Form 6-K
Washington, D.C. 20549
Report Of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant To Rule 13a-16 Or 15d-16 Of
The Securities Exchange Act Of 1934
For the month of February, 2019
Commission File Number: 001-14950
(Translation of Registrants Name into English)
Avenida Brigadeiro Luis Antonio, 1343, 9º Andar
São Paulo, SP, Brazil 01317-910
(Address of Principal Executive Offices)
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6. | Material notice |
(Convenience Translation into English from
the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)
Ultrapar Participações S.A.
Parent and Consolidated
Financial Statements
for the Year Ended
December 31, 2018 and
Independent Auditors Report
Financial Information
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
for the Years Ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
Table of Contents
Independent Auditors Report in the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements |
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(Convenience Translation into English from the Original Previously Issued in Portuguese)
Independent Auditors Report in the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
To the Shareholders of the
Ultrapar Participações S.A.
São PauloSP
We have audited the individual and consolidated financial statements of Ultrapar Participações S.A. (the Company), respectively referred to as Parent and Consolidated, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2018, the statements of income and other comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes, comprising significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the individual and consolidated financial position of the Ultrapar Participações S.A. as at December 31, 2018, and of its individual and consolidated financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Practices Adopted in Brazil and with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
Basis for Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Brazilian and International Standards on Auditing. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors Responsibilities for the Audit of the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company and its subsidiaries in accordance with the relevant ethical requirements included in the Accountant Professional Code of Ethics (Código de Ética Profissional do Contador) and in the professional standards issued by the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council (Conselho Federal de Contabilidade) and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.
Key audit matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters.
Recoverable amount of goodwill recorded in business combination individual and consolidated (Refer to notes 2. (t) Impairment of assets and 14 Intangible Assets)
The acquisition of the Imifarma Produtos Farmacêuticos S.A. (Extrafarma) operations in previous years resulted in recognition of goodwill, which the recoverable amount must be tested annually. The determination of the necessity of recording for impairment is supported by future profitability based on the business plan and budget as prepared by the Company and approved by the Board of Directors, which are made based on methodologies and assumptions, which involve judgment such as: discount and growth rates, revenue, costs, gross margin and new investments.
The process of determining the future profitability of the cash generating units for the purpose of evaluating the recoverable value of such assets involving complex, judgment and uncertain, and to the impacts that eventual changes in the assumptions used in the referred calculation might have in the consolidated financial statements as well as in the amount of the investment recorded under the equity method in the parent companys financial statements, we consider this a key audit matter.
Our response
We evaluated the design and effectiveness of the key internal control of finance projections related to the identification and measurement of the recoverable value of the cash generating units where the goodwill was allocated.
Within the involvement of our corporate finance specialists, we evaluate the methodology used by the Company and the assumptions used in calculating discounted cash flows, including growth and discount rates, comparing historical information and testing the arithmetic accuracy of the formulas used in discounted cash flow models. We evaluated the sensitivity of results prepared by the Company considering reasonable changes in the key assumptions and comparing the budgets approved in the previous year with the actual amounts calculated in order to verify the Companys ability to project future net income.
In addition, we compared the recoverable amount calculated based on the discounted cash flows, per cash generating unit, to the carrying amount of the respective cash generating units and we evaluated the adequacy of the disclosures made in the financial statements.
As a result of the evidence obtained through the procedures as described above, we consider that the is acceptable the goodwill amount on the business combination and the respect disclosures are acceptable in the context of the individual and consolidated statements taken as a whole.
Disclosure of impacts of the new accounting standard CPC 06 (R2) and IFRS 16 - Lease Accounting (Note 2.y - Individual and Consolidated)
The revised accounting standard CPC 06 (R2) and IFRS 16 - accounting, introduces complex accounting requirements that are used as basis for measuring the registration of the right of use of an asset as well as the lease liability, especially with respect to the determination of the discount rate on each lease contract, as well as the disclosure of aspects related to the transition of the accounting standard and its accounting impact that will come into effect as of January 1, 2019.
The Company and its subsidiaries maintain significant commitments arising from operating leases of land, real estate and stores in Brazil, as well as harbor concessions and offices as administrative headquarters and disclosed the potential impacts arising from the transition of the new accounting standard among other information required by these accounting standards.
Due to the complexity and judgments involved in determining the discount rates on the lease loans and the relevance of the impacts of this rate on the measurement of the lease liability, as well as the relevance of the disclosures of the effects of the initial adoption of CPC 06 (R2) / IFRS 16, this matter was considered significant for our audit.
Our response
We analyze the process to identify the information necessary to disclosure the potential impact of the new accounting standard. With support of our corporate finance specialists, we evaluate the assumptions used in determining discount rates and sensitivity analysis on the model adopted by the Company and its subsidiaries. We evaluate the judgments applied by the Company and its subsidiaries for the other assumptions used as lease term and aggregate costs to the estimated value of right of use. We performed the reconciliation with the basis records and carried out documentary tests on the database used to support the disclosed values.
As a result of the evidence obtained through the procedures as described above, we consider that the is acceptable the disclosure of potential impacts of the new accounting standard in the context of the individual and consolidated statements taken as a whole.
Other matters - Statements of value added
The individual and consolidated statements of value added (DVA) for the year ended December 31, 2018 prepared under the responsibility of the Companys management, and presented herein as supplementary information for IFRS purposes, have been subject to audit procedures jointly performed with the audit of the Companys financial statements. In order to form our opinion, we assessed whether those statements are reconciled with the financial statements and accounting records, as applicable, and whether their format and contents are in accordance with criteria determined in the Technical Pronouncement 09 (CPC 09) - Statement of Value Added. In our opinion, the statements of value added have been fairly prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the criteria determined by the aforementioned Technical Pronouncement, and are consistent with the overall individual and consolidated financial statements.
Other information accompanying the individual and consolidated financial statements and the auditors report
Management is responsible for the other information comprising the management report.
Our opinion on the individual and consolidated financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the individual and consolidated financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact. We have no issues to report on this.
Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the individual and consolidated financial statements in accordance with Accounting Practices Adopted in Brazil and with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the individual and consolidated financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Companys ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Company and subsidiaries or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Companys and subsidiaries financial reporting process.
Auditors Responsibilities for the Audit of the Individual and Consolidated Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the individual and consolidated financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditors report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with Brazilian and international standards on auditing will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with Brazilian and international standards on auditing, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
| Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the individual and consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. |
| Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Companys and its subsidiaries internal control. |
| Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. |
| Conclude on the appropriateness of managements use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Companys and its subsidiaries ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditors report to the related disclosures in the individual and consolidated financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditors report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company and subsidiaries to cease to continue as a going concern. |
| Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures, and whether the indidual and consolidated financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves fair presentation. |
| Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business activities within the Group to express an opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion. |
We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we identify during our audit.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the individual and consolidated financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditors report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.
São Paulo, February 20, 2019
KPMG Auditores Independentes
CRC 2SP014428/O-6
Original report in Portuguese signed by
Wagner Bottino
Accountant CRC 1SP196907/O-7
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Financial Position
as of December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Assets |
Note | 12/31/2018 | 12/31/2017 | 1/1/2017 | 12/31/2018 | 12/31/2017 | 1/1/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
4.a | 172,315 | 93,174 | 127,944 | 3,938,951 | 5,002,004 | 4,274,156 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Financial investments and hedging instruments |
4.b | 565,930 | 21,657 | 1,052 | 2,853,106 | 1,283,498 | 1,412,588 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trade receivables |
5.a | | | | 4,069,307 | 3,861,325 | 3,177,112 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Reseller financing |
5.b | | | | 367,262 | 286,569 | 211,055 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Inventories |
6 | | | | 3,354,532 | 3,513,710 | 2,781,377 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Recoverable taxes |
7.a | | | | 639,699 | 664,954 | 382,361 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Recoverable income and social contribution taxes |
7.b | 39,705 | 33,070 | 37,620 | 257,182 | 216,630 | 159,411 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dividends receivable |
260,483 | 27,930 | 354,150 | 1,064 | 11,137 | 8,616 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Other receivables |
1,527 | 2,404 | 3,884 | 58,561 | 44,025 | 387,252 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Prepaid expenses |
10 | 1,962 | 1,597 | 98 | 187,570 | 150,046 | 123,883 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
11 | | | | 484,473 | 456,213 | 448,316 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total current assets |
1,041,922 | 179,832 | 524,748 | 16,211,707 | 15,490,111 | 13,366,127 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-current assets |
Financial investments and hedging instruments |
4.b | | | | 202,349 | 84,426 | 15,104 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trade receivables |
5.a | | | | 81,569 | 46,301 | 49,601 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Reseller financing |
5.b | | | | 348,268 | 283,690 | 177,484 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Related parties |
8.a | 761,288 | 762,562 | 772,425 | 490 | 490 | 490 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
9.a | 14,034 | 29,158 | 22,462 | 514,187 | 614,061 | 459,618 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Recoverable taxes |
7.a | | | | 747,180 | 234,700 | 146,753 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Recoverable income and social contribution taxes |
7.b | 48,685 | 48,685 | 35,010 | 105,602 | 78,542 | 35,864 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Escrow deposits |
21.a | | 148 | 148 | 881,507 | 822,660 | 778,770 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Indemnity asset business combination |
21.c | | | | 194,719 | 202,352 | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other receivables |
| | | 1,411 | 7,918 | 2,678 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Prepaid expenses |
10 | 30 | | | 399,095 | 346,886 | 222,518 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
11 | | | | 1,034,004 | 1,046,147 | 989,768 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total long term assets |
824,037 | 840,553 | 830,045 | 4,510,381 | 3,768,173 | 2,878,648 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Investments |
In subsidiaries |
12.a | 9,509,480 | 9,263,442 | 8,107,673 | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
In joint-ventures |
12.a; 12.b | 20,118 | 54,739 | 45,409 | 101,954 | 122,061 | 116,142 | |||||||||||||||||||||
In associates |
12.c | | | | 24,338 | 25,341 | 22,731 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other |
| | | 2,795 | 2,792 | 2,814 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
9,529,598 | 9,318,181 | 8,153,082 | 129,087 | 150,194 | 141,687 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Property, plant, and equipment, net |
13 | | | | 7,278,865 | 6,637,826 | 5,796,418 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Intangible assets, net |
14 | 246,163 | 246,163 | 246,163 | 2,369,355 | 2,238,042 | 1,891,636 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total non-current assets |
10,599,798 | 10,404,897 | 9,229,290 | 14,287,688 | 12,794,235 | 10,708,389 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total assets |
11,641,720 | 10,584,729 | 9,754,038 | 30,499,395 | 28,284,346 | 24,074,516 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Financial Position
as of December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Liabilities |
Note | 12/31/2018 | 12/31/2017 | 1/1/2017 | 12/31/2018 | 12/31/2017 | 1/1/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current liabilities |
Loans and hedging instruments |
15 | | | | 2,007,430 | 1,819,766 | 1,821,398 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Debentures |
15.g | 34,504 | 817,654 | 32,479 | 263,718 | 1,681,199 | 651,591 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Finance leases |
15.i | | | | 2,849 | 2,710 | 2,615 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trade payables |
16 | 272 | 461 | 330 | 2,551,607 | 2,155,498 | 1,709,563 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trade payables - agreement |
16 | | | | 180,070 | | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Salaries and related charges |
17 | 228 | 244 | 204 | 428,192 | 388,118 | 362,718 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Taxes payable |
18 | 11,563 | 343 | 726 | 268,005 | 221,529 | 168,386 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Dividends payable |
25.h | 282,334 | 335,930 | 316,848 | 284,024 | 338,845 | 320,883 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes payable |
9,238 | | | 55,477 | 86,836 | 139,981 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Post-employment benefits |
19.b | | | | 45,655 | 30,059 | 24,940 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Provision for asset retirement obligation |
20 | | | | 4,382 | 4,799 | 4,563 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Provision for tax, civil, and labor risks |
21.a | | | | 77,822 | 64,550 | 52,694 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Trade payables customers and third parties indemnification |
22 | | | | 3,501 | 72,216 | 99,863 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other payables |
3,975 | 7,439 | 2,359 | 137,494 | 125,150 | 102,714 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Deferred revenue |
23 | | | | 26,572 | 18,413 | 22,300 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Total current liabilities |
342,114 | 1,162,071 | 352,946 | 6,336,798 | 7,009,688 | 5,484,299 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-current liabilities |
Loans and hedging instruments |
15 | | | | 6,487,400 | 6,113,545 | 6,800,135 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Debentures |
15.g | 1,722,450 | | 799,904 | 6,401,535 | 3,927,569 | 2,095,290 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Finance leases |
15.i | | | | 43,217 | 45,805 | 46,101 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Related parties |
8.a | 5,158 | 4,003 | 679 | 4,071 | 4,185 | 4,272 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
9.a | | | | 9,297 | 83,642 | 7,645 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Post-employment benefits |
19.b | | | | 204,160 | 207,464 | 119,811 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Provision for asset retirement obligation |
20 | | | | 50,285 | 59,975 | 73,001 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Provision for tax, civil, and labor risks |
21.a; 21.c | 798 | 982 | 1,884 | 865,249 | 861,246 | 727,088 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Deferred revenue |
23 | | | | 11,850 | 12,896 | 12,510 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Subscription warrants indemnification |
24 | 123,095 | 171,459 | 153,429 | 123,095 | 171,459 | 153,429 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Other payables |
| | | 162,409 | 162,834 | 74,884 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total non-current liabilities |
1,851,501 | 176,444 | 955,896 | 14,362,568 | 11,650,620 | 10,114,166 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Equity |
Share capital |
25.a; 25.f | 5,171,752 | 5,171,752 | 3,838,686 | 5,171,752 | 5,171,752 | 3,838,686 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Equity instrument granted |
25.b | 4,309 | 536 | | 4,309 | 536 | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Capital reserve |
25.d | 542,400 | 549,778 | 552,038 | 542,400 | 549,778 | 552,038 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Treasury shares |
25.c | (485,383 | ) | (482,260 | ) | (483,879 | ) | (485,383 | ) | (482,260 | ) | (483,879 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Revaluation reserve on subsidiaries |
25.e | 4,712 | 4,930 | 5,339 | 4,712 | 4,930 | 5,339 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Profit reserves |
25.f | 4,099,092 | 3,629,851 | 4,383,965 | 4,099,092 | 3,629,851 | 4,383,965 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Valuation adjustments |
25.g | (63,989 | ) | 154,824 | (23,987 | ) | (63,989 | ) | 154,824 | (23,987 | ) | |||||||||||||||||
Cumulative translation adjustments |
25.g | 65,857 | 53,061 | 7,519 | 65,857 | 53,061 | 7,519 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Additional dividends to the minimum mandatory dividends |
25.h | 109,355 | 163,742 | 165,515 | 109,355 | 163,742 | 165,515 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Equity attributable to: |
Shareholders of the Company |
9,448,105 | 9,246,214 | 8,445,196 | 9,448,105 | 9,246,214 | 8,445,196 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
| | | 351,924 | 377,824 | 30,855 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total equity |
9,448,105 | 9,246,214 | 8,445,196 | 9,800,029 | 9,624,038 | 8,476,051 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities and equity |
11,641,720 | 10,584,729 | 9,754,038 | 30,499,395 | 28,284,346 | 24,074,516 | ||||||||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Profit or Loss
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, except earnings per share)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||
Note | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | ||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||
Net revenue from sales and services |
26 | | | 90,697,983 | 79,230,014 | |||||||||||||||
Cost of products and services sold |
27 | | | (84,537,368 | ) | (72,431,473 | ) | |||||||||||||
Gross profit |
| | 6,160,615 | 6,798,541 | ||||||||||||||||
Operating income (expenses) |
Selling and marketing |
27 | | | (2,670,867 | ) | (2,486,389 | ) | |||||||||||||
General and administrative |
27 | | | (1,625,839 | ) | (1,576,528 | ) | |||||||||||||
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangibles |
28 | | | (22,088 | ) | (2,242 | ) | |||||||||||||
Other operating income, net |
29 | (313 | ) | 1 | 57,533 | 59,360 | ||||||||||||||
Operating income before financial income (expenses) and share of profit of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
(313 | ) | 1 | 1,899,354 | 2,792,742 | |||||||||||||||
Share of profit of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
12 | 1,174,985 | 1,536,388 | (14,779 | ) | 20,673 | ||||||||||||||
Income before financial result, income and social contribution taxes |
1,174,672 | 1,536,389 | 1,884,575 | 2,813,415 | ||||||||||||||||
Financial income |
30 | 146,137 | 95,218 | 681,235 | 585,101 | |||||||||||||||
Financial expenses |
30 | (119,900 | ) | (107,701 | ) | (794,771 | ) | (1,059,397 | ) | |||||||||||
Financial result, net |
26,237 | (12,483 | ) | (113,536 | ) | (474,296 | ) | |||||||||||||
Income before income and social contribution taxes |
1,200,909 | 1,523,906 | 1,771,039 | 2,339,119 | ||||||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes |
Current |
9.b; 9c | (35,363 | ) | (4,098 | ) | (476,302 | ) | (922,458 | ) | |||||||||||
Deferred |
9.b | (15,125 | ) | 6,697 | (162,417 | ) | 109,204 | |||||||||||||
(50,488 | ) | 2,599 | (638,719 | ) | (813,254 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Net income for the year |
1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | 1,132,320 | 1,525,865 | ||||||||||||||||
Net income for the year attributable to: |
Shareholders of the Company |
1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | 1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | ||||||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
| | (18,101 | ) | (640 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Earnings per share (based on weighted average number of shares outstanding) R$ |
Basic |
31 | 2.1223 | 2.8169 | 2.1223 | 2.8169 | |||||||||||||||
Diluted |
31 | 2.1083 | 2.7968 | 2.1083 | 2.7968 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Other Comprehensive Income
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||
Note | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | ||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||
Net income for the year attributable to shareholders of the Company |
1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | 1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | ||||||||||||||||
Net income for the year attributable to non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
| | (18,101 | ) | (640 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Net income for the year |
1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | 1,132,320 | 1,525,865 | ||||||||||||||||
Items that are subsequently reclassified to profit or loss: |
Fair value adjustments of financial instruments of subsidiaries, net |
25.g | (213,916 | ) | (4,016 | ) | (213,937 | ) | (4,016 | ) | |||||||||||
Fair value adjustments of financial instruments of joint ventures, net |
25.g | (2,329 | ) | 3,535 | (2,329 | ) | 3,535 | |||||||||||||
Cumulative translation adjustments, net of hedge of net investments in foreign operations and income and social contribution taxes |
25.g | 12,796 | 45,542 | 12,796 | 45,542 | |||||||||||||||
Items that are not subsequently reclassified to profit or loss: |
Actuarial losses of post-employment benefits of subsidiaries, net |
25.g | (1,193 | ) | (18,621 | ) | (5,282 | ) | (23,856 | ) | |||||||||||
Actuarial gains of post-employment benefits of joint ventures, net |
25.g | (1,375 | ) | 544 | (1,375 | ) | 544 | |||||||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the year |
944,404 | 1,553,489 | 922,193 | 1,547,614 | ||||||||||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to shareholders of the Company |
944,404 | 1,553,489 | 944,404 | 1,553,489 | ||||||||||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to non-controlling interest in subsidiaries |
| | (22,211 | ) | (5,875 | ) |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Changes in Equity
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Profit reserve | Equity attributable to: |
Note | Share capital |
Equity instrument granted |
Capital reserve |
Treasury shares |
Revaluation reserve on subsidiaries |
Legal reserve |
Investments statutory reserve |
Valuation adjustments |
Cumulative translation adjustments |
Retained earnings |
Additional dividends to the minimum mandatory dividends |
Shareholders of the Company |
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
Consolidated equity |
Balance as of December 31, 2017Restated |
5,171,752 | 536 | 549,778 | (482,260 | ) | 4,930 | 629,144 | 3,000,707 | 154,824 | 53,061 | | 163,742 | 9,246,214 | 377,824 | 9,624,038 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income for the year |
| | | | | | | | | 1,150,421 | | 1,150,421 | (18,101 | ) | 1,132,320 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other comprehensive income: |
Fair value adjustments of financial assets, net of income taxes |
25.g | | | | | | | | (216,245 | ) | | | | (216,245 | ) | (21 | ) | (216,266 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Actuarial losses of post-employment benefits, net of income taxes |
25.g | | | | | | | | (2,568 | ) | | | | (2,568 | ) | (4,089 | ) | (6,657 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Currency translation of foreign subsidiaries, including the effect of net investments hedge |
25.g | | | | | | | | | 12,796 | | | 12,796 | | 12,796 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the year |
| | | | | | | (218,813 | ) | 12,796 | 1,150,421 | | 944,404 | (22,211 | ) | 922,193 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equity instrument granted |
25.b | | 3,773 | | | | | | | | | | 3,773 | | 3,773 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stock plan |
8.c; 25.c | | | (7,378 | ) | (3,123 | ) | | | | | | | | (10,501 | ) | | (10,501 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Realization of revaluation reserve of subsidiaries |
25.e | | | | | (218 | ) | | | | | 218 | | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes on realization of revaluation reserve of subsidiaries |
25.e | | | | | | | | | | (3 | ) | | (3 | ) | | (3 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expired dividends |
| | | | | | | | | 3,170 | | 3,170 | | 3,170 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transfer to investments reserve |
| | | | | | 3,385 | | | (3,385 | ) | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional dividends attributable to non-controlling interests |
| | | | | | | | | | | | (3,689 | ) | (3,689 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Approval of additional dividends by the Shareholders Meeting |
25.h | | | | | | | | | | | (163,742 | ) | (163,742 | ) | | (163,742 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation of net income: |
Legal reserve |
25.f; 25.h | | | | | | 57,521 | | | | (57,521 | ) | | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interim dividends (R$ 0.56 per share of the Company) |
25.h | | | | | | | | | | (304,241 | ) | | (304,241 | ) | | (304,241 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proposed dividends (R$ 0.70 per share of the Company) |
25.h | | | | | | | | | | (380,324 | ) | 109,355 | (270,969 | ) | | (270,969 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Statutory reserve |
25.f; 25.h | | | | | | | 408,335 | | | (408,335 | ) | | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance as of December 31, 2018 |
5,171,752 | 4,309 | 542,400 | (485,383 | ) | 4,712 | 686,665 | 3,412,427 | (63,989 | ) | 65,857 | | 109,355 | 9,448,105 | 351,924 | 9,800,029 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Changes in Equity
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Profit reserve | Equity attributable to: |
Note | Share capital |
Equity instrument granted |
Capital reserve |
Treasury shares |
Revaluation reserve on subsidiaries |
Legal reserve |
Investments statutory reserve |
Retention of profits |
Valuation adjustments |
Cumulative translation adjustments |
Retained earnings |
Additional dividends to the minimum mandatory dividends |
Shareholders of the Company |
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
Consolidated equity |
Balance as of December 31, 2016 |
3,838,686 | | 552,038 | (483,879 | ) | 5,339 | 550,428 | 2,582,898 | 1,333,066 | (23,987 | ) | 7,519 | | 165,515 | 8,527,623 | 30,935 | 8,558,558 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Effects of IFRS adoption |
2.y | | | | | | | (82,427 | ) | | | | | | (82,427 | ) | (81 | ) | (82,508 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance as of January 1, 2017Restated |
3,838,686 | | 552,038 | (483,879 | ) | 5,339 | 550,428 | 2,500,471 | 1,333,066 | (23,987 | ) | 7,519 | | 165,515 | 8,445,196 | 30,854 | 8,476,050 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net income for the year |
| | | | | | | | | | 1,526,505 | | 1,526,505 | (640 | ) | 1,525,865 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Other comprehensive income: |
Fair value adjustments of financial assets, net of income taxes |
25.g | | | | | | | | | (481 | ) | | | | (481 | ) | | (481 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Actuarial losses of post-employment benefits, net of income taxes |
25.g | | | | | | | | | (18,077 | ) | | | | (18,077 | ) | (5,235 | ) | (23,312 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Currency translation of foreign subsidiaries, including the effect of net investments hedge |
25.g | | | | | | | | | | 45,542 | | | 45,542 | | 45,542 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total comprehensive income for the year |
| | | | | | | | (18,558 | ) | 45,542 | 1,526,505 | | 1,553,489 | (5,875 | ) | 1,547,614 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equity instrument granted |
25.b | | 536 | | | | | | | | | | | 536 | | 536 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Capital increase with reserves |
25.f | 1,333,066 | | | | | | | (1,333,066 | ) | | | | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Stock plan |
25.c | | | (2,260 | ) | 1,619 | | | | | | | | | (641 | ) | | (641 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Realization of revaluation reserve of subsidiaries |
25.e | | | | | (409 | ) | | | | | | 409 | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes on realization of revaluation reserve of subsidiaries |
25.e | | | | | | | | | | | (96 | ) | | (96 | ) | | (96 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Expired dividends |
| | | | | | | | | | 3,029 | | 3,029 | | 3,029 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Transfer to investments reserve |
| | | | | | 3,342 | | | | (3,342 | ) | | | | | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Additional dividends attributable to non-controlling interests |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | (8,730 | ) | (8,730 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Approval of additional dividends by the Shareholders Meeting |
25.h | | | | | | | | | | | | (165,515 | ) | (165,515 | ) | | (165,515 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests added due to business combination |
3.c | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 182,603 | 182,603 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests changes CBLSA |
3.c;25.g | | | | | | | | | 197,369 | | | | 197,369 | 178,972 | 376,341 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Allocation of net income: |
Legal reserve |
25.f; 25.g |
| | | | | 78,716 | | | | | (78,716 | ) | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interim dividends (R$ 0.85 per share of the Company) |
25.h | | | | | | | | | | | (461,868 | ) | | (461,868 | ) | | (461,868 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Proposed dividends (R$ 0.90 per share of the Company) |
25.h | | | | | | | | | | | (489,027 | ) | 163,742 | (325,285 | ) | | (325,285 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Statutory reserve |
25.f; 25.h |
| | | | | | 496,894 | | | | (496,894 | ) | | | | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Balance as of December 31, 2017Restated |
5,171,752 | 536 | 549,778 | (482,260 | ) | 4,930 | 629,144 | 3,000,707 | | 154,824 | 53,061 | | 163,742 | 9,246,214 | 377,824 | 9,624,038 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Cash Flows Indirect Method
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||
Note | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | ||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||
Cash flows from operating activities |
Net income for the year |
1,150,421 | 1,526,505 | 1,132,320 | 1,525,865 | ||||||||||||||||
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities |
Share of loss (profit) of subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates |
12 | (1,174,985 | ) | (1,536,388 | ) | 14,779 | (20,673 | ) | ||||||||||||
Amortization of contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
11 | | | 371,825 | 463,049 | |||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization |
13;14 | | | 812,489 | 704,544 | |||||||||||||||
PIS and COFINS credits on depreciation |
13;14 | | | 15,721 | 13,134 | |||||||||||||||
Interest, monetary, and foreign exchange rate variations |
1,776 | 103,106 | 1,026,515 | 854,671 | ||||||||||||||||
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
9.b | 15,125 | (6,697 | ) | 162,417 | (109,204 | ) | |||||||||||||
(Gain) loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangibles |
28 | | | 22,088 | 2,242 | |||||||||||||||
Estimated losses on doubtful accounts |
| | 69,250 | 132,756 | ||||||||||||||||
Provision for losses in inventories |
| | (1,498 | ) | (802 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Provision for post-employment benefits |
| | 4,854 | 13,968 | ||||||||||||||||
Other provisions and adjustments |
(6 | ) | | (135 | ) | 1,539 | ||||||||||||||
(7,669 | ) | 86,526 | 3,630,625 | 3,581,089 | ||||||||||||||||
(Increase) decrease in current assets |
Trade receivables and reseller financing |
5 | | | (355,854 | ) | (725,240 | ) | |||||||||||||
Inventories |
6 | | | 168,704 | (606,484 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Recoverable taxes |
7 | (6,635 | ) | 4,550 | (11,467 | ) | (334,217 | ) | ||||||||||||
Dividends received from subsidiaries and joint-ventures |
528,778 | 922,301 | 42,436 | 29,411 | ||||||||||||||||
Insurance and other receivables |
877 | 1,480 | (14,536 | ) | 358,682 | |||||||||||||||
Prepaid expenses |
10 | (365 | ) | (1,499 | ) | (37,525 | ) | (23,016 | ) | |||||||||||
Increase (decrease) in current liabilities |
Trade payables |
16 | (190 | ) | 131 | 576,164 | 412,393 | ||||||||||||||
Salaries and related charges |
17 | (16 | ) | 40 | 40,074 | 7,149 | ||||||||||||||
Taxes payable |
18 | 11,220 | (383 | ) | 46,476 | 33,054 | ||||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes |
9,238 | | 166,527 | 783,663 | ||||||||||||||||
Post-employment benefits |
19.b | | | 15,596 | 5,119 | |||||||||||||||
Provision for tax, civil, and labor risks |
21.a | | | 13,272 | 11,857 | |||||||||||||||
Insurance and other payables |
(3,466 | ) | (2,360 | ) | (59,237 | ) | (49,387 | ) | ||||||||||||
Deferred revenue |
23 | | | 8,159 | (3,887 | ) | ||||||||||||||
(Increase) decrease in non-current assets |
Trade receivables and reseller financing |
5 | | | (99,622 | ) | (102,905 | ) | |||||||||||||
Recoverable taxes |
7 | | (13,675 | ) | (539,539 | ) | (130,200 | ) | ||||||||||||
Escrow deposits |
148 | | (58,757 | ) | (39,795 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Other receivables |
| | 6,350 | (4,356 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Prepaid expenses |
10 | (30 | ) | | (58,735 | ) | (116,735 | ) | ||||||||||||
Increase (decrease) in non-current liabilities |
Post-employment benefits |
19.b | | | (8,457 | ) | (759 | ) | |||||||||||||
Provision for tax, civil, and labor risks |
21.a; 21.c | (184 | ) | (902 | ) | 11,811 | (68,193 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other payables |
(2,818 | ) | | (4,397 | ) | 87,950 | ||||||||||||||
Deferred revenue |
23 | | | (1,046 | ) | 385 | ||||||||||||||
Payments of contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
11 | | | (390,177 | ) | (529,732 | ) | |||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes paid |
| | (197,886 | ) | (836,808 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities |
528,888 | 996,209 | 2,888,959 | 1,739,038 | ||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Cash Flows Indirect Method
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||
Note | 2018 | 2017 | 2018 | 2017 | ||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||
Cash flows from investing activities |
Financial investments, net of redemptions |
(544,273 | ) | (20,605 | ) | (1,669,937 | ) | 60,859 | |||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents of subsidiary acquired |
3.c; 3.d | | | 3,662 | 59,863 | |||||||||||||||
Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment |
13 | | | (1,178,312 | ) | (1,302,187 | ) | |||||||||||||
Acquisition of intangible assets |
14 | | | (237,593 | ) | (221,960 | ) | |||||||||||||
Acquisition of companies |
3.d | | | (103,373 | ) | | ||||||||||||||
Capital increase in joint ventures |
12.b | | | (31,908 | ) | (16,000 | ) | |||||||||||||
Capital reduction in associates |
12.c | | | 1,250 | | |||||||||||||||
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangibles |
28 | | | 38,578 | 47,670 | |||||||||||||||
Net cash used in investing activities |
(544,273 | ) | (20,605 | ) | (3,177,633 | ) | (1,371,755 | ) | ||||||||||||
Cash flows from financing activities |
Loans, debentures, and finance leases |
Proceeds |
15 | 1,721,596 | | 4,461,112 | 4,510,694 | |||||||||||||||
Repayments |
15 | (800,336 | ) | | (3,710,718 | ) | (2,462,200 | ) | ||||||||||||
Interest paid |
15 | (86,806 | ) | (99,803 | ) | (737,564 | ) | (769,740 | ) | |||||||||||
Payments of financial lease |
15.i | | | (5,120 | ) | (5,191 | ) | |||||||||||||
Dividends paid |
(789,378 | ) | (930,557 | ) | (808,603 | ) | (940,250 | ) | ||||||||||||
Acquisition of treasury shares |
23.c | (6,526 | ) | | | | ||||||||||||||
Sale of treasury shares |
25.c | | 6,799 | | | |||||||||||||||
Related parties |
8.a | 55,976 | 13,187 | (114 | ) | 7,036 | ||||||||||||||
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities |
94,526 | (1,010,374 | ) | (801,007 | ) | 340,349 | ||||||||||||||
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents in foreign currency |
| | 26,628 | 20,214 | ||||||||||||||||
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents |
79,141 | (34,770 | ) | (1,063,053 | ) | 727,846 | ||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
4 | 93,174 | 127,944 | 5,002,004 | 4,274,158 | |||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
4 | 172,315 | 93,174 | 3,938,951 | 5,002,004 |
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Statements of Value Added
For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, except percentages)
Parent | Consolidated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Note | 2018 | % | 2017 | % | 2018 | % | 2017 | % | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Restated | Restated | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Revenue |
Gross revenue from sales and services, except rents and royalties |
26 | | | 95,297,114 | 82,720,797 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rebates, discounts, and returns |
26 | | | (1,342,799 | ) | (927,557 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Estimated losses on doubtful accountsallowance |
| | (69,250 | ) | (138,086 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Amortization of contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
11 | | | (371,825 | ) | (463,049 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangibles and other operating income, net |
28;29 | | | 35,445 | 57,118 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| | 93,548,685 | 81,249,223 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Materials purchased from third parties |
Raw materials used |
| | (6,173,615 | ) | (5,333,301 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cost of goods, products, and services sold |
| | (78,330,739 | ) | (66,434,670 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Third-party materials, energy, services, and others |
7,306 | 8,142 | (2,351,100 | ) | (2,293,904 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Provisions for losses of assets |
| | (23,141 | ) | (27,090 | ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7,306 | 8,142 | (86,878,595 | ) | (74,088,965 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gross value added |
7,306 | 8,142 | 6,670,090 | 7,160,258 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Deductions |
Depreciation and amortization |
13;14 | | | (812,489 | ) | (704,544 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PIS and COFINS credits on depreciation |
13;14 | | | (15,721 | ) | (13,134 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| | (828,210 | ) | (717,678 | ) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Net value added by the Company |
7,306 | 8,142 | 5,841,880 | 6,442,580 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Value added received in transfer |
Share of profit (loss) of subsidiaries, joint-ventures, and associates |
12 | 1,174,985 | 1,536,388 | (14,779 | ) | 20,673 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Rents and royalties |
26 | | | 143,090 | 137,026 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Financial income |
30 | 146,137 | 95,218 | 681,235 | 585,101 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1,321,122 | 1,631,606 | 809,546 | 742,800 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total value added available for distribution |
1,328,428 | 1,639,748 | 6,651,426 | 7,185,380 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Distribution of value added |
Labor and benefits |
6,218 | | 6,921 | | 2,187,994 | 33 | 1,924,541 | 27 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Taxes, fees, and contributions |
66,114 | 5 | 136 | | 2,312,328 | 35 | 2,476,497 | 34 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Financial expenses and rents |
105,675 | 8 | 106,186 | 6 | 1,018,784 | 15 | 1,258,477 | 18 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Dividends distributed |
684,565 | 52 | 950,895 | 59 | 688,254 | 10 | 959,625 | 13 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Retained earnings |
465,856 | 35 | 575,610 | 35 | 444,066 | 7 | 566,240 | 8 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Value added distributed |
1,328,428 | 100 | 1,639,748 | 100 | 6,651,426 | 100 | 7,185,380 | 100 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
1. | Operations |
Ultrapar Participações S.A. (Ultrapar or Company) is a publicly-traded company headquartered at the Brigadeiro Luis Antônio Avenue, 1343 in the city of São Paulo SP, Brazil, listed on B3 S.A. Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3), in the Novo Mercado listing segment under the ticker UGPA3 and on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in the form of level III American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) under the ticker UGP.
The Company engages in the investment of its own capital in services, commercial, and industrial activities, through the subscription or acquisition of shares of other companies. Through its subsidiaries, it operates in the segments of liquefied petroleum gasLPG distribution (Ultragaz), fuel distribution and related businesses (Ipiranga), production and marketing of chemicals (Oxiteno), and storage services for liquid bulk (Ultracargo) and retail distribution of pharmaceutical, hygiene, beauty, and skincare products (Extrafarma). For further information about segments, see Note 32.
2. | Presentation of Financial Statements and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies |
The Companys parent and consolidated financial statements (financial statements) were prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the accounting policies adopted in Brazil.
The accounting policies adopted in Brazil include those in the Brazilian corporate law and in the Pronouncements, Orientations and Interpretations issued by the Accounting Pronouncements Committee (CPC) and approved by the Brazilian Federal Accounting Council (CFC) and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).
All relevant specific information of the financial statements, and only this information, were presented and correspond to that used by the Companys and its subsidiaries Management.
The presentation currency of the Companys financial statements is the Brazilian Real (R$), which is the Companys functional currency.
The Company and its subsidiaries applied the accounting policies described below in a consistent manner for all years presented in the financial statements.
a. | Recognition of Income |
Revenue of sales and services rendered is measured at the value of the consideration that the Companys subsidiaries expect to be entitled to, net of sales returns, discounts, amortization of contractual assets with customers and other deductions, if applicable, being recognized as the entity fulfills its performance obligation. At Ipiranga, the revenue from sales of fuels and lubricants is recognized when the products are delivered to gas stations and to large consumers. At Ultragaz, revenue from sales of LPG is recognized when the products are delivered to customers at home, to independent dealers and to industrial and commercial customers. At Extrafarma, the revenue from sales of pharmaceuticals is recognized when the products are delivered to end user customers in own drugstores and when the products are delivered to independent resellers. At Oxiteno, the revenue from sales of chemical products is recognized when the products are delivered to industrial customers, depending of the freight mode of delivery. At Ultracargo, the revenue provided from storage services is recognized as services are performed. The breakdowns of revenues from sales and services are shown in Notes 26 and 32.
Amortization of contractual assets with customers for the exclusive rights in Ipirangas reseller service stations and the bonuses paid in performance obligation sales are recognized in the income statement as a deduction of the sales revenue according to the conditions established in the agreements which is reviewed as per the changes occurred in the agreements (see Notes 2.f and 11).
The am/pm franchising upfront fee received by Ipiranga is deferred and recognized in profit or loss on the straight-line accrual basis throughout the terms of the agreements with the franchisees. For more information, see Note 23.a.
Deferred revenue from loyalty program is recognized in the income statement when the points are redeemed, on which occasion the costs incurred are also recognized in profit or loss. Deferred revenue of unredeemed points is also recognized in profit or loss when points expire. For more information, see Note 23.b.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
Costs of products sold and services provided include goods (mainly fuels, lubricants, LPG, and pharmaceutical products), raw materials (chemicals and petrochemicals) and production, distribution, storage, and filling costs.
Research and development expenses are recognized in the statements of profit or loss and amounted to R$ 63,085 in 2018 (R$ 55,836 in 2017).
b. | Cash and Cash Equivalents |
Includes cash, banks deposits, and short-term, highly-liquid investments that are readily convertible into a known amount of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value. See Note 4.a for further details on cash and cash equivalents of the Company and its subsidiaries.
c. | Financial Assets |
The Company and its subsidiaries evaluated the classification and measurement of financial assets based on its business model of financial assets as follows:
| Amortized cost: financial assets held in order to collect contractual cash flows, solely principal and interest. The interest earned and the foreign currency exchange variation are recognized in profit or loss, and balances are stated at acquisition cost plus the interest earned, using the effective interest rate method. Financial investments in guarantee of loans are classified as amortized cost. |
| Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income: financial assets that are acquired or originated for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows or selling financial assets. The balances are stated at fair value, and the interest earned and the foreign currency exchange variation are recognized in profit or loss. Differences between fair value and initial amount of financial investments plus the interest earned are recognized in equity in other comprehensive income in the Valuation adjustments. Accumulated gains and losses recognized in equity are reclassified to profit or loss at the time of their settlement. Substantially the financial investments in Bank Certificates of Deposit (CDB) and repurchase agreements are classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. |
| Measured at fair value through profit or loss: financial assets that were not classified as amortized cost or measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. The balances are stated at fair value and both the interest earned and the exchange variations and changes in fair value are recognized in the income statement. Investment funds and derivatives are classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss. |
The Company and its subsidiaries use financial instruments for hedging purposes, applying the concepts described below:
| Hedge accountingfair value hedge: financial instruments used to hedge exposure to changes in the fair value of an item, attributable to a particular risk, which can affect the entitys profit or loss. In the initial designation of the fair value hedge, the relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item is documented, including the objectives of risk management, the strategy in conducting the transaction, and the methods to be used to evaluate its effectiveness. Once the fair value hedge has been qualified as effective, the hedge item is also measured at fair value. Gains and losses from hedge instruments and hedge items are recognized in profit or loss. The hedge accounting must be discontinued when the hedge becomes ineffective. |
| Hedge accountingcash flow hedge: financial instruments used to hedge the exposure to variability in cash flows that is attributable to a risk associated with an asset or liability or highly probable transaction or firm commitment that may affect the statements of profit or loss. The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is determined to be effective relating to the effects of exchange rate effect, is recognized directly in equity in accumulated other comprehensive income as Valuation adjustments while the ineffective portion is recognized in profit or loss. Gains or losses on the hedging instrument relating to the effective portion of this hedge that had been recognized directly in accumulated other comprehensive income shall be recognized in profit or loss in the period in which the hedged item is recognized in profit or loss or as initial cost of non- financial assets, in the same line of the statement that the hedged item is recognized. The hedge accounting shall be discontinued when (i) the hedging relationship is canceled; (ii) the hedging instrument expires; and (iii) the hedging instrument no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. When hedge accounting is discontinued, gains and losses recognized in equity in other comprehensive income are reclassified to profit or loss in the period which the hedged item is recognized in profit or loss. If the transaction hedged is canceled or is not expected to occur, the cumulative gains and losses in equity in other comprehensive income shall be recognized immediately in profit or loss. |
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
| Hedge accountinghedge of net investments in foreign operation: financial instruments used to hedge exposure on net investments in foreign subsidiaries due to the fact that the local functional currency is different from the functional currency of the Company. The portion of the gain or loss on the hedging instrument that is determined to be effective, referring to the exchange rate effect, is recognized directly in equity in accumulated other comprehensive income as cumulative translation adjustments, while the ineffective portion and the operating costs are recognized in profit or loss. The gain or loss on the hedging instrument that has been recognized directly in accumulated other comprehensive income shall be recognized in income when the disposal of the foreign subsidiary occurs. |
For further detail on financial instruments of the Company and its subsidiaries, see Note 33.
d. | Trade Receivables |
Trade receivables are recognized at the amount invoiced of the counterparty that the Company subsidiaries are entitled. The estimated losses take into account, at the initial recognition of the contract, the expected losses for the next 12 months and for the lifetime of the contract when the deterioration or improvement of the customers credit quality (see Notes 5 and 33.d.3), considering the customers characteristics in each business segment. The amount of the allowance for estimated losses on doubtful accounts is deemed by management to be sufficient to cover any probable loss on realization of trade receivables.
e. | Inventories |
Inventories are stated at the lower of acquisition cost or net realizable value (see Note 6). The cost value of inventory is measured using the weighted average cost and includes the costs of acquisition and processing directly and indirectly related to the units produced based on the normal capacity of production. Estimates of net realizable value are based on the average selling prices at the end of the reporting period, net of applicable direct selling expenses. Subsequent events related to the fluctuation of prices and costs are also considered, if relevant. If net realizable values are below inventory costs, a provision corresponding to this difference is recognized. Provisions are also made for obsolescence of products, materials, or supplies that (i) do not meet its subsidiaries specifications, (ii) have exceeded their expiration date, or (iii) are considered slow-moving inventory. This classification is made by management with the support of its industrial and operations teams.
f. | Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
Exclusive rights disbursements as provided in Ipirangas agreements with reseller service stations and major consumers are recognized as contractual assets when paid and amortized according to the conditions established in the agreements (see Note 2.a and 11).
g. | Investments |
Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for under the equity method of accounting in the financial statements of the parent company (see Notes 3.b and 12.a). A subsidiary is an investee in which the investor is entitled to variable returns on investment and has the ability to interfere in its financial and operational activities. Usually the equity interest in a subsidiary is more than 50%.
Investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for under the equity method of accounting in the financial statements (see Note 12 items b and c). An associate is an investment, in which an investor has significant influence, that is, has the power to participate in the financial and operating decisions of the investee but does not exercise control. A joint venture is an investment in which the shareholders have the right to net assets on behalf of a joint control. Joint control is the agreement, which establish that decisions about the relevant activities of the investee require the consent from the parties that share control.
Other investments are stated at acquisition cost less provision for losses, unless the loss is considered temporary.
h. | Property, Plant, and Equipment |
Property, plant, and equipment is recognized at acquisition or construction cost, including financial charges incurred on property, plant, and equipment under construction, as well as qualifying maintenance costs resulting from scheduled plant outages and estimated costs to remove, to decommission, or to restore assets (see Notes 2.n and 20), less accumulated depreciation and, when applicable, less provision for losses (see Note 13).
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method, over the periods mentioned in Note 13, taking into account the estimated useful lives of the assets, which are reviewed annually.
Leasehold improvements are depreciated over the shorter of the lease contract term and useful life of the property.
i. | Leases |
| Finance Leases |
Certain lease contracts transfer substantially all the risks and benefits associated with the ownership of an asset to the subsidiaries. These contracts are characterized as finance leases, and assets thereunder are capitalized at lease commencement at their fair value or, if lower, present value of the minimum lease payments under the contracts. The items recognized as assets are depreciated and amortized using the lower of the straight-line method over the lower of the useful lives applicable to each group of assets or the contract terms, as mentioned in Notes 13 and 14. Financial charges under the finance lease contracts are allocated to profit or loss over the lease contract term, based on the amortized cost and the effective interest rate method of the related lease obligation (see Notes 2.l and 15.i).
| Operating Leases |
There are lease transactions where the risks and benefits associated with the ownership of the asset are not transferred and where there is no purchase option, or the purchase option at the end of the contract is equivalent to the market value of the leased asset. Payments made under an operating lease contract are recognized as cost or expense in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease contract (see Note 34.c).
j. | Intangible Assets |
Intangible assets include assets acquired by the Company and its subsidiaries from third parties, according to the criteria below (see Note 14):
| Goodwill is shown as intangible assets corresponding to the positive difference between the amount paid or payable to the seller and the fair value of the identified assets and liabilities assumed of the acquired entity. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment. Goodwill is allocated to the business segments, which represent the lowest level that goodwill is monitored for impairment testing purposes (see Note 14.a). |
| Other intangible assets acquired from third parties, such as software, technology, and commercial property rights, are measured at the total acquisition cost and amortized using straight-line method, over the periods mentioned in Note 14, taking into account their useful lives, which are reviewed annually. |
The Company and its subsidiaries have not recognized intangible assets that were generated internally. The Company and its subsidiaries have goodwill and brands acquired in business combinations, which are evaluated as intangible assets with indefinite useful life (see Note 14 items a and e).
k. | Other Assets |
Other assets are stated at the lower of cost and realizable value, including, if applicable, interest earned, monetary changes and changes in exchange rates incurred or less a provision for loss and, if applicable, adjustment to present value.
l. | Financial Liabilities |
The Company and its subsidiaries financial liabilities include trade payables and other payables, loans, debentures, finance leases and derivative financial instruments. Financial liabilities are classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss or financial liabilities at amortized cost. The financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss refer to derivative financial instruments, subscription warrantsindemnification, and financial liabilities designated as hedged items in a fair value hedge relationship upon initial recognition (see Note 2.c Fair Value Hedge). The financial liabilities at amortized cost are stated at the initial transaction amount plus related charges and net of amortization and transaction costs. The charges are recognized in profit or loss using the effective interest rate method.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
Transaction costs incurred and directly attributable to the activities necessary for contracting loans or for issuing bonds, as well as premiums and discounts upon issuance of debentures and other debt, are allocated to the instrument and amortized to profit or loss over its term, using the effective interest rate method (see Note 15.j).
m. | Income and Social Contribution Taxes on Income |
Current and deferred income tax (IRPJ) and social contribution on net income tax (CSLL) are calculated based on their current rates. For the calculation of current IRPJ and CSLL, the value of tax incentives is also considered. Taxes are recognized based on the rates of IRPJ and CSLL provided for by the laws enacted on the last day of the financial statements. The current rates in Brazil are 25% for IRPJ and 9% for CSLL. For further details about recognition and realization of IRPJ and CSLL, see Note 9.
For purposes of disclosure, deferred tax assets were offset against the deferred tax liability, IRPJ and CSLL, in the same taxable entity and the same taxation authority.
n. | Provision for Asset Retirement Obligation Fuel Tanks |
The subsidiary Ipiranga has the legal obligation to remove the underground fuel tanks located at Ipiranga-branded service stations after a certain period. The estimated cost of the obligation to remove these fuel tanks is recognized as a liability when the tanks are installed. The estimated cost is recognized in property, plant, and equipment and depreciated over the respective useful lives of the tanks. The amounts recognized as a liability accrue interest using the National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) until the respective tank is removed (see Note 20). An increase in the estimated cost of the obligation to remove the tanks could result in negative impact in future results. The estimated removal cost is reviewed and updated annually or when there is significant change in its amount and change in the estimated costs are recognized in statements of profit or loss when they become known.
o. | Provisions for Tax, Civil, and Labor Risks |
A provision for tax, civil and labor risks is recognized for quantifiable risks, when the chance of loss is more-likely-than-not in the opinion of management and internal and external legal counsel, and the amounts are recognized based on the evaluation of the outcomes of the legal proceedings (see Note 21).
p. | Post-Employment Benefits |
Post-employment benefits granted and to be granted to employees, retirees, and pensioners are based on an actuarial calculation prepared by an independent actuary and reviewed by management, using the projected unit credit method (see Note 19.b). The actuarial gains and losses are recognized in equity in cumulative other comprehensive income in the Valuation adjustments.
q. | Other Liabilities |
Other liabilities are stated at known or measurable amounts plus, if applicable, related charges, and changes in exchange rates incurred. When applicable, other liabilities are recognized at present value, based on interest rates that reflect the term, currency, and risk of each transaction.
r. | Foreign Currency Transactions |
Foreign currency transactions carried out by the Company or its subsidiaries are remeasured into their functional currency at the exchange rate prevailing at the date of each transaction. Outstanding monetary assets and liabilities of the Company and its subsidiaries are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the financial statements. The effect of the difference between those exchange rates is recognized in profit or loss until the conclusion of each transaction.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
s. | Basis for Translation of Financial Statements of Foreign Subsidiaries |
s.1. | Subsidiaries with administrative autonomy |
Assets and liabilities of the foreign subsidiaries, denominated in currencies other than that of the Company (functional currency: Brazilian Real), which have administrative autonomy, are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the financial statements. Revenues and expenses are translated using the average exchange rate of each year and equity is translated at the historical exchange rate of each transaction affecting equity. Gains and losses resulting from changes in these foreign investments are directly recognized in equity in cumulative other comprehensive income in the cumulative translation adjustments and will be recognized in profit or loss if these investments are disposed of. The balance in cumulative other comprehensive income on December 31, 2018 was a gain of R$ 65,857 (gain of R$ 53,061 on December 31, 2017)see Note 25.g.2.
The foreign subsidiaries with functional currency different from the Company and which have administrative autonomy are listed below:
Subsidiary |
Functional currency | Location | ||
Oxiteno México S.A. de C.V. |
Mexican Peso | Mexico | ||
Oxiteno Servicios Corporativos S.A. de C.V. |
Mexican Peso | Mexico | ||
Oxiteno Servicios Industriales S.A. de C.V. |
Mexican Peso | Mexico | ||
Oxiteno USA LLC |
U.S. Dollar | United States | ||
Oxiteno Uruguay S.A. (i) |
U.S. Dollar | Uruguay | ||
Oxiteno Andina, C.A. (ii) |
Bolivar Soberano | Venezuela |
(i) | The subsidiary Oxiteno Uruguay S.A. (Oxiteno Uruguay) determined its functional currency as the U.S. dollar (US$), as its inventory sales, purchases of raw material inputs, and financing activities are performed substantially in this currency. |
(ii) | According the definition and general guidance of IAS 29 (CPC 42), the characteristics of the economic environment of Venezuela indicate that this country is a hyperinflationary economy. As a result, the financial information of Oxiteno Andina, C.A. (Oxiteno Andina) was adjusted by the Venezuelan Consumer Price Index. |
On August 20, 2018, the Venezuelan Central Bank put into effect the currency conversion (elimination of five zeros of the currency) and the Bolivar Soberano (VES). This implies a change in the monetary scale to simplify commercial transactions and accounting records, being the Bolivar Soberano traded as of December 31, 2018 at the variable exchange rate of 636.58 VES/US$ for sale and 638.18 VES/US$ for purchase.
Due to the economic and political situation in Venezuela and the uncertainty of its assets realization by Oxiteno S.A. Indústria e Comércio (Oxiteno S.A.), the Companys management recognized an impairment loss for subsidiary Oxiteno Andina in the amount of R$ 5,565, as shown below:
Current assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
1,703 | |||
Trade receivables |
290 | |||
Inventories |
985 | |||
Other receivables |
160 | |||
3,138 | ||||
Non-current assets |
Property, plant, and equipment, net |
2,427 | |||
Total of impairment loss |
5,565 | |||
s.2. | Subsidiaries without self-administrative autonomy |
Assets and liabilities of the other foreign subsidiaries, which do not have administrative autonomy, are considered an extension of the activities of their parent company and are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the financial statements. Gains and losses resulting from changes in these foreign investments are directly recognized as financial income or loss. The gain recognized in income in 2018 amounted to R$ 4,090 (R$ 7,368 gain in 2017).
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
t. | Use of Estimates, Assumptions and Judgments |
The preparation of the financial statements requires the use of estimates, assumptions, and judgments for the accounting and disclosure of certain assets, liabilities, and income. Therefore, the Company and subsidiaries management use the best information available at the date of preparation of the financial statements, as well as the experience of past and current events, also considering assumptions regarding future events. The estimates and assumptions are reviewed periodically.
t.1 | Judgments |
Information on the judgments is included: in the determination of control in subsidiaries (Notes 2.g, 2.s.1, 3 and 12.a), the determination of joint control in joint venture (Notes 2.g, 12.a and 12.b) and the determination of significant influence in associates (Notes 2.g and 12.c).
t.2 | Uncertainties related to the assumptions and estimates |
The information regarding uncertainties related to the assumptions and estimates are included: in determining the fair value of financial instruments (Notes 2.c, 2.l, 4, 15 and 33), the determination of the estimated losses on doubtful accounts (Notes 2.d, 5 and 33.d.3), the determination of provisions for losses of inventories (Notes 2.e and 6), the determination of deferred IRPJ and CSLL amounts (Notes 2.m and 9.a), , the determination of exchange rate used to translation of Oxiteno Andina information (Note 2.s.1.ii), the useful lives of property, plant, and equipment (Notes 2.h and 13), the useful lives of intangible assets, and the determination of the recoverable amount of goodwill (Notes 2.j and 14.a), provisions for assets retirement obligations (Notes 2.n and 20), provisions for tax, civil, and labor risks (Notes 2.o and 21), estimates for the preparation of actuarial reports (Notes 2.p and 19.b) and the determination of fair value of subscription warrants indemnification (Notes 24 and 33.j). The actual result of the transactions and information may differ from their estimates.
u. | Impairment of Assets |
The Company and its subsidiaries review, in every report period, the existence of any indication that an asset may be impaired and annually test intangible assets with undefined useful life. If there is an indication, the Company and its subsidiaries estimate the recoverable amount of the asset. Assets that cannot be evaluated individually are grouped in the smallest group of assets that generate cash inflow from continuous use and that are largely independent of cash flows of other assets (cash generating units CGU). The recoverable amount of assets or CGUs corresponds to the greater of their fair value net of applicable direct selling costs and their value in use.
The fair value less costs of disposal is determined by the price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date, net of costs of removing the asset, and direct incremental costs to bring an asset into condition for its sale, legal costs, and taxes.
To assess the value in use, the projections of future cash flows, trends, and outlooks, as well as the effects of obsolescence, demand, competition, and other economic factors were considered. Such cash flows are discounted to their present values using the discount rate before tax that reflects market conditions for the period of impairment testing and the specific risks of the asset or CGU being evaluated. In cases where the expected discounted future cash flows are less than their carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognized for the amount by which the carrying value exceeds the fair value of these assets. Losses for impairment of assets are recognized in profit or loss. In case goodwill has been allocated to a CGU, the recognized losses are first allocated to reduce the corresponding goodwill. If the goodwill is not enough to absorb such losses, the surplus is allocated to the assets on a pro-rata basis. An impairment of goodwill cannot be reversed. For other assets, impairment losses may be reversed only to the extent that the assets carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or amortization, if the impairment had not been recognized.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
As of December 31, 2018, the Company recognized an impairment loss for subsidiary Oxiteno Andina (see Note 2.s.1.ii).
v. | Business Combination |
A business combination is accounted applying the acquisition method. The cost of the acquisition is measured based on the consideration transferred and to be transferred, measured at fair value at the acquisition date. In a business combination, the assets acquired and liabilities assumed are measured in order to classify and allocate them accordingly to the contractual terms, economic circumstances and relevant conditions on the acquisition date. The non-controlling interest in the acquiree is measured based on its interest in identifiable net assets acquired. Goodwill is measured as the excess of the consideration transferred and to be transferred over the fair value of net assets acquired (identifiable assets and liabilities assumed, net). After the initial recognition, goodwill is measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. For impairment testing purposes, goodwill is allocated to the Companys operating segments. When the cost of the acquisition is lower than the fair value of net assets acquired, a gain is recognized directly in the income statement. Costs related to the acquisition are recorded in the income statement when incurred.
w. | Statements of Value Added |
As required by Brazilian Corporate Law, the Company and its subsidiaries prepare the parent and consolidated statements of value added (DVA) according to CPC 09 Statement of Value Added, as an integral part of the financial statements as applicable to publicly-traded companies, and as supplemental information for the IFRS, which does not require the presentation of DVA.
x. | Statements of Cash Flows Indirect Method |
The Company and its subsidiaries prepared its parent and consolidated statements of cash flows in accordance with IAS 7 (CPC 03)Cash Flow Statement. The Company and its subsidiaries present the interest paid on loans and debentures in financing activities. The Company and its subsidiaries present financial investments on a net basis of income and redemptions in the investment activities.
y. | Adoption of the Pronouncements Issued by CPC and IASB |
The following standards, amendments, and interpretations to IFRS were issued by the IASB, which are effective as of January 1, 2018:
Equivalent CPC | ||
IFRS 9 Financial instrument classification and measurement: includes new requirements for the classification and measurement of financial assets and liabilities, derecognition requirements, new impairment methodology for financial instruments, and new hedge accounting guidance. |
48 | |
IFRS 15Revenue from contracts with customers: establish the principles of nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flow arising from a contract with a customer. |
47 | |
Financial Reporting in hyperinflationary economies IAS 29 and the applying the restatement approach under IAS 29 IFRIC 7. |
42 and ICPC 23 |
The Company and its subsidiaries disclose below the information of the impacts of the adoption of IFRS 9 (CPC 48) and 15 (CPC 47) and reclassifications to the better presentation of the financial statements.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
(1) | IFRS 9 adoption (CPC 48)Financial instruments |
a) | Classification and measurement of financial instruments |
The Company and its subsidiaries evaluated the classification and measurement of financial instruments and, based on its business model, concluded that the target is achieved, receiving contractual cash flows and selling financial assets (hold for collect and sell). Accordingly, most part of the financial investments are classified as measured at fair value through other comprehensive income. Funds that are classified as measured at fair value through profit or loss and financial investments given as collateral for loans that are stated at amortized cost (see Note 2.c).
2017 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Classification as previously reported according to IAS 39 / CPC 38 |
New classification according to IFRS 9 / CPC 48 |
Category | Carrying value |
Measured at fair value through profit or loss |
Measured at fair value through other comprehensive income |
Measured at amortized cost |
Financial assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
Cash and bank deposits |
Loans and receivables | 147,926 | | | 147,926 | |||||||||||||||
Financial investments in local currency |
Measured at fair value through profit or loss |
4,821,605 | | 4,821,605 | | |||||||||||||
Financial investments in foreign currency |
Measured at fair value through profit or loss |
32,473 | 32,473 | | | |||||||||||||
Financial investments: |
Fixed-income securities and funds in local currency |
Available for sale | 68,742 | | 2,720 | 66,022 | |||||||||||||||
Fixed-income securities and funds in local currency |
Measured at fair value through profit or loss |
1,076,849 | 1,076,849 | | | |||||||||||||
Fixed-income securities and funds in local currency |
Held to maturity | 7,449 | | | 7,449 | |||||||||||||||
Fixed-income securities and funds in foreign currency |
Available for sale | 129,131 | | 129,131 | | |||||||||||||||
Currency and interest rate hedging instruments |
Measured at fair value through profit or loss |
85,753 | 85,753 | | | |||||||||||||
Total |
6,369,928 | 1,195,075 | 4,953,456 | 221,397 | ||||||||||||||||
b) | Estimated losses on doubtful accounts |
The Company and its subsidiaries assessed the estimated credit losses on doubtful accounts on trade receivables, taking into account, at the initial recognition of the contract, the expected losses for the next 12 months and for the lifetime of the contract when the deterioration or improvement of customers credit quality (see Note 2.d).
c) | Derivative financial instruments |
The Company and its subsidiaries have not identified impacts arising from this change keeping the permanence of the application of IAS 39.
(2) | IFRS 15 adoption (CPC 47)Revenue recognition from contracts with customers |
The Company and its subsidiaries evaluated all the stages for the recognition of their revenues from contracts with customers and based on their diagnosis did not identify material measurement impacts resulting from the adoption of this standard (see Note 2.a).
In relation to the presentation in the income statement, the Company and its subsidiaries evaluated that certain expenses, allocated as selling and marketing until December 31, 2017, should be better presented as a reduction of revenue, substantially in relation to the amortization expenses of exclusive contracts to operate Ipiranga service station.
The Company and its subsidiaries adopted retrospectively the impacts of the IFRS 9 and 15.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
(3) | Reclassifications |
The following reclassifications were made to the better presentation of the financial statements: i) in the statements of financial position the reclassification between property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets related to the participation of subsidiary Cia. Ultragaz in the acquisition of GLP tanks and bottles for its resellers was made; and ii) in the statements of profit or loss the segregation of sales and purchase taxes between the sales revenue and the cost of products were made.
(4) | Retrospective effect of the fair value related to CBLSA acquisition |
As required by the item 45 of CPC 15/IFRS 3, the Company is presenting the retrospective effects of the fair value of assets in the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2017, related to the conclusion of the purchase price allocation from the association with Chevron Brasil Lubrificantes S.A. (CBLSA) -see Note 3.c.
The tables below summarize the effects of the IFRS 9 (CPC 48) and 15 (CPC 47) adoption, reclassifications, on consolidated statements of financial position, statements of profit or loss and statements of cash flow:
Statements of Financial Position as of January 1, 2017
Assets |
As previously reported |
IFRS 9 adoption (1) |
IFRS 15 adoption (2) |
Reclassifications (3) | After adoption IFRS 9 and 15 |
12/31/2016 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Current assets |
Trade receivables and reseller financing |
3,502,322 | (84,713 | ) | (29,442 | ) | | 3,388,167 | |||||||||||||
Inventories |
2,761,207 | | 20,170 | | 2,781,377 | |||||||||||||||
Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
| | 448,316 | | 448,316 | |||||||||||||||
Other current assets |
6,748,267 | | | | 6,748,267 | |||||||||||||||
Total current assets |
13,011,796 | (84,713 | ) | 439,044 | | 13,366,127 | ||||||||||||||
Non-current assets |
Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
| | 989,768 | | 989,768 | |||||||||||||||
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
417,344 | 28,802 | 13,472 | | 459,618 | |||||||||||||||
Other non-current assets |
1,429,262 | | | | 1,429,262 | |||||||||||||||
Total long term assets |
1,846,606 | 28,802 | 1,003,240 | | 2,878,648 | |||||||||||||||
Investments |
141,687 | | | | 141,687 | |||||||||||||||
Property, plant, and equipment |
5,787,982 | | | 8,436 | 5,796,418 | |||||||||||||||
Intangible assets |
3,371,599 | | (1,471,527 | ) | (8,436 | ) | 1,891,636 | |||||||||||||
Total non-current assets |
11,147,874 | 28,802 | (468,287 | ) | | 10,708,389 | ||||||||||||||
Total assets |
24,159,670 | (55,911 | ) | (29,243 | ) | | 24,074,516 | |||||||||||||
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
Statements of Financial Position as of January 1, 2017
Liabilities |
As previously reported |
IFRS 9 adoption (1) |
IFRS 15 adoption (2) |
Reclassifications (3) | After adoption IFRS 9 and 15 |
12/31/2016 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Current liabilities |
Taxes payable |
171,033 | | |
(2,647 |
) |
| 168,386 | |||||||||||||
Other current liabilities |
5,315,913 | | | | 5,315,913 | |||||||||||||||
Total current liabilities |
5,486,946 | | |
(2,647 |
) |
| 5,484,299 | |||||||||||||
Non-current liabilities |
Total non-current liabilities |
10,114,166 | | | | 10,114,166 | |||||||||||||||
Equity |
Profit reserves |
4,466,392 | (55,831 | ) | (26,596 | ) | | 4,383,965 | |||||||||||||
Other equity items |
4,061,231 | | | | 4,061,231 | |||||||||||||||
Equity attributable to: |
Shareholders of the Company |
8,527,623 | (55,831 | ) | (26,596 | ) | | 8,445,196 | |||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
30,935 | (80 | ) | | | 30,855 | ||||||||||||||
Total equity |
8,558,558 | (55,911 | ) | (26,596 | ) | | 8,476,051 | |||||||||||||
Total liabilities and equity |
24,159,670 | (55,911 | ) | (29,243 | ) | | 24,074,516 | |||||||||||||
Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2017
Assets |
As previously reported |
IFRS 9 adoption (1) |
IFRS 15 adoption (2) |
Reclassifications (3) | Fair value CBLSA (4) |
After adoption IFRS 9 and 15 |
Current assets |
Trade receivables and reseller financing |
4,337,118 | (157,198 | ) | (32,026 | ) | | | 4,147,894 | ||||||||||||||||
Inventories |
3,491,879 | | 21,698 | | 133 | 3,513,710 | ||||||||||||||||||
Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
| | 456,213 | | | 456,213 | ||||||||||||||||||
Other current assets |
7,372,294 | | | | | 7,372,294 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total current assets |
15,201,291 | (157,198 | ) | (445,885 | ) | | 133 | 15,490,111 | ||||||||||||||||
Non-current assets |
Contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
| | 1,046,147 | | | 1,046,147 | ||||||||||||||||||
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
545,611 | 53,447 | 15,003 | | | 614,061 | ||||||||||||||||||
Other non-current assets |
2,107,965 | | | | | 2,107,965 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total long term assets |
2,653,576 | 53,447 | 1,061,150 | | | 3,768,173 | ||||||||||||||||||
Investments |
150,194 | | | | | 150,194 | ||||||||||||||||||
Property, plant, and equipment |
6,607,788 | | | 26,740 | 3,298 | 6,637,826 | ||||||||||||||||||
Intangible assets |
3,727,473 | | (1,538,095 | ) | (26,740 | ) | 75,404 | 2,238,042 | ||||||||||||||||
Total non-current assets |
13,139,031 | 53,447 | (476,945 | ) | | 78,702 | 12,794,235 | |||||||||||||||||
Total assets |
28,340,322 | (103,751 | ) | (31,060 | ) | | 78,835 | 28,284,346 | ||||||||||||||||
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2017
Liabilities |
As previously reported |
IFRS 9 adoption(1) |
IFRS 15 adoption(2) |
Reclassifications(3) | Fair value CBLSA(4) |
After adoption IFRS 9 and 15 |
Current liabilities |
Taxes payable |
225,829 | | (4,300 | ) | | | 221,529 | |||||||||||||||||
Other current liabilities |
6,788,159 | | | | | 6,788,159 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total current liabilities |
7,013,988 | | (4,300 | ) | | | 7,009,688 | |||||||||||||||||
Non-current liabilities |
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
38,524 | | | | 45,118 | 83,642 | ||||||||||||||||||
Other non-current assets |
11,566,978 | | | | | 11,566,978 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total non-current liabilities |
11,605,502 | | | | 45,118 | 11,650,620 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equity |
Profit reserves |
3,760,079 | (103,468 | ) | (26,760 | ) | |
| 3,629,851 | ||||||||||||||
Valuation adjustments |
159,643 | | | | (4,819 | ) | 154,824 | |||||||||||||||||
Other equity items |
5,461,539 | | | | | 5,461,539 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equity attributable to: |
Shareholders of the Company |
9,381,261 | (103,468 | ) | (26,760 | ) | | (4,819 | ) | 9,246,214 | |||||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
339,571 | (283 | ) | | | 38,536 | 377,824 | |||||||||||||||||
Total equity |
9,720,832 | (103,751 | ) | (26,760 | ) | | 33,717 | 9,624,038 | ||||||||||||||||
Total liabilities and equity |
28,340,322 | (103,751 | ) | (31,060 | ) | | 78,835 | 28,284,346 | ||||||||||||||||
Statements of Profit or Loss for the year ended December 31, 2017
As previously reported |
IFRS 9 adoption(1) |
IFRS 15 adoption(2) |
Reclassifications(3) | After adoption IFRS 9 and 15 |
Net revenue from sales and services |
80,007,422 | | (474,628 | ) | (302,780 | ) | 79,230,014 | |||||||||||||
Cost of products and services sold |
(72,735,781 | ) | | 1,528 | 302,780 | (72,431,473 | ) | |||||||||||||
Gross profit |
7,271,641 | | (473,100 | ) | | 6,798,541 | ||||||||||||||
Operating income (expenses) |
Selling and marketing |
(2,885,311 | ) | (72,485 | ) | 471,407 | |
(2,486,389 | ) | ||||||||||
Other operating income (expenses) items |
(1,519,410 | ) | | | | (1,519,410 | ) | |||||||||||||
Operating income before financial income (expenses) and share of profit of joint ventures and associates |
2,866,920 | (72,485 | ) | (1,693 | ) | | 2,792,742 | |||||||||||||
Financial result, net |
(474,296 | ) | | | |
(474,296 | ) | |||||||||||
Share of profit of joint ventures and associates |
20,673 | | | |
20,673 | |||||||||||||
Income before income and social contribution taxes |
2,413,297 | (72,485 | ) | (1,693 | ) | | 2,339,119 | |||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes |
Current |
(922,458 | ) | | | | (922,458 | ) | |||||||||||||
Deferred |
83,029 | 25,599 | 576 | | 109,204 | |||||||||||||||
(839,429 | ) | 25,599 | 576 | | (813,254 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Net income for the year |
1,573,868 | (46,886 | ) | (1,117 | ) | | 1,525,865 | |||||||||||||
Net income for the year attributable to: |
Shareholders of the Company |
1,574,306 | (46,825 | ) | (976 | ) | | 1,526,505 | |||||||||||||
Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries |
(438 | ) | (61 | ) | (141 | ) | | (640 | ) | |||||||||||
Earnings per share (based on weighted average number of shares outstanding) R$ |
Basic |
2.9056 | 2.8169 | ||||||||||||||||||
Diluted |
2.8847 | 2.7968 |
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
Statements of Cash Flows for the year ended December 31, 2017
As previously reported |
IFRS 9 adoption (1) |
IFRS 15 adoption (2) |
Reclassifications (3) | After adoption IFRS 9 and 15 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Net income for the year |
1,573,868 | (46,886 | ) | (1,117 | ) | |
1,525,865 | |||||||||||
Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities |
Share of loss (profit) of joint ventures and associates |
(20,673 | ) | | | | (20,673 | ) | |||||||||||||
Amortization of contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
| | 463,049 | | 463,049 | |||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization |
1,175,951 | | (471,407 | ) | | 704,544 | ||||||||||||||
PIS and COFINS credits on depreciation |
13,134 | | | | 13,134 | |||||||||||||||
Asset retirement obligation |
(15,432 | ) | | | 15,432 | | ||||||||||||||
Interest, monetary, and foreign exchange rate variations |
854,671 | | | | 854,671 | |||||||||||||||
Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
(83,029 | ) | (25,599 | ) | (576 | ) | | (109,204 | ) | |||||||||||
(Gain) loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangibles |
2,242 | | | | 2,242 | |||||||||||||||
Estimated credit losses on doubtful accounts |
| | | 132,756 | 132,756 | |||||||||||||||
Provision for losses in inventories |
| | | (802 | ) | (802 | ) | |||||||||||||
Provision for post-employment benefits |
| | | 13,968 | 13,968 | |||||||||||||||
Other provisions and adjustments |
(868 | ) | | 2,407 | | 1,539 | ||||||||||||||
3,499,864 | (72,485 | ) | (7,644 | ) | 161,354 | 3,581,089 | ||||||||||||||
(Increase) decrease in current assets |
Trade receivables and reseller financing |
(665,145 | ) | 72,485 | (3,006 | ) | (129,574 | ) | (725,240 | ) | |||||||||||
Inventories |
(605,757 | ) | | | (727 | ) | (606,484 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other current asset items |
30,860 | | | | 30,860 | |||||||||||||||
Increase (decrease) in current liabilities |
Taxes payable |
34,707 | | | (1,653 | ) | 33,054 | ||||||||||||||
Insurance and other payables |
(33,955 | ) | | | (15,432 | ) | (49,387 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other current liabilities items |
1,216,294 | | | | 1,216,294 | |||||||||||||||
(Increase) decrease in non-current assets |
Other non-current asset items |
(393,991 | ) | | | | (393,991 | ) | |||||||||||||
Increase (decrease) in non-current liabilities |
Post-employment benefits |
13,209 | | | (13,968 | ) | (759 | ) | |||||||||||||
Other non-current liabilities items |
20,142 | | | | 20,142 | |||||||||||||||
Payments of contractual assets with customers exclusive rights |
| | (529,732 | ) | | (529,732 | ) | |||||||||||||
Income and social contribution taxes paid |
(836,808 | ) | | | | (836,808 | ) | |||||||||||||
Net cash provided by operating activities |
2,279,420 | | (540,382 | ) | | 1,739,038 | ||||||||||||||
Cash flows from investing activities |
Acquisition of property, plant, and equipment |
(1,262,558 | ) | | | (39,629 | ) | (1,302,187 | ) | ||||||||||||
Acquisition of intangible assets |
(801,971 | ) | | 540,382 | 39,629 | (221,960 | ) | |||||||||||||
Other investing activities items |
152,392 | | | | 152,392 | |||||||||||||||
Net cash used in investing activities |
(1,912,137 | ) | | 540,382 | | (1,371,755 | ) | |||||||||||||
Net cash provided by financing activities |
340,349 | | | | 340,349 | |||||||||||||||
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents in foreign currency |
20,214 | | | | 20,214 | |||||||||||||||
Increase in cash and cash equivalents |
727,846 | | | | 727,846 | |||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year |
4,274,158 | | | | 4,274,158 | |||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year |
5,002,004 | | | | 5,002,004 |
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
(5) | CPC 42 Financial Reporting in hyperinflationary economies (equivalent to IAS 29) and ICPC 23 Applying the restatement approach under CPC 42 (equivalent to IFRIC 7) |
On December 7, 2018, CPC 42 and ICPC 23 were approved by the CPC. The subsidiaries Oxiteno Andina and Oxiteno Argentina are included in this context, and the Company had already adopted the definition and general guidance of IAS 29, not having impact on the financial statements.
The following standards, amendments, and interpretations to IFRS were issued by the IASB are not effective as of December 31, 2018:
Equivalent CPC |
Effective date | |||
(i) IFRS 16Lease: requires lessees record, in the financial statements, a liability reflecting future payments of a lease and the right to use an asset for the lease contracts, except for certain short-term leases and low asset value contracts. The criteria for recognition and measurement of leases in the financial statements of lessors are substantially maintained.
06 (R2) | 2019 | ||
(ii) Uncertainty over income tax treatments IFRIC 23: clarifies how to apply the recognition and measurement requirements in IAS 12 (CPC 32) when there is uncertainty over income tax treatments. In such circumstance, an entity shall recognize and measure its current or deferred tax asset or liability applying the requirements in IAS 12 (CPC 32) based on taxable profit (tax loss), tax bases, unused tax losses, unused tax credits and tax rates, applying this interpretation.
ICPC 22 | 2019 |
(i) | With the adoption of IFRS 16 (CPC 06 R2), as of the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2019, the leases contracted by the Companys subsidiaries will impact the financial statements as follows: |
| recognition of right to use assets and lease liabilities in the balance sheet, initially measured at the present value of future lease payments; |
| recognition of amortization expenses of right to use assets and interest expenses on the lease liabilities in the financial result in the income statements; and |
| split of the total amount of cash paid in these operations between principal and interest paid in operating activities in the statements of cash flows. |
The requirements for the accounting of lessors will remain unchanged. However, in sublease cases, the intermediate lessor is required to classify its sublease operations as financial or operating leases by reference to the right of use asset arising from the principal lease rather than by reference to the underlying asset as previously required by IAS 17 (CPC 06 R1).
The Company selected as transition method the modified retrospective approach, with the cumulative effect of initial application of this new pronouncement recorded as an adjustment to the opening balance of equity and without the restatement of comparative periods.
The new lease definitions have been applied to all identified contracts in effect on the transition date. IFRS 16/CPC 06 (R2) determines whether a contract contains a lease if a customer has the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period in return for consideration.
In the diagnosis of the adoption, the Companys management, with the assistance of specialized consulting, carried out the inventory of the contracts, evaluating whether or not each agreement contains a lease in accordance with IFRS 16/CPC 06 (R2). This analysis identified impacts mainly related to the lease of properties from third parties, port areas and lower amounts arising from other operations where the existence of leased assets individually or combined in service contracts was identified.
As provided in the standard, short-term leases with a term of 12 months or less, variable amounts, indefinite term and leases of low amount assets such as computers and office furniture, will maintain the recognition of their lease expenses on a straight-line basis in the statements of profit or loss.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
In addition, the following practical records will be used to transition to new lease accounting requirements:
| application of the CPC 06 (R2) / IFRS 16 to all contracts initiated before January 1, 2019 that were identified as leases in accordance with CPC 06 (R1) / IAS 7 and ICPC 03 / IFRIC 4; |
| use of discount rate according to the lease term and similar characteristics; |
| contracts with a term of 12 months from the date of the initial adoption of the standard or with indefinite term will not be recorded; |
| exclusion of the initial direct costs of the measurement of the opening balance from right of use asset; and |
| options for extension of the term or termination were considered, when applicable. |
The table below summarizes the range of estimated impacts on the adoption of the IFRS 16 (CPC 06 R2), as of January 1, 2019:
From | To | |||||||
Current assets |
Prepaid expenses |
(38,939 | ) | (38,939 | ) | ||||
Non-current assets |
Prepaid expenses |
(288,630 | ) | (288,630 | ) | ||||
Right of use assets |
1,731,314 | 1,940,091 | ||||||
Intangible assets |
(39,178 | ) | (39,178 | ) | ||||
Total assets |
1,364,567 | 1,573,344 | ||||||
Current liabilities |
Lease contracts payable |
184,136 | 219,399 | ||||||
Non-Current liabilities |
Lease contracts payable |
1,180,431 | 1,353,945 | ||||||
Total liabilities |
1,364,567 | 1,573,344 | ||||||
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
The analyzes associated with the measurement and accounting of the lease agreements are substantially completed, with the definition of the following topics pending for its conclusion:
| discount rate; |
| payment flows estimates from the lease agreements to be estimated for the gross or net portion of taxes. |
Therefore, considering the existence of significant components of judgment in this pronouncement, the administration understands that there may be changes in the amounts presented above.
(ii) In the evaluation of management, no significant impacts are expected as a result of the adoption of IFRIC 23/ICPC 22, since all the procedures adopted for the determination and collection of income taxes are supported by the legislation and precedents from Administrative and Judicial Courts.
z. | Authorization for Issuance of the Financial Statements |
These financial statements were authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on February 20, 2019.
3. | Principles of Consolidation, Investments in Subsidiaries and Acquisition |
a. | Principles of Consolidation |
In the preparation of the consolidated financial statements the investments of one company in another, balances of asset and liability accounts, revenues transactions, costs and expenses were eliminated, as well as the effects of transactions conducted between the companies. Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are presented within consolidated equity and net income.
Consolidation of a subsidiary begins when the parent company obtains direct or indirect control over a company and ceases when the parent company loses control of a company. Income and expenses of a subsidiary acquired are included in the consolidated income statement and other comprehensive income from the date the parent company gains the control. Income and expenses of a subsidiary, in which the parent company loses control, are included in the consolidated income statement and other comprehensive income until the date the parent company loses control.
When necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring their accounting policies into line with the Companys accounting policies.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
b. | Investments in Subsidiaries |
The consolidated financial statements include the following direct and indirect subsidiaries:
% interest in the share | ||||||||||||||||||||
12/31/2018 | 12/31/2017 | |||||||||||||||||||
Control | Control | |||||||||||||||||||
Location | Segment | Direct control |
Indirect control |
Direct control |
Indirect control |
Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo S.A. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | 100 | | 100 | | ||||||||||||||
am/pm Comestíveis Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Centro de Conveniências Millennium Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
IcorbanCorrespondente Bancário Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Ipiranga Trading Limited |
Virgin Islands | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Tropical Transportes Ipiranga Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Ipiranga Imobiliária Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Ipiranga Logística Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oil Trading Importadora e Exportadora Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Iconic Lubrificantes S.A. (see Note 3.c) |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 56 | | 56 | ||||||||||||||
Ipiranga Lubrificantes S.A. (see Note 3.c) |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Integra Frotas Ltda. |
Brazil | Ipiranga | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Companhia Ultragaz S.A. |
Brazil | Ultragaz | | 99 | | 99 | ||||||||||||||
Ultragaz Comercial Ltda. |
Brazil | Ultragaz | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Bahiana Distribuidora de Gás Ltda. |
Brazil | Ultragaz | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Utingás Armazenadora S.A. |
Brazil | Ultragaz | | 57 | | 57 | ||||||||||||||
LPG International Inc. |
Cayman Islands | Ultragaz | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Imaven Imóveis Ltda. |
Brazil | Others | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Imifarma Produtos Farmacêuticos e Cosméticos S.A. |
Brazil | Extrafarma | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno S.A. Indústria e Comércio |
Brazil | Oxiteno | 100 | | 100 | | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Nordeste S.A. Indústria e Comércio |
Brazil | Oxiteno | | 99 | | 99 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Argentina Sociedad de Responsabilidad Ltda. |
Argentina | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oleoquímica Indústria e Comércio de Produtos Químicos Ltda. |
Brazil | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Uruguay S.A. |
Uruguay | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno México S.A. de C.V. |
Mexico | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Servicios Corporativos S.A. de C.V. |
Mexico | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Servicios Industriales S.A. de C.V. |
Mexico | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno USA LLC |
United States | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Global Petroleum Products Trading Corp. |
Virgin Islands | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Andina, C.A. |
Venezuela | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Europe SPRL |
Belgium | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Colombia S.A.S |
Colombia | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Oxiteno Shanghai LTD. |
China | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
Empresa Carioca de Produtos Químicos S.A. |
Brazil | Oxiteno | | 100 | | 100 | ||||||||||||||
UltracargoOperações Logísticas e Participações Ltda. |
Brazil | Ultracargo | 100 | | 100 | | ||||||||||||||
Terminal Químico de Aratu S.A. Tequimar |
Brazil | Ultracargo | | 99 | | 99 | ||||||||||||||
TEAS Terminal Exportador de Álcool de Santos Ltda. (see Note 3.d) |
Brazil | Ultracargo | | 100 | | | ||||||||||||||
Ultrapar International S.A. |
Luxembourg | Others | 100 | | 100 | | ||||||||||||||
SERMAAss. dos usuários equip. proc. de dados |
Brazil | Others | | 100 | | 100 |
The percentages in the table above are rounded.
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
c. | Association with Chevron Brasil Lubrificantes S.A. |
On August 4, 2016, the Company through its subsidiary Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo S.A. (IPP) entered into an association agreement with Chevron Latin America Marketing LLC and Chevron Amazonas LLC (Chevron) to create a new company in the lubricants market. The association is formed by Ipiranga and Chevrons lubricants operations in Brazil. On February 2017, this transaction was approved without restrictions through an opinion issued by the General Superintendence (SG) of the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (CADE) and published in the Brazilian Federal Official Gazette. On December 1, 2017, the association was concluded, through the contribution of the subsidiary Ipiranga Lubrificantes S.A. (IpiLubs) to CBLSA and consequently IPP obtained direct control of CBLSA. IPP and Chevron hold 56% and 44%, respectively, of the CBLSA.
The Company measured the open balance, fair value of assets and liabilities, and, consequently, the goodwill of their transaction. The Company, supported by a third party company specialized in valuations, estimated the amount for the purchase price allocation and calculated the goodwill in the amount of R$ 69,807. The goodwill is based on the synergy between the lubricant operations of CBLSA and IpiLubs.
The amounts for the purchase price allocation were temporary on the date on which they were disclosed in the financial statements of December 31, 2017. In 2018, the Company calculated the definitive amounts and adjusted retrospectively to December 1, 2017 the purchase price allocation during the fourth quarter of 2018. The table below summarize the assets acquired and liabilities assumed as of the acquisition date (December 1, 2017):
Current assets |
Temporary amount |
Final amount |
Adjustment | Current liabilities |
Temporary amount |
Final amount |
Adjustment | |||||||||||||||||||
Cash and cash equivalents (1) |
73,316 | 73,316 | | Trade payables |
33,453 | 33,453 | | |||||||||||||||||||
Trade receivables |
157,016 | 157,016 | | Salaries and related charges |
18,251 | 18,251 | | |||||||||||||||||||
Inventories |
112,998 | 113,131 | 133 | Taxes payable |
20,089 | 20,089 | | |||||||||||||||||||
Recoverable taxes |
5,595 | 5,595 | | Other payables |
28,743 | 28,743 | | |||||||||||||||||||
Other receivables |
15,497 | 15,497 | | |||||||||||||||||||||||
364,422 | 364,555 | 133 | 100,536 | 100,536 | | |||||||||||||||||||||
Non-current assets |
Non-current liabilities |
Related parties |
7,077 | 7,077 | | Provision for tax, civil, and labor risks |
202,352 | 202,352 | | |||||||||||||||||||
Indemnity asset |
202,352 | 202,352 | | Deferred income and social contribution taxes |
3,300 | 48,418 | 45,118 | |||||||||||||||||||
Escrow deposits |
4,095 | 4,095 | | Post-employment benefits |
44,478 | 44,478 | | |||||||||||||||||||
Other receivables |
5,257 | 5,257 | | 250,130 | 295,248 | 45,118 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Property, plant, and equipment |
172,526 | 175,823 | 3,298 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Intangible assets |
9,944 | 139,215 | 129,270 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
401,251 | 533,819 | 132,568 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Total assets acquired |
765,673 | 898,374 | 132,701 | Total liabilities assumed |
350,666 | 395,784 | 45,118 | |||||||||||||||||||
Goodwill |
123,673 | 69,807 | (53,866 | ) | Participation of non-controlling interests |
182,603 | 221,139 | 38,536 | ||||||||||||||||||
Total assets acquired and goodwill |
889,346 | 968,181 | 78,835 | Consideration transferred | 356,077 | 351,258 | (4,819 | ) |
(1) | Includes the cash contribution from IPP. |
Ultrapar Participações S.A. and Subsidiaries
Notes to the Parent and Consolidated Financial Statements
(In thousands of Brazilian Reais, unless otherwise stated)
During the process of identification of assets and liabilities, intangible assets, which were not recognized in the acquired entitys books were also taken into account, as shown below: