africa\Gold Fields\Harmony Offer\fight letter\fight letter - latest comments.DOC
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa
Registration Number 1950/038232/06 Share code: HAR ISIN ZAE00015228
("Harmony" or "Company")
For use by certified shareholders or dematerialised shareholders with "own-name" registration ("shareholders") at the general meeting of Harmony shareholders to be held at Harmony's Corporate Office, Randfontein Office Park, corner Main Reef Road and Ward Avenue, Randfontein, at 11h00 on Friday, 12 November 2004, and any adjournment thereof (the "general meeting").
I/We ............................................................................................................................. ..............
........................................................................................................... (NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS)
Address .........................................................................................................................................
.........................................................................................................(CODE) ................................
being the holder/s of ........................................................................shares in the Company, do hereby appoint
1. ......................................................................................................................... or failing him/her
2. ...........................................................................................................................or failing him/her
3. the Chairman of the general meeting,
as my/our proxy to act for me/us and on my/our behalf at the general meeting, which will be held for the purpose of considering and, if deemed fit, passing, with or without modification, the special and ordinary resolutions to be proposed thereat and at any adjournment thereof, and to vote for or against the resolutions and/or abstain from voting in respect of the shares registered in my/our name/s, in accordance with the following instructions (see note 2):
Ordinary resolution 1
To approve the offers
Special resolution
To increase the authorised share capital
Ordinary resolution 2
To allot and issue any of the unauthorised shares in
terms of the offers
Ordinary resolution 3
To place the balance of the unissued securities of the
Company under the control of the directors
Ordinary resolution 4
To authorise the directors to issue securities for cash
Ordinary resolution 5
To authorise the directors to issue shares in terms of
the empowerment transaction
Ordinary resolution 6
To authorise the directors to sign all such documents
and do all such things as may be necessary for or
incidental to the implementation of the offers
Signed at ............................................. on ..........................................................................2004
Signature .................................................................................................................................
Assisted by me (where applicable) ..........................................................................................................
(Note: A shareholder entitled to attend and vote is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote in his/her stead. Such proxy need not also be a shareholder of the Company)
Please read the note on the following page under the heading "Notes".