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KPMG Auditores Independentes
Rua Arquiteto Olavo Redig de Campos, 105, 6º andar - Torre A
04711-904 - São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Caixa Postal 79518 - CEP 04707-970 - São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Telefone +55 (11) 3940-1500, Fax +55 (11) 3940-1501
Independent Auditor’s Report in the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
To Shareholders, Members of the Board and Management
Braskem S.A.
Camaçari - Bahia
We have audited the individual and consolidated financial statements of Braskem S.A. (“the Company”), respectively referred to as Parent and Consolidated, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2016, the statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes, comprising significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Opinion on the individual financial statements
In our opinion, the accompanying individual financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Braskem S.A. (“the Company”) as at December 31, 2016, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Practices Adopted in Brazil.
Opinion on the consolidated financial statements
In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of the Braskem S.A. as at December 31, 2016, and of its consolidated financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Practices Adopted in Brazil and with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors’ Responsibilities for the Audit of the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company and its subsidiaries in accordance with the relevant ethical requirements included in the Accountant Professional Code of Ethics (“Código de Ética Profissional do Contador”) and in the professional standards issued by the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council (“Conselho Federal de Contabilidade”) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Emphasis of a matter
We call your attention to note 23.3, which says that, in the ambit of Lava Jato operation investigations, existence of undue payments by the Company were confirmed from 2006 to 2014 as services provided by third-parties with no proof of effective rendering of services. Such note also says that the Company entered into a Leniency Agreement (the “Agreement”) with the Federal Prosecution Office, the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the United States of America, and with the General Prosecution Office of Switzerland, in the approximate amount of R$3.1 billion, and discloses information on progress of class action brought in the United States of America. Except for the value of the Agreement, as well as other non-monetary penalties enforced, the Company is not able, for the moment, to reliably foresee or measure the extent of financial and non-financial impacts on the Company and, accordingly, is not able to record possible additional losses that confirmation of accusations, possible lawsuits filed by other authorities and/or third-parties, and parallel investigations could cause to the Company, as well as resources required to remedy such occurrences, including possible effects deriving from the outcome of above-mentioned class action. Our opinion is not qualified in relation to this matter.
Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
Contingencies and disputes – note 23.3 (individual and consolidated)
As explained in note 23.3 to individual and consolidated financial statements, in the ambit of “Lava Jato” operation of the Brazilian Federal Police, the Company was mentioned in testimonies of witnesses with immunity as involved in undue payments made for services provided by third-parties, with no proof of effective rendering. In view of such events, the Company made necessary arrangements, including internal investigation conducted with the aid of independent office specialized in investigations, dialogue with competent Brazilian and international authorities, and follow-up of progress of class action brought in the United States of America. As a result of dialogues and discussions around this theme with competent authorities, including the USA Department of Justice (DOJ) and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Brazilian Public Prosecution Office, the Company entered into a Leniency Agreement and committed to paying the amount of approximately R$3.1 billion as fine and indemnity, which was recorded in financial statements as of December 31, 2016. In addition, the Company paid taxes for prior years referring to outsourced services, with no proof of effective rendering of services. These taxes were retrospectively recorded at their proper periods. Given the complexity of the matter, relevance of impacts and disclosures in financial statements and involved decisions, we considered this matter as significant for our audit.
How our audit conducted this issue
Main procedures conducted by us are as follows:
Intangible assets recoverable value with undefined useful life (goodwill) and deferred tax assets – notes 14(a) and 20.2 (individual and consolidated)
The Company maintains a significant balance of intangible assets with undefined useful lives (goodwill) and deferred tax assets, whose recoverability is based on cash flow analyses and projections, and income generation. Due to uncertainties inherent to the process of determining future cash flows and some assumptions - such as discount rates, which are the basis for evaluation of recoverable value of such assets -, we considered this matter as significant for our audit.
How our audit conducted this issue
We understood the process and evaluated the design and implementation of internal controls related to the preparation and review of the business plan, budgets and impairment analysis provided by the Company. We can count with the help of our specialists in corporate finance to evaluate assumptions and methodologies, such as discount rate based on average capital cost (WAAC), growth rate for the next 5 years, expected sales volume and margin, among others, used by the Company to project cash flow. We also evaluated disclosures made by the Company, mainly those related to sensitivity analysis, which demonstrate the impact on recoverable value resulting from possible and reasonable changes in key assumptions used by the Company.
Fair value of financial instruments – notes 4 and 17 (individual and consolidated)
In view of relevance and complexity of estimates made to measure fair value of financial instruments and possible impact that changes in pricing assumptions and techniques used to measure such value would have on the Company’s income and financial position, and also considering that the Company adopts hedge accounting, we consider this as a significant matter for our audit.
How our audit conducted this issue
We understood the process and evaluated design and implementation of internal controls related to the process of evaluating financial instruments. Our audit work also included tests on samples of transactions with these financial instruments and, with the involvement of our specialists in financial instruments, we recalculated them based on pricing methodologies and data and information sources independently defined, and compared our results with those recorded by the Company. We evaluated effectiveness of hedge accounting calculation and also evaluated adequacy of disclosures made by the Company involving transactions with financial instruments and hedge accounting, mainly those related to sensitivity analysis of these instruments.
Statements of value added
The individual and consolidated statements of value added (DVA) for the year ended December 31, 2016, prepared under the responsibility of the Company’s management, and presented herein as supplementary information for IFRS purposes, have been subject to audit procedures jointly performed with the audit of the Company's financial statements. In order to form our opinion, we assessed whether those statements are reconciled with the financial statements and accounting records, as applicable, and whether their format and contents are in accordance with criteria determined in the Technical Pronouncement 09 (CPC 09) - Statement of Value Added issued by the Committee for Accounting Pronouncements (CPC). In our opinion, the statements of value added have been fairly prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the criteria determined by the aforementioned Technical Pronouncement, and are consistent with the overall individual and consolidated financial statements.
Audit of the corresponding amounts
The examination of the individual and consolidated balance sheet on January 1, 2015 (derived from the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2014), originally prepared prior to the adjustments described in Note 2.4, was conducted under the responsibility of other independent auditors, who issued an audit report without changes dated February 12, 2015. As part of our analysis of the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016, we examined the adjustments in the corresponding amounts of the balance sheets on January 1, 2015 and, in our opinion, are appropriate and have been properly carried out, in all material respects. We were not hired to audit, review or apply any other procedures in regard to the information related to the balance sheets as of January 1, 2015 and, accordingly, we did not express an opinion or any type of assurance taken as a whole.
Management is responsible for the other information comprising the management report.
Our opinion on the individual and consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the individual and consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the individual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with Accounting Practices Adopted in Brazil and with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the individual and consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Company and subsidiaries or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s and subsidiaries financial reporting process.
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the individual and consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors’ report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and international standards on auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with Brazilian and international standards on auditing, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditors’ report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
São Paulo, August 15, 2017
KPMG Auditores Independentes
CRC 2SP014428/O-6
Original report in Portuguese signed by
Anselmo Neves Macedo
Accountant CRC 1SP160482/O-6
Braskem S.A.
Balance sheet at December 31
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated |
Parent company | |||||||||||||
Assets |
Note |
2016 |
2015 |
1/1/2015 |
2016 |
2015 |
1/1/2015 | |||||||
2.4 |
Restated |
Restated |
Restated |
Restated | ||||||||||
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
6 |
6,701,864 |
7,043,262 |
3,891,271 |
3,561,431 |
4,415,764 |
2,325,638 | |||||||
Financial investments |
7 |
1,190,483 |
414,893 |
194,431 |
741,086 |
358,659 |
168,893 | ||||||
Trade accounts receivable |
8 |
1,634,137 |
2,755,708 |
2,409,146 |
952,689 |
2,454,015 |
5,132,395 | |||||||
Inventories |
9 |
5,238,014 |
6,108,697 |
5,619,322 |
3,795,899 |
4,749,972 |
4,027,395 | |||||||
Taxes recoverable |
11 |
826,015 |
1,312,341 |
2,152,121 |
543,275 |
762,824 |
1,416,523 | |||||||
Dividends and interest on capital |
10 |
14,986 |
1,998 |
31,421 |
87,655 |
69,955 | |||||||
Prepaid expenses |
101,747 |
166,170 |
99,469 |
83,252 |
139,668 |
72,997 | |||||||
Related parties |
10 |
10,507 |
66,616 |
172,344 |
118,661 |
132,413 | |||||||
Derivatives operations |
17.3 |
8,387 |
53,662 |
33,555 |
8,387 |
12,616 |
33,555 | |||||||
Other receivables |
180,915 |
272,530 |
282,213 |
128,231 |
248,488 |
201,025 | |||||||
| ||||||||
15,896,548 |
18,139,768 |
14,748,144 |
10,018,015 |
13,348,322 |
13,580,789 | ||||||||
Non-current assets held for sale |
5 |
359,704 |
263,912 |
| |||||||
16,256,252 |
18,139,768 |
14,748,144 |
10,281,927 |
13,348,322 |
13,580,789 | ||||||||
Non-current assets |
Financial investments |
7 |
46,193 |
42,494 |
46,193 |
42,495 | |||||
Trade accounts receivable |
8 |
70,236 |
19,822 |
25,050 |
2,794,889 |
4,279,433 |
23,129 | |||||||
Advances to suppliers |
9 |
61,533 |
135,046 |
68,988 |
61,533 |
135,046 |
68,988 | |||||||
Taxes recoverable |
11 |
1,088,353 |
1,317,760 |
1,059,132 |
998,039 |
1,212,005 |
976,255 | |||||||
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
20(c) |
1,653,115 |
3,204,666 |
886,081 |
42,459 |
2,157,513 |
489,953 | |||||||
Judicial deposits |
233,320 |
277,093 |
230,945 |
226,894 |
268,572 |
223,940 | |||||||
Related parties |
10 |
144,633 |
138,501 |
14,472 |
124,645 |
137,477 | |||||||
Insurance claims |
50,653 |
63,199 |
143,932 |
50,653 |
60,778 |
139,751 | |||||||
Derivatives operations |
17.3 |
29,308 |
12,280 |
39,350 |
| |||||||
Other receivables |
140,971 |
192,193 |
86,024 |
129,704 |
125,898 |
47,575 | |||||||
Investments in subsidiaries and jointly-controlled investments |
12 |
92,313 |
86,354 |
126,535 |
4,132,529 |
4,499,871 |
4,668,625 | |||||||
Property, plant and equipment |
13 |
29,336,710 |
34,100,289 |
29,070,958 |
15,963,127 |
16,542,078 |
17,297,907 | |||||||
Intangible assets |
14 |
2,809,087 |
2,887,604 |
2,835,728 |
2,521,243 |
2,572,341 |
2,610,027 | |||||||
| ||||||||
35,565,599 |
42,487,132 |
34,753,718 |
26,935,542 |
32,024,373 |
26,726,122 | ||||||||
Total assets |
0 |
51,821,851 |
60,626,900 |
49,501,862 |
37,217,469 |
45,372,695 |
40,306,911 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Consolidated |
Parent company | |||||||||||||
Liabilities and shareholders' equity |
Note |
2016 |
2015 |
1/1/2015 |
2016 |
2015 |
1/1/2015 | |||||||
2.4 |
Restated |
Restated |
Restated |
Restated | ||||||||||
Current liabilities |
Trade payables |
6,545,136 |
12,373,555 |
10,839,875 |
2,056,661 |
10,157,223 |
10,443,712 | |||||||
Borrowings |
15 |
2,594,463 |
1,969,993 |
1,419,470 |
2,117,409 |
2,567,124 |
2,134,951 | |||||||
Braskem Idesa borrowings |
16 |
10,437,791 |
302,266 |
26,462 |
| |||||||
Derivatives operations |
17.3 |
29,042 |
57,760 |
95,626 |
8,351 |
18,588 | |||||||
Payroll and related charges |
562,455 |
610,286 |
533,373 |
431,688 |
446,125 |
412,890 | |||||||
Taxes payable |
18 |
624,080 |
1,003,273 |
233,434 |
424,088 |
507,758 |
147,025 | |||||||
Dividends |
26(b) |
3,083 |
753,668 |
215,888 |
3,083 |
753,668 |
218,664 | |||||||
Advances from customers |
21 |
203,216 |
119,680 |
99,750 |
28,200 |
44,528 |
45,887 | |||||||
Leniency agreement |
23.3 and 30 |
1,354,492 |
948,286 |
| |||||||
Sundry provisions |
22 |
112,891 |
93,942 |
88,547 |
87,084 |
67,190 |
53,049 | |||||||
Post-employment benefits |
24.2.3 |
336,357 |
336,357 | |||||||
Accounts payable to related parties |
10 |
956,609 |
4,297,735 |
447,357 | |||||||
Other payables |
25 |
476,262 |
358,572 |
197,808 |
295,233 |
207,730 |
110,814 | |||||||
| ||||||||
22,942,911 |
17,642,995 |
14,086,590 |
7,348,341 |
19,057,432 |
14,369,294 | ||||||||
Non-current liabilities held for sale |
5 |
95,396 |
| |||||||
23,038,307 |
17,642,995 |
14,086,590 |
7,348,341 |
19,057,432 |
14,369,294 | ||||||||
Non-current liabilities |
Trade payables |
201,686 |
57,148 |
8,832,553 |
3,420,281 |
| |||||||
Borrowings |
15 |
20,736,604 |
25,380,518 |
18,926,729 |
6,463,032 |
8,207,012 |
7,863,666 | |||||||
Braskem Idesa borrowings |
16 |
11,975,167 |
7,551,033 |
| |||||||
Derivatives operations |
17.3 |
861,302 |
1,119,741 |
594,383 |
861,302 |
1,119,741 |
594,383 | |||||||
Taxes payable |
18 |
24,097 |
26,716 |
260,010 |
23,830 |
25,825 |
259,945 | |||||||
Accounts payable to related parties |
10 |
8,234,053 |
10,905,207 |
10,008,077 | |||||||
Loan to non-controlling shareholders of Braskem Idesa |
19 |
1,620,519 |
1,538,784 |
792,188 |
| |||||||
Deferred income tax and social contribution |
20(c) |
510,523 |
772,828 |
627,011 |
| |||||||
Post-employment benefits |
24.2 |
162,136 |
170,237 |
114,478 |
71,899 |
69,696 |
45,302 | |||||||
Provision for losses on subsidiaries |
92,365 |
137,013 |
654,766 | |||||||
Advances from customers |
21 |
162,955 |
31,116 |
88,402 |
12,813 |
26,147 | |||||||
Contingencies |
23 |
985,237 |
554,481 |
408,711 |
926,819 |
501,293 |
362,733 | |||||||
Leniency agreement |
23.3 and 30 |
1,498,738 |
1,400,224 |
| |||||||
Sundry provisions |
22 |
206,245 |
99,491 |
96,966 |
169,499 |
70,056 |
77,182 | |||||||
Other payables |
25 |
92,792 |
312,189 |
358,303 |
6,070 |
167,060 |
254,933 | |||||||
| |||||||||
27,062,834 |
42,038,416 |
29,818,214 |
27,081,646 |
24,635,997 |
20,147,134 | |||||||||
Shareholders' equity |
26 |
Capital |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 |
8,043,222 | |||||||
Capital reserve |
232,430 |
232,430 |
232,430 |
232,430 |
232,430 |
232,430 | ||||||||
Revenue reserves |
834,616 |
2,882,019 |
736,180 |
834,616 |
2,882,019 |
736,180 | |||||||
Other comprehensive income |
(6,321,859) |
(9,060,710) |
(2,943,172) |
(6,321,859) |
(9,060,710) |
(2,943,172) | |||||||
Treasury shares |
(49,819) |
(49,819) |
(48,892) |
(927) |
(927) |
| |||||||
Accumulated losses |
(416,768) |
(278,177) |
(416,768) |
(278,177) | |||||||
| ||||||||
Total attributable to the Company's shareholders |
2,738,590 |
1,630,374 |
5,741,591 |
2,787,482 |
1,679,266 |
5,790,483 | |||||||
Non-controlling interest in Braskem Idesa |
(1,017,880) |
(684,885) |
(144,533) |
| |||||||
1,720,710 |
945,489 |
5,597,058 |
2,787,482 |
1,679,266 |
5,790,483 | ||||||||
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity |
51,821,851 |
60,626,900 |
49,501,862 |
37,217,469 |
45,372,695 |
40,306,911 | |||||||
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of operations
Years ended December 31
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated |
Parent company | ||||||||||
Note |
2016 |
2015 |
2016 |
2015 | |||||||
Continued operations |
2.4 |
Restated |
Restated | ||||||||
Net sales revenue |
28 |
47,663,988 |
46,879,989 |
35,178,466 |
33,583,599 | ||||||
Cost of products sold |
(34,940,619) |
(36,728,023) |
(27,095,009) |
(25,860,037) | ||||||
12,723,369 |
10,151,966 |
8,083,457 |
7,723,562 | |||||||
Income (expenses) |
Selling and distribution |
(1,410,828) |
(1,083,156) |
(972,394) |
(813,888) | ||||||
General and administrative |
(1,477,199) |
(1,280,470) |
(824,573) |
(868,057) | ||||||
Research and development |
(162,010) |
(169,635) |
(104,832) |
(110,583) | ||||||
Results from equity investments |
12(c) |
30,078 |
2,219 |
955,535 |
617,744 | ||||||
Other income (expenses), net |
30 |
(3,752,163) |
(731,204) |
(3,039,575) |
(308,129) | |||||
5,951,247 |
6,889,720 |
4,097,618 |
6,240,649 | |||||||
Financial results |
31 |
Financial expenses |
(3,570,962) |
(3,163,402) |
(2,847,039) |
(3,038,547) | ||||||
Financial income |
690,122 |
584,933 |
632,452 |
425,868 | ||||||
Exchange rate variations, net |
(3,210,417) |
102,910 |
(2,054,042) |
757,658 | ||||||
(6,091,257) |
(2,475,559) |
(4,268,629) |
(1,855,021) | |||||||
Profit before income tax and social contribution |
(140,010) |
4,414,161 |
(171,011) |
4,385,628 | ||||||
Current and deferred income tax and social contribution |
20(a) |
(616,046) |
(1,660,354) |
(271,419) |
(1,385,796) | ||||||
Profit (loss) for the year of continued operations |
(756,056) |
2,753,807 |
(442,430) |
2,999,832 | ||||||
Discontinued operations results |
Profit from discontinued operations |
40,760 |
16,827 |
30,958 |
1,888 | ||||||
Current and deferred income tax and social contribution |
(13,901) |
(10,445) |
| ||||||
26,859 |
6,382 |
30,958 |
1,888 | |||||||
Profit (loss) for the year |
(729,197) |
2,760,189 |
(411,472) |
3,001,720 | ||||||
Attributable to: |
Company's shareholders |
(411,472) |
3,001,720 |
| ||||||
Non-controlling interest in Braskem Idesa |
(317,725) |
(241,531) |
Profit (loss) for the year |
(729,197) |
2,760,189 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of comprehensive income
Years ended December 31
All amounts in thousands of reais, except earnings (loss) per share
Consolidated |
Parent company | ||||||||||
Note |
2016 |
2015 |
2016 |
2015 | |||||||
2.4 |
Restated |
Restated | |||||||||
Profit (loss) for the year |
(729,197) |
2,760,189 |
(411,472) |
3,001,720 | ||||||
Other comprehensive income or loss: |
Items that will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss |
Fair value of cash flow hedge |
215,510 |
(621,991) |
266,995 |
(522,825) | ||||||
Income tax and social contribution |
(75,333) |
206,315 |
(90,778) |
177,760 | ||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge - Braskem Idesa |
(38,614) |
(74,375) | ||||||
Income tax and social contribution |
11,584 |
21,416 | ||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge from jointly-controlled |
(3,309) |
2,295 |
(3,309) |
2,295 | ||||||
136,868 |
(413,381) |
145,878 |
(395,729) | |||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge |
17.4(a.i) |
4,121,849 |
(8,437,079) |
4,121,849 |
(8,437,079) | ||||||
Sales Hedge - transfer to profit or loss |
17.4(a.i) |
1,297,910 |
1,297,910 |
| ||||||
Income tax and social contribution on exchange variation |
(1,842,718) |
2,868,607 |
(1,842,718) |
2,868,607 | ||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge - Braskem Idesa |
17.4(a.ii) |
(1,995,065) |
(1,589,544) |
(1,496,298) |
(1,192,158) | ||||||
Sales Hedge - transfer to profit or loss - Braskem Idesa |
17.4(a.ii) |
59,834 |
44,875 |
| ||||||
Income tax on exchange variation - Braskem Idesa |
581,304 |
476,518 |
435,978 |
357,389 | ||||||
2,223,114 |
(6,681,498) |
2,561,596 |
(6,403,241) | |||||||
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
339,296 |
653,349 |
63,697 |
718,763 | ||||||
| |||||||
Total |
2,699,278 |
(6,441,530) |
2,771,171 |
(6,080,207) | ||||||
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss |
Defined benefit plan actuarial loss, net of taxes |
(4,119) |
(849) |
(4,119) |
(849) | ||||||
Post-employment plans - Health plan, net of taxes |
(8,280) |
- |
(8,280) | ||||||
Total |
(4,119) |
(9,129) |
(4,119) |
(9,129) | ||||||
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the year |
1,965,962 |
(3,690,470) |
2,355,580 |
(3,087,616) | ||||||
Attributable to: |
Company's shareholders |
2,355,580 |
(3,087,616) |
Non-controlling interest in Braskem Idesa |
(389,618) |
(602,854) |
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the year |
1,965,962 |
(3,690,470) |
Parent company | |||||||||
2016 |
2015 | ||||||||||
Note |
Basic and diluted |
Basic and diluted | |||||||||
Profit (loss) per share attributable to the shareholders of the Company |
27 |
Restated | |||||||||
of continued operations at the end of the year (R$) |
(expressed in reais) |
Earnings per share - common |
(0.5562) |
3.7708 | ||||||||
Earnings per share - preferred shares class "A" |
(0.5562) |
3.7708 | ||||||||
Earnings per share - preferred shares class "B" |
0.6065 | ||||||||
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of changes in equity
All amounts in thousands of reais
Consolidated (restated) | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Attributed to shareholders' interest |
Revenue reserves |
Total |
Additional |
Other |
Retained |
Braskem |
Non-controlling |
Total | ||||||||||||||||||
Capital |
Legal |
Retention |
dividends |
comprehensive |
Treasury |
earnings |
shareholders' |
interest in |
shareholders' | ||||||||||||||
Note |
Capital |
reserve |
reserve |
of profits |
proposed |
income |
shares |
(losses) |
interest |
Braskem Idesa |
equity | ||||||||||||
At January 1, 2015 - previously disclosed |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
71,542 |
394,121 |
270,517 |
(2,924,057) |
(48,892) |
6,038,883 |
(144,533) |
5,894,350 | |||||||||||
Adjustment of restatement |
2.4 |
(19,115) |
(278,177) |
(297,292) |
(297,292) | |||||||||||
Opening balance at January 1, 2015 (restated) |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
71,542 |
394,121 |
270,517 |
(2,943,172) |
(48,892) |
(278,177) |
5,741,591 |
(144,533) |
5,597,058 | |
Comprehensive income for the year: |
Profit for the year |
3,001,720 |
3,001,720 |
(241,531) |
2,760,189 | |||||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
(6,403,241) |
(6,403,241) |
(278,257) |
(6,681,498) | |||||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
(395,729) |
(395,729) |
(17,652) |
(413,381) | |||||||||||
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
718,763 |
718,763 |
(65,414) |
653,349 | |||||||||||
(6,080,207) |
3,001,720 |
(3,078,487) |
(602,854) |
(3,681,341) | ||||||||||||
Equity valuation adjustments: |
| |||||||||||
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
(27,236) |
27,236 |
| |||||||||||
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
(966) |
966 |
| |||||||||||
Actuarial loss with post-employment benefits, net of taxes |
(849) |
(849) |
(849) | |||||||||||
Post-employment plans - Health plan, net of taxes |
(8,280) |
(8,280) |
(8,280) | |||||||||||
(37,331) |
28,202 |
(9,129) |
(9,129) | ||||||||||||
Contributions and distributions to shareholders: |
| |||||||||||
Capital increase |
62,502 |
62,502 | |||||||||||
Repurchase of treasury shares |
(927) |
(927) |
(927) | |||||||||||
Prescribed dividends |
479 |
479 |
479 | |||||||||||
Additional dividends approved by the General Meeting |
(270,517) |
(270,517) |
(270,517) | |||||||||||
Legal reserve |
158,450 |
(158,450) |
| |||||||||||
Additional dividends proposed |
247,364 |
(1,000,000) |
(752,636) |
(752,636) | |||||||||||
Retained earnings |
2,010,542 |
(2,010,542) |
| |||||||||||
158,450 |
2,010,542 |
(23,153) |
(927) |
(3,168,513) |
(1,023,601) |
62,502 |
(961,099) | ||||||||||||
At December 31, 2015 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
2,404,663 |
247,364 |
(9,060,710) |
(49,819) |
(416,768) |
1,630,374 |
(684,885) |
945,489 | |||||||||||
Comprehensive income for the year: |
Loss for the year |
(411,472) |
(411,472) |
(317,725) |
(729,197) | |||||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
2,561,596 |
2,561,596 |
(338,482) |
2,223,114 | |||||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
145,878 |
145,878 |
(9,010) |
136,868 | |||||||||||
Foreign currency translation adjustment |
63,697 |
63,697 |
275,599 |
339,296 | |||||||||||
2,771,171 |
(411,472) |
2,359,699 |
(389,618) |
1,970,081 | ||||||||||||
Equity valuation adjustments: |
| |||||||||||
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
(27,236) |
27,236 |
| |||||||||||
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
(965) |
965 |
| |||||||||||
Actuarial gains post-employment benefits of subsidiaries , net of taxes |
(4,119) |
(4,119) |
(4,119) | |||||||||||
(32,320) |
28,201 |
(4,119) |
(4,119) | ||||||||||||
Contributions and distributions to shareholders: |
26(b) |
| |||||||||||
Absorption of losses and adjustments |
(800,039) |
800,039 |
| |||||||||||
Capital increase |
56,623 |
56,623 | |||||||||||
Additional dividends approved by the General Meeting |
(247,364) |
(247,364) |
(247,364) | |||||||||||
Interim dividends approved by Board of Directors |
(1,000,000) |
(1,000,000) |
(1,000,000) | |||||||||||
(1,800,039) |
(247,364) |
800,039 |
(1,247,364) |
56,623 |
(1,190,741) | ||||||||||||
At December 31, 2016 |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
229,992 |
604,624 |
(6,321,859) |
(49,819) |
2,738,590 |
(1,017,880) |
1,720,710 |
The Management notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Braskem S.A.
Statement of changes in equity All amounts in thousands of reais |
Continued |
Parent Company (restated) | |||||||||||||||||||
Revenue reserves |
Additional |
Other |
Retained |
Total | ||||||||||||||||
Capital |
Legal |
Retention |
dividends |
comprehensive |
Treasury |
earnings |
shareholders' | ||||||||||||
Note |
Capital |
reserve |
reserve |
of profits |
proposed |
income |
shares |
(losses) |
equity | ||||||||||
At January 1, 2015 - previously disclosed |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
71,542 |
394,121 |
270,517 |
(2,924,057) |
6,087,775 | |||||||||
Adjustment of restatement |
2.4 |
(19,115) |
(278,177) |
(297,292) | |||||||||
Opening balance at January 1, 2015 (restated) |
8,043,222 |
232,430 |
71,542 |
394,121 |
270,517 |
(2,943,172) |
(278,177) |
5,790,483 | |||||||||
Comprehensive income for the year: |
Profit for the year |
3,001,720 |
3,001,720 | ||||||||
Exchange variation of foreign sales hedge, net of taxes |
(6,403,241) |
(6,403,241) | |||||||||
Fair value of cash flow hedge, net of taxes |
(395,729) |
(395,729) | ||||||||
Foreign subsidiaries currency translation adjustment |
718,763 |
718,763 | ||||||||
(6,080,207) |
3,001,720 |
(3,078,487) | ||||||||||
Equity valuation adjustments: |
| ||||||||
Realization of additional property, plant and equipment price-level restatement, net of taxes |
(966) |
966 |
| ||||||||
Realization of deemed cost of jointly-controlled investment, net of taxes |
(27,236) |
27,236 |
| ||||||||
Actuarial loss with post-employment benefits, net of taxes |
(849) |
(849) | |||||||||
Post-employment plans - Health plan, net of taxes |
(8,280) |
(8,280) | |||||||||
(37,331) |
28,202 |
(9,129) | ||||||||||
Contributions and distributions to shareholders: |
Repurchase of treasury shares |
(927) |