Yatela, Geita, Iduapriem, Obuasi, La Colosa, Gramalote, Quebradona and Greenfields
Exploration ended the second quarter with no injuries at all.
Group production in the first six months of 2017 was marginally higher than in the first six
months of last year. The slow production from the South African operations was offset by
another strong performance from the International Operations, with Siguiri achieving a 25%
increase in production due to higher grades. Iduapriem, Kibali, Tropicana and AGA Mineração
also reported solid performances. The Company recovered from the first quarter
underperformance, with second quarter production increasing 11% to 918,000oz, from
830,000oz in the first quarter.
Adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (Adjusted EBITDA) was
$610m for the first six months of 2017, down 22% from $781m for the first half of last year.
The Adjusted EBITDA excluded the impact of the South African redundancy costs and
impairments but included the impact of the estimated provision in respect of the silicosis class-
action and related costs of $63m. The ratio of net debt to Adjusted EBITDA at 30 June 2017
was 1.56 times compared with 1.44 times at 30 June 2016. The current net debt to Adjusted
EBITDA ratio falls well below the covenant ratio of 3.5 times which applies under the
company’s revolving credit facility agreements (RCFs), highlighting the success of AngloGold
Ashanti’s continued efforts to maintain financial flexibility.
Full-Year Guidance*
The guidance for the full year remains unchanged as follows:
Production between 3.6Moz and 3.75Moz;
Capital expenditure between $950m and $1,050m;
Total cash costs between $750/oz and $800/oz; and
AISC between $1,050/oz and $1,100/oz, assuming average exchange rates against
the US dollar of 13.20ZAR (Rand), 3.20BRL (Brazil Real), 0.77AUD (Aus$) and
16.75ARS (Argentina Peso), with oil at $48/bl on average for the year.
*Production, overhead and cost estimates assume neither labour interruptions or power disruptions, nor changes to asset portfolio and/or operating
mines and have not been reviewed by our external auditors. Other unknown or unpredictable factors could also have material adverse effects on
our future results and no assurance can be given that any expectations expressed by AngloGold Ashanti will prove to have been correct. Please
refer to the Risk Factors section in AngloGold Ashanti’s annual report on Form 20-F for the year ended
31 December 2016, filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.
JSE Sponsor: Deutsche Securities (SA) Proprietary Limited
Chris Nthite
+27 11 637 6388/+27 83 301 2481
Stewart Bailey
+27 81 032 2563 / +27 11 637 6031
General inquiries
Stewart Bailey
+27 81 032 2563 / +27 11 637 6031