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                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER

                      PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 or 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                     Report on Form 6-K dated June 12, 2003

                           Commission File No. 1-14110


                              (Name of Registrant)

                         7, Place du Chancelier Adenauer
                              75218 Paris Cedex 16
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices)

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Enclosure: Press release dated June 12, 2003, announcing the acquisition Enocap.


                            [PECHINEY LOGO OMITTED]

              Pechiney Acquires Chilean Leader in Wine Overcapping

Paris, June 12, 2003 - Pechiney has announced that its subsidiary, Pechiney
Capsules (sales of (euro)96 million in 2002), has acquired the Chilean company
Enocap. Pechiney Capsules specializes in caps and overcaps for wine, champagne,
liquors and spirits.

Enocap achieves annual sales of almost $US 3 million and employs approximately
40 people in its Santiago plant. Enocap was founded in 1996 and swiftly became
the leader in the Chilean overcapping market, of which it has a 50% share. The
company manufactures a wide range of capsules (PVC, metal-plastic composites,
champagne caps).

"We want to develop in South America, particularly in Chile, which has great
wines and is enjoying global growth in wine exports," stated Bruno de
Tremiolles, Chairman and CEO of Pechiney Capsules. "We are especially satisfied
with the agreement signed with Enocap, which has achieved national leadership
through manufacturing excellence and outstanding service quality."

Enocap Chairman Nicolas Rodillo emphasized the opportunities raised by the
agreement with Pechiney Capsules: "the Chilean market is growing more and more
sophisticated by the day. Innovative products are required in line with the
upscale trend in the country's wines. Our new partner's innovation capability
will support us in serving our customers even more effectively and in winning
new business."

                                More Information

Pechiney Capsules, the world leader in capping and overcapping for wine,
champagne, liquors and spirits, achieved sales of (euro)96 million in 2002. It
employs 860 people in 5 production sites - 3 in France, 1 in California and 1 in
Quebec. Pechiney Capalux, the Quebec subsidiary, was acquired in October 2000 to
develop Pechiney Capsules' North American market presence and to gain leadership
in long skirt aluminum closures.

Pechiney Capsules belongs to the Pechiney Group's Packaging Sector, which
achieved sales of (euro)2.4 billion in 2002. The Sector is active in 18
countries and employs 16,000 people in 95 production units. It has global
leadership positions in high value-added specialty packaging for health & beauty
(collapsible tubes, aluminum aerosol cans, luxury plastic containers for
cosmetics & perfumes) and food (flexible packaging, caps and overcaps).

Pechiney is an international group listed on the Paris and New York stock
exchanges. Its three core businesses are primary aluminum, aluminium conversion
and packaging. Pechiney achieved sales of (euro)11.9 billion in 2002. It employs
34,000 employees.


Certain statements in this press release that describe Pechiney's intentions,
expectations or projections may constitute forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and
other factors that may cause Pechiney's actual results, performance or
achievement to be materially different from its intentions, expectations or
projections. The forward-looking statements in this press release speak only as
of its date and Pechiney undertakes no obligation to update or revise any
forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date
hereof or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.

    Investor Relations Contacts:                   Press Contacts:
    Charles L. Ranunkel: Tel: 33 1 56 28 25 07     Chrystele Ivins: Tel: 33 1 56 28 24 18
                         Fax 33 1 56 28 33 38
    7, place du Chancelier Adenauer                Stephan Giraud: Tel: 33 1 56 28 24 19
    75116 Paris                          


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
Pechiney has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: June 12, 2003                        PECHINEY

                                           By:    /s/ OLIVIER MALLET
                                           Name:  Olivier MALLET
                                           Title: Chief Financial Officer