
Revenue reserves |
Additional |
Other |
Retained |
Total | ||||||||||||||||
Capital |
Legal |
Retention |
dividends |
comprehensive |
Treasury |
earnings |
shareholders' | ||||||||||||
Note |
Capital |
reserve |
reserve |
of profits |
proposed |
income |
shares |
(losses) |
equity | ||||||||||
At December 31, 2015 - restated |
2.4 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
2,404,663 |
247,364 |
(9,060,710) |
(927) |
(416,768) |
1,679,266 | |||||||||
0 |
Comprehensive income for the period: |
0 |
Profit for the period - restated |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
# |
- |
1,230,371 |
1,230,371 | ||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,868,983 |
- |
- |
2,868,983 | |||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
130,105 |
# |
- |
- |
130,105 | ||||||||
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(215,975) |
# |
- |
- |
(215,975) | ||||||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,783,113 |
- |
1,230,371 |
4,013,484 | ||||||||||
0 |
# |
Equity valuation adjustments: |
0 |
# |
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13,619) |
# |
- |
13,619 |
- | ||||||||
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(482) |
# |
- |
482 |
- | ||||||||
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(14,101) |
- |
14,101 |
- | |||||||||||
0 |
Contributions to shareholders: |
Additional dividends approved by the General Meeting |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) | ||||||||||
- |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) |
- |
- |
- |
(247,364) | |||||||||||
At June 30, 2016 - restated |
2.4 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
2,404,663 |
- |
(6,291,698) |
(927) |
827,704 |
5,445,386 | |||||||||
0 |
At December 31, 2016 |
0 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
604,624 |
- |
(6,321,859) |
(927) |
- |
2,787,482 | |||||||||
0 |
Comprehensive income for the period: |
0 |
Profit for the period |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2,897,399 |
2,897,399 | |||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
952,874 |
- |
- |
952,874 | |||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
31,636 |
- |
- |
31,636 | |||||||||
Foreign currency translation adjustment |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(175,118) |
- |
- |
(175,118) | |||||||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
809,392 |
- |
2,897,399 |
3,706,791 | ||||||||||
0 |
Equity valuation adjustments: |
0 |
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13,488) |
- |
13,488 |
- | |||||||||
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(482) |
- |
482 |
- | |||||||||
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(13,970) |
# |
- |
13,970 |
- | ||||||||||
Contributions to shareholders: |
0 |
Prescribed dividends |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
482 |
482 | ||||||||||
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
482 |
482 | |||||||||||
At June 30, 2017 |
0 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
604,624 |
- |
(5,526,437) |
(927) |
2,911,851 |
6,494,755 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of changes in shareholder’s equity
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated |
Parent company | |||||||||
Note |
Jun/2017 |
Jun/2016 |
Jun/2017 |
Jun/2016 | ||||||
2.4 |
Restated |
Restated | ||||||||
Profit before income tax and social contribution and |
0 |
4,156,758 |
1,542,413 |
3,462,324 |
1,304,705 | |||||
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- | ||||||
Adjustments for reconciliation of profit |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- | |||||
Depreciation, amortization and depletion |
0 |
1,424,202 |
1,243,975 |
921,386 |
1,030,708 | |||||
Results from equity investments |
10(c) |
(22,851) |
(13,377) |
(1,573,361) |
(1,087,221) | |||||
Interest and monetary and exchange variations, net |
0 |
1,292,218 |
931,709 |
1,282,308 |
1,029,508 | |||||
Gain from divestment in subsidiary |
3 |
(276,816) |
- |
(276,366) |
- | |||||
Provision for losses and write-offs of long-lived assets |
0 |
25,730 |
12,959 |
19,535 |
12,930 | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
0 |
6,599,241 |
3,717,679 |
3,835,826 |
2,290,630 | ||||||
0 |
Changes in operating working capital |
0 |
Held-for-trading financial investments |
0 |
(1,430,383) |
(466,498) |
(1,447,486) |
(960) | |||||
Trade accounts receivable |
0 |
(820,306) |
732,656 |
(1,102,601) |
502,406 | |||||
Inventories |
0 |
(663,855) |
373,946 |
(174,709) |
440,615 | |||||
Taxes recoverable |
0 |
184,040 |
686,777 |
185,809 |
459,258 | |||||
Prepaid expenses |
0 |
(102,697) |
7,922 |
(48,982) |
24,486 | |||||
Other receivables |
0 |
(46,675) |
(25,407) |
140,474 |
(253,384) | |||||
Trade payables |
0 |
(1,346,034) |
(2,364,352) |
1,521,780 |
(1,304,351) | |||||
Taxes payable |
0 |
(177,213) |
(9,815) |
(26,184) |
38,507 | |||||
Advances from customers |
0 |
(71,718) |
(47,148) |
5,917 |
(19,447) | |||||
Leniency agreement |
0 |
(607,358) |
- |
(206,460) |
- | |||||
Sundry provisions |
0 |
(2,516) |
5,043 |
(8,545) |
26,102 | |||||
Other payables |
0 |
(227,315) |
(179,173) |
(296,579) |
(208,102) | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
Cash from operations |
0 |
1,287,211 |
2,431,630 |
2,378,260 |
1,995,760 | |||||
0 |
Interest paid |
0 |
(1,024,942) |
(938,968) |
(366,823) |
(273,968) | |||||
Income tax and social contribution paid |
0 |
(602,278) |
(668,126) |
(299,376) |
(40,176) | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
Net cash generated by operating activities |
0 |
(340,009) |
824,536 |
1,712,061 |
1,681,616 | |||||
0 |
Proceeds from the sale of fixed assets |
0 |
1,468 |
114 |
1,255 |
19 | |||||
Funds received on the sale of investments |
3 |
450,000 |
- |
449,550 |
- | |||||
Acquisitions of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
(i) |
(755,063) |
(1,233,146) |
(501,396) |
(435,452) | |||||
Premuim in the dollar put option |
0 |
(9,771) |
- |
(9,771) |
- | |||||
Held-for-maturity financial investments |
0 |
- |
38,353 |
- |
38,353 | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
Net cash used in investing activities |
0 |
(313,366) |
(1,194,679) |
(60,362) |
(397,080) | |||||
0 |
Short-term and Long-term debit |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- | |||||
Obtained |
0 |
1,486,963 |
1,937,284 |
1,486,963 |
1,957,182 | |||||
Payments |
0 |
(1,513,356) |
(1,865,492) |
(1,101,584) |
(1,781,594) | |||||
Braskem Idesa borrowings |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- | |||||
Obtained funds |
0 |
187,959 |
153,126 |
- |
- | |||||
Payment of borrowings |
0 |
(448,525) |
(227,201) |
- |
- | |||||
Related parties |
0 |
- |
- |
- |
- | |||||
Obtained |
0 |
- |
- |
87,067 |
- | |||||
Payments |
0 |
- |
- |
(2,969,803) |
(2,071,978) | |||||
Dividends paid |
0 |
(41) |
(998,982) |
(41) |
(998,982) | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
Net cash provided by financing activities |
0 |
(287,000) |
(1,001,265) |
(2,497,398) |
(2,895,372) | |||||
0 |
Exchange variation on cash of foreign subsidiaries |
0 |
(50,039) |
568,780 |
- |
- | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
0 |
(990,414) |
(802,628) |
(845,699) |
(1,610,836) | |||||
0 |
Represented by |
0 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
0 |
6,701,864 |
7,043,262 |
3,561,431 |
4,415,764 | |||||
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
0 |
5,711,450 |
6,240,634 |
2,715,732 |
2,804,928 | |||||
0 |
| ||||||
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
0 |
(990,414) |
(802,628) |
(845,699) |
(1,610,836) |
(i) In the period ended June 30, 2016, the capitalized interest paid that was included in this item (R$252,722 Consolidated, R$33,640 Parent Company) was reclassified to “Interest paid” (Note2.5(a)).
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of cash flows
at June 30, 2017
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated |
Parent company | ||||||||
Jun/2017 |
Jun/2016 |
Jun/2017 |
Jun/2016 | ||||||
Restated |
Restated | ||||||||
Revenue |
28,908,199 |
27,439,467 |
22,829,462 |
21,219,508 | |||||
Sale of goods, products and services |
28,643,780 |
27,589,221 |
22,605,553 |
21,351,776 | |||||
Other income (expenses), net |
261,729 |
(108,499) |
221,528 |
(93,520) | |||||
Allowance for doubtful accounts |
2,690 |
(41,255) |
2,381 |
(38,748) | |||||
Inputs acquired from third parties |
(20,198,975) |
(19,748,486) |
(16,912,801) |
(16,025,575) | |||||
Cost of products, goods and services sold |
(19,217,807) |
(18,884,716) |
(16,173,930) |
(15,433,387) | |||||
Material, energy, outsourced services and others |
(964,070) |
(859,438) |
(721,948) |
(588,183) | |||||
Impairment of assets |
(17,098) |
(4,332) |
(16,923) |
(4,005) | |||||
Gross value added |
8,709,224 |
7,690,981 |
5,916,661 |
5,193,933 | |||||