Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

Filed by Registrant [ X ]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]
Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
    Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Sec. 240.14a-11(c) or Sec. 240.14a-12

                           FIRST FINANCIAL FUND, INC.
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

                               Stephen C. Miller
                          2344 Spruce Street, Suite A
                            Boulder, Colorado 80302
                                 (303) 444-5483
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

          1)   Title of each class of securities to which transactions applies:

          2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

          3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed
               pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which
               the filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):

          4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

          5)   Total fee paid:

[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by  Exchange  Act
     Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identity the filing for which the  offsetting fee was
     paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by  registration  statement
     number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

          1) Amount Previously Paid:

          2) Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:

          3) Filing Party:

          4) Date Filed:

[GRAPHIC OMITTED]                                     FIRST FINANCIAL FUND, INC.
                                                              2344 SPRUCE STREET
                                                                         SUITE A
                                                         BOULDER, COLORADO 80302

June 20, 2007

Dear Fellow Stockholder,

     You are cordially invited to attend the 2007 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of First Financial Fund, Inc.,  which will be held on Friday,  August 3, 2007 at
9:00 a.m.  Pacific  Daylight Time (local  time),  at The Resort at the Mountain,
68010 East  Fairway  Avenue,  Welches,  Oregon.  Details of the  business  to be
presented  at the  meeting  can be found in the  accompanying  Notice  of Annual
Meeting and Proxy Statement.

     Once again, I would like to use this  opportunity  to recognize  Wellington
Management  Company,  LLP and its Portfolio  Manager,  Nicholas C. Adams, for an
exceptional  performance  in managing the Fund.  Recently,  the Fund  received a
Performance  Achievement  Certificate  for its  number one  ranking in  Lipper's
Closed-End  Sector  Equity Funds  classification  for the 10-year  period ending
December  31,  2006.  This is the third year  running that the Fund has received
this certificate!  Congratulations to Nick and the team at Wellington Management
on this outstanding achievement.

     We hope you plan to attend the meeting. Your vote is important.  Whether or
not you are able to attend,  it is important  that your shares be represented at
the  Meeting.  Accordingly,  we ask that you  please  sign,  date and return the
enclosed  Proxy Card or vote via  telephone  or the  Internet  at your  earliest

     On behalf of the Board of Directors and the  management of First  Financial
Fund, Inc., I extend our appreciation for your continued support.

/s/ Joel W. Looney
Joel W. Looney
Chairman of the Board

[GRAPHIC OMITTED]                                     FIRST FINANCIAL FUND, INC.
                                                              2344 SPRUCE STREET
                                                                         SUITE A
                                                         BOULDER, COLORADO 80302

                          To Be Held on August 3, 2007

To the Stockholders:

     Notice is hereby  given that the Annual  Meeting of  Stockholders  of First
Financial Fund, Inc. (the "Fund"), a Maryland  corporation,  will be held at The
Resort at the Mountain,  68010 East Fairway Avenue,  Welches,  Oregon,  97067 at
9:00 a.m.  Pacific  Daylight  Time  (local  time),  on August 3,  2007,  for the
following purposes:

     1.   The election of Directors of the Fund (Proposal 1).

     2.   To  transact  such other  business  as may  properly  come  before the
          Meeting or any adjournments thereof.

     The Board of  Directors of the Fund has fixed the close of business on June
12, 2007 as the record date for the  determination  of  stockholders of the Fund
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting.

                                     By Order of the Board of Directors,
                                     /s/ Stephanie Kelley
                                     STEPHANIE KELLEY

June 20, 2007



     The following general rules for signing proxy cards may be of assistance to
you and may avoid the time and expense to the Fund involved in  validating  your
vote if you fail to sign your proxy card properly.

     1.  Individual  Accounts:  Sign  your name  exactly  as it  appears  in the
registration on the proxy card.

     2. Joint Accounts: Either party may sign, but the name of the party signing
should conform exactly to a name shown in the registration.

     3. All Other  Accounts:  The capacity of the  individual  signing the proxy
card should be indicated unless it is reflected in the form of registration. For


            Registration                                                                     Valid Signature

            Corporate Accounts
            (1)  ABC Corp.                                                                   ABC Corp.
            (2)  ABC Corp.                                                                   John Doe, Treasurer
            (3)  ABC Corp., c/o John Doe Treasurer                                           John Doe
            (4)  ABC Corp. Profit Sharing Plan                                               John Doe, Trustee

            Trust Accounts
            (1)  ABC Trust                                                                   Jane B. Doe, Trustee
            (2)  Jane B. Doe, Trustee, u/t/d 12/28/78                                        Jane B. Doe

            Custodian or Estate Accounts
            (1)  John B. Smith, Cust.,                                                       John B. Smith
                  f/b/o John B. Smith, Jr. UGMA
            (2)  John B. Smith                                                               John B. Smith, Jr., Executor

[GRAPHIC OMITTED]                                     FIRST FINANCIAL FUND, INC.
                                                              2344 SPRUCE STREET
                                                                         SUITE A
                                                         BOULDER, COLORADO 80302

                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS

                                 August 3, 2007

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

     This proxy statement ("Proxy  Statement") for First Financial Fund, Inc., a
Maryland   corporation  (the  "Fund"),  is  furnished  in  connection  with  the
solicitation  of proxies by the Fund's  Board of  Directors  (collectively,  the
"Board" and  individually,  the  "Directors")  for use at the Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  of the Fund to be held on August  3,  2007,  at 9:00 a.m.  Pacific
Daylight  Time (local  time) at The Resort at the  Mountain,  68010 East Fairway
Drive, Welches,  Oregon, 97067 and at any adjournments and postponements thereof
(the  "Meeting").  A Notice of Annual Meeting of Stockholders and proxy card for
the Fund  accompany  this Proxy  Statement.  Proxy  solicitations  will be made,
beginning on or about June 21, 2007,  primarily by mail, but proxy solicitations
may also be made by  telephone,  by Internet on the Fund's  website,  or through
email   communications  with  Stockholders  who  have  enrolled  in  the  Fund's
electronic duplicate communications service(1), telegraph or personal interviews
conducted by officers of the Fund and  Computershare  Trust  Company,  N.A., the
transfer  agent  of the  Fund.  The  costs of proxy  solicitation  and  expenses
incurred in  connection  with the  preparation  of this Proxy  Statement and its
enclosures  will be paid by the Fund.  The Fund also  will  reimburse  brokerage
firms and others for their expenses in forwarding  solicitation  material to the
beneficial  owners of its  shares.  The Board has fixed the close of business on
June 12, 2007 as the record date (the "Record  Date") for the  determination  of
stockholders  entitled  to  notice  of  and  to  vote  at the  Meeting  and  any
postponements or adjournments thereof.

     The Annual Report of the Fund,  including audited financial  statements for
the most  recent  fiscal  period  ended  March  31,  2007,  has been  mailed  to
stockholders.  Additional copies are available upon request,  without charge, by
calling  Computershare  Trust Company,  N.A.  toll-free at (800)  451-6788.  The
report    is   also    viewable    online    at   the    Fund's    website    at  The Annual  Report is not to be  regarded  as proxy
solicitation material.

     Wellington   Management  Company,  LLP  ("Wellington   Management"  or  the
"Adviser"),  75 State Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts 02109, currently serves as
the investment adviser to the Fund. Fund Administrative Services, L.L.C. ("FAS")
serves as  co-administrator  to the Fund and is located at 2344  Spruce  Street,
Suite A, Boulder, Colorado 80302. Investors Bank & Trust Company ("IBT") acts as
custodian  and  co-administrator  to the Fund and is  located  at 200  Clarendon
Street, Boston, Massachusetts,  02116. Computershare Trust Company, N.A. acts as
the  transfer  agent to the Fund and is located at 250  Royall  Street,  Canton,
Massachusetts 02021.

     If the enclosed  proxy is properly  executed and returned by August 3, 2007
in time to be voted at the Meeting,  the Shares (as defined  below)  represented
thereby will be voted in accordance with the instructions marked thereon. Unless
instructions to the contrary are marked  thereon,  a proxy will be voted FOR the
election of the  nominees for  Directors,  and, in the  discretion  of the proxy
holders,  on any other  matters that may properly  come before the Meeting.  Any
stockholder  who has given a proxy has the right to revoke it at any time  prior
to its exercise  either by attending the Meeting and casting his or her votes in
person or by submitting a letter of  revocation  or a  later-dated  proxy to the
Fund's Secretary at the above address prior to the date of the Meeting.

     A quorum of the Fund's stockholders is required for the conduct of business
at the  Meeting.  Under  the  bylaws  of the Fund  (the  "Bylaws"),  a quorum is
constituted  by the  presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a majority
of the outstanding shares of the Fund as of the Record Date. In the event that a
quorum is not present at the Meeting,  the persons  named as proxies may propose
and vote for one or more adjournments of the Meeting. An adjournment for lack of
a quorum  requires  the  affirmative  vote of the  holders of a majority  of the
shares entitled to vote at the Meeting and present in person or by proxy. In the
event  that a quorum is present  but  sufficient  votes to  approve  one or more
proposals  are not  received,  the persons named as proxies may propose and vote
for one or more  adjournments  of the Meeting to permit further  solicitation of
proxies with respect to any  proposal  that did not receive the votes  necessary
for its passage.  With respect to those proposals for which there is represented
a  sufficient  number of votes in favor,  actions  taken at the Meeting  will be
approved and implemented  irrespective of any  adjournments  with respect to any
other  proposals.  Any such  adjournment  will require the affirmative vote of a
majority of votes cast on the matter at the Meeting. If a quorum is present, the
persons named as proxies will vote those proxies which they are entitled to vote
FOR any  proposal in favor of such an  adjournment  and will vote those  proxies
required to be voted  AGAINST any proposal  against any such  adjournment.  With
respect to those proposals for which there is represented a sufficient number of
votes in favor,  actions  taken at the Meeting will be approved and  implemented
irrespective of any adjournments with respect to any other proposals.

     The Fund has one class of stock:  common stock,  par value $0.001 per share
(the "Common Stock" or the "Shares").  On the Record Date, there were 29,200,589
Shares issued and outstanding. Each Share is entitled to one vote at the Meeting
and fractional shares are entitled to proportionate shares of one vote.

forth certain information regarding the beneficial ownership of the Shares as of
the Record Date by each person who may be deemed by the Fund to beneficially own
5% or more of the Common Stock.

  Name of Owner*                              Number of Shares                   Number of Shares                    Percentage
                                              Directly Owned (1)                 Beneficially Owned               Beneficially Owned
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------
Badlands Trust Company, LLC  (1)(2)                        0                       1,737,573                            5.95%
Stewart R. Horejsi Trust No. 2 (3)                 2,169,602                       2,169,602                            7.43%
Ernest Horejsi Trust  No. 1B (1)                   1,271,427                       1,271,427                            4.35%
Lola Brown Trust No. 1B (1)                        3,000,693                       3,000,693                           10.28%
Mildred B. Horejsi Trust (1)                       2,025,122                       2,025,122                            6.94%
Susan L. Ciciora Trust (1)                         1,737,573                       1,737,573                            5.95%

                                 -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------
Aggregate Shares Owned by Horejsi Affiliates      10,204,417                      10,204,417                           34.95%
(definedbelow) **
-------------------------------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ------------------------------
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.***                  1,967,871                       1,967,871                            6.74%

*    The address of each listed owner is c/o Badlands  Trust  Company,  LLC, c/o
     Alaska First Bank & Trust, 3301 C Street, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99503

**   Aggregate  number  and  percentage  are less than the sum total of  amounts
     shown for each owner  because  the same  shares may be deemed  beneficially
     owned by more than one party (see Footnotes 1 through 3 below).

***  These  securities  are  owned  by  various   individual  and  institutional
     investors which T. Rowe Price Associates,  Inc. ("Price Associates") serves
     as investment adviser with power to direct investments and/or sole power to
     vote the  securities.  For purposes of the  reporting  requirements  of the
     Securities  and Exchange Act of 1934,  Price  Associates  is deemed to be a
     beneficial owner of such securities;  however,  Price Associates  expressly
     disclaims  that it is, in fact, the  beneficial  owner of such  securities.
     Shares  stated are as reported in a Schedule 13G Amendment No. 4 filed with
     the Securities and Exchange Commission on February 13, 2007.

(1)  Direct Ownership.  The Susan L. Ciciora Trust (the "Susan Trust"),  Mildred
     B. Horejsi Trust (the "Mildred Trust"), Lola Brown Trust No. 1B (the "Brown
     Trust"),  Ernest Horejsi Trust No. 1B (the "EH Trust"),  Stewart R. Horejsi
     Trust No. 2 ("SRH Trust"),  Badlands Trust Company,  LLC ("Badlands"),  and
     Stewart R. Horejsi are, as a group,  considered to be a "control person" of
     the Fund (as that term is  defined in  Section  2(a)(9)  of the  Investment
     Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "1940 Act")). The Susan Trust, Mildred
     Trust,  Brown  Trust,  EH Trust,  SRH Trust and  Badlands  directly own the
     shares  indicated for such entity in the table above,  totaling  10,204,417
     (34.95%).  However,  these  entities  and other  trusts or  companies  with
     interlocking management and/or common ownership may be deemed to indirectly
     own additional Fund shares, which are included in the table above.

(2)  Ownership by Badlands.  The number shown in the table includes  shares that
     may be deemed to be  beneficially  owned  indirectly  by  Badlands  through
     direct or indirect  ownership  by the Susan  Trust,  Mildred  Trust,  Brown
     Trust,  EH Trust and SRH Trust.  Badlands is the sole  trustee of the Susan
     Trust. Badlands, together with Brian Sippy and Susan Ciciora (Mr. Horejsi's
     daughter), is one of the trustees of the Mildred Trust. Badlands,  together
     with Larry  Dunlap and Ms.  Ciciora,  is one of three  trustees of both the
     Brown Trust and the EH Trust.  Badlands is a trust company  organized under
     the laws of Alaska,  which is wholly owned by the SRH Trust.  The SRH Trust
     is an irrevocable trust organized by Mr. Stewart Horejsi for the benefit of
     his issue.  The managers of Badlands are Larry  Dunlap,  Stephen C. Miller,
     Laura E.  Tatooles,  Laura  Rhodenbaugh,  and Ron Kukes.  Badlands  and its
     directors  disclaim  beneficial  ownership of shares owned  directly by the
     Susan Trust, Mildred Trust, Brown Trust, EH Trust and SRH Trust.

(3)  Indirect  Ownership by SRH Trust.  The number  shown in the table  reflects
     shares that may be deemed to be beneficially  owned indirectly  through the
     SRH  Trust's  ownership  of  Badlands.  The  trustees  of the SRH Trust are
     Badlands,  Laura E.  Tatooles  and  Brian  Sippy.  Both the  Trust  and its
     trustees  disclaim  beneficial   ownership  of  shares  beneficially  owned
     directly or indirectly by Badlands.


     The Susan  Trust,  Mildred  Trust,  Brown  Trust,  EH Trust,  SRH Trust and
Badlands,  as well as other  Horejsi  affiliated  trusts and  entities  are, for
convenience sake,  collectively  referred to herein as the "Horejsi Affiliates".
Information  as to  beneficial  ownership  in the  previous  paragraph  has been
obtained from a representative of the beneficial  owners;  all other information
as to  beneficial  ownership is based on reports filed with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission (the "SEC") by such beneficial owners.

     As of the Record Date, Cede & Co., a nominee  partnership of the Depository
Trust Company held of record, but not beneficially,  28,154,666 shares or 96.42%
of Common Stock outstanding of the Fund.

     As of the Record Date, the executive officers and directors of the Fund, as
a group,  owned  10,237,627  shares of Common  Stock (this  amount  includes the
aggregate  shares of Common  Stock  owned by the  Horejsi  Affiliates  set forth
above), representing 35.06% of Common Stock.

     In order  that your  Shares  may be  represented  at the  Meeting,  you are
requested to vote on the following matters:

                                   PROPOSAL 1

                        ELECTION OF DIRECTORS OF THE FUND

     The Charter  provides  that all of the  Directors  stand for election  each
year. The Board has nominated the following five Director  nominees to stand for
election,  each for a one-year term and until their  successors are duly elected
and qualify:  Richard I. Barr,  Joel W. Looney,  Dr. Dean L. Jacobson,  Susan L.
Ciciora and John S. Horejsi.  On October 13, 2006,  Dennis Causier submitted his
resignation  as a Director  of the Fund.  The  remaining  Directors  of the Fund
accepted Mr. Causier's  resignation and, at the subsequent  regularly  scheduled
Board  meeting  held on  October  23,  2006,  nominated  John S.  Horejsi as Mr.
Causier's  replacement.  Mr. Horejsi is the son of Stewart Horejsi, an agent and
beneficiary of the Fund's largest  stockholder (the EH Trust defined above), and
will be an interested Director of the Fund. The above nominees have consented to
serve as Directors if elected at the Meeting for the  one-year  term.  If any of
the designated  nominees declines or otherwise becomes unavailable for election,
however,  the proxy confers  discretionary power on the persons named therein to
vote in favor of a substitute nominee or nominees.

     INFORMATION ABOUT DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS.  Set forth in the following table
is information about the nominees for election to the Board of Directors, all of
whom are currently Directors of the Fund:

------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

Name, Address*, Age             Position, Length of Term Served, and    Principal Occupation(s) and Other Directorships Held During
                                           Term of Office                                   the Past Five Years
------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
Independent Directors
------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------

Joel W. Looney                  Director and Chairman of the Board     Partner, Financial Management Group, LLC (investment
Chairman                        of the Fund since 2003. Current        adviser), since 1999; CFO, Bethany College, 1995-1999;
Age:  45                        Nominee for a term to expire at the    Director, Boulder Total Return Fund, Inc., since 2001;
                                2008 annual meeting.                   Director, Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc., since 2002
                                                                       and Chairman of the Board since 2003.

Richard I. Barr                 Director of the Fund since 2001.       Retired. Manager, Advantage Sales and Marketing, Inc. (food
Age:  69                        Current Nominee for a term to expire   and beverage), 1963-2001; Director, Boulder Total Return
                                at the 2008 annual meeting.            Fund, Inc., since 1999 and Chairman of the Board since 2003;
                                                                       Director, Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc., since 2002.

Dr. Dean L. Jacobson            Director of the Fund since 2003.       Founder and President, Forensic Engineering, Inc.
Age: 68                         Current Nominee for a term to expire   (engineering investigations); Professor Emeritus at Arizona
                                at the 2008 annual meeting.            State University, since 1997; Professor of Engineering at
                                                                       Arizona State University, prior to 1997; Director, Boulder
                                                                       Total Return Fund, Inc., since 2004; Director, Boulder
                                                                       Growth & Income Fund, Inc., since 2006.

---------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Interested Directors**
---------------- -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Susan L. Ciciora                Director of the Fund since 2003.       Trustee of the Brown Trust and the EH Trust; Director,
Age: 42                         Current Nominee for a term to expire   Horejsi Charitable Foundation, Inc. (private charitable
                                at the 2008 annual meeting.            foundation), since 1997; Director, Boulder Growth & Income
                                                                       Fund, Inc., since 2006; Director, Boulder Total Return
                                                                       Fund, since 2001.

John S. Horejsi                 Director of the Fund since 2006.       Director,  Horejsi Charitable  Foundation (private charitable
Age:  39                        Current nominee for a term to expire   foundation), since 1997;  Director,  Boulder  Growth & Income
                                at the 2008 annual meeting.            Fund,  Inc.,  since 2004; Director, Boulder Total Return
                                                                       Fund, Inc., since 2006.

*    Unless otherwise  specified,  the Directors'  respective  addresses are c/o
     First Financial Fund, Inc., 2344 Spruce Street, Suite A, Boulder,  Colorado

**   Ms.  Ciciora and Mr. Horejsi are each  "interested  persons" as a result of
     the extent of their  beneficial  ownership  of Fund shares and by virtue of
     their indirect beneficial ownership of FAS.


     From the late 1980's  until  January,  2001,  Mr.  Looney  served,  without
compensation, as one of three trustees of the Mildred Trust, an affiliate of the
EH Trust.

     The names of the  executive  officers  of the Fund are  listed in the table
below.  Each  officer  was  elected to office by the Board at a meeting  held on
April 27, 2007. This table also shows certain additional  information.  Officers
are elected  annually  and each  officer will hold such office until a successor
has been elected by the Board.

------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name, Address, Age                              Position, Length of           Principal Occupation(s) and Other Directorships held
                                          Term Served, and Term of Office                  During the Past Five Years
------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------ ----------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Stephen C. Miller                        President of the Fund since 2003    President of and General Counsel for Boulder Investment
2344 Spruce Street                       and Director and Chairman from      Advisers, LLC ("BIA"), since 1999; Manager, Fund
Suite A                                  2003 through 2004.  Chief           Administrative Services, LLC ("FAS"), since 1999; Vice
Boulder, CO 80302                        Compliance Officer of the Fund      President, Stewart Investment Advisers ("SIA"), since
Age:  54                                 since 2004.  Appointed annually.    1999; Director and President of Boulder Total Return
                                                                             Fund, Inc., since 1999 (resigned as Director in 2004);
                                                                             Director and President of Boulder Growth & Income Fund,
                                                                             Inc., since 2002 (resigned as Director in 2004); Chief
                                                                             Compliance Officer for BIA, SIA, Boulder Total Return
                                                                             Fund, Inc. and Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc.;
                                                                             officer of various other Horejsi Affiliates; Of
                                                                             Counsel, Krassa & Miller, LLC, since 1991.

Carl D. Johns                            Chief Financial Officer, Chief      Vice President and Treasurer of BIA and Assistant
2344 Spruce Street                       Accounting Officer, Vice            Manager of FAS, since 1999; Vice President, Chief
Suite A                                  President and Treasurer since       Financial Officer, Chief Accounting Officer and
Boulder, CO 80302                        2003.  Appointed annually.          Treasurer, Boulder Total Return Fund, Inc., since 1999
                                                                             and Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc., since 2002.
Age: 44

Stephanie Kelley                         Secretary since 2003.  Appointed    Secretary, Boulder Total Return Fund, Inc., since 2000;
2344 Spruce Street                       annually.                           Secretary, Boulder Growth & Income Fund, Inc., since
Suite A                                                                      2002; Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer of
Boulder, CO 80302                                                            various Horejsi Affiliates; employee of FAS, since
Age:  50                                                                     1999.

Nicole L. Murphey                        Assistant Secretary since 2003.     Assistant Secretary, Boulder Total Return Fund, Inc.,
2344 Spruce Street                       Appointed annually.                 since 2000; Assistant Secretary, Boulder Growth &
Suite A                                                                      Income Fund, Inc., since 2002; employee of FAS, since
Boulder, CO 80302                                                            1999.
Age:  30

     Set forth in the following table are the nominees for election to the Board
(all of whom are current  Directors of the Fund)  together with the dollar range
of equity securities beneficially owned by each Director as of the Record Date.

     Independent Directors (the "Independent        Dollar Range of Equity Securities in the
            Directors") and Nominees                                  Fund
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------

                Dean L. Jacobson                               $10,001 to $50,000
                 Richard I. Barr                                 Over $100,000
                 Joel W. Looney                               $50,001 to $100,000

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
        Interested Directors and Nominees
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
                Susan L. Ciciora                                 Over $100,000+
                 John S. Horejsi                                 Over $100,000+

+ 10,204,417 Shares of the Fund are held collectively by the Horejsi  Affiliates
(defined above). Accordingly,  Ms. Ciciora and Mr. Horejsi may be deemed to have
indirect  beneficial  ownership  of such  Shares.  Ms.  Ciciora and Mr.  Horejsi
disclaim all such  beneficial  ownership.  Neither Ms.  Ciciora nor Mr.  Horejsi
directly owns any shares of the Fund.

     None  of  the   Independent   Directors  or  their  family   members  owned
beneficially  or of record any securities of the Adviser or any person  directly
or  indirectly  controlling,  controlled  by, or under  common  control with the

     DIRECTOR AND OFFICER  COMPENSATION.  The following table sets forth certain
information  regarding the  compensation of the Fund's  Directors for the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2007. No persons (other than the Independent Directors,  as
set forth below) currently  receive  compensation  from the Fund for acting as a
Director or officer. Directors and executive officers of the Fund do not receive
pension or retirement  benefits  from the Fund.  Independent  Directors  receive
reimbursement for travel and other out of pocket expenses incurred in connection
with Board meetings.

                                                       Aggregate Compensation
Name of Person and Position with the Fund               from the Fund Paid to
------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------
Dean Jacobson, Director                                        $29,000
Richard I. Barr, Director                                      $29,000
Joel W. Looney, Director and Chairman of the Board             $36,000
John S. Horejsi, Director                                         $0
Susan L. Ciciora, Director                                        $0

     Each Director of the Fund who was not a Director,  officer,  or employee of
the Adviser, FAS, or any of their affiliates, receives a fee of $8,000 per annum
plus $4,000 for each in person  meeting of the Board of  Directors  and $500 for
each telephonic meeting of the Board. In addition, the Chairman of the Board and
the Chairman of the Audit  Committee  receive $1,000 per meeting and each member
of the Audit Committee receives $500 per meeting.  Each Independent  Director of
the Fund is reimbursed for travel and  out-of-pocket  expenses  associated  with
attending Board and Committee meetings. The Board held eleven meetings (seven of
which were held by telephone conference call) during the fiscal year ended March
31, 2007. Each Director currently serving in such capacity for the entire fiscal
year  attended at least 75% of the  meetings of Directors  and any  Committee of
which he is a member.  Directors  currently serving and who served less than the
entire  fiscal year  attended at least 75% of such  meetings  held during  their
tenure as a Director.  The aggregate  remuneration  paid to the Directors of the
Fund for acting as such during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007  amounted to


     AUDIT  COMMITTEE;  REPORT  OF AUDIT  COMMITTEE.  The  purpose  of the Audit
Committee is to assist Board oversight of the integrity of the Fund's  financial
statements,  the Fund's compliance with legal and regulatory  requirements,  the
independent auditor's qualifications and independence and the performance of the
Fund's independent  auditors.  The Audit Committee reviews the scope and results
of  the  Fund's  annual  audit  with  the  Fund's  independent  accountants  and
recommends  the  engagement  of  such  accountants.   Management,   however,  is
responsible  for the  preparation,  presentation  and  integrity  of the  Fund's
financial  statements,  and the  independent  accountants  are  responsible  for
planning  and carrying  out proper  audits and  reviews.  The Board of Directors
adopted a written  charter for the Audit  Committee  on August 19, 2003 and most
recently amended the Audit Committee  Charter on January 23, 2004. A copy of the
Audit Committee Charter is attached as Exhibit A.

     The  Audit  Committee  is  composed  entirely  of  the  Fund's  independent
Directors,  consisting of Dr. Jacobson and Messrs. Looney and Barr. The Board of
Directors  has  determined  that Joel Looney  qualifies  as an "audit  committee
financial  expert," as defined under the  Securities  and Exchange  Commission's
Regulation  S-K,  Item  401(h).  The  Audit  Committee  is  in  compliance  with
applicable  rules  of  the  listing   requirements  for  closed-end  fund  audit
committees, including the requirement that all members of the audit committee be
"financially  literate" and that at least one member of the audit committee have
"accounting  or related  financial  management  expertise," as determined by the
Board.  The Audit  Committee is required to conduct its operations in accordance
with applicable  requirements of the  Sarbanes-Oxley  Act and the Public Company
Accounting  Oversight  Board, and the members of the Audit Committee are subject
to the fiduciary duty to exercise  reasonable care in carrying out their duties.
Each member of the Audit  Committee is  independent,  as that term is defined by
the NYSE Listing Standards. The Audit Committee met four times during the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2007.

     In  connection  with the  audited  financial  statements  as of and for the
period ended March 31, 2007  included in the Fund's Annual Report for the period
ended March 31, 2007 (the "Annual Report"), at a meeting held on April 27, 2007,
the Audit Committee  considered and discussed the audited  financial  statements
with management and the independent accountants, and discussed the audit of such
financial statements with the independent accountants.

     The Audit  Committee has received the written  disclosures  and letter from
the independent  accountants  required by Independence  Standards Board Standard
No. 1 (Independence  Discussions  with Audit  Committees) and has discussed with
the independent  accountants their  independence.  The Audit Committee discussed
with the independent  accountants the accounting  principles applied by the Fund
and such other matters  brought to the  attention of the Audit  Committee by the
independent  accountants  required by  Statement of Auditing  Standards  No. 61,
Communications With Audit Committees, as currently modified or supplemented.

     The members of the Audit  Committee are not  professionally  engaged in the
practice  of  auditing  or  accounting  and are not  employed by the Fund in any
accounting,  financial  management or internal control capacity.  Moreover,  the
Audit  Committee  relies on and makes no independent  verification  of the facts
presented  to it or  representations  made  by  management  or  the  independent
accountants.  Accordingly,  the Audit Committee's  oversight does not provide an
independent  basis to  determine  that  management  has  maintained  appropriate
accounting and financial reporting principles and policies, or internal controls
and procedures,  designed to assure  compliance  with  accounting  standards and
applicable   laws  and   regulations.   Furthermore,   the   Audit   Committee's
considerations  and discussions  referred to above do not provide assurance that
the audit of the Fund's financial  statements has been carried out in accordance
with generally accepted  accounting  standards or that the financial  statements
are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

     Based on its  consideration  of the audited  financial  statements  and the
discussions  referred to above with management and the  independent  accountants
and  subject to the  limitation  on the  responsibilities  and role of the Audit
Committee set forth in the Audit Committee  Charter and those  discussed  above,
the  Audit  Committee  of the Fund  recommended  to the Board  that the  audited
financial  statements  be included in the Fund's  Annual Report and be mailed to
stockholders and filed with the SEC.

     Submitted by the Audit Committee of the Fund's Board of Directors:

                  Joel W. Looney
                  Richard I. Barr
                  Dean L. Jacobson

     NOMINATING  COMMITTEE.  The Board of Directors  has a nominating  committee
(the  "Nominating  Committee")  composed  of the Fund's  independent  Directors,
consisting of Dr. Jacobson and Messrs. Looney and Barr, which is responsible for
considering  candidates  for  election  to the Board in the event a position  is
vacated or created.  Each member of the Nominating Committee is independent,  as
that term is defined by the NYSE Listing Standards. The Nominating Committee met
once during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2007.  On October 13,  2006,  Dennis
Causier of Mallorca, Spain, submitted his resignation as a director of the Fund.
The  remaining  Directors  accepted  Mr.  Causier's   resignation  and,  at  the
subsequent regularly scheduled Board meeting held on October 23, 2006, nominated
John S. Horejsi as Mr.  Causier's  replacement.  The Nominating  Committee noted
that Mr. Horejsi was the son of Stewart Horejsi, an agent and beneficiary of the
Fund's largest stockholders (the Horejsi Affiliates defined above). Accordingly,
Mr.  Horejsi would be  considered  an  interested  Director of the Fund. At this
meeting,  the Nominating  Committee considered the qualifications and determined
the  suitability of John S. Horejsi to be Director and resolved to recommend Mr.
Horejsi to stockholders  for election at the 2007 Annual  Meeting.  The Board of
Directors has adopted a charter for the  Nominating  Committee that is available
on the Fund's website,

     The Nominating  Committee  does not have a formal  process for  identifying
candidates. The Nominating Committee takes into consideration such factors as it
deems  appropriate  when  nominating  candidates.   These  factors  may  include
judgment,  skill,  diversity,  experience  with  investment  companies and other
organizations  of comparable  purpose,  complexity,  size and subject to similar
legal  restrictions and oversight,  the interplay of the candidate's  experience
with  the  experience  of other  Board  members,  and the  extent  to which  the
candidate would be a desirable addition to the Board and any committees thereof.
The  Nominating  Committee  will consider all  qualified  candidates in the same
manner.  The  Nominating  Committee may modify its policies and  procedures  for
director  nominees  and  recommendations  in  response  to changes in the Fund's
circumstances, and as applicable legal or listing standards change.

     The Nominating Committee would consider director candidates  recommended by
stockholders  (if a vacancy  were to exist) and  submitted  in  accordance  with
applicable  law and  procedures  as  described  in  this  Proxy  Statement  (see
"Submission of Stockholder  Proposals" below).  Such  recommendations  should be
forwarded to the Secretary of the Fund.

     The Fund does not have a compensation committee.

                          OTHER BOARD-RELATED MATTERS.

     Stockholders who wish to send  communications to the Board should send them
to the  address  of  the  Fund  and to the  attention  of the  Board.  All  such
communications will be directed to the Board's attention.

     The Fund does not have a formal policy regarding Board member attendance at
the Annual Meeting of Stockholders,  however,  all of the Directors of the Fund,
who were  Directors at the time,  attended  the July 24, 2006 Annual  Meeting of

     Vote  Required.  The  election of Messrs.  Looney,  Barr and  Horejsi,  Dr.
Jacobson and Ms.  Ciciora as Directors of the Fund will require the  affirmative
vote of a  plurality  of the votes cast by  holders  of the Common  Stock at the
Meeting in person or by proxy on Proposal 1.



     Notice is hereby given that for a stockholder proposal to be considered for
inclusion in the Fund's proxy material  relating to its 2008 annual  stockholder
meeting,  stockholder  proposals  must be  received  by the Fund no  later  than
February  21,  2008.  Any such  proposal  shall set forth as to each  matter the
stockholder  proposes to bring before the meeting (i) a brief description of the
business desired to be brought before the meeting and the reasons for conducting
such business at the meeting,  (ii) the name and address,  as they appear on the
Fund's books,  of the stockholder  proposing such business,  (iii) the class and
number of shares of the capital stock of the Fund which are  beneficially  owned
by the  stockholder,  and (iv) any material  interest of the stockholder in such
business.   Stockholder   proposals,   including  any  accompanying   supporting
statement, may not exceed 500 words. A stockholder desiring to submit a proposal
must be a record or beneficial owner of Shares with a market value of $2,000 and
must have held such Shares for at least one year. Further,  the stockholder must
continue  to hold such  Shares  through  the date on which the  meeting is held.
Documentary  support  regarding  the foregoing  must be provided  along with the
proposal. There are additional requirements regarding proposals of stockholders,
and a  stockholder  contemplating  submission  of a proposal is referred to Rule
14a-8  promulgated  under the 1934 Act. The timely submission of a proposal does
not guarantee its inclusion in the Fund's proxy materials.

     Pursuant to the Fund's By-laws,  at any annual meeting of the stockholders,
only  business  that  has been  properly  brought  before  the  meeting  will be
conducted.  To be properly brought before the annual meeting,  the business must
be (i)  specified in the notice of meeting,  (ii) by or at the  direction of the
Board of Directors,  or (iii) otherwise properly brought before the meeting by a
stockholder.  For business to be properly brought before the annual meeting by a
stockholder, the stockholder must have given timely notice thereof in writing to
the  Secretary  of the  Fund.  To be  timely,  a  stockholder's  notice  must be
delivered to the Secretary at 2344 Spruce  Street,  Suite A,  Boulder,  Colorado
80302 no later  than 5:00  p.m.,  Mountain  Time,  on the 120th day prior to the
first  anniversary of the date of mailing of the notice for the preceding year's
annual  meeting.  However,  if the date of the  annual  meeting is  advanced  or
delayed  by more  than 30 days  from the  first  anniversary  of the date of the
preceding year's annual meeting,  for notice by the stockholder to be timely, it
must be delivered not later than 5:00 p.m.,  Mountain  Time, on the later of the
120th day prior to the date of such  annual  meeting or the tenth day  following
the day on which public  announcement of the date of such meeting is first made.
The public  announcement  of a postponement  or adjournment of an annual meeting
shall not commence a new time period for the giving of a stockholder's notice as
described above.

     Pursuant to the Fund's By-laws,  such stockholder's  notice shall set forth
(i) as to each individual whom the stockholder proposes to nominate for election
or reelection as a director,  (A) the name, age,  business address and residence
address of such  individual,  (B) the class,  series and number of any shares of
stock of the Fund that are beneficially  owned by such individual,  (C) the date
such shares were acquired and the  investment  intent of such  acquisition,  (D)
whether  such  stockholder  believes  any  such  individual  is,  or is not,  an
"interested  person" of the Fund,  as  defined  in the 1940 Act and  information
regarding such individual that is sufficient,  in the discretion of the Board of
Directors or any  committee  thereof or any  authorized  officer of the Fund, to
make  such  determination  and  (E)  all  other  information  relating  to  such
individual  that is required to be  disclosed  in  solicitations  of proxies for
election of directors in an election contest (even if an election contest is not
involved), or is otherwise required, in each case pursuant to Regulation 14A (or
any  successor  provision)  under  the  Exchange  Act and the  rules  thereunder
(including  such  individual's  written  consent  to being  named  in the  proxy
statement as a nominee and to serving as a director if elected);  (ii) as to any
other  business  that the  stockholder  proposes to bring before the meeting,  a
description  of such  business,  the reasons for proposing  such business at the
meeting and any material  interest in such business of such  stockholder and any
Stockholder  Associated  Person  (as  defined  below),  individually  or in  the
aggregate,  including  any  anticipated  benefit  to  the  stockholder  and  the
Stockholder Associated Person therefrom;  (iii) as to the stockholder giving the
notice and any Stockholder  Associated Person,  the class,  series and number of
all shares of stock of the Fund which are owned by such  stockholder and by such
Stockholder  Associated  Person,  if any, and the nominee holder for, and number
of, shares owned  beneficially  but not of record by such stockholder and by any
such Stockholder Associated Person; (iv) as to the stockholder giving the notice
and any  Stockholder  Associated  Person  covered by the  immediately  preceding
clauses (ii) or (iii), the name and address of such stockholder,  as they appear
on the Fund's stock ledger and current name and address,  if  different,  and of
such  Stockholder  Associated  Person;  and  (v)  to  the  extent  known  by the
stockholder  giving the notice,  the name and  address of any other  stockholder
supporting  the nominee for election or reelection as a director or the proposal
of  other  business  on the  date of  such  stockholder's  notice.  "Stockholder
Associated  Person" of any  stockholder  shall mean (i) any person  controlling,
directly or indirectly,  or acting in concert with, such  stockholder,  (ii) any
beneficial  owner of shares of stock of the Fund owned of record or beneficially
by such  stockholder  and (iii) any person  controlling,  controlled by or under
common control with such Stockholder Associated Person.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

     INDEPENDENT  ACCOUNTANTS.  At its regularly scheduled Board meeting held on
April 27, 2007, the Audit Committee of the Board,  consisting of those Directors
who are not "interested persons" (as defined in the 1940 Act), selected, and the
Board ratified,  the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP  ("Deloitte") of Denver,
Colorado as the Fund's independent accountants for the Fund's fiscal year ending
March 31, 2008.

     KPMG,  LLP ("KPMG") at 99 High Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02110-2371,
served as independent accountants for the Fund from 2003 through the preparation
of the Fund's March 31, 2006 tax return and annual report. KPMG's reports on the
financial  statements for the two years immediately  preceding their termination
contained no adverse  opinion or  disclaimer of opinion and was not qualified or
modified as to uncertainty,  audit scope, or accounting  principles.  During the
two  fiscal  years  immediately  preceding  KPMG's  termination,  there  were no
disagreements  with such  accountants on any matter of accounting  principles or
practices, financial statement disclosure, or auditing scope or procedure.

     Deloitte  served as  independent  accountants  for the Fund's  fiscal  year
ending March 31, 2007. In addition to performing  independent audit services for
the Fund, Deloitte also performs certain non-audit related services,  i.e., tax,
and consulting, on behalf of the Fund's adviser,  Wellington Management Company,
L.P. (the "investment  adviser").  Under the Sarbanes-Oxley rules, as adopted by
the Securities  Exchange  Commission (the "SEC"),  and under the Audit Committee
Charter,  the Audit  Committee  must  pre-approve  all non-audit  services to be
provided by the auditors to the Fund, and all non-audit  services to be provided
by the  auditors to the Fund's  investment  adviser  and any  service  providers
controlling,  controlled by or under common  control with the Fund's  investment
adviser  ("adviser  affiliates")  that provide on-going services to the Fund, if
the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial reporting of the
Fund, or to establish  detailed  pre-approval  policies and  procedures for such
services in accordance  with  applicable  laws. The Audit Committee has reviewed
the non-audit  services to be provided by Deloitte to the investment adviser (no
such  services are provided to the Fund) and has  pre-approved  the provision of
those services. Accordingly, all of the audit, audit-related, non-audit, and tax
services  described below for which Deloitte billed the Fund fees for the fiscal
year ended March 31, 2007,  were either  pre-approved  by the Audit Committee or
were for services that were unrelated to the direct  operations and/or financial
reporting  of the Fund.  Deloitte has informed the Fund that it has no direct or
indirect financial interest in the Fund.

     A representative of Deloitte will not be present at the Meeting but will be
available by telephone and will have an  opportunity  to make a statement if the
representative  so desires  and will be  available  to  respond  to  appropriate

     Set forth  below are audit fees and  non-audit  related  fees billed to the
Fund for  professional  services  received  from KPMG for the Fund's fiscal year
ended March 31, 2006 and from  Deloitte  for the Fund's  fiscal year ended March
31, 2007, respectively.

Fiscal Year Ended                 Audit Fees             Audit-Related Fees              Tax Fees*                 All Other Fees
-----------------                 ----------             ------------------              ---------                 --------------

3/31/2006                      $25,200                       $0                        $6,000                       $0
3/31/2007                      $26,500                       $0                        $6,250                       $0

* "Tax Fees" are those fees billed to the Fund by KPMG or Deloitte in connection
with tax  consulting  services,  including  primarily  the  review of the Fund's
income tax returns.

the 1934 Act and Section 30(h) of the 1940 Act requires the Fund's Directors and
officers,  persons affiliated with the Fund's investment  advisers,  and persons
who own more than 10% of a registered  class of the Fund's  securities,  to file
reports of  ownership  and  changes of  ownership  with the SEC and the New York
Stock  Exchange.  Directors,  officers  and  greater-than-10%  stockholders  are
required by SEC regulations to furnish the Fund with copies of all Section 16(a)
forms they file. Based solely upon the Fund's review of the copies of such forms
it receives and written  representations  from such  persons,  the Fund believes
that  through the date hereof all such filing  requirements  applicable  to such
persons were complied with.

     BROKER NON-VOTES AND ABSTENTIONS.  An unsolicited  proxy for shares held by
brokers or nominees as to which (i) instructions have not been received from the
beneficial owners or the persons entitled to vote and (ii) the broker or nominee
does not have  discretionary  voting  power on a  particular  matter is a broker
"non-vote". Proxies that reflect abstentions or broker non-votes will be counted
as shares that are present  and  entitled to vote on the matter for  purposes of
determining the presence of a quorum. In circumstances where the vote to approve
a matter is a percentage of votes cast (e.g.,  Proposal 1),  abstentions  do not
constitute a vote "for" or "against"  the  proposal and will be  disregarded  in
determining the "votes cast" on the proposal.

     OTHER  MATTERS  TO COME  BEFORE  THE  MEETING.  The Fund does not intend to
present any other business at the Meeting,  nor is it aware that any stockholder
intends to do so. If, however, any other matters are properly brought before the
Meeting,  the persons named in the accompanying  form of proxy will vote thereon
in accordance with their discretion.



(1)  Stockholders  can receive  TIMELY  information  about the Fund  quickly and
     conveniently!  The Fund  offers  the  option  for  electronic  delivery  of
     DUPLICATE  copies of all  stockholder  communications.  You can  choose the
     timeliness  and   convenience   of  receiving  and  reviewing   stockholder
     communications,  such as annual  reports  and proxy  statements,  online in
     addition to, but more quickly than,  the hard copies you currently  receive
     in the mail.  If you sign up for the  option,  you will  receive  an e-mail
     notification when stockholder  communications  are available,  containing a
     link to those communications on the Internet.  HOWEVER,  presently you will
     not be able to vote your shares  using these links and will have to wait to
     vote using the hard copies you receive later in the mail or  electronically
     from your broker or  For more information,  please visit the
     Fund's website at

                                    EXHIBIT A

                             AUDIT COMMITTEE CHARTER

     1. The Audit Committee shall be composed  entirely of directors who are not
"interested  persons" of the Fund within the meaning of the  Investment  Company
Act of 1940 ("independent directors") and who are free of any other relationship
that,  in the  opinion of the Board of  Directors,  would  interfere  with their
exercise of  independent  judgment as  Committee  members.  The Audit  Committee
Chairman shall be selected by the members of the Committee.  The Audit Committee
shall have at least three members,  all of whom shall be  financially  literate.
The  Chairman  of the  Committee  must  have  accounting  or  related  financial
management expertise, as determined by the Board in its judgment.

At least annually,  the Board of Directors  shall determine  whether one or more
"audit committee  financial  experts," as such term is defined by the Securities
and  Exchange  Commission,  are  members of the  Committee  and whether any such
expert is  "independent."  For  purposes of this  finding  only,  in order to be
considered  "independent,"  any such  expert  may not,  other than in his or her
capacity as a member of the Committee,  the Board or any other Board  committee,
accept directly or indirectly any consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee
from the Fund (other than Board or committee  fees). The designation of a person
as an audit committee  financial  expert ("ACFE") shall not impose any liability
greater  than the  liability  imposed  on such  person  as a member of the Audit
Committee or the Board of Directors in the absence of such designation.

     2. The purposes of the Audit Committee are:

          (a)  to assist Board oversight of

               1.   the integrity of the Fund's financial statements

               2.   the Fund's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

               3.   the independent auditor's qualifications and independence

               4.   the performance of the Fund's independent auditors

          (b) to prepare an audit committee  report if required by the SEC to be
     included in the Fund's annual proxy statement;

          (c) to oversee the Fund's accounting and financial  reporting policies
     and  practices,  its internal  controls and, as  appropriate,  the internal
     controls of certain service providers;

          (d) to oversee  the quality and  objectivity  of the Fund's  financial
     statements and the independent audit thereof;

          (e) to determine the selection, appointment, retention and termination
     of the Fund's independent  auditors,  as well as approving the compensation
     of the auditors;

          (f) to pre-approve  all audit and non-audit  services  provided to the
     Fund and certain other persons (as described in 4(d) and (e) below) by such
     independent auditors; and

          (g) to act as a liaison  between the Fund's  independent  auditors and
     the full Board of Directors.

     The Fund's independent auditors shall report directly to the Committee.

     The  function of the  Committee  is  oversight.  The Fund's  management  is
responsible for (i) the  preparation,  presentation  and integrity of the Fund's
financial  statements,  (ii)  the  maintenance  of  appropriate  accounting  and
financial  reporting  principles  and  policies  and  (iii) the  maintenance  of
internal  controls and procedures  designed to assure compliance with accounting
standards and applicable laws and regulations.  The auditors are responsible for
planning and carrying out proper audits and reviews in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards. In fulfilling their responsibilities  hereunder, it
is recognized  that members of the Committee are not full time  employees of the
Fund and are not, and do not represent themselves to be, accountants or auditors
by   profession   or  experts  in  the  fields  of   accounting   or   auditing,
notwithstanding  the  possibility  that one or more members may be designated an
ACFE.  As such,  it is not the duty or  responsibility  of the  Committee or its
members to conduct "field work" or other types of auditing or accounting reviews
or procedures. Each member of the Committee shall be entitled to rely on (i) the
integrity of those  persons and  organizations  within and outside the Fund from
which it receives  information,  (ii) the  accuracy of the  financial  and other
information,  including,  for example, the information contemplated by paragraph
4(b), provided to the Committee by such persons and organizations  absent actual
knowledge to the contrary (which shall be promptly reported to the Fund's Board)
and (iii)  statements made by the officers and employees of the Fund, the Fund's
adviser or other third parties as to any information technology,  internal audit
and other non-audit  services provided by the independent  auditors to the Fund.
In addition,  the evaluation of the Fund's financial statements by the Committee
is not of the same  scope as,  and does not  involve  the  extent of detail  as,
audits performed by the auditors, nor does the Committee's evaluation substitute
for the responsibilities of the Fund's management for preparing, or the auditors
for auditing,  the financial statements.  The designation of a person as an ACFE
is not intended to impose any greater responsibility or liability on that person
than the  responsibility  and liability  imposed on such a person as a member of
the  Committee,  nor does it decrease  the duties and  obligations  of the other
Committee members or the Board.

The Committee  shall have the  appropriate  resources and authority to discharge
its  responsibilities,  including  the authority to retain  special  counsel and
other experts or  consultants  at the expense of the Fund.  The Committee  shall
also have the authority to seek  information,  data and services from management
in order to carry out its responsibilities.

     3.  With  respect  to any  subsequent  changes  to the  composition  of the
Committee,  and otherwise  approximately  once each year, the Board of Directors
shall determine:

          (a) that each member of the Audit Committee is "independent"  pursuant
     to the NYSE's governance standards or applicable law or;

          (b) that each Audit Committee member is financially literate;

          (c) that at least  one of the  Committee  members  has  accounting  or
     related financial management expertise; and

          (d) the adequacy of the Charter.

     4. To carry out its purposes,  the Audit Committee shall have the following
duties and powers:

          (a) to select,  retain,  determine the  compensation  of, or terminate
     auditors and to oversee the work of the Fund's independent auditors (or any
     other public  accounting  firm engaged for the purpose of performing  other
     audit,  review or  attestation  services  for the Fund) and, in  connection
     therewith, to evaluate the independence of the auditors,  including whether
     the auditors provide any consulting  services to any service  provider,  to
     resolve any  disagreements  between  management and the Fund's  independent
     auditors regarding financial  reporting,  to receive the auditors' specific
     representations as to their independence at least annually and to recommend
     the  retention  of such  auditors to the  independent  directors  for their
     ratification and approval;

          (b) to meet with the Fund's independent  auditors,  including meetings
     apart from management,  as necessary (i) to review the arrangements for and
     scope of the annual audit and any special audits;  (ii) to discuss critical
     accounting  policies  and  practices to be used in the annual audit and all
     alternative  treatments of financial  information within generally accepted
     accounting  principles  that  have  been  discussed  with  management,  the
     ramifications of the use of such alternative treatments, and the treatments
     preferred  by the  auditor;  (iii) to discuss  any  matters  of  importance
     relating to the Fund's financial  statements,  including any adjustments to
     such  statements  recommended  by the  auditors,  or other  results of said
     audit(s);  (iv) to consider  the  auditors'  comments  with  respect to the
     acceptability  and   appropriateness  of  the  Fund's  financial  reporting
     policies,  procedures and internal  accounting  controls,  and management's
     responses  thereto;  (v) to review the form of opinion the auditors propose
     to  render  to the Board  and  shareholders;  (vi) to review  copies of any
     material written communication between the auditor and management,  such as
     any  management  letter or schedule  of  unadjusted  differences;  (vii) to
     review the adequacy and  effectiveness  of relevant  internal  controls and
     procedures  and the quality of the staff  implementing  those  controls and
     procedures and to obtain annually in writing from the independent  auditors
     their letter as to the adequacy of such controls as required by Form N-SAR;
     (viii) to receive periodic reports  concerning  regulatory  changes and new
     accounting pronouncements that significantly affect the value of the Fund's
     assets and its financial  reporting;  (ix) to discuss any audit problems or
     difficulties and management's  response,  including any restrictions on the
     scope of the auditor's  activities  or on access to requested  information,
     and any  significant  disagreements  with  management;  and (x) to  receive
     disclosure from the auditor  regarding all services provided by the auditor
     to the Fund,  including the fees associated  with those services,  at least
     annually, and if the annual communication is not made within 90 days before
     the filing of the Fund's annual report, to receive an update, in the 90 day
     period  before  the  filing,  of any  changes  to the  previously  reported

          (c) to consider the effect upon the Fund of any changes in  accounting
     principles or practices  proposed by  management  or the  auditors,  and to
     consider,  in  consultation  with  management  and the  Fund's  independent
     auditors,  any significant  changes to the Fund's tax accounting  policies,
     including those pertaining to its  qualification as a regulated  investment
     company under the Internal Revenue Code;

          (d) to review and  pre-approve  all auditing  services and permissible
     non-audit  services (e.g.,  tax services) to be provided to the Fund by the
     auditor, including the fees therefore. The Committee may delegate to one or
     more of its members the  authority to grant  pre-approvals.  In  connection
     with such delegation,  the Committee shall establish  pre-approval policies
     and procedures,  including the requirement that the decisions of any member
     to whom  authority  is  delegated  under  this  sub-section  (d)  shall  be
     presented to the full Committee at each of its scheduled meetings.

Pre-approval for a permitted non-audit service shall not be required if: (1) the
aggregate amount of all such non-audit services is not more than 5% of the total
revenues  paid by the  Fund to the  auditor  in the  fiscal  year in  which  the
non-audit  services are provided;  (2) such services were not  recognized by the
Fund at the  time of the  engagement  to be  non-audit  services;  and (3)  such
services are promptly  brought to the  attention of the  Committee  and approved
prior to the  completion of the audit by the Committee or by one or more members
of the Committee to whom authority to grant such approvals has been delegated by
the Committee.

Additionally,  the Committee  shall  pre-approve  the auditor's  engagements for
non-audit services with the Fund's investment  advisers (each, an "Adviser") and
any service providers controlling, controlled by or under common control with an
Adviser  ("affiliate")  that provides ongoing services to the Fund in accordance
with  the  foregoing  paragraph,  if  the  engagement  relates  directly  to the
operations and financial  reporting of the Fund,  unless the aggregate amount of
all  services  provided  constitutes  no more  than 5% of the  total  amount  of
revenues  paid to the auditor by the Fund,  an Adviser and any  affiliate of the
Adviser  that  provides  ongoing  services to the Fund during the fiscal year in
which the  services  are  provided  that  would have to be  pre-approved  by the
Committee pursuant to this paragraph (without regard to this exception).

Prohibited Services - The auditor may not perform  contemporaneously  any of the
following non-audit services for the Fund: bookkeeping or other services related
to the  accounting  records  or  financial  statements  of the  Fund;  financial
information systems design and implementation;  appraisal or valuation services,
fairness opinions, or contribution-in-kind reports; actuarial services; internal
audit outsourcing services;  management functions or human resources;  broker or
dealer,  investment adviser, or investment banking services;  legal services and
expert  services  unrelated to the audit;  and any other service that the Public
Company Accounting Oversight Board determines, by regulation, is impermissible.

          (e) to  consider  whether  the  provision  by the  Fund's  auditor  of
     non-audit  services to its  investment  adviser or adviser  affiliate  that
     provides ongoing services to the Fund, which services were not pre-approved
     by the Audit  Committee,  is  compatible  with  maintaining  the  auditor's

          (f) to investigate any  improprieties  or suspected  improprieties  in
     fund operations and to establish procedures for the receipt, retention, and
     treatment of  complaints  received by the Fund with respect to  accounting,
     internal  accounting  controls,  or auditing  matters and the  confidential
     anonymous  submission by employees of the Fund and its service providers of
     concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters;

          (g) to review the findings made in any regulatory  examinations of the
     Fund and consult with management on appropriate responses;

          (h) to review any  material  violations  of the Code of Ethics for the
     Fund and its Advisers and report the Committee's findings to the full Board
     with recommendations for appropriate action;

          (i) to review  with the  Fund's  principal  executive  officer  and/or
     principal  financial officer in connection with their certification of Form
     N-CSR any  significant  deficiencies in the design or operation of internal
     controls  which  could  adversely  affect  the  Fund's  ability  to record,
     process, summarize and report financial data or material weaknesses therein
     and any reported evidence of fraud involving  management of other employees
     who have a significant role in the Fund's internal controls;

          (j) to discuss with management policies and guidelines with respect to
     risk assessment and risk management and the system of internal control, and
     the steps taken to monitor and control such risks;

          (k) to meet periodically  with Fund management,  apart from the Fund's
     independent auditors;

          (l) to  discuss  the types of  information  to be  disclosed  in press
     releases concerning dividends, as well as financial information provided to
     analysts and rating agencies, and the type of presentation to be made;

          (m) to establish  hiring policies for employees or former employees of
     the auditor consistent with government regulations;

          (n) at least  annually,  to obtain  and  review a report by the Fund's
     independent  auditors  describing:  (1) the audit firm's  internal  quality
     control  procedures;  (2) any  material  issues  raised by the most  recent
     internal  quality  control review,  or peer review,  of the firm, or by any
     inquiry or  investigation  by  governmental  or  professional  authorities,
     within the preceding five years,  respecting one or more independent audits
     carried  out by the audit  firm,  and any steps taken to deal with any such
     issues;  and (3) for the purpose of assessing the  auditor's  independence,
     all relationships between the independent auditors and the Fund;

          (o)  to  review  and  evaluate  the  qualifications,  performance  and
     independence of the lead partner of the auditors;

          (p) to assure the regular  rotation of the lead audit  partner and the
     reviewing partner, and to consider whether there should be regular rotation
     of the audit firm itself;

          (q) to review and discuss the Fund's audited and unaudited  financials
     statements  with  management  and,  in the  case of the  audited  financial
     statements,  the independent  auditor,  including the Fund's  disclosure of
     management's discussion of Fund performance, and to recommend to the Board,
     as appropriate, the inclusion of the Fund's audited financial statements in
     the Fund's annual report;

          (r) to cause  the  preparation  of any  report  or  other  disclosures
     required by the New York Stock  Exchange  or the  Securities  and  Exchange

          (s) to oversee  the  Fund's  compliance  with 1940 Act asset  coverage
     tests and coverage tests under applicable  rating agency guidelines and the
     Fund's  Articles  Supplementary,  as amended or  supplemented  from time to
     time; and

          (t) to report  regularly  to the full Board any issues that arise with
     respect  to:  (1)  the  quality  or  integrity  of  the  Fund's   financial
     statements, (2) the Fund's compliance with legal or regulatory requirements
     and  (3)  the  performance  and  independence  of  the  Fund's  independent
     auditors,  and to make such  recommendations  with respect to the above and
     other matters as the Committee may deem necessary or appropriate.

     5. The Fund's independent auditors are ultimately  accountable to the Audit
Committee,  as representatives of the Board of Directors and the shareholders of
the Fund, and the Audit Committee has the ultimate  authority and responsibility
to select, evaluate and, where appropriate, replace the independent auditors (as
well as to nominate  the  independent  auditors to be proposed  for  shareholder
approval, if necessary), subject to ratification and approval of the independent
directors of the Fund.  The  Committee  will ensure that the Fund's  independent
auditors  submit to the Audit  Committee,  on a periodic basis, a formal written
statement delineating all relationships between the independent auditors and the
Fund and its service providers. The Committee will actively engage in a dialogue
with the Fund's independent auditors with respect to any disclosed relationships
or services that may impact the objectivity and  independence of the independent
auditors, and will consider recommending that appropriate action be taken by the
Board of Directors to ensure the independence of the independent auditors.

     6. The Committee  shall meet at least twice  annually,  which shall include
separate  executive  sessions  as the  Committee  may deem  appropriate,  and is
empowered to hold special meetings as circumstances require. The Committee shall
submit the minutes of all of its meetings  to, or discuss the matters  discussed
at each meeting with, the Board of Directors.

     7. The Committee  shall  regularly  meet with the Treasurer of the Fund and
with internal auditors,  if any, for the Fund's Advisers and/or administrator to
review  and   discuss   matters   relevant   to  the   Committee's   duties  and

     8.  The  Committee   shall  be  responsible   for  reviewing  any  required
description of the Committee in the Fund's annual reports or proxy statements.

     9. The Committee will  periodically  assess the independence of its members
and will evaluate its performance under the Charter annually.

     10. Qualified Legal Compliance Committee.  The Committee will also serve as
the Qualified Legal Compliance Committee.  The following procedures are designed
to implement the Standards of Professional Conduct for Attorneys pursuant to the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.

          (a) Provision of Information to Outside Counsel and Service Providers.
     To assist attorneys  employed by law firms retained by the Funds or service
     providers  engaged by the Funds,  the chief executive  officer of each Fund
     (the "CEO")  must send a notice to each such law firm and service  provider
     providing contact  information with respect to each Fund's Legal Compliance
     Committee Chairperson.  The CEO must send a similar notice to each law firm
     and  service  provider  when the  information  provided  in the most recent
     notice sent to such law firm or service provider has changed.

          (b) Investigations and Responses.  Upon receiving a report of evidence
     of a material  violation from an attorney employed by a law firm or service
     provider,  the CEO shall (i) record  receipt of the report and (ii)  report
     the matter promptly to the Legal  Compliance  Committee (the  "Committee").
     Upon  receiving  a report  of  evidence  of a  material  violation  from an
     attorney  employed by a law firm or service  provider or from the CEO,  the
     Committee  shall (i) record the  Committee's  receipt of the  report,  (ii)
     inform the Fund's CEO of the report (other than those received from the and
     (iii)  determine  whether  an  investigation  of a  material  violation  is
     necessary  or  appropriate.  In  determining  whether an  investigation  is
     necessary or  appropriate,  the Committee shall consider such factors as it
     considers  appropriate  under  the  circumstances,  which may  include  the
     seniority  of  the  alleged  wrongdoer,  the  seriousness  of  the  alleged
     violation  and  the  credibility  of  the  allegation.   If  the  Committee
     determines  that an  investigation  is necessary,  the  Committee  must (A)
     notify the Fund's Audit  Committee or the Board of Directors,  (B) initiate
     an  investigation  and (C) retain  additional  expert personnel as it deems
     necessary.  The Committee  shall have the  discretion  to engage  auditors,
     counsel or other experts to assist in the  investigation  of any report and
     in the analysis of results.

          (c) Investigations. If the Committee deems it necessary, the Committee
     may direct outside counsel to conduct a preliminary internal  investigation
     to determine  whether the reported  material  violation  has  occurred,  is
     ongoing or is about to occur.  The  Committee  may direct  employees of the
     Funds' investment advisers or administrators or any officer(s) of the Funds
     to assist outside counsel.  If Fund counsel is the reporting counsel,  Fund
     counsel  nonetheless  may be engaged to conduct  the  preliminary  internal
     investigation.  If Fund counsel is the reporting counsel,  Fund counsel may
     decline to lead the preliminary  internal  investigation  and may recommend
     that the Fund seek  alternative  counsel for  purposes of  conducting  such
     investigation.  Any  investigation  may be conducted by the relevant Fund's
     CEO or chief legal officer (or the  equivalent  thereof) if such officer is
     not the reporting  attorney and is not the subject of the alleged violation
     described in the report.

          (d) Responses. At the conclusion of any investigation,  the Committee,
     by majority  vote,  shall  recommend  that the relevant  Fund  implement an
     appropriate response to evidence of a material violation.  What constitutes
     an appropriate response will depend on whether the Committee determines, on
     the basis of the facts and  circumstances,  that a material  violation  has
     occurred, is ongoing or is about to occur.

Unless  the  Committee  reasonably  believes  that  no  material  violation  has
occurred,  is  ongoing  or is about  to  occur,  the  Committee  shall  take all
reasonable  steps to cause the Funds to adopt an  appropriate  response.  If the
preliminary internal investigation is performed by outside counsel, such counsel
may recommend a proposed response for adoption by the Committee.

          (e) Determination:  No Violation.  The Committee may determine that no
     material  violation  has  occurred,  is ongoing or is about to occur.  That
     determination  must be made on the  basis  that the  Committee  "reasonably
     believes" that no material  violation has occurred,  is ongoing or is about
     to occur.  "Reasonably  believes"  means that the  Committee  "believes the
     matter in question and that the  circumstances  are such that the belief is
     not unreasonable."

          (f) Determination:  Material Violation Has Occurred,  Is Ongoing or Is
     About to  Occur.  If the  Committee  reasonably  believes  that a  material
     violation  has  occurred,  is ongoing or is about to occur,  the  following
     responses should be considered:

               i) A Material Violation Has Occurred If the Committee  reasonably
          believes that the reported  material  violation has already  occurred,
          the Committee should seek to remedy or otherwise  address the material
          violation.  The Committee should explore what steps would be necessary
          or  appropriate  to  reduce  the  likelihood  of a  recurrence  of the
          material  violation.  The Committee should consider  recommending that
          sanctions be imposed in connection  with the violation.  Disclosure to
          the public or to the SEC should be considered, depending on the nature
          of the violation and other relevant factors.

               ii) A Material  Violation Is Ongoing If the Committee  reasonably
          believes  that  the  reported  material  violation  is  ongoing,   the
          Committee  should seek to take or  recommend  steps,  measures  and/or
          sanctions that are designed to (i) stop any material  violations  that
          are  ongoing,  (ii)  remedy or  otherwise  appropriately  address  the
          portion of the material violation that has already occurred, and (iii)
          reduce the  likelihood  of a  recurrence  of the  material  violation.
          Disclosure to the public or to the SEC should be considered, depending
          on the nature of the violation and other relevant factors.

               iii) A  Material  Violation  Has Yet to  Occur  If the  Committee
          reasonably  believes that the reported material  violation has not yet
          occurred,  the Committee should seek to take or recommend steps and/or
          measures to prevent the reported  material  violation from  occurring.
          Depending on the circumstances of the impending violation,  actions to
          address potential future violations,  including  sanctions,  should be
          considered.  In unusual circumstances,  disclosure to the SEC may also
          be appropriate. The Committee may retain outside counsel, which may be
          Fund  counsel,  to  undertake a review of the  reported  evidence of a
          material  violation in order to assist the  Committee  in  determining
          what remedial measures would be appropriate under the circumstances.

          (g)  Other  Action.   The  Committee  shall  have  the  authority  and
     responsibility,  acting by  majority  vote,  to take all other  appropriate
     action,  including  the  authority  to notify the SEC,  in the event a Fund
     fails in any  material  respect  to  implement  a  recommendation  that the
     Committee has made within a reasonable period of time.

          (h)  Reporting  and  Recordkeeping.  The  Committee  shall  inform the
     relevant Fund's CEO and chief legal officer (or the equivalent thereof) and
     the Board of Directors of the results of any investigation of a report of a
     material violation and any appropriate remedial measures to be adopted. The
     Committee  or its  delegate  shall  prepare,  or  cause to be  prepared,  a
     memorandum  reflecting  (i)  the  information  developed  in  any  internal
     investigation, (ii) any remedial recommendation made by the Committee or by
     outside counsel  retained to review any report of a material  violation and
     (iii) any remedial actions taken. The Committee should review these records
     periodically  to  determine  whether  there are any patterns of activity or
     violations that have emerged.

          (i)  Protection  of  Reporting  Attorneys.  The  Committee  shall  not
     retaliate, and shall not tolerate any retaliation by Fund management or any
     other person or group, directly or indirectly,  against anyone who, in good
     faith,  reports evidence of a material violation or provides  assistance to
     the  Committee  or  any  other  person  or  group,   including   regulatory
     authorities,  investigating a report.  The Committee shall seek to maintain
     the  confidentiality  of any person who  submits a report and who asks that
     his or her identity remain  confidential and shall not make any effort,  or
     tolerate  any effort made by any other person or group,  to  ascertain  the
     identity of any person who makes a report anonymously.

          (j) Oversight Responsibilities. The Committee will undertake an annual
     review of these Procedures and the reporting and  investigation  systems to
     determine whether they are functioning properly. The Boards of Directors of
     the Funds  have  reviewed  and  adopted  these  Procedures.  The  Boards of
     Directors  will review these  Procedures  periodically  to assure that they
     appropriately address then-existing requirements for attorney up-the-ladder

     11. The Committee shall review this Charter at least annually and recommend
any changes to the full Board of Directors.

     12. This Charter may be altered,  amended or repealed, or a new Charter may
be  adopted,  by the  Board by the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of all the
members of the Board, including a majority of the "non-interested" Board members
(within the meaning of the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended).

     13. The Chief  Executive  Officer  ("CEO") of the Fund shall certify to the
Audit  Committee of the Fund  annually  that he is not aware of any violation by
the Fund of any corporate  governance standards or policies to which the Fund is
subject.  In  addition,  the CEO of the Fund  must  promptly  notify  the  Audit
Committee in writing  after any  executive  officer of the Fund becomes aware of
any material  non-compliance  with any applicable  corporate  governance listing
standard or policy.

     14. (a) The Fund shall  provide the NYSE,  with  respect to any  subsequent
changes to the  composition  of the Audit  Committee or otherwise  approximately
once each year, written confirmation of the determinations required by Section 3

          (b) The CEO of the Fund shall  certify to the NYSE annually that he is
     not aware of any  violation  by the Fund of the NYSE  corporate  governance
     listing  standards and such  certification  shall be included in the Fund's
     annual report to  shareholders.  If the CEO of the Fund provides  notice to
     the NYSE  upon  receipt  of any  report  by any  executive  officer  of any
     material   non-compliance  with  any  applicable  provisions  of  the  NYSE
     corporate governance listing standards, copies of any such certification or
     notice shall be provided to the Audit Committee of the Fund.


                           FIRST FINANCIAL FUND, INC.


The undersigned  holder of shares of Common Stock of First Financial Fund, Inc.,
a Maryland corporation (the "Fund"),  hereby appoints Stephen C. Miller, Carl D.
Johns,  and Thomas V. Finnerty,  or any of them, as proxies for the undersigned,
with full powers of  substitution  in each of them, to attend the Annual Meeting
of Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") to be held at The Resort at the Mountain,
68010 East Fairway Avenue,  Welches,  Oregon at 9:00 a.m.  Pacific Daylight Time
(local time), on Friday,  August 3, 2007, and any  adjournments or postponements
thereof,  to cast on behalf of the undersigned all votes that the undersigned is
entitled  to  cast  at  the  Annual  Meeting  and  to  otherwise  represent  the
undersigned  at  the  Annual  Meeting  with  all  the  powers  possessed  by the
undersigned if personally present at the Meeting.

The votes entitled to be cast will be cast as instructed below. If this Proxy is
executed  but no  instruction  is given,  the votes  entitled  to be cast by the
undersigned  will be cast "FOR" each of the  nominees for Director as more fully
described in the Proxy Statement.

The undersigned hereby acknowledges  receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting and
Proxy Statement, which are incorporated herein. In their discretion, the proxies
are  authorized to vote upon such other business as may properly come before the
Meeting.  A majority of the proxies  present and acting at the Annual Meeting in
person or by  substitute  (or, if only one shall be so  present,  then that one)
shall  have and may  exercise  all of the power and  authority  of said  proxies
hereunder. The undersigned hereby revokes any proxy previously given.


Please indicate your vote by an "X" in the appropriate box below.

This proxy,  if properly  executed,  will be voted in the manner directed by the

Please refer to the Proxy Statement for a discussion of the Proposals.


--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                Election of Directors:  Nominees are Richard I. Barr,  John S. Horejsi,  Susan L.
 1.             Ciciora, Dr. Dean L. Jacobson, and Joel W. Looney.

                FOR____         WITHHOLD___             FOR ALL EXCEPT ___
--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Instruction:  If you do not wish your shares voted "for" a  particular  nominee,
mark the "For All  Except"  box and  strike a line  through  the  name(s) of the
nominee(s). Your shares will be voted "For" the remaining nominee(s).





NOTE: Please sign exactly as your name appears on this Proxy. If joint owners,
EACH should sign this Proxy. When signing as attorney, executor, administrator,
trustee, guardian, or corporate officer, please give your full title.



