OFFICE OF THRIFT SUPERVISION Washington, DC 20552 SCHEDULE 13D/A Under the Security Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. 1) NASB Financial, Inc. (Name of issuer) Common stock, Par Value $0.15 Per Share (Title and Class of Securities) 628968109 (CUSIP Number) Michael G. Dunn 204-B Marina Drive St. Simons Island, Georgia 31522 (Name, Address, and Telephone Number of Person Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications) April 7, 2005 (Date of Event Which Requires Filing of This Statement) If the filing person has previously filed a statement on Schedule 13G to report the acquisition that is the subject of this Schedule 13D, and is filing this schedule because of Rule 13d-1(e), Rule 13d-1(f) or Rule 13d-1(g), check the following box. [ ] CUSIP NO. 628968109 1. Name of Reporting Person SS or IRS Identification Number of Person Michael G. Dunn 2. Check the Appropriate Box if a Member of a Group (a) [ ] (b) [ ] 3. SEC Use Only 4. Source of Funds Personal Funds 5. Check Box if Disclosure of Legal Proceeding is Require Pursuant to Item 2(d) or 2(e): [ ] 6. Citizenship or Place of Organization United States Citizen 7. Sole Voting Power 504,612 shares 8. Shared Voting Power -0- 9. Sole Dispositive Power 504,612 shares 10. Shared Dispositive Power -0- 11. Aggregate Amount Beneficially Owned by Each Reporting Person 504,612 shares 12. Check Box if the Aggregate Amount in Row 11 Excludes Certain Shares [ ] 13. Percent of Class Represented by Amount in Row 11 5.97% 14. Type of Reporting Person IN Item 1. Security and Issuer This statement relates to NASB Financial, Inc. (the "Company"), common stock, par value $0.15 per share. The principal executive offices of the Company are located at 12498 S. 71 Highway, Grandview, MO 64030. Item 2. Identity and Background The person filing this statement is Michael G. Dunn. Mr. Dunn's business address is 204-B Marina Drive, St. Simons Island, Georgia 31522. Mr. Dunn's present business occupation is private investor. Mr. Dunn, during the past five years, has not been convicted in a criminal proceeding (excluding traffic violations and similar misdemeanors). Mr. Dunn, during the past five years, has not been a party to a civil proceeding of a judicial or administrative body of competent jurisdiction which caused him to be subject to a judgment, decree, or final order enjoining further violations of or prohibiting or mandating activities subject to federal or state securities laws or finding any violation with respect to such laws. Mr. Dunn is a citizen of the United States of America. Item 3. Source and Amount of Funds or Other Consideration As of this date, Mr. Dunn owns 504,612 shares of stock. The funds used by Mr. Dunn to purchase the stock have come from Mr. Dunn's personal funds. Item 4. Purpose of Transaction Prior to this transaction, Mr. Dunn owned 917,636 shares of the Company's common stock, which represent approximately 10.9% of the total shares outstanding. Mr. Dunn had acquired the stock for investment purposes, and may or may not acquire additional stock for investment. On April 7, 2005, Mr. Dunn transferred 413,024 shares of the Company's common stock to his former spouse. Subsequent to the transfer, Mr. Dunn has no beneficial ownership in these shares. Mr. Dunn's remaining 504,612 shares represent approximately 6.0% of the total shares outstanding. Item 5. Interest in Securities of the Issuer Mr. Dunn owns 504,612 shares of stock, which represent approximately 6.0% of the outstanding stock of the Company. Mr. Dunn has the sole power to vote and dispose of 504,612 of these shares. Mr. Dunn has not purchased any shares of the Company's stock in the past sixty days. Item 6. Contracts, Agreements, Understandings or Relationships With Respect to Securities of the Issuer None. Item7. Material to be Filed as Exhibits None. After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true, complete, and correct. Date: April 11, 2005 By: /s/Michael G. Dunn Shareholder